Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Z said:
I am intending to go with 5 mg for another 5 days and was going to start DMSA cycles after that , but I am wondering if I should if there are no significant heavy metal detox symptoms?

If you have DMSA to hand, you could try one cycle and see how you feel. Other than getting tested for HM toxicity, that's the next best way to see if you have any toxicity: if you have some effects from doing a cycle.
RedFox said:
The ascorbic acid in the morning is likely giving you the boost before the iodine. It's been mentioned a few times in the thread that vitamin C should be taken in the afternoon away from the iodine, as it neutralizes the iodine. Taking them that close together will lesson the effectiveness of the iodine.

I did research this.

Bare in mind I take vitamin c as soon as I wake up which is 6-6:30 and then have breakfast about 1.5 hour later. Apparently excess vitamin C is excreted within 30 minutes, according to sources I found.
Joe said:
If you have DMSA to hand, you could try one cycle and see how you feel. Other than getting tested for HM toxicity, that's the next best way to see if you have any toxicity: if you have some effects from doing a cycle.

I agree, sounds like a good plan. Definitely easier then testing for HM toxicity.
Z said:
RedFox said:
The ascorbic acid in the morning is likely giving you the boost before the iodine. It's been mentioned a few times in the thread that vitamin C should be taken in the afternoon away from the iodine, as it neutralizes the iodine. Taking them that close together will lesson the effectiveness of the iodine.

I did research this.

Bare in mind I take vitamin c as soon as I wake up which is 6-6:30 and then have breakfast about 1.5 hour later. Apparently excess vitamin C is excreted within 30 minutes, according to sources I found.

Is it OK to have VitC around 6am, considering I'm having the iodine about 15:00pm?
I guess that's far enough to be honest
Lilyalic said:
Z said:
RedFox said:
The ascorbic acid in the morning is likely giving you the boost before the iodine. It's been mentioned a few times in the thread that vitamin C should be taken in the afternoon away from the iodine, as it neutralizes the iodine. Taking them that close together will lesson the effectiveness of the iodine.

I did research this.

Bare in mind I take vitamin c as soon as I wake up which is 6-6:30 and then have breakfast about 1.5 hour later. Apparently excess vitamin C is excreted within 30 minutes, according to sources I found.

Is it OK to have VitC around 6am, considering I'm having the iodine about 15:00pm?
I guess that's far enough to be honest

Like I said according to my research it is more then ok but I am certainly not authority on the subject and perhaps someone has a better info.
Lilyalic said:
Z said:
RedFox said:
The ascorbic acid in the morning is likely giving you the boost before the iodine. It's been mentioned a few times in the thread that vitamin C should be taken in the afternoon away from the iodine, as it neutralizes the iodine. Taking them that close together will lesson the effectiveness of the iodine.

I did research this.

Bare in mind I take vitamin c as soon as I wake up which is 6-6:30 and then have breakfast about 1.5 hour later. Apparently excess vitamin C is excreted within 30 minutes, according to sources I found.

Is it OK to have VitC around 6am, considering I'm having the iodine about 15:00pm?
I guess that's far enough to be honest

Yeah, that's fine. Plenty of time in between!

I do a flipped variation of that. I take iodine in the morning at 6am and do my vitamin C+salted water at around 3 pm.
I used to do the salt+C in morning and iodine at 3 but getting the iodine earlier helps me with cold at my job which is about half outdoors work.

I also take a little bit of salt before sleep to help my body stock up for the cold morning!
Lilyalic said:
Z said:
RedFox said:
The ascorbic acid in the morning is likely giving you the boost before the iodine. It's been mentioned a few times in the thread that vitamin C should be taken in the afternoon away from the iodine, as it neutralizes the iodine. Taking them that close together will lesson the effectiveness of the iodine.

I did research this.

Bare in mind I take vitamin c as soon as I wake up which is 6-6:30 and then have breakfast about 1.5 hour later. Apparently excess vitamin C is excreted within 30 minutes, according to sources I found.

Is it OK to have VitC around 6am, considering I'm having the iodine about 15:00pm?
I guess that's far enough to be honest

Sure, I think it's fine, but you kinda short change yourself by not having the Vitamin C after the iodine has had a chance to chase out some toxins to be removed by the Vit C. That's the whole point of taking it: detox. Why would you take a detox agent that is out of your system before you take the detox stimulator? Not logical.
Konstantin said:
Yesterday evening i noticed that my left side of my neck, just under the jaw bone hurts when i turn the head. On touch i can feel that it is swollen. Then i suspected that it was my left tonsil swollen. I dont have tonsils problem since i was a little kid.Never my whole life. This morning i saw from inside my throat that the left side is red and swollen but i dont feel any pain. For almost 3-4 weeks i have this weird cold symptoms with congested sinuses .Maybe its the same bug. So maybe iodine will clear this bug too.

Sounds like one of your lymph nodes, so I would be considering a pathogen of some kind (which could be dying off, then your body removes the dead critters and stores them in your lymph nodes for removal, if I recall correctly). Taking some extra vitamin C could help, as could anything that helps drain the lymph nodes to get rid of the dead critters.
Laura said:
Sure, I think it's fine, but you kinda short change yourself by not having the Vitamin C after the iodine has had a chance to chase out some toxins to be removed by the Vit C. That's the whole point of taking it: detox. Why would you take a detox agent that is out of your system before you take the detox stimulator? Not logical.

Perhaps I got it wrong but my understanding is that iodine works slow, my reasoning was that salt and vitamin C clean the house next morning.
Z said:
Laura said:
Sure, I think it's fine, but you kinda short change yourself by not having the Vitamin C after the iodine has had a chance to chase out some toxins to be removed by the Vit C. That's the whole point of taking it: detox. Why would you take a detox agent that is out of your system before you take the detox stimulator? Not logical.

Perhaps I got it wrong but my understanding is that iodine works slow, my reasoning was that salt and vitamin C clean the house next morning.


I would not be so sure that iodine is eliminated so slowly. Laura's logic seems to be valid to me.

Check out this link: Iodine Absorption And Elimination

The rapidity of elimination varies with the quantity taken, a large dose giving evidence of its passage very quickly. Ranke found traces in the urine three and a half minutes after administration, and even sooner in the saliva. Nothnagel also found it early - in ten minutes in the latter secretion. Richardson found it in the urine within one minute of injecting tincture of iodine into an enlarged bursa, and, three minutes after breathing iodide of ethyl, iodine could be detected in the urine. It is an important practical point that elimination of this drug is complete sooner than that of many others. Dr. Balfour noted that even if large doses of iodide of potassium had been taken for many weeks, their elimination was complete within three or four days after ceasing to take them (Edinburgh Medical Journal, 1868). Dr. Duckworth, after a dose of 4 gr., found iodine in the saliva in five minutes, in the urine in twenty-five minutes; after twelve hours' interval it was still to be detected in both secretions, but after thirty-six hours in neither ("Bartholomew Hospital Reports," vol. iii.). Rabuteau, after 15 gr., found traces in the urine for three days; after 150 gr., for ten days; not afterward. The greater part was eliminated during the first day, little passed on the second, and scarcely a trace on the third; in the dog, elimination was somewhat slower. Claude Bernard, giving iodide of potassium, ceased to find it in the urine twenty-four hours afterward; that he detected it in the saliva for three weeks must be considered exceptional. Speck has stated that in Bright's disease the kidneys do not eliminate iodine, and Dr. Duckworth could not detect it in one case after giving 10 min. of the compound tincture; but 3 gr. of the iodide of potassium gave evidence of its presence, only much later than usual, namely, one, two, or three hours after administration.1 Baehrach, giving moderate doses of iodate of potash by the mouth to healthy subjects and to fever patients, traced the drug in the urine of both within fifteen minutes; but, on injecting it under the skin, elimination in the former occurred in five minutes, but in the latter forty minutes later (loc. cit.).

As will be noticed again under therapeutical action, iodides have a remarkable power of eliminating with themselves various metals and possibly organic poisons previously circulating in the blood or deposited in the tissues.

It is my opinion that taking lugols without competing food makes more sense whether that is vitamin C or any other substances that cancel out the effects of the iodine.

Z said:
RedFox said:
The ascorbic acid in the morning is likely giving you the boost before the iodine. It's been mentioned a few times in the thread that vitamin C should be taken in the afternoon away from the iodine, as it neutralizes the iodine. Taking them that close together will lesson the effectiveness of the iodine.

I did research this.

Bare in mind I take vitamin c as soon as I wake up which is 6-6:30 and then have breakfast about 1.5 hour later. Apparently excess vitamin C is excreted within 30 minutes, according to sources I found.

I think that both vitamin C and iodine process rather quickly but as you mention it is the "excess" vitamin C that is excreted. What about the residual vitamin C that is being retained? If this residual vitamin C is still being used then it could be competing with the iodine I think.
Z said:
Laura said:
Sure, I think it's fine, but you kinda short change yourself by not having the Vitamin C after the iodine has had a chance to chase out some toxins to be removed by the Vit C. That's the whole point of taking it: detox. Why would you take a detox agent that is out of your system before you take the detox stimulator? Not logical.

Perhaps I got it wrong but my understanding is that iodine works slow, my reasoning was that salt and vitamin C clean the house next morning.

If you've been reading carefully, how quickly peeps notice "action" after taking iodine, then you would not have come to this conclusion. It is pretty clear that iodine does NOT "act slow." And if the action is started within an hour, then by the time a few hours go by, the liver probably could use the assistance of some Vitamin C to detox. AND, at the same time, a bit of a pick-up would be helpful since the body is laboring to rid itself of the toxic stuff let loose by the iodine. Letting all that stuff float around in the body overnight, to settle back in tissues, just doesn't make much sense.

Taking your vitamin C on the premise that the "excess is excreted in 30 minutes" and following that with iodine is just mind boggling IF one is taking the Vitamin C as a detox aid - which IS the point of taking it with this protocol!

Also, taking the iodine in the afternoon and the Vitamin C in the morning is so completely backwards to what is wanted with the protocol, and what has been stated over and over again regarding same, that I just shake my head in amazement.
- I want to give a little update

For 2 weeks now I am on 6 drops twice a day. I perceive a much better clarity of mind than ever before. Also, the dreams I experience are very vivid and emotional. Its like I am presented with a life review of chapters in my life. It’s painful but therapeutic.
Laura said:
Z said:
Laura said:
Sure, I think it's fine, but you kinda short change yourself by not having the Vitamin C after the iodine has had a chance to chase out some toxins to be removed by the Vit C. That's the whole point of taking it: detox. Why would you take a detox agent that is out of your system before you take the detox stimulator? Not logical.

Perhaps I got it wrong but my understanding is that iodine works slow, my reasoning was that salt and vitamin C clean the house next morning.

If you've been reading carefully, how quickly peeps notice "action" after taking iodine, then you would not have come to this conclusion. It is pretty clear that iodine does NOT "act slow." And if the action is started within an hour, then by the time a few hours go by, the liver probably could use the assistance of some Vitamin C to detox. AND, at the same time, a bit of a pick-up would be helpful since the body is laboring to rid itself of the toxic stuff let loose by the iodine. Letting all that stuff float around in the body overnight, to settle back in tissues, just doesn't make much sense.

Taking your vitamin C on the premise that the "excess is excreted in 30 minutes" and following that with iodine is just mind boggling IF one is taking the Vitamin C as a detox aid - which IS the point of taking it with this protocol!

Also, taking the iodine in the afternoon and the Vitamin C in the morning is so completely backwards to what is wanted with the protocol, and what has been stated over and over again regarding same, that I just shake my head in amazement.

:) if you look at it that way no wonder it is mind boggling.
But perhaps I didn't explain my reasoning properly, I based it on my research on Vit C metabolism, which si in a nutshell:

Ascorbate in plasma in normal and healthy male ( no studies done for females ) usually hoovers around certain concentration throughout the day. This concentration is around 11mmol/l if daily intake is below 30 mg. Above this intake, plasma concentrations increase steeply to 60 mmol/l and plateau at around 80 mmol/l, which represents the renal threshold. Whatever is above renal threshold is rapidly eliminated. Excess of 200mg is enough to reach this plateau.

So my reasoning was - replenishing ascorbate concentration by one daily morning dose of about 1 gram of ascorbic acid ( being the highest dose I can tolerate)

And I never said I am taking iodine in the afternoon. I only take one dose of 5 mg straight after breakfast at about 8 or 8:30.

In the early days of this experiment I discovered that if I take second dose of salty water and vitamin C in the afternoon (before lunch- around 14:00) I get pretty heavy intestinal symptoms. This happens even with salty water only without vitamin C. So for me this is a no go.
Morning dose of both in one glass however feels just right, its like body instantly sucks up what is needed for the day, well at least I am left with that pleasant nourishing feeling and my intestines work perfectly. In fact the whole body gets this content buzz. Afternoon dose however has totally opposite effect on all levels. So rather then bullet proof studies, or anyone else's protocol my reasoning is exclusively based on following my gut feeling, no pun intended ;)

Hope this makes more sense.
Laura said:
Letting all that stuff float around in the body overnight, to settle back in tissues, just doesn't make much sense.

Yes. That's why it is also a good idea, for those who have detox symptoms, to take another salt water in the evening. After I started doing that my headaches that I had after taking iodine completely disappeared. And I have no more twitches on my eyelid or lip.

My glands on the back of my head are not swelled anymore and the glands below my jaw are less swelled. They are still there but they are less in size. And my head acne stopped bleeding.

My dreams were a little weird for the last three nights, after I increased the dose to 2 drops, but last night was ok. I have no other symptoms for now.
[quote author= Persej]Yes. That's why it is also a good idea, for those who have detox symptoms, to take another salt water in the evening.[/quote]

Correct me if I am wrong. It was stated somewhere on this topic that the advised max intake of salt= 2 tea-spoons per day? Not more. So be careful when adding more. :)
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