Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Gaby said:
Gawan said:
I started to take iodine with low doses in November last year. And since December I increased slowly the dosis to about 6 drops in the morning and afternoon. At times I also took just one dosage, especially in the last weeks also with some days off in between. For experimenting I took of last month the other cofactors except selenium and will include them now again. At least what I noticed in the last several weeks that my body undergoes several inflammations and most often they showed up in skin irritations.

That might be a detox sign. Are you doing a lower percentage lugol? I would stick to one dose per day and take it on alternative days. If there are any signs of inflammations, you can lower the dose. You could re-start with 3 drops of a lower percentage lugol.

It is specially important to go slow in case of Hashimoto's and to pay attention to your body's signs. It is best to follow a mild protocol and build up from there.

We are having the 12% lugols here. I will be starting tomorrow again taking lugols (and with 2 drops) and just one time and with the supplements. Chlorella we have at home too
SeekinTruth said:
I forgot to mention that I've been eating a lot more for the last month or so.

I also have an increased feeling of hunger. After listening to the interview with Lynne Farrow it makes it clear that it is probably due to iodine, but still strange because I take only one drop of 2% Lugol per day, which isn't much at all. And even if I am busy, it's no problem to go on without eating, but when I do eat it seems like the usual amount isn't enough. :huh:
I ve been taking it a couple of months and increased it to 2x9 drops of 5 per cent, nothing really happened so I dropped it to 2x4 or 5 drops a day. There was once in the process a bit runny nose and lighter stool and that was it. And when taking it late in the day, at evening I do not have any problem sleeping.
Here is an overview of my experiences with the iodine-protocoll so far :

Taking the iodine since midst of December combined with pulse dosing – dependent on the symptoms. The maximal dose were 5 drops per day. I made no testing and have still Amalgam-fillings.

The first weeks were filled with pressure in the head, sweating, tears, some spots, tear in the muscles, vivid dreams, neckpain, brain fog, clarity, after ~ one month my throat got infected (now gone), seldom heart palpitations in the first weeks (now gone).

3 Weeks ago i felt pain in my abdomen and had packpain on the left side and started additionally to drink dandelionroot-tea and stopped iodine for days – the symptoms were gone in 2 days. Did not come back.
Some symptoms got vastly better after introducing chlorella.

My ears were infected in some way for years – this really got better and I will observe it furthermore. (A teeth got removed – after that i also felt better)
The humming in the ears which got first worse after introducing iodine is much better. No more ringing in the ear - just a bit of a tear in the right ear.
Some pus infections behind the ear are almost healed. No more pressure in the head since 3 Weeks. I feel overall better. Sometimes i feel pain in the right neck– but mainly in front of the pc (according to the posts here it could also be related to bromide detoxification so I will not loose this out of sight). I assume that Iodine contributed also in a positive way to my (mild) anxiety.
Sometimes I experimented and put a drop of Iodine on a pus sprout which helped, it seems.

I take saltwater every day, also VC, Magnesium & Chlorella, Selen almost every day, NAC not every day, Multivitamins&minerals, herbal teas, Milk thistle is on the list.

Thank you for all your contributions – I too learned a lot of them.
Keit said:
SeekinTruth said:
I forgot to mention that I've been eating a lot more for the last month or so.

I also have an increased feeling of hunger. After listening to the interview with Lynne Farrow it makes it clear that it is probably due to iodine, but still strange because I take only one drop of 2% Lugol per day, which isn't much at all. And even if I am busy, it's no problem to go on without eating, but when I do eat it seems like the usual amount isn't enough. :huh:

Earlier in the thread it was also mentioned that increased appetite is a symptom of bromide toxicity, so people who report an increase in hunger when taking the iodine may be mobilizing bromides. But Lynne Farrow's explanation made sense, too, so it's hard to say. I've definitely noticed increased hunger myself, along with some minor weight gain. I'm hoping it's transitory!
ines said:
Sometimes i feel pain in the right neck– but mainly in front of the pc (according to the posts here it could also be related to bromide detoxification so I will not loose this out of sight).

A couple of years ago I used to have pain in the shoulder. It went away when I put my mousepad farther away and laid my hand and arm on the table before it, when I was not pushing the mouse. It is worth a try if your shoulder problem gets better when you do the same. You could also move yourself a bit from time to time. Sitting in front of a PC is not the easiest for the body as you tend not to move around. Hope it helps a bit and good luck ines. :)
Aragorn said:
And this was a very good summary on detoxing, what you should know and how to proceed (also about the role of chlorella and cilantro) by Dr. Klinghardt:


.... CAUTION: If at any time one develops nausea or starts "burping up" the chlorella taste then the chlorella should be stopped immediately as a food sensitivity is developing which will only worsen if you continue taking it.

Last year I took chlorella tablets for some time and stopped when I got nauseous after taking them. About 4 weeks ago I resumed taking them until I got nauseous again, stopped a couple of days and got another chlorella tablet on a Sunday after breakfast. Around 3 hours later I started vomitting. This continued for some time until I got it out again. Normally I stop vomitting when everything, which is in the stomach is out. This time the first times were acid but later on it was just fluid without much taste (just water?). This vomitting took some time and in parallel I sweated much and also a lot of phlegm came out of my nose. Vomitting stopped when I had the tablet out. But some of its parts continued their travel through my body. I got very loose stool for some time; I had to run quite often. In this second part I shivered a bit and got me a hot-water bag, which also let made the insides of my belly feel better. At around 6pm everything settled down again. I took a bit for supper. I will not take chlorella any more as I seem to respond sensitive to it. This happened Sunday 4 weeks ago.

Between New year and end of January / begin of February my mood was a bit low and I had some brain fog. Sometimes I had difficulties to get up the energy to do my work or contributing here. I experimented with taking one drop of lugol (12%) or 2 drops of it. With or without the B-Vitamins.

I do the salt water when I get up; one small drop of my lugol, the co-factors, milk thistle after breakfast. An hour later I try to do vitamin C and salted water again during the day. Before I go to sleep I magnesium and probiotics and lately multi vitamins.

After the Sunday four weeks ago I got much better. In February I intensified my relaxation exercises and my sports (which also contributes to a more relaxed mood). My mood is really balanced and relaxed and when I get angry with my work PC (because it is so slow etc.) I get back to balance faster. I can think clearer and can organize my work better. I also sleep better now.
Wow! A lot of new experiences in this thread! I finally managed to read through the pages I had missed. Thank you all for sharing your experiences, it's being quite a journey for many of you, I see.

Carl said:
Just a quick update. Iodine really does seem to have kicked some bad things back into action in my body. The past couple of weeks I've been pretty unstable mentally and emotionally, the biggest being I am just exhausted and easily stressed. I suppose it was never much different, but now the issues are more apparent and "in my face".

Since I am now showing a lot of candida symptoms again and also got all kinds of food sensitivities and constant inflammation, I have reduced my carb intake to just sweet potatoes in late afternoon and evening. However still, after eating, I just feel sluggish and brain fogged. It's quite strange actually, the only time I feel good is when I'm fasting now. I already cut out eating in the morning and early afternoon because of this, and I am pretty functional all day until I start eating when this malaise/depression sets in.

I guess my body is trying to tell me something so I will experiment with much smaller meals and try to figure out what kind of digestive issue this is now. Feels like the problems are never ending!

Currently running:
Morning: Chlorella powder, cilantro tincture, 12.5mg iodine, small dose nystatin.
Evening: Magnesium, potassium, humic acid/minerals, probiotics.

I'm experiencing similar things to what you've been reporting Carl.

To give a little update on how things have been for me...

I started feeling emotionally better after a while, this was due to a new understanding (I guess) that allowed me to navigate through emotions without wallowing on them so much. I was starting to feel quite well actually, practicing mindfulness meditation and learning how to "sit with whatever I was feeling" noticing the narratives coming from that, recognizing the irrationality of many of these automatic thoughts and being able to move on and continue with what I was doing.

As you mentioned, Carl, I felt waves of feeling energized and ready to work, followed by moments of lack of energy, when I decided to take a short nap (20 to 30 minutes), or meditate and breathe for a few minutes, and continue after that. I came to the same realization that it is better to just rest a bit and get my energy back than to keep fighting, which brings more anxiety and thus makes it impossible to even do what I am fighting to do.

So far so good... but then I think I made a big mistake. My cilantro/chlorella drops arrived that week (on Feb, 19th) and I took 20 drops of it at once (because that was the dose recommended in the bottle). Soon afterwards I started having loose stools, nausea, dizziness and overall malaise. I stopped taking the cilantro/chlorella mixture, of course, but my symptoms persisted throughout the week. Frequent visits to the toilet, dizziness, nausea after eating, brain fog and extreme fatigue. I took a pill of activated charcoal and that stopped the loose stool but that day I had such a strong headache like the ones I had a long time ago. The kind that makes it impossible to do anything and you feel very sensitive to light.

I started feeling better this weekend, but I still feel very debilitated and I need to sleep a lot. Plus I started having pain in the joints and to cough a bit, with some phlegm coming out, which is good, I suppose.

I think this might have been a detox crisis due to my lack of precaution regarding the dose of that cilantro/chlorella mixture, I thought it would be completely harmless. But if my thinking is correct, the experience at least gives me the indicator that I might have to deal with heavy metals for a while (SLOWLY!!! :rolleyes: ) Another clue is that the candida symptoms just exacerbated after this experience with the tincture, so I guess I released plenty of metals to my bloodstream and since I wasn't being able to take that off my body quickly enough, candida started to absorb it and therefore grew very fast.

I've done three courses of EDTA before this experiment with cilantro/chlorella and I didn't feel anything with it, yet I thought I need to stop it and remineralize because I've been having some cramps. Potassium has been a huge help with that.

For now, I'm thinking that I might rest a bit from iodine and any other detox agent, maybe a week or so, just to allow my body to relax a bit from all the detox process, drink plenty of water, have some massage therapy, and then start again... but I rather go slower on the HM detox. I think I might try just 1 or 2 drops for a few days and build up slowly. I get the feeling that it will be best to go through this soft chelation for a while before taking iodine again.

Concerning the Candida, I see that others have brought up its connection with HM toxicity.

I've read in autism forum that it is fairly common that the candida issues flare up again after using a metal chalator, so I thought about taking some nystatin as well. Yet, I was researching a bit and I've found a paper analyzing the effectiveness of Saccharomyces boulardii vs. nystatin in treating candida in babies. They've found that S. boulardii was more effective in some things but the effectiveness in candida per se was almost the same, it seems. Nevertheless, I rather take S. boulardii for while because it really seems to be doing something. Maybe even take some nystatin for a few days and then continue with the probiotics. Also, it seems that candida can become resistant to nystatin as well, so it might be better to treat it with a probiotic, combined with garlic and maybe pau d'arco as Gaby mentioned.

Appart from that, I totally agree with others that it can be frustrating when you feel down after you have one of those really good days with lots of energy, but I guess that it is another way of practicing perseverance and doing efforts, like the effort to keep on in keeping on, as Joe mentioned, pushing oneself to do what needs to be done regardless of what one is feeling, and so on. This week I wasn't able to do much because of all these symptoms, and I felt quite frustrated because even if I wanted to push myself to do whatever, I just didn't have the energy to do so. I've been reading a lot though, which was the only thing I've been able to do, apart from work because I couldn't just stop working. :lol:

I guess that, when we are in that condition, it's good to remember acceptance as RedFox pointed out before in the thread. Acceptance is not self-soothing with false positive thinking (like trying to paint it all in pink), but accepting what comes as it is, it is a process and it is as it is... the negative emotions that come can be gifts to learn more about ourselves as well, if we are willing to observe them with some sort of distance. Like turning the inner "self viewer" on, as Laura mentioned before, and trying to keep it below the neck. Frustration comes in part because we want to do more or be more than what we are now and can do now, and it's always good to want to improve, but improvement comes from acceptance of where we are now, realistically, and what we are doing now is a detox, for example, so that maybe later on we can improve our energy and state of being so that we can actually Do more and better (with more quality rather than quantity), I suppose. And that frustration also hinders our ability to learn from the experience because it also comes from fear (due to judgment and fear of rejection, for example), and fear hijacks our attention and alters our perception of things.

Well those were just a few thoughts, not sure if they are useful but it is what I've been thinking lately.

Once again thanks to everyone who is contributing, it's great to be sharing all these experiences with you! And big hugs, lots of strength and speedy recovery to those who need it :hug2:
Yas said:
Appart from that, I totally agree with others that it can be frustrating when you feel down after you have one of those really good days with lots of energy, but I guess that it is another way of practicing perseverance and doing efforts, like the effort to keep on in keeping on, as Joe mentioned, pushing oneself to do what needs to be done regardless of what one is feeling, and so on. This week I wasn't able to do much because of all these symptoms, and I felt quite frustrated because even if I wanted to push myself to do whatever, I just didn't have the energy to do so. I've been reading a lot though, which was the only thing I've been able to do, apart from work because I couldn't just stop working. :lol:

I guess that, when we are in that condition, it's good to remember acceptance as RedFox pointed out before in the thread. Acceptance is not self-soothing with false positive thinking (like trying to paint it all in pink), but accepting what comes as it is, it is a process and it is as it is... the negative emotions that come can be gifts to learn more about ourselves as well, if we are willing to observe them with some sort of distance. Like turning the inner "self viewer" on, as Laura mentioned before, and trying to keep it below the neck. Frustration comes in part because we want to do more or be more than what we are now and can do now, and it's always good to want to improve, but improvement comes from acceptance of where we are now, realistically, and what we are doing now is a detox, for example, so that maybe later on we can improve our energy and state of being so that we can actually Do more and better (with more quality rather than quantity), I suppose. And that frustration also hinders our ability to learn from the experience because it also comes from fear (due to judgment and fear of rejection, for example), and fear hijacks our attention and alters our perception of things.

Well those were just a few thoughts, not sure if they are useful but it is what I've been thinking lately.

Once again thanks to everyone who is contributing, it's great to be sharing all these experiences with you! And big hugs, lots of strength and speedy recovery to those who need it :hug2:

I found that acceptance of feelings helps you going on. You must not like them, just accept that they are. It is a bit like swimming in a stream. You can fight the stream, swimming against it and exhaust youself. You can accept that the stream is stronger than you and swim with it and trying to swim to the bank bit by bit. You can fight your feelings and exhaust yourself or you just accept that the feelings are there and find some way step by step to move out of them again.

I lived for months and months with angst / existential fear. Swimming with the feeling and moving out of it step by step is very hardwon wisdom. Later on I had a couple of months where I felt deep mourning / sadness. Back then I knew better to keep my inner balance and how to let got of the feeling from time to time. It is an active acceptance and not a passive suffering or painting something positive.

I think we all will be much better, when we got rid of all of the HM and the other crap we collected in our bodies in our "modern" life. The lots of energy days with clear thinking will come and persist one day IMO. Until then just hang on and keep going baby step by baby step. It will be worth the effort. :hug2:
Hi, today its my 4th week doing the iodine protocol, i am taking it with the cofactors and everything is going well, till yesterday. I Raised to 10 drops (25mg) of iodine and started to feel like flu symptoms and today i feel worst, like the worst flu ever. I have been reading the tred and some say that it can be a detox symptom, some say that iodine should be stoped, some said that iodine dosage should be droped to half and others said that iodine dosage should be incressed to the double to nuke the critters.

Someone have any advice?
Gerardo said:
Hi, today its my 4th week doing the iodine protocol, i am taking it with the cofactors and everything is going well, till yesterday. I Raised to 10 drops (25mg) of iodine and started to feel like flu symptoms and today i feel worst, like the worst flu ever. I have been reading the tred and some say that it can be a detox symptom, some say that iodine should be stoped, some said that iodine dosage should be droped to half and others said that iodine dosage should be incressed to the double to nuke the critters.

Someone have any advice?

Well, the big flu seems to be the first major detox reaction for most. When it happened to me, I immediately stopped Iodine for a few days (4-5); and after the flu, dropped the Iodine dosage by 50%, and only took it once a day (previously before the flu was twice a day). The dosages I was taking before the big flu was like 50mg; and now I take about 25mg a day with cofactors, it works fine with no major detox symptoms.

As mentioned in the thread, I think you should drop the dosage, and take it real slow with Iodine - to see how your body reacts; as it can manifest as different symptoms for different people; including the psychological and emotional aspects. Hope this helps.
Mr.Cyan said:
Gerardo said:
Hi, today its my 4th week doing the iodine protocol, i am taking it with the cofactors and everything is going well, till yesterday. I Raised to 10 drops (25mg) of iodine and started to feel like flu symptoms and today i feel worst, like the worst flu ever. I have been reading the tred and some say that it can be a detox symptom, some say that iodine should be stoped, some said that iodine dosage should be droped to half and others said that iodine dosage should be incressed to the double to nuke the critters.

Someone have any advice?

Well, the big flu seems to be the first major detox reaction for most. When it happened to me, I immediately stopped Iodine for a few days (4-5); and after the flu, dropped the Iodine dosage by 50%, and only took it once a day (previously before the flu was twice a day). The dosages I was taking before the big flu was like 50mg; and now I take about 25mg a day with cofactors, it works fine with no major detox symptoms.

As mentioned in the thread, I think you should drop the dosage, and take it real slow with Iodine - to see how your body reacts; as it can manifest as different symptoms for different people; including the psychological and emotional aspects. Hope this helps.

Thank you very much Mr. Cyan

Several years ago, I "flirted" with iodine, but I did not have the necessary knowledge / information, and therefore the courage to engage in it.
The incidence of iodine, and all around it, it was like an answer to some of my questions / problems and I decided to join consumers Lugol solution.
I started to read the topic of iodine (at that time there were some 30 pages), but I could not do it straight; start - the place, but I read in some kind of circuits. Read the part, but something distracted (link or a concept) and go to investigate, but then again back to the forum (after the first return was 70 pages). I decided that I would try to follow the news and continue to read from the beginning, so I will after some time, to cover the whole subject, but due to my knowledge of the language and the number of your comments, I remain under'm not entirely all read.
So, circling, I found the revised edition of Guide ... (do not know if this is mentioned).

I got 5% Lugol solution. The bottle was wearing a plastic cap/dropper, will - will not, shake, and plopped onto two or three drops at a time. I was not satisfied and I bought a dropper. It seemed to me that the "large" hole, in itself did not have a label for 1 ml, so I bought the plastic "syringe" for injection of 2 ml. When I measure, derived is that of 1ml be dripping into 15 drops. I calculated that my drop is approximately 8.34 mg of iodine.

As has been said that the daily needs of approximately 12.5 mg, and for filling missing about 50 mg, which in my case was 6 drops, I decided to start with 5 drops (approximately 41.7 mg) a day, according to the recommended protocol and supplements. As I had a rash on the skin I added to the list of A-vit. and zinc.

Available to me was; Mg (375 mg / tablet), Se (100 mcg), vitamin C (500 mg) with gradual release, B-Complex (300% RDA) with gradual release (better than nothing!), Vit. And, in the form of natural beta-carotene, and zinc in combination Zn + Si + biotin (probably not hurt!).

As I assumed (at the time) that I will not run detoxification, and the initial intent was to only supplement the body with iodine, I have not started to take salt, even more, what we eat (in relation to the recommendations) a lot of salty food. I use sea salt (iodized).

-The first day after taking, I did not feel anything.
- The second and third day, I had the feeling that my liver and pancreas wider, as if my ribs two sizes too small.
- On the third day I had a soft, dark, almost black feces (it will be to the liver (bile) threw something).
- The next day, after that, the pressure is gone, but I started to "drip nose" (colorless), flowing tears and itchy eyelids at the edges where the eyelashes grow.
- The following morning I had an emotional outburst on my husband (really no reason, because of some pieces of paper that were where they should not), tears, moaning, screaming (like a spoiled brat in the shop, when his mother does not want to buy what he wants). After that I did not know whether to laugh or cry. Never, ever, in my life, I had anything like that.
- The day after, I had to urinate nearly every half hour (pure colorless urine without any smell) with a slight tingling throughout the urinary tract.
- The next day I had a little trouble walking (like a drunk) bit drew me aside.
- The next morning I woke up with the pressure on the top, at one point (as if someone the finger presses the top of the head. After that, some time, there have been no symptoms.

All this is manifested in about half an hour of taking iodine and missing it by noon, afternoon everything was normal. At that time I had a feeling of lack of energy, which I attributed to the fact that the body does work (cleaning) on the inside, but not enough for the outside. My activities I am reduced to the most necessary and without haste.

But I noticed my strange behavior towards food.
Suddenly me the chocolate (and sweet in general) has become very attractive, and it was first noticed my sons, anxiously watching the chocolate decreases rapidly, and turned my attention to it (as much about self-inspection). Here, it was mentioned that chocolate reduces the efficiency of iodine, so I decided to take good care of it. No more chocolate!
How were: the Christmas and New Year holidays, there were cakes. This time I noticed myself to eat cakes, mostly those with cocoa. No more cakes!
Then I started to eat bread, alone, with nothing on it. Now I think about it, linking iodine and starch [Here, at the Forum, noted to me that this applies only to iodine, but not on potassium iodide, thanks for that!], I decided that I would take Lugol before meals and eat only an hour after that. In order to more easily and quickly swallow up, I put drops in a small amount of water, and such concentration did not match an empty stomach. Then me as salvation made a glass of milk (proteins, there should be no problems) by the way, after that, do not smell and taste of iodine in the mouth. Bingo!

But I was wondering; what are the symptoms of overdose / poisoning iodine, and I found the page: "Safety at work" which describes the possible accidents in factories, symptoms and first aid in case of accidents. Against iodine poisoning, it is recommended to give the victim's milk (!) or a solution of starch.

Now it is already clear that very effectively interrupt myself in the exploitation of iodine to a greater extent, but not (or to a lesser extent) of potassium iodide. Why?

1. Is the amount that I take too much, but my higher self / consciousness (whatever) so it works for me? Is it because I do not need, or because I had no intention to cause detoxification?
2. Do some of my residents, as Candida and others, sent me "light and love" in the hope that their "Earth" will not change?

There was no choice but to "go and see". If it does not go through the mouth, then it will go through the skin. Full 1 ml I smeared, using a dropper, the inside of the arms and legs. While I waited for it to dry I felt the intense smell of iodine vapors. It's no good, again! Stains from Lugo disappeared by noon (obviously I need iodine). So Lugol a greater amount of water before eating, well watch what you eat, and every day one drop more. Increasing the dosage without any major problems / symptoms, but with each drop in me grew care (read: fear) because I do not take salt, and so I decided to put on the agenda. Before the 9 drops, I drank a solution of salt (sea, which I use). It suited me, as if I drank hot soup. At noon I took a second glass, hardly drink, and almost threw up. I decided to change the salt and bought Himalayan salt. I did not take an evening dose.
The other day I drank a solution of Himalayan salt - hardly, and after the afternoon dose, almost the same moment, got such a headache and pressure in the head, as if going to burst. I measured the pressure was very high; usually have low to normal blood pressure. Salt is not an option, definitely.
I stopped taking all; drank Andol (pain and widens the blood vessels), and drink the water, but was collected in the body, so I drank Kalinor (potassium citrate), felt tightness and tingling around the heart (apparently receive sufficient K of KI)

Between two or three days everything is back to normal. During this period, I have no lack of energy, but not a great elan.

I started again (without salt) with 8 drops in the morning and reached 10 drops. Then I started to feel great "hunger" for iodine. At noon I felt like I take iodine again, I refrained until the evening and then took 3 drops. There was no special effect.
The next day; 10 drops in the morning, again the fight until the evening and 5 drops. I chose to allocate the amount of three times a day; 5 + 5 + 5. I'm still feeling "hunger". In a few days I arrived at 10 + 10 + 10, I note that this is my drops (8:34 mg), for a total of approx. 250 mg/day!

Such an amount I took two days. The third day; in the morning, after getting up out of bed, do not have to go pee (which is usually the first thing I have to do). I noticed, but I ignored it, and drank 10 drops. I felt bloated (I think it looks like a balloon, when inflated enough, and you blow a little more) and as if someone pushes the eyeballs out. Obviously - too much iodine. I gave the body to self-regulate. The whole day I was not thirsty, not hungry, so I did not eat, or drank, with all had terrible taste, and even the water itself. I kept feeling the taste of iodine. A little fasting does not harm anyone, doesn’t it?
The next day, there was no change, and I started again to catch concern (fear) about heavy metal, and I thought I have to boost metabolism.
First I decided to raise the speed of walking (morning walk with the dog, about 5 km). I wasn’t sweating.
Someone mentioned potassium chloride instead of salt. I have a tablet KCl 500 mg, that was recommended to me as the balance of sodium (Na), when me begin swelling legs (in summer). The first time (once before) I melted and drank one tablet, I felt relaxation and relief in the chest (heart). I felt very comfortable and I had not known I was in such a spasm in this region. But it did not help with the water, so I drank during the day, one more, but I felt a twinge and tightness around the heart. I switched them with potassium citrate to stimulate the kidneys to me, but never before had no effect on the heart. Potassium is not an option.
I have and magnesium chloride. He is after two days of taking (once before) caused diarrhea (with hot water, it would be faster), but did not dare to take because every day I take a little more Mg (two tablets of 375 mg).
So went another day, closed system; nothing inside it - nothing out. At night I remembered ginger. I made tea from ginger root and tried. It suited me, I did not feel no "sharp" taste of ginger, or even the taste of iodine (!) in the mouth.
The third day I lived on tea cranberry, ginger, sweetened with honey (I took supplements).

The fourth day began pissing, started the intestines, skin and lungs (from time to time gathered to clear mucus, which could without difficulty coughed, had a salty taste).
Sweat was very irritating, so I've done a warm bath of sodium bicarbonate and coarse sea salt (ratio 1: 2), remains "immersed" for 45 minutes. I felt really good.
I coughed another five days.
Days passed, I have been taking supplements, but not iodine (I constantly delayed, I did not have the courage).
Finally got through to me to mind (with the help of session 23 January) that actually block the flow of energy, and that must continue.
I took 5 drops, 3 or 4 days, when I started feeling stabbing pain around the left ovary and cramps (as labor), and vaginal piped something black (again), not very pleasant smell. Pain stopped, and during the next two or three days are still sometimes appeared, every time, something brighter discharge (I guess that opened a cyst).

Looking now, with the benefit of hindsight, at this event, I think I should have more confidence in my body and wait for it itself starts. I think I actually broke a process.

Now I take iodine to feel, randomly, 0-7 drops. I let some things go their course, but I try to keep track of what is happening and where it leads.

I have no questions, but anyone who has a need for some kind of remark is welcome.

That where I need your help is DMSA, so I will ask you briefly:
Why DMSA if we take iodine?

P.S. before I send this to you, I read a couple of recent posts, Yas mentioned Candida. To me stopped all symptoms of Candida (even those thick saliva in the morning) during and after they hunger for iodine. Still they did not show up, regardless of this current messy taking iodine.
Today is the first day I dropped from 7 drops of Lugol's twice daily (99.4 mg of iodine/potassium iodide per day) to 6 drops twice daily (85.2 mg of iodine/potassium iodide). I was taking 7 drops twice daily for almost 3 months. I had dropped to 6 then 5 twice daily, but didn't feel as good so went back to 7 drops twice daily, as mentioned a while back.

I'll stay at 6 drops twice daily for several weeks - maybe all of March - if everything stays the same. Then try dropping to 5 drops twice daily (70mg iodine/potassium iodide) for a while. Eventually I'll lower the total daily dosage to 25 mg.
Kika said:
That where I need your help is DMSA, so I will ask you briefly:
Why DMSA if we take iodine?

P.S. before I send this to you, I read a couple of recent posts, Yas mentioned Candida. To me stopped all symptoms of Candida (even those thick saliva in the morning) during and after they hunger for iodine. Still they did not show up, regardless of this current messy taking iodine.

Well Iodine can only mobilize Heavy metals in the body, and then we have to find a way to get them out of the body. One efective and suggested chemical method is by using DMSA on the days when you are off the iodine.

As i read you post i can see that you are supplementing iodine somehow very chaotic.You are increasing dosages too much and too quickly. Its just my view.The dosage that you are taking is a high. I`m glad that you have some benefits from iodine. Dark and tough periods are common for almost all who is on iodine. Read their testimonials in this thread. You can also correct your diet and avoid too much carbs.
VIt C is an antidote for iodine , so take it few hours away from iodine
For a salty water use non refined sea salt. Add just a half a tea spoon in warm water. Dont add too much. You shoud do that first thing in the morning. Then after some time breakfast and then you can take the iodine. I think its a good idea to read carefully all the posts in the iodine thread and some of the recommended books from Dr Brownstein and Lynn Farrow.Also listen the show on Blog talk radio with Lynn farrow. Its full with information.
Take care :hug2:
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