Iodine and Potassium Iodide

I want to add my experience.
I been taking lugol's for 5 months. I started low at one drop a day increasing one drop of 5% daily until I reached a noticeable reaction, I was smoking pot then so my ability to notice much about myself was weak.

At 5 drops I had very obvious bromine detox reaction which I handled with salt water loading. The next day I continued at 5 drops and didn't have such a reaction. I stayed at 5 drops for about a month while taking all the supplements. The main thing I noticed was moodiness but I was still smoking weed so it's difficult to tell for sure. I was losing sleep from staying up late reading and staring at my phone.

I decided to increase my dose again a drop a day as I was feeling no difference to when I started. I went up a drop a day until I reached detox symptoms which I again handled with salt water, that only lasted for a day and then again settled down. I was preparing to quit smoking pot and wanted a head start on the detox from that.

On the first of March I quit weed. My dose at that point was 2 X 5 drops a day which I increased over two weeks to 2 X 10 drops a day. I started having flu like reaction which I've gotten every time I have quit pot in the past any way, my moodieness increased and so did vivid dreaming.. All effects of stopping weed that I've experienced before.

After a trip away for two weeks which I lowered my dose for I got home and within days caught a really nasty cold that I'm still on the very tail end of (that was early April, everyone I know has had it for at least 3 weeks)

In this time of being quite unwell I played around with the iodine dose. If I stopped taking it or lowered my dose my cold would would get worse. When I upped my dose I would blow my nose and iodine stained mucous would come out and my sinus felt clearer. By mid April I was using a home made lugol's of 10%. I could easily tolerate 3x10 drops without any other side effects but a dull headache which mostly went away with a glass of salt water. I was still very unwell with blocked sinus and ears and was coughing up lots of mucous, again hard to tell if this was from the iodine or because I had quit smoking pot.
In the last two weeks as I've begun to recover from the cold I can tell definite effects of the iodine and how it's affecting my overall health.
I'm taking 4x10 drops a day, I increased my dose because of severely blocked ears and within a few days the pressure in my eusatachian tubes went down and I started being able to clear them by making my throat tight and kind of doing a slow snort sound.. Gross I know! I've had long stanging ear trouble, in my teens I had the right one reconstructed. They haven't felt this good as they do now since I can remember.
Other things to note, my gums are no longer inflamed, my gut issues are less, if I could stay away from the carbs I know they'd be gone, iodine makes me want to eat more and because it still makes me a little moody in the morning after my second dose I'm not as in control to make the best decisions so I eat too many veggies and dark chocolate.
By the afternoon I'm quite tired but that's also not uncommon for me, I've always been one to sleep in the afternoon, even as a teen. It's the evenings that are the best. I never have my last dose any later than 4. At night I'm full of energy and my mood is awesome. I haven't been this motivated for years. My psoas pain I've had for 15 years is all but gone and so is the arthritis I've had in my overused middle finger on my right hand.
I do have an increased heartrate but the thyroid testing I've had done says it's all normal, this could be from something else I've yet to uncover. I still think I'm detoxing pretty hard as some nights I sweat a bit and it kind of smells, this has happened before when I've quit pot too, again ambiguous and hard to tell the difference. I plan to reduce my dose, back down now that I'm feeling better, I tried to a week ago and my cold symtoms came back the next day.
My daily schedule right now goes like this

Wake up 7-730 warm water with teaspoon of sea salt mixed with tablespoon of DC earth (mix them otherwise I drink too much water)
An hour later 10x drops lugos, 200mg selenium, niacinamide 500 mg, riboflavin 100mg, NAC, B vit complex, ALA, MSM, probiotic, 5htp, vitD, choline and some tyrosine. In my tea about then I have glycine .

About another hour later I have another dose of 10x drops lugol's. and a bulletproof tea.

About two hours after that more iodine then I lay down with my daughter for a nap, I don't always sleep.
When I get up I have chlorella and vitC in the same glass and half an hour later another 3 gram dose of vitC.
Then at 4 I have another 10x drops of lugol's.
Dinner is at 6, right after dinner I have another probiotic, turmeric, milk thistle, zinc, coQ10 and more DC earth.
Before bed I take magnesium glycinate and citrate and 3mg melatonin. I prob don't need the citrate anymore but still take it because I dont want to waste it before it goes out of date.
I go to bed at about 10:30, dream like crazy and each day I'm waking up a little fresher than the previous day. Two weeks ago I dragged myself around for the first 2-3 hours in the morning with no energy and taking an hour just to make my kids breakfast. Now I'm feeling awake and wanting to go for walks and my head feels more organised.
I plan to reduce my iodine by a drop each dose and then cut out 2 of the doses and see what happens.
I've read on other forums that a very high dose like the one I'm on is what some really unwell people need to maintain just to function well, I guess I'll find out soon if that is me or not.

It sounds really hectic and I was really hesitant. But each increase has just made me feel better and better. Now I'm hesitant to reduce the dose. I've been unwell for so long that I get exited about taking my iodine now. It's chnged my existence. I really thought there was no hope for me. I used pot as a way to escape and suppress everything, I know for certain I never have to go there again. Even my depression is going away. I haven't been happy and so positive and hopeful for 4 years.. Life looks good again and I am starting to do the things and feel and act the way I always envisioned for myself.
Thanks for sharing your experience with the iodine, Fluffy. I'm happy for you that you made some changes and the iodine is helping you to re-engage in life and the learning process. I think you should continue to experiment with dosage; maybe bring it back down and see what happens. You can always move it up again. I feel great on higher doses for a while until it plateaus, and then I bring it down and feel really great at lower doses for a bit. Then back up again. Trial and error. ;)
Sounds like you're getting some pretty good results Fluffy, so I'm glad to hear that!

Fluffy said:
It sounds really hectic and I was really hesitant. But each increase has just made me feel better and better. Now I'm hesitant to reduce the dose. I've been unwell for so long that I get exited about taking my iodine now. It's chnged my existence. I really thought there was no hope for me. I used pot as a way to escape and suppress everything, I know for certain I never have to go there again. Even my depression is going away. I haven't been happy and so positive and hopeful for 4 years.. Life looks good again and I am starting to do the things and feel and act the way I always envisioned for myself.

It may be the case that you have a sizable pathogen load and the Iodine is killing the pathogens, which could be why you're feeling better with the high dosage. If you continue to feel good with the high dosage, it may be worth continuing it for a little while, maybe 1-3 months, as some pathogens can take a while to eliminate.

How much chlorella are you taking? It may also be the case that the increased heart rate is from a high rate of heavy metal detox, so it may be worth upping the chlorella dose and possibly taking it more frequently through the day to see if that affects the heart rate much. Chlorella is often used in the gram range, so a dosage that seems high may not be so high and you may even need upwards of 9 grams per day.

Alternatively (or additionally), you may have some chronic inflammation that's a problem; I did a while ago and for me, Krill Oil would notably lower my heart rate, suggesting that the elevated heart rate was due to inflammation. Heart rate can be elevated for a lot of reasons, but if you aren't taking an omega 3 anti-inflammatory, then it may be worth trying that to see if it improves the heart rate and calms you down. Having used both fish oil and krill oil, I also highly recommend krill oil over fish oil because it really was dramatically better in my experience.
Fluffy I would reiterate Foxx's suggestion of more chlorella. While heavily detoxing I took it 4-6 times a day. You are taking fairly high iodine, plus ALA and MSM which are also facilitating heavy metal release.

It can be taken with salt water first thing in the morning. Chlorella will leave that alone, and only bind with things your body doesn't need. Plus it is in your gut and ready to bind when you take your iodine/breakfast later. Might also try some before lunch/second iodine dose and see if that helps in the afternoon.

I experienced the high heart rate during the worst of the detox and chlorella helped, along with a relaxing effect on my body overall. The excessive mucous could partly be from giving up the hooch (congrats!) but it's also part of detoxing. I coughed up mucous for three weeks or so.

Glad to hear you are otherwise experiencing the beneficial effects. The detox is a major hurdle to get over, but well worth it!
Laura said:
Menrva said:
Anthony said:
I've been taking 3 drops (18.9mg) daily for some time now, though I've also taken higher doses without any detox reactions (up to 200mg). I haven't been taking days off during the week, will do so this week. I do not have specific memories that come up, it's emotional energy that starts in the chest, then sort of moves down to my stomack which then starts to tense up and I start to shake.

Something similar has happened to me during EE. I'd say to just try to relax and give the energy, sensations in your body your attention and focus on it. As silly as it sounds, even talking to it and asking what it needs. It sounds like there is some restriction there when you say you tense up before the shaking starts. Your body might be trying to release some emotional energy there. :)

If you are shaking, you are trying too hard. Maybe don't do Beatha if that is what it does to you.

It happens during every part of EE, except for Warrior's Breath, and even during the day when I just focus on breathing with my belly, in through the nose and out through the mouth.
Anthony said:
It happens during every part of EE, except for Warrior's Breath, and even during the day when I just focus on breathing with my belly, in through the nose and out through the mouth.

If it becomes too much for you, just lower the number of drops.
I would like to share my experience with the iodine protocol so far

I decided to start taking iodine both for the "basic" health benefits that anyone would get from taking a sufficient amount of it, and because of my desire to rid myself of some specific health problems. One of these problems is a moderate-to-severe form of psoriasis I've been suffering from for about 5 years now. Another is a constant feeling of tiredness, of being drained of energy that nothing has been able to help with. The last one is (or was...) a chronic sinusitis that plagued me for the last 3 years.

I started the protocol almost 3 months ago. I started with 1 drop of 5% lugol (along with the various co-factors, salt, vitamin c, magnesium, as well as zinc and probiotics... the whole package. Not all at once of course). Since then I steadily increased the dosage, and now I'm taking what amounts to 100mg of iodine 5 times a day. I will not increase the dosage any further, nor do I plan to stay on this high a dosage indefinitely. I know it's a rather high dosage, but I am trying to deal with a chronic autoimmune disease. I split the dose in 5 times to make sure I didn't cause any damage (due to causticity), plus I figured that taking it over the course of the day might help my body absorb more of it, although I am NOT certain this is the case.

As far as my psoriasis is concerned, I THINK I'm starting to notice improvements here and there, but it's hard to say for sure. Psoriasis has a habit to shift, flare up, calm down all the time and for a number of potential reasons... So it's probably too soon to say.

The same is true for my lack of energy. At times I seem to feel slightly more energetic, but it's hardly constant. Or satisfying.

My sinusitis however... That's another story. Just a few hours after my first drop of lugol, my nose was completely clear. I haven't had to use a nasal spray since, not even once. This feels almost like a miracle after the last 3 years.

I have only noticed 2 side effects so far. One is diarrhea, which I only get a few minutes after drinking salted water and only lasts for a couple of minutes. So far I've approached this with patience, hoping my body would adapt. But I'll probably have to cut back a little on the salt.

The other side effect has only appeared about 3 weeks ago. I've started to develop small nasal polyps. After doing some research, it would seem that nasal polyps are a potential symptom of nasal inflammation. So, while the symptoms of my sinusitis are gone, it would seem inflammation is still present. Maybe even more so, at least momentarily, while iodine is killing all the pathogens that have been dwelling in my nose for years. Luckily, appling approx. half a drop of my 5% lugol on them once a day is proving very effective, so much that they vanish in about 3 days (and there is no stinging or burning on the inside, it only burns on the outer rim of the nostrils, but a little cocoa butter lip salve takes care of that in a couple of minutes). Unfortunately, they reappear a few days later. But, at least I have figured out how to keep them under control. And if my theory is right, once the pathogens and toxins are gone, these polyps should stop coming back.

All in all, a very positive experience so far. I really hope things will get even better, and seeing as it's only been 3 months, it very well might.

I'll make sure to keep you posted about any further development.
Foxx said:
Sounds like you're getting some pretty good results Fluffy, so I'm glad to hear that!

Fluffy said:
It sounds really hectic and I was really hesitant. But each increase has just made me feel better and better. Now I'm hesitant to reduce the dose. I've been unwell for so long that I get exited about taking my iodine now. It's chnged my existence. I really thought there was no hope for me. I used pot as a way to escape and suppress everything, I know for certain I never have to go there again. Even my depression is going away. I haven't been happy and so positive and hopeful for 4 years.. Life looks good again and I am starting to do the things and feel and act the way I always envisioned for myself.

It may be the case that you have a sizable pathogen load and the Iodine is killing the pathogens, which could be why you're feeling better with the high dosage. If you continue to feel good with the high dosage, it may be worth continuing it for a little while, maybe 1-3 months, as some pathogens can take a while to eliminate.

How much chlorella are you taking? It may also be the case that the increased heart rate is from a high rate of heavy metal detox, so it may be worth upping the chlorella dose and possibly taking it more frequently through the day to see if that affects the heart rate much. Chlorella is often used in the gram range, so a dosage that seems high may not be so high and you may even need upwards of 9 grams per day.

Alternatively (or additionally), you may have some chronic inflammation that's a problem; I did a while ago and for me, Krill Oil would notably lower my heart rate, suggesting that the elevated heart rate was due to inflammation. Heart rate can be elevated for a lot of reasons, but if you aren't taking an omega 3 anti-inflammatory, then it may be worth trying that to see if it improves the heart rate and calms you down. Having used both fish oil and krill oil, I also highly recommend krill oil over fish oil because it really was dramatically better in my experience.

I was taking a heaped teaspoon of chlorella, I weighed it and it said about 10 grams but have upped that to 3 heaped tsp a day over the last 3 days. I've noticed it really soothes my stomach so I'm okay with taking more green sludge, pool scum, deep sea green grot, reverse oasis bog, gargoyle water (I try to get creative and come up with a new name every day to entertain my son, I'm not much impressed with the taste or mouthy feel of it)
I've noticed my heartrate may have dropped but not by much, but I've started sweating again at night and it's quite smelly but not the usual body odour smell.

I have krill oil, it's so expensive though and with everything else I'm taking it really adds up. How much should I take? And how long for? My partner is really dubious of the things I'm doing as the results are pretty slow and seem worse before they get better, he's the one funding all of this so I can see where his concerns lay.

I do feel like I have a heavy pathogen load too, especially as I never really got rid of the candida properly and it comes back very easily. Although my brain feels clearer I've done a few coffee enemas and what came out was pretty alarming, yuk I know but my gut is probably full of stuff that I grow back in an instant at the first sign of carbs, or other no no's.. ... I still struggle with my diet, it's something I've never been able to get on top of no matter how unwell it makes me. I can quit most things I've had addictions to, even cigarettes pretty easily (not that I want to but have at times like when pregnant) ... But the food, it's my biggest bane. I've been craving drinks that are sweet, I use the glycine to sweeten my tea and stuff but I guess that can be overdone too. I was actually really depressed two days ago from my food problem. This high dose of iodine can make me not cope so well with things I can usually cope with (somewhat). I was certainly not prepared for the carb cravings and I've put on a few kilos and my clothes are tight. I don't like that either.

Thanks for the advice. I'll keep battling along, the benefits outweigh the small things like tight clothes and dreams about eating vanilla slices.

And thank you to Leland for the congrats about quitting weed, I still sometimes want to smoke it but have cleared up my lungs and other bits of my life and come to far to turn back now. I also suspect there is more to my coughing than just remnants of the hooch and smoking cigs, may be got a few pathogens in there too!!
Hi Fluffy, the following on melatonin/iodine may be useful to note:

Konstantin said:
Konstantin said:
For about 10 days on light detox protocol with Chlorela,Cilantro and ALA. No detox reactions noticed. I feel good.
Yesterday i made another experiment with melatonin. 2-3 weeks ago when i took 1.5mg melatonin i noticed pain in my thyroid.
YEsterday evening i decided to try it again the same dosage of 1.5 mg. And again the same situation, just not so severe as the last time. Before iodine i dont have any problems with melatonine with the doses up to 6 mg.
This morning after a restless sleep with melatonine i have a light pain in my thyroid again.
I tried to search and find if there is any connection between these 2 things , and i found this:

_ said:
Melatonin and Thyroid Health

So how does melatonin relate to thyroid health? As I mentioned earlier, melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland, and this also is a source of thytrophin-releasing hormone (TRH), which in turn causes the body to release TSH, which signals for the secretion of thyroid hormone. But melatonin may also have a direct effect on thyroid hormone production by stimulating TSH (11). One study involving perimenopausal and menopausal women showed that taking 3mg of melatonin for three to six months can increase the levels of thyroid hormone (12). So although most cases of hypothyroidism are caused by Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, one also should consider the impact that melatonin has on thyroid health.

Because melatonin might increase thyroid hormone production, people with hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease might wonder whether they should avoid supplementing with melatonin. If someone with a hyperthyroid condition has a deficiency in melatonin, then taking a melatonin supplement probably won’t cause any problems. On the other hand, if someone doesn’t have a melatonin deficiency but chooses to take melatonin supplements then it might increase the hyperthyroid symptoms. Just remember what I said earlier about wanting to address the cause of the melatonin deficiency, as even if someone has a hypothyroid condition they don’t want to rely on melatonin supplements for a prolonged period of time.

So i guess that melatonine is also activating the iodine symporter system mechanism and maybe its not a good idea to take melatonine in the same time while someone is supplementing with iodine, because it can overstimulate the TSH. Well it was probably the case in my situation.

I know that there is something related between Melatonin and Thyroid. So i have done little more research this morning.

_ said:
Morphofunctional state of the thyroid gland (TG) of young rats after exposure of exogenous melatonin in the spring and autumn periods was investigated. Exogenous melatonin (Unipharm Inc., USA) was administered to experimental group of animals daily at a dose 5 mg/kg. The duration of the experiment was 28 days. It was shown an increase of the cross-section area of follicles by 31% and colloid by 30% (in spring), reduction of the area of follicle epithelium by 12% (in autumn), an increase in the follicle internal diameter and a decline in the thyroid epithelium height by 12% (in autumn) in TG of experimental groups rats. Also it was shown a decline of follicle-colloid index and growth of colloid accumulation index, reduction amount of interfollicular islets. The introduction of melatonin in the spring period brought down the amount of connecting tissue elements. Melatonin introduction in the autumn period reduced the thickness of connective tissue trabecules in TG. The introduction of melatonin in the spring period resulted in more substantial changes in the structure of TG, as compared to an autumn experiment.
Thus, melatonin administered both in the spring and in the autumn periods reduces the functional activity and physiological regeneration of TG.

_ said:
Melatonin is an indoleamine with multiple functions in both plant and animal species. In addition to data in literature describing many other important roles for melatonin, such as antioxidant, circadian rhythm controlling, anti-aging, antiproliferative or immunomodulatory activities, our group recently reported that thyroid C-cells synthesize melatonin and suggested a paracrine role for this molecule in the regulation of thyroid activity. To discern the role played by melatonin at thyroid level and its involvement in the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis, in the present study we have analyzed the effect of thyrotropin in the regulation of the enzymatic machinery for melatonin biosynthesis in C cells as well as the effect of melatonin in the regulation of thyroid hormone biosynthesis in thyrocytes. Our results show that the key enzymes for melatonin biosynthesis (AANAT and ASMT) are regulated by thyroid-stimulating hormone. Furthermore, exogenous melatonin increases thyroglobulin expression at mRNA and protein levels on cultured thyrocytes and this effect is not strictly mediated by the upregulation of TTF1 or, noteworthy, PAX8 transcription factors. The present data show that thyroid C-cells synthesize melatonin under thyroid-stimulating hormone control and, consistently with previous data, support the hypothesis of a paracrine role for C-cell-synthesised melatonin within the thyroid gland. Additionally, in the present study we show evidence for the involvement of melatonin in thyroid function by directly-regulating thyroglobulin gene expression in follicular cells.

So if thyroid C-cells can synthesize melatonin under regulation of TSH, then iodine introduction that increased TSH also disturbed or awakened those Thyroid C-cells or some mechanisam in them and they started to produce melatonine.( or they significantly increased melatonine production) When i took melatonine pill, i increased the total melatonin in my body to a level higher then i need so maybe C-cells needed to decrease their melatonine production.BEcause they are TSH regulated , that means there must be also some change in TSH level after i took melatonine, and that TSH variation is reason why i feel the pain in the thyroid. Also all that melatonine "overdose" made my sleep very bad the night when i took it. Few days after the pain is still present because of TSH variation and maybe c-cells are trying to normalize their melatonine production since no more external source of melatonine is available.

This is just mine theory, how i understand this connection.
So now since iodine awakened the thyroid , maybe a much smaller doses of melatonin are needed in order to achieve the same results as with higher doses before iodine was introduced to the body, since now the thyroid can produce its own melatonine.
RedFox said:
Hi Fluffy, the following on melatonin/iodine may be useful to note:

Konstantin said:
Konstantin said:
For about 10 days on light detox protocol with Chlorela,Cilantro and ALA. No detox reactions noticed. I feel good.
Yesterday i made another experiment with melatonin. 2-3 weeks ago when i took 1.5mg melatonin i noticed pain in my thyroid.
YEsterday evening i decided to try it again the same dosage of 1.5 mg. And again the same situation, just not so severe as the last time. Before iodine i dont have any problems with melatonine with the doses up to 6 mg.
This morning after a restless sleep with melatonine i have a light pain in my thyroid again.
I tried to search and find if there is any connection between these 2 things , and i found this:

_ said:
Melatonin and Thyroid Health

So how does melatonin relate to thyroid health? As I mentioned earlier, melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland, and this also is a source of thytrophin-releasing hormone (TRH), which in turn causes the body to release TSH, which signals for the secretion of thyroid hormone. But melatonin may also have a direct effect on thyroid hormone production by stimulating TSH (11). One study involving perimenopausal and menopausal women showed that taking 3mg of melatonin for three to six months can increase the levels of thyroid hormone (12). So although most cases of hypothyroidism are caused by Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, one also should consider the impact that melatonin has on thyroid health.

Because melatonin might increase thyroid hormone production, people with hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease might wonder whether they should avoid supplementing with melatonin. If someone with a hyperthyroid condition has a deficiency in melatonin, then taking a melatonin supplement probably won’t cause any problems. On the other hand, if someone doesn’t have a melatonin deficiency but chooses to take melatonin supplements then it might increase the hyperthyroid symptoms. Just remember what I said earlier about wanting to address the cause of the melatonin deficiency, as even if someone has a hypothyroid condition they don’t want to rely on melatonin supplements for a prolonged period of time.

So i guess that melatonine is also activating the iodine symporter system mechanism and maybe its not a good idea to take melatonine in the same time while someone is supplementing with iodine, because it can overstimulate the TSH. Well it was probably the case in my situation.

I know that there is something related between Melatonin and Thyroid. So i have done little more research this morning.

_ said:
Morphofunctional state of the thyroid gland (TG) of young rats after exposure of exogenous melatonin in the spring and autumn periods was investigated. Exogenous melatonin (Unipharm Inc., USA) was administered to experimental group of animals daily at a dose 5 mg/kg. The duration of the experiment was 28 days. It was shown an increase of the cross-section area of follicles by 31% and colloid by 30% (in spring), reduction of the area of follicle epithelium by 12% (in autumn), an increase in the follicle internal diameter and a decline in the thyroid epithelium height by 12% (in autumn) in TG of experimental groups rats. Also it was shown a decline of follicle-colloid index and growth of colloid accumulation index, reduction amount of interfollicular islets. The introduction of melatonin in the spring period brought down the amount of connecting tissue elements. Melatonin introduction in the autumn period reduced the thickness of connective tissue trabecules in TG. The introduction of melatonin in the spring period resulted in more substantial changes in the structure of TG, as compared to an autumn experiment.
Thus, melatonin administered both in the spring and in the autumn periods reduces the functional activity and physiological regeneration of TG.

_ said:
Melatonin is an indoleamine with multiple functions in both plant and animal species. In addition to data in literature describing many other important roles for melatonin, such as antioxidant, circadian rhythm controlling, anti-aging, antiproliferative or immunomodulatory activities, our group recently reported that thyroid C-cells synthesize melatonin and suggested a paracrine role for this molecule in the regulation of thyroid activity. To discern the role played by melatonin at thyroid level and its involvement in the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis, in the present study we have analyzed the effect of thyrotropin in the regulation of the enzymatic machinery for melatonin biosynthesis in C cells as well as the effect of melatonin in the regulation of thyroid hormone biosynthesis in thyrocytes. Our results show that the key enzymes for melatonin biosynthesis (AANAT and ASMT) are regulated by thyroid-stimulating hormone. Furthermore, exogenous melatonin increases thyroglobulin expression at mRNA and protein levels on cultured thyrocytes and this effect is not strictly mediated by the upregulation of TTF1 or, noteworthy, PAX8 transcription factors. The present data show that thyroid C-cells synthesize melatonin under thyroid-stimulating hormone control and, consistently with previous data, support the hypothesis of a paracrine role for C-cell-synthesised melatonin within the thyroid gland. Additionally, in the present study we show evidence for the involvement of melatonin in thyroid function by directly-regulating thyroglobulin gene expression in follicular cells.

So if thyroid C-cells can synthesize melatonin under regulation of TSH, then iodine introduction that increased TSH also disturbed or awakened those Thyroid C-cells or some mechanisam in them and they started to produce melatonine.( or they significantly increased melatonine production) When i took melatonine pill, i increased the total melatonin in my body to a level higher then i need so maybe C-cells needed to decrease their melatonine production.BEcause they are TSH regulated , that means there must be also some change in TSH level after i took melatonine, and that TSH variation is reason why i feel the pain in the thyroid. Also all that melatonine "overdose" made my sleep very bad the night when i took it. Few days after the pain is still present because of TSH variation and maybe c-cells are trying to normalize their melatonine production since no more external source of melatonine is available.

This is just mine theory, how i understand this connection.
So now since iodine awakened the thyroid , maybe a much smaller doses of melatonin are needed in order to achieve the same results as with higher doses before iodine was introduced to the body, since now the thyroid can produce its own melatonine.

Interesting Redfox, I didn't take the melatonin the last two nights and my sleep was much deeper with less dream recall- which is absolutely fine with me, who needs to be able to write detailed 10,000 word essays about their dreams every night anyway, I'm happy with 2,000 word ones that don't make me feel like I've been awake all night living a double life. I've already taken it tonight so I will report in the morning if there is a notable difference to the last two nights. Thanks for the insight!
Vajra said:
I would like to share my experience with the iodine protocol so far

I decided to start taking iodine both for the "basic" health benefits that anyone would get from taking a sufficient amount of it, and because of my desire to rid myself of some specific health problems. One of these problems is a moderate-to-severe form of psoriasis I've been suffering from for about 5 years now. Another is a constant feeling of tiredness, of being drained of energy that nothing has been able to help with. The last one is (or was...) a chronic sinusitis that plagued me for the last 3 years.

I started the protocol almost 3 months ago. I started with 1 drop of 5% lugol (along with the various co-factors, salt, vitamin c, magnesium, as well as zinc and probiotics... the whole package. Not all at once of course). Since then I steadily increased the dosage, and now I'm taking what amounts to 100mg of iodine 5 times a day. I will not increase the dosage any further, nor do I plan to stay on this high a dosage indefinitely. I know it's a rather high dosage, but I am trying to deal with a chronic autoimmune disease. I split the dose in 5 times to make sure I didn't cause any damage (due to causticity), plus I figured that taking it over the course of the day might help my body absorb more of it, although I am NOT certain this is the case.

As far as my psoriasis is concerned, I THINK I'm starting to notice improvements here and there, but it's hard to say for sure. Psoriasis has a habit to shift, flare up, calm down all the time and for a number of potential reasons... So it's probably too soon to say.

The same is true for my lack of energy. At times I seem to feel slightly more energetic, but it's hardly constant. Or satisfying.

My sinusitis however... That's another story. Just a few hours after my first drop of lugol, my nose was completely clear. I haven't had to use a nasal spray since, not even once. This feels almost like a miracle after the last 3 years.

I have only noticed 2 side effects so far. One is diarrhea, which I only get a few minutes after drinking salted water and only lasts for a couple of minutes. So far I've approached this with patience, hoping my body would adapt. But I'll probably have to cut back a little on the salt.

The other side effect has only appeared about 3 weeks ago. I've started to develop small nasal polyps. After doing some research, it would seem that nasal polyps are a potential symptom of nasal inflammation. So, while the symptoms of my sinusitis are gone, it would seem inflammation is still present. Maybe even more so, at least momentarily, while iodine is killing all the pathogens that have been dwelling in my nose for years. Luckily, appling approx. half a drop of my 5% lugol on them once a day is proving very effective, so much that they vanish in about 3 days (and there is no stinging or burning on the inside, it only burns on the outer rim of the nostrils, but a little cocoa butter lip salve takes care of that in a couple of minutes). Unfortunately, they reappear a few days later. But, at least I have figured out how to keep them under control. And if my theory is right, once the pathogens and toxins are gone, these polyps should stop coming back.

All in all, a very positive experience so far. I really hope things will get even better, and seeing as it's only been 3 months, it very well might.

I'll make sure to keep you posted about any further development.

I can relate to the sinus problems very much, I was on steroids for a while years ago. I have a collapsed septum since I was a kid and lots of ear infections. The iodine has cleared my sinuses so much that I can feel air rush past my eardrum when I breathe in. When I started taking a high dose I began to blow out thick iodine stained mucous from my sinus, especially on the collapsed side.
What a relief it has been.
I have been taking Lugol's pretty regularly since November 2015. I can't give a dose as it has been variable and on the low side. But some is better than none, I figure. Ongoing issues with acne as I have reported. Comes in waves, resolves, returns. I am now managing it with topical clindamycin and zinc oxide + oral doxycycline. Getting much better since following my old regimen. Just for reference, I took 4 courses of Accutane over many years, and still had issues.
I noticed last week that I am getting warmer and oilier all over. I need a shower a lot more often. Energy level is variable. I feel like the frailty of menopause (>15 years into it, experiencing dry skin, nails, hair, general weakness, low metabolism, always cold, etc) is reversing.
I am upping my dose a bit and taking some every day. I have a way to measure more accurately now. From a syringe with an 18 gauge needle, I take 4 drops a day. Before I was using a little squirt from a 29 gauge needle on an insulin type syringe. The needle was so small that it got stopped up by dried iodine a lot.
Just a quick update.
After 3 weeks of oral Iodine supplementation of 1 drop of 1% lugols solution( very weak solution), once a week ( every Monday morning ) the only effect is that i feel is an enormous hunger. I havent change nothing in my daily routine or diet so it can be an effect from iodine or some gentle Bromine detox reaction.
And last few nights i noticed that just before going to bed i got a congested sinuses. It always one side, never both in the same time. So from next week i`ll go with 2 days per week for the next 3 weeks , with the same quantity and concentration of Lugols and see how will my body respond.
Vajra said:
I would like to share my experience with the iodine protocol so far

Hi Najra,

I think your iodine dosage is a bit high if you are taking 100mg 5 times per day even if it is short term. If you meant 100mgs total per day in 5 divided doses, I think it might be a bit much, I think. It could explain your lack of energy and other symptoms. Are you taking any days off of iodine during the week?

The salted water can have a detox effect causing the diarrhea you describe, so I think you are overloading your body a bit. The salt water protocol calls for ½ tsp salt in ½ cup warm water followed by 12-16oz fresh water, once a day (preferably first thing in the morning) or as needed for bromine detoxing. Are you taking more salt water than that?

Psoriasis may be the result of many things including critters, but diet and food intolerances are a huge culprit. A lot of people have gotten relief just with dietary changes. Getting your diet in order will help a lot with that. You can do a search on the Forum for psoriasis and read about other peoples experiences and what they did. DMSO might help for short term relief as well.

Also, stress, vitamin D deficiency, a lack of omega 3’s, a poorly functioning liver and intestinal dysbiosis can all contribute to psoriasis. Are you still taking the probiotics and do you take any detox supplements like milk thistle, vitamin C, NAC, or chlorella? If not, I think adding them along with vitamin D and some omega 3's would be helpful.

It sounds to me that you are a bit toxic and need to give your body time and the fuel it needs to deal with the effects and detox effects of iodine. :)

The Sott Health and Wellness crew interviewed Lynne Farrow author of "The Iodine Crisis". The hosts and Lynne give some tips on how to approach reintroducing iodine into your body. It's a great interview available here:

Your nasal polyps might be the result of irritation if you put lugol's directly into your sinuses. I wasn't sure how you applied the lugol's based on your post, but a gentler approach would work just as well. I've had chronic sinus trouble most of my life. I tried the sinus flush method described in the article and it’s worked like a charm. Chronic Sinusitis: A fungal overgrowth?

Good luck and keep us updated.
Fluffy said:
I have krill oil, it's so expensive though and with everything else I'm taking it really adds up. How much should I take? And how long for? My partner is really dubious of the things I'm doing as the results are pretty slow and seem worse before they get better, he's the one funding all of this so I can see where his concerns lay.

I would try taking maybe 4-6 at once and see if it has a pronounced effect on your heart rate. If you're using a quality one and it does, then that would suggest that the elevated heart rate is at least partially from inflammation and it could take a while and relatively high dosage to have it stabilize at a lower rate.

If it doesn't have a significant effect on your heart rate, then the elevated heart rate may be from something else, in which case I'd probably suggest taking 2-4 per day as long as the bottle lasts for more maintenance benefits and trying other hypotheses for elevated heart rate. Of course, I'm assuming that you're already taking magnesium (glycinate and malate are likely the best options); if not, then that would certainly be worth trying and is generally cheaper than krill oil.
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