Iodine and Potassium Iodide

bjorn said:
Correct me if I am wrong. It was stated somewhere on this topic that the advised max intake of salt= 1/2 spoons per day? Not more. So be careful when adding more. :)

I think I will have to correct you. :)
It was stated that the advised max intake of salt is 1 teaspoon per day, or 1/2 per glass.

But since I am taking 1/3 of teaspoon per glass I can take three glasses per day and still be within the limit. Only one night I had to take the third glass because my heart was beating fast and it resolved the problem very quickly.
Z said:
:) if you look at it that way no wonder it is mind boggling.
But perhaps I didn't explain my reasoning properly, I based it on my research on Vit C metabolism, which si in a nutshell:

Ascorbate in plasma in normal and healthy male ( no studies done for females ) usually hoovers around certain concentration throughout the day. This concentration is around 11mmol/l if daily intake is below 30 mg. Above this intake, plasma concentrations increase steeply to 60 mmol/l and plateau at around 80 mmol/l, which represents the renal threshold. Whatever is above renal threshold is rapidly eliminated. Excess of 200mg is enough to reach this plateau.

Which is why it makes perfect sense to take it as a later detox agent to stimulate unloading and carrying out toxins. If you have taken you vitamin c in the morning, already unloaded the excess, then you aren't utilizing it as a detox agent.

Z said:
So my reasoning was - replenishing ascorbate concentration by one daily morning dose of about 1 gram of ascorbic acid ( being the highest dose I can tolerate)

But that isn't utilizing it to help the liver detox which is the point of taking it on the protocol.

Z said:
And I never said I am taking iodine in the afternoon. I only take one dose of 5 mg straight after breakfast at about 8 or 8:30.

I wasn't referring to you there, Lilyalic.

Z said:
In the early days of this experiment I discovered that if I take second dose of salty water and vitamin C in the afternoon (before lunch- around 14:00) I get pretty heavy intestinal symptoms. This happens even with salty water only without vitamin C. So for me this is a no go.

You probably don't need a "second" dose, just a first dose at the right time. I don't know who started the "mix the vit. c with salted water" thing, but that should probably also be avoided because they do different things (though similar) in different ways. Take the one dose of salted water in the morning. Half teaspoon... allow it time to increase go into the blood and then take the iodine stuff (about half an hour later or so). It's perfect timing because the NaCl is now in the blood and ready to pick up the first products of iodine detoxing and go to work.

By the time the afternoon comes, the process might be getting burdened. Take EITHER vitamin c OR another glass of salted water. IF the vitamin c OR salted water causes stomach upset at this point, just don't take it. You don't need it.

Z said:
Morning dose of both in one glass however feels just right, its like body instantly sucks up what is needed for the day, well at least I am left with that pleasant nourishing feeling and my intestines work perfectly. In fact the whole body gets this content buzz. Afternoon dose however has totally opposite effect on all levels. So rather then bullet proof studies, or anyone else's protocol my reasoning is exclusively based on following my gut feeling, no pun intended ;)

Hope this makes more sense.

Yes. It makes perfect sense. Take one element for detox and then block it from doing its job and then you don't have to experience any unpleasant detox effects because it probably isn't doing anything.

But then, maybe you don't even need it? So why bother?
[quote author= Persej]I think I will have to correct you. :)
It was stated that the advised max intake of salt is 1 teaspoon per day, or 1/2 per glass.[/quote]

Teaspoon indeed, not spoon. That's what I meant. Better to differentiate between the two. hehe

I thought maybe you where overdoing since you mentioned that you took the salt more than one time per day : )
Hi all!

I've been a bit away from this thread and I'm still catching up. It's really amazing to read all the different experiences everyone is having.

What I can give as an update is that the most difficult symptom I had is the "depression" mentioned by others, coming up in waves. I've been doing a pulse dose taking Lugol's during weekdays and resting on weekends. I've felt the "physical" detox symptoms and the flu-like symptoms but those were easy to go through compared to the "emotional" symptoms.

Yesterday and today I just feel totally depressed. Joe's words describe exactly how I've been feeling.

Joe said:
Symptoms are/were lack of 'zip' or motivation to do most anything, combined with a physical fatigue that just makes it more difficult. Life lost all of its color, leaving me unable to feel even a hint of contentment. Getting little things done that would previously have provided a small sense of achievement left me cold, so there was no motivation to do them (although I did them anyway). I couldn't tolerate any negativity, so checking the news was a bad idea. I tried reading "Molecules of emotion" to help me understand, but that just confirmed to me the pointlessness of existence since we're just a bunch of chemical reactions! I never knew how important that chemical and emotional balance was until it was gone.

The 'depression' brought forth all of my latent fears and insecurities, about myself, life and the future, which is interesting (if rather unpleasant) to see up close. Life and the world became a pretty bleak place, and when you put that in the context of what is actually going on in the world and what I was seeing every time I opened my browser, and throw in the awareness of the Cs cosmology, the nature of life on earth and the likely future, well, you can imagine where my head was :(

I wasn't even sure about posting because I thought I was just too emotional and it was just "my own nonesense" and I was trying to say to myself "just get over it", but I couldn't just get over it. Besides what Joe describes in the above quote I've been feeling more angry, not tolerating some the BS I see/ hear / read. The thing is that, it affects me a lot. It's not like I can just look around it and let it be... when I read or read some BS I get angry and frustrated. I try to keep it to myself to myself and process it on my own... but I noticed that interacting a bit with other people helps a lot.

I usually feel like this in the morning and I sleep a lot more than I used to. After noon, I start feeling a bit better emotionally, although the physical fatigue is still there. Getting things done is quite an effort but I keep trying to do little things everyday. I also noticed some more emotional connection to others, and realized just how much disconnected I was before. And also a strong will to not run away from these emotions but to be coherent with myself and learn from all of what's coming up. I had very vivid dreams as well and they are really interesting because they have a lot of emotional contents which give me lots of information about my inner world and things I have to look into. I've been a bit lazy to journal about it all, but I think I'll push myself to do it so that I can learn more and maybe share some insights later on.

Fortunately, I decided to finally catch up with this thread today and realized I'm not the only one feeling this, so I wanted to extend my thanks to Joe and the others who posted about this depression. It really helps to know that one is not alone in this and that we might even learn something from it all.

I will stop taking the iodine for a few days now until I feel a bit more balanced again and see if I can get some DMSA. I've got extra EDTA but from what I've been reading it isn't very effective for mercury chelation. Would you say I can use it and see how it goes or is it better to just get the DMSA? I haven't noticed any detox reaction with EDTA when I did the protocol. Maybe EDTA combined with chlorella or cilantro will do? What do you think?

Another thing I wanted to comment is that I started swimming in a public swimming pool which is surely loaded with chlorine. I really enjoy swimming and it is a great exercise which is good, but I'm a bit concerned about being soaked in chlorine while I'm doing the iodine protocol. I guess the iodine helps in blocking the chlorine toxicity, but, at the same time, it could be overwhelming my body because it's trying to detox and I constantly bring more chlorine inside. I swim for one hour three times a week and my idea was to do it for a month and then stop it.

I noticed I feel really tired after swimming, but that's something a lot of people feel when they're not used to swimming, so I don't think it's due to chlorine... or is it? What do you think?

Well, that's my update. Thank you all for sharing and for all the information that you are posting. The thread is really loaded with very interesting stuff which I still have to read :lkj:

And for those who are struggling with depression, remember this will pass and we'll hopefully come out a bit wiser and more in touch with ourselves afterwards! Keep it up! :hug2:
Yas said:
I will stop taking the iodine for a few days now until I feel a bit more balanced again and see if I can get some DMSA. I've got extra EDTA but from what I've been reading it isn't very effective for mercury chelation. Would you say I can use it and see how it goes or is it better to just get the DMSA? I haven't noticed any detox reaction with EDTA when I did the protocol. Maybe EDTA combined with chlorella or cilantro will do? What do you think?

If you have EDTA right there with you now, I would go ahead and try that. Yes, you can combine with cilantro and chlorella. If it doesn't do much for your symptoms, you can get DMSA.

I'm eating guacamole made with cilantro, onions, garlic and lemons and it tastes delicious :)
Yas said:
I will stop taking the iodine for a few days now until I feel a bit more balanced again and see if I can get some DMSA. I've got extra EDTA but from what I've been reading it isn't very effective for mercury chelation. Would you say I can use it and see how it goes or is it better to just get the DMSA? I haven't noticed any detox reaction with EDTA when I did the protocol. Maybe EDTA combined with chlorella or cilantro will do? What do you think?

Another thing I wanted to comment is that I started swimming in a public swimming pool which is surely loaded with chlorine. I really enjoy swimming and it is a great exercise which is good, but I'm a bit concerned about being soaked in chlorine while I'm doing the iodine protocol. I guess the iodine helps in blocking the chlorine toxicity, but, at the same time, it could be overwhelming my body because it's trying to detox and I constantly bring more chlorine inside. I swim for one hour three times a week and my idea was to do it for a month and then stop it.

I noticed I feel really tired after swimming, but that's something a lot of people feel when they're not used to swimming, so I don't think it's due to chlorine... or is it? What do you think?

And for those who are struggling with depression, remember this will pass and we'll hopefully come out a bit wiser and more in touch with ourselves afterwards! Keep it up! :hug2:

Hi Yas, do you have any reason to think you might have a significant mercury load, other than your depression? If you have cilantro drops and chlorella, you could try that see how you react. I have yet to try that route myself (I will soon) so I can't really say much about it, although there are a lot of testimonies that it works well for removing mercury.

One other thing to possibly consider is yeast/candida overgrowth, just in case you have any symptoms of that, however mild.

As for the pool and chlorine, to be safe, if I were you I would try a different exercise routine than the public pool, for a while at least. Alternatively, if you're near the sea.... ;D

Hope you feel better soon too. If we just approach all of the issues brought up by iodine as a trial, and that, as you say, it will pass and we'll hopefully emerge better and stronger, then we have the motivation to keep on keeping on. One day at a time. :hug2:
Gaby said:
I'm eating guacamole made with cilantro, onions, garlic and lemons and it tastes delicious :)

That sounds super fantastico! Gonna make some. Thanks.
bjorn said:
I thought maybe you where overdoing since you mentioned that you took the salt more than one time per day : )

Thanks for caring. :)

Like Laura said, the important thing is to remember the logic behind this protocol. The individual doses can be modified. I personally feel good with two doses of salt, other people might not need it.
Joe said:
Yas said:
I will stop taking the iodine for a few days now until I feel a bit more balanced again and see if I can get some DMSA. I've got extra EDTA but from what I've been reading it isn't very effective for mercury chelation. Would you say I can use it and see how it goes or is it better to just get the DMSA? I haven't noticed any detox reaction with EDTA when I did the protocol. Maybe EDTA combined with chlorella or cilantro will do? What do you think?

Another thing I wanted to comment is that I started swimming in a public swimming pool which is surely loaded with chlorine. I really enjoy swimming and it is a great exercise which is good, but I'm a bit concerned about being soaked in chlorine while I'm doing the iodine protocol. I guess the iodine helps in blocking the chlorine toxicity, but, at the same time, it could be overwhelming my body because it's trying to detox and I constantly bring more chlorine inside. I swim for one hour three times a week and my idea was to do it for a month and then stop it.

I noticed I feel really tired after swimming, but that's something a lot of people feel when they're not used to swimming, so I don't think it's due to chlorine... or is it? What do you think?

And for those who are struggling with depression, remember this will pass and we'll hopefully come out a bit wiser and more in touch with ourselves afterwards! Keep it up! :hug2:

Hi Yas, do you have any reason to think you might have a significant mercury load, other than your depression? If you have cilantro drops and chlorella, you could try that see how you react. I have yet to try that route myself (I will soon) so I can't really say much about it, although there are a lot of testimonies that it works well for removing mercury.

One other thing to possibly consider is yeast/candida overgrowth, just in case you have any symptoms of that, however mild.

As for the pool and chlorine, to be safe, if I were you I would try a different exercise routine than the public pool, for a while at least. Alternatively, if you're near the sea.... ;D

Hope you feel better soon too. If we just approach all of the issues brought up by iodine as a trial, and that, as you say, it will pass and we'll hopefully emerge better and stronger, then we have the motivation to keep on keeping on. One day at a time. :hug2:

Hi Joe, I don't really have any reason besides depression, so I guess EDTA and chlorella (which are easier/cheaper to get) can be my first approach and if that doesn't seem to do anything, then I can consider DMSA, as Gaby suggested.

Candida could be an issue. I did the Nystatin protocol a few months before I started the iodine, so I thought Candida wouldn't be a problem, but I'll look into that again and check for other symptoms. My physician also said that he suspects a Clostridium overgrowth some time ago (because of the mood symptoms and because my mother had a huge overgrowth of that bacteria), and for that he wanted to do a metronidazole protocol combined with the probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii. The thing is that I don't want to mix all the protocols, so maybe I'll keep doing the iodine for a while and then see if the metronidazole is really necessary. I can even look if there's something about iodine's effectiveness against Clostridium.

And yes, I'll stop the swimming for now and continue with Aikido classes I was doing (the teacher was on holydays ;-) Unfortunately, I live in a landlocked country, so the sea is quite far away.

Thanks for the encouragement! I feel better today regarding emotions, but the physical fatigue is still there... I'll profit the good mood to get some more things done today ;D

And I'll try the guacamole recipe, Gaby. Thanks!

Persej said:
bjorn said:
I thought maybe you where overdoing since you mentioned that you took the salt more than one time per day : )

Thanks for caring. :)

Like Laura said, the important thing is to remember the logic behind this protocol. The individual doses can be modified. I personally feel good with two doses of salt, other people might not need it.

I also feel better with more salted water. It really helps with the fatigue.
ALL the cofactors and supplements finally arrived (still waiting for an identical order that should probably arrive soon). So, I now have niacinamide 500mg/capsule, riboflavin 100mg/capsule, selenium (L-selenomethionine) 200 mcg, boron 3mg, pure glycine powder, NAC 600mg capsules, and two different types of magnesium capsules - these being capsules will make it easier for my mom to swallow than the magnesium tablets (in combo with calcium, zinc, and D3) and the 1000mg NAC tablets which were just too big for her, so she'd stopped taking them.

So she'll try 3 drops (raised from 2 drops) of ~6% Lugol's starting in several days after she's taken the new cofactors/supplements for a while. She'll probably stay on 3 drops for a week or two before trying to raise another drop. Also, if she needs extra salt water, she'll drink an extra glass as needed.

I'm still on 7 drops twice daily. I'm feeling real good, so I'm going to continue this dose for another month or so. Then I might try dropping down 1 drop a week until I get to around 50mg of iodine/potassium iodide per day. Today was the first day of taking the proper dosage of the co-factors (riboflavin and niacinamide) which I was getting much lower doses from the B-complex (50mg of each). So I'm hoping that the results might improve even more.

I take 3 grams of ascorbic acid a day in 3 doses of 1 gram away from the two doses of Lugol's (about two to three hours away). My mom's taking 4 grams in 4 doses of 1 gram. Seems to be working well for each of us. She takes 1 cup of water with 1/2 teaspoon sea salt a day. I take either one (first thing in the morning) or two - the second one in the afternoon sometime, around two hours after my second dose of Lugol's (which I take between 11AM and 11:30AM). I take the second salt water just for the pick-me-up, if needed, as I haven't gotten any detox symptoms since starting Lugol's.

Thanks for reviving this important thread at a perfect time, as it's started to fix things in my family that nothing else had!
Yas said:
Candida could be an issue. I did the Nystatin protocol a few months before I started the iodine, so I thought Candida wouldn't be a problem, but I'll look into that again and check for other symptoms. My physician also said that he suspects a Clostridium overgrowth some time ago (because of the mood symptoms and because my mother had a huge overgrowth of that bacteria), and for that he wanted to do a metronidazole protocol combined with the probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii.

Funny you should mention the Saccharomyces boulardii. I was reading in "Detoxification and healing" that he recommends that for candida, as a first step to see if it helps. He says 3 capsules a day for 3 weeks.
Laura said:
You probably don't need a "second" dose, just a first dose at the right time. I don't know who started the "mix the vit. c with salted water" thing, but that should probably also be avoided because they do different things (though similar) in different ways. Take the one dose of salted water in the morning. Half teaspoon... allow it time to increase go into the blood and then take the iodine stuff (about half an hour later or so). It's perfect timing because the NaCl is now in the blood and ready to pick up the first products of iodine detoxing and go to work.

FWIW - from physiological point of view the fate of extra salt in the blood is the same as vitamin C, within half an hour concentration in the blood will be back to normal OSIT. So I am not 100% sure we can apply one logic on salt and different one on vit C.

I do admit I started mixing the two only to simplify the process.
Joe said:
Yas said:
Candida could be an issue. I did the Nystatin protocol a few months before I started the iodine, so I thought Candida wouldn't be a problem, but I'll look into that again and check for other symptoms. My physician also said that he suspects a Clostridium overgrowth some time ago (because of the mood symptoms and because my mother had a huge overgrowth of that bacteria), and for that he wanted to do a metronidazole protocol combined with the probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii.

Funny you should mention the Saccharomyces boulardii. I was reading in "Detoxification and healing" that he recommends that for candida, as a first step to see if it helps. He says 3 capsules a day for 3 weeks.

Yes, it seems like an interesting probiotic. I was trying to find out more about it and I've found this meta-analysis that gives a good overview of it's benefits.

Systematic review and meta-analysis of Saccharomyces boulardii in adult patients

This article reviews the evidence for efficacy and safety of Saccharomyces boulardii (S. boulardii) for various disease indications in adults based on the peer-reviewed, randomized clinical trials and pre-clinical studies from the published medical literature (Medline, Clinical Trial websites and meeting abstracts) between 1976 and 2009. For meta-analysis, only randomized, blinded controlled trials unrestricted by language were included. Pre-clinical studies, volunteer studies and uncontrolled studies were excluded from the review of efficacy and meta-analysis, but included in the systematic review. Of 31 randomized, placebo-controlled treatment arms in 27 trials (encompassing 5029 study patients), S. boulardii was found to be significantly efficacious and safe in 84% of those treatment arms. A meta-analysis found a significant therapeutic efficacy for S. boulardii in the prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD) (RR = 0.47, 95% CI: 0.35-0.63, P < 0.001). In adults, S. boulardii can be strongly recommended for the prevention of AAD and the traveler’s diarrhea. Randomized trials also support the use of this yeast probiotic for prevention of enteral nutrition-related diarrhea and reduction of Heliobacter pylori treatment-related symptoms. S. boulardii shows promise for the prevention of C. difficile disease recurrences; treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, acute adult diarrhea, Crohn’s disease, giardiasis, human immunodeficiency virus-related diarrhea; but more supporting evidence is recommended for these indications. The use of S. boulardii as a therapeutic probiotic is evidence-based for both efficacy and safety for several types of diarrhea.

I think this is very interesting:

Mechanisms of action

An advantage of probiotics is that they are living organisms incorporating a delivery system (most probiotics survive to the target organ) bringing an arsenal of anti-pathogenic strategies into play. S. boulardii has several different types of mechanisms of action (Figure ​(Figure2)2) which may be classified into three main areas: luminal action, trophic action and mucosal-anti-inflammatory signaling effects[8,75-77]. Within the intestinal lumen, S. boulardii may interfere with pathogenic toxins, preserve cellular physiology, interfere with pathogen attachment, interact with normal microbiota or assist in reestablishing short chain fatty acid levels. S. boulardii also may act as an immune regulator, both within the lumen and systemically.

Anti-toxin effects: S. boulardii may interfere with pathogenesis within the intestinal lumen by several mechanisms: either by blocking pathogen toxin receptor sites[78], or acting as a decoy receptor for the pathogenic toxin[79] or by direct destruction of the pathogenic toxin. Castagliuolo et al[80] found a 54 kDa serine protease produced by S. boulardii directly degrades C. difficile toxin A and B. The efficacy of other strains of Saccharomyces has also been investigated. Only S. boulardii produces a protease capable of degrading Clostridium difficile toxins and receptors sites on the enterocyte cell surface, unlike other strains of Saccharomyces[78,81]. Buts et al[82] found a 63 kDa phosphatase produced by S. boulardii destroys the endotoxin of pathogenic E. coli. Several investigators showed that S. boulardii could reduce the effects of cholera toxin and this may be due to a 120 kDa protein produced by S. boulardii[83,84].

Antimicrobial activity: S. boulardii is capable of directly or indirectly interfering with intestinal pathogens. S. boulardii may directly inhibit the growth of pathogens (such as Candida albicans, Salmonella typhimurum, Yersinia enterocolitium, Aeromonas hemolysin[43,85,86]). In animal models testing for the ability to inhibit pathogen growth, several studies using non-S. boulardii strains of S. cerevisiae did not find any effect unlike the protective effects of S. boulardii[31,70]. [...] S. boulardii may also act by enhancing the integrity of the tight junction between enterocytes, thus preserving intestinal integrity and function[87,88]. Wu et al[88] found less crypt hyperplasia and cell damage in a Citrobacter rodentium-induced mice model of colitis when mice were treated with 1 × 109 S. boulardii per day for 7 d. Garcia Vilela et al[62] found decreased intestinal permeability when patients with Crohn’s disease were given S. boulardii (1.6 × 109/d for 4 mo) compared with placebo. S. boulardii has also been shown to reduce the translocation of pathogens in rat and pig animal models[64,89,90]. S. boulardii can also interfere with pathogenic attachment to intestinal receptor sites[88,91,92]. Gedek et al[93] also found that S. boulardii acts as a decoy by causing EPEC cells to directly bind to the surface of S. boulardii cells rather than enterocytes.

Cross-talk with normal microbiota: Newer techniques, including metagenomics and PCR probes have documented that a typical human may carry over 40 000 bacterial species in the collective intestinal microbiome[94]. The normal intestinal flora has many functions, including digestion of food, but the one that is most germane for this discussion is called “colonization resistance”[77,95,96]. This involves the interaction of many bacterial microflora and results in a barrier effect against colonization of pathogenic organisms. Normal microflora may act by competitive exclusion of nutrients or attachment sites, produce bacteriocins, or produce enzymes detrimental to pathogenic growth. Factors that disrupt this protective barrier, for example antibiotic use or surgery, results in host susceptibility to pathogen colonization until such time as the normal microflora can become re-established. Typically, it takes six to eight weeks for normal microbiota to recover after antibiotic exposure or disease resolution[97]. Probiotics are uniquely qualified to fit into this window of susceptibility and may act as surrogate normal microflora until recovery is achieved. S. boulardii has no effect on normal microbiota in healthy human controls[98,99]. In contrast, when S. boulardii is given to antibiotic-shocked mice or patients with diarrhea, normal microbiota is re-established rapidly[99,100].

Restoration of metabolic activities: S. boulardii has been shown to be able to increase short chain fatty acids (SCFA), which are depressed during disease, indicating altered colonic fermentation[98,101,102].

Trophic effects: S. boulardii can reduce mucositis[103], restore fluid transport pathways[84,101,104], stimulate protein and energy production[105], or act through a trophic effect by releasing spermine and spermidine or other brush border enzymes that aid in the maturation of enterocytes[106,107].

Immune response: S. boulardii may also regulate immune responses, either acting as an immune stimulant or by reducing pro-inflammatory responses. S. boulardii may cause an increase in secretory IgA levels in the intestine[56,108-110]. It has also been found associated with higher levels of serum IgG to C. difficile toxins A and B[111]. S. boulardii may also interfere with NF-κB-mediated signal transduction pathways, which stimulate pro-inflammatory cytokine production[76,112,113]. Chen et al[114] found that S. boulardii blocks activation of ERK1/2 and MAP kinases, which typically stimulate IL-8 production and cell necrosis in mice ileal loop models and in in vitro models. S. boulardii has also been shown to cause the trapping of T helper cells into mesenteric lymph nodes, thereby reducing inflammation[115].

I've bought a bottle some time ago but I was waiting for the right moment to use it, I might give it a try now.

One side-effect some people report is constipation, so it is important to watch for that if someone wants to try it.


Laura said:
As for the being sick with the head/chest cold thing, yeah, it's been a real ordeal but, like I said, I think that colds are one of the ways the body detoxes. At least I was told that was the case a long time ago by a natural healer. I'm just making sure that I keep the expectorants going in and the expectorations coming out!

It seems that mucus production is connected to the lymphatic system so it might be a good idea to add lymphatic massages to help move all the toxins out.

Here's a video explaining why we produce mucus during detox. She recommends fresh fruits at the end but I think her explanation at the beggining makes sense:

I was looking into Guafenesin and I'm wondering how are you taking it. Is it pure or are you taking it in a syrup that contains other things as well? I'm not sure about general cough syrups because they usually contain lots of sugar too.
Yas said:
I was looking into Guafenesin and I'm wondering how are you taking it. Is it pure or are you taking it in a syrup that contains other things as well? I'm not sure about general cough syrups because they usually contain lots of sugar too.

yeah I was thinking the same, I ended up just getting some Cough syrup that has Ethanol and Glucose syrup etc in (actually made me feel a little funny/ dizzy), you can get sugar free ones too but I needed it that day. I can't say it made a HUGE difference but it definitely helped get most of the flem out.
Thanks a lot for your help, RedFox! I will report back later. Feeling very dizzy ATM, so I am taking it easy. I will look into these co-factors (where I can buy them I mean). :flowers: :flowers:
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