Iodine and Potassium Iodide

PERLOU said:
I just got my L-Arginine 9 grams into three doses as recommended by Laura, here is my new schedule:
Directly up in the morning: 3 grams L-Arginine
1 hour after: ½ teaspoon of Celtic sea salt in a glass of water
Breakfast: 2 teaspoons of Glycine that softens my tea
Directly with breakfast (tea bowl): 1 super tablet vitamin B complex, selenium 1 tablet, Lugol 5 drops 12% in a glass of water
1 hour after 3 grams L-Arginine
Directly after lunch Afternoon: Thistle 1 tablet or 1 tablet of NAC
In the afternoon: 1 teaspoon Vitamin C in a glass of water
3 hours after eating the last meal of the day: 3 grams L-Arginine
Before sleep: 1 tablet Magnesium

That sounds like a good schedule. Keep us posted on results.
Merci Laura d'avoir valider mon emploi du temps... Je ne manquerai pas de vous tenir au courant de la suite des évènements...

Laura thank you for validating my schedule. . . I will certainly keep you informed of subsequent events. . .
I am on Iodine for 8 months now.

I begin by taking two drops per day of nascent iodine during two months, it was good to taste but too little to do anything worth.

So I took for the next 4 months 200 mg B2, 1600 mg Niacin (inositol hexanicotinate), 500 mg NAC, 200 µg selenium and magnesium and vit C as needed with 4 drops 12% Lugol (21.2 mg Iodide and 10.1 mg Iodine) and two drops of nascent iodine (1.5 mg Iodine).

After sour pain in my abdomen I cut everything in half except Iodine and NAC, and I start to cycle 5 days on 2 days off, during two months, until now. Since two weeks, my emotions have been really on a roller coster, and some seems to relate with the pain in my abdomen. My stool smelled Iodine so much I thought myself at the seaside... So I've stopped during 7 days now, and I planned to begin again but very slowly, 32 mg of Iodine was too much for me.

I've seen a girl who did Applied Kinesiology with list of emotional problem sentences, and she find that I think too much about saying no and that I feel sadness when I do say no, this sadness could come from prenatal event. And I do feel sadness deeply in my gut, but unfortunately guilt and shame cover this up often, especially when I am eating (comfort eating).

So Iodine has awaken deep entrenched feelings, I'm in the process of tracking them.
Nico said:
So Iodine has awaken deep entrenched feelings, I'm in the process of tracking them.

Throughout this process, don't force the iodine dose. You can remain with one drop on alternative days if that is what you can tolerate for the time being.

It sounds like you have good guidance. :flowers:
Quick report of my iodine protocol.
I'm doing the iodine protocol based on 3 weeks cycle. After a huge reaction this winter i started with heel dosing for 3 weeks, then one drop of 1% Iodine once per week, and this week i finished third week of the stage where i took 1 drop of Iodine twice per week.
So from Next week i`m going to take it 3 times per week.One day on and one day off and a free weekend.
If that is going good, then i`ll increase the dose to 2 drops, 3 times per week. This gradually increasing dose works very good for me. There were days during this gentle iodine supplementation when i feel a deep depression and sometimes an enormous hunger, but its all in a manageable boundaries, nothing that i cant control.
On a days when i took iodine i also took selenium and a Vit C from time to time separate from Iodine.
I`m not changing nothing until it works fine for me.
Gaby said:
Nico said:
So Iodine has awaken deep entrenched feelings, I'm in the process of tracking them.

Throughout this process, don't force the iodine dose. You can remain with one drop on alternative days if that is what you can tolerate for the time being.

It sounds like you have good guidance. :flowers:

Yeah, slow and easy is the rule. Some members here seem to have taken the approach that, if after a certain amount of time on a low dose they don't notice anything significant, they up the dose in search of some 'effects'. That's ok, if you want to do it, but you should realize that the effects you get may not be pleasant and not necessary to provoke in this way. Even if you don't notice anything significant on low doses, something very likely IS in process. Iodine seems to build up over a protracted period of time, eventually reaching a 'saturation' point, which lets us know that we should lower the dose, that most of the 'work' of iodine is done and only maintenance is needed. How long this takes is a totally individual thing. So it's up to each to decide: do you want the gradual and 'behind the scenes' benefits of iodine, or do you want a sudden detox that puts you out of action for a while, after which you'll still have to continue with the slow and easy approach anyway.
I did the slow and easy approach.
For four weeks I took 2 drops of Lugols 5% solution every day. Then the fifth and sixth week, I continued the 2 drops per day but with a 2 day off / 5 days on regime.

My psoriasis completely disappeared. Then I noticed that the skin around the former psoriasis area started to look a little flakey. I upped the dose to 4 drops per day for two weeks. Now I have been having 6 drops per day for the last two weeks.

It is the middle of a Hot summer here, where temperatures are regularly 39/48 degrees per day. I work outside all day in the heat and as is normal for me in the summer I developed a heat rash. Especially on the back of my neck (my hair covers my neck) and around my midriff. After upping the dose to 6 drops per day the heat rash has completely disappeared.

I don't seem to have had any adverse symptoms from the iodine, no mood swings or depression. I do seem to get a little over emotional at times, but I have that under control.

It has all been positive for me.
I want to share some information from this week's World Affairs Brief on the subject of Iodine supplementation.
At the end of each (weekly) world news analysis, there has been a section for the last few years on the subject of preparedness/survival. The newsletter is a great resource for information and analysis of disinformation as well.

Hundreds of radioactive elements are formed during a nuclear fission explosion and carried with radioactive dust as fallout by winds aloft. Most of the Gamma ray particles dissipate their radiation quickly forcing people to take shelter from the massive initial effects. A few isotopes have slower decay rates that linger for months or years in the ground where fallout settles (usually after rain brings it down). These residual particles are dispersed so their residual radiation is negligible, but care must be taken not to ingest them through food grown in contaminated soil or they can become concentrated within our bodies causing cancers many years down the road. One of the most dangerous is radioactive iodine or I-131.

Iodine is a critical element for our thyroid and many other vital organs for daily function. Dr. David Brownstein says 94.7% of over 500 patients he has tested are deficient in iodine. Most living things readily take up iodine if they are deficient even if it is radioactive. I-131 has a half-life of 8 days (time it takes to dissipate to half strength), so it becomes effectively depleted after three months, but concentrated in areas like the sensitive thyroid it can cause problems and cancer years later.

In the 1940s young children in southern Utah were found with high levels of radioactive iodine in their thyroid. Researchers traced it back to fallout from nuclear tests in the Nevada desert that dispersed tiny ratios of fallout over the dairy fields near St. George, UT. The radiation there was generally low, but iodine-deficient bacteria, then plants and finally cows assimilated it from the ground and concentrated it at each step in the food chain. Iodine is so valuable mammal’s bodies pass it on to their young through the milk resulting in high level in children and babies drinking the milk. Since this discovery, officials recommend avoiding all milk from cows grazing on fields after fallout, but this is just one way of ingesting radioactive iodine.

The best way to keep from taking up I-131 is to have a fallout shelter with filter air supply—a simple HEPA filter will do. Lacking that, you can supplement with healthy iodine before, during and after nuclear disasters. Not all iodine is equal, however. Iodine solutions like tincture of iodine (the dark dye used in hospitals as antiseptic) and povidone-iodine is toxic if taken orally. Some people try to absorb this form of iodine through the skin but few get enough this way and it can aggravate the skin and cause rashes. Allergic reactions to iodine are primarily caused by this organic form. We prefer hydrogen peroxide and tea tree essential oil for antiseptics.

Potassium iodide (abbreviated KI) is the best form for thyroid uptake. It is an inorganic iodine that has been bound in a potassium salt. Potassium iodide protection proved itself after the Chernobyl disaster when it protected people from thyroid cancer—the most significant documented long-term danger from both nuclear weapons and reactor meltdowns. The widespread emission of I-131 from the failed plant caused thyroid cancer in people as far away as Western Europe, but not in groups that received KI doses of even if they lived closer to the failed reactor.

The best detailed description about using KI is by Cresson Kearny, the scientist who invented the Kearney Fallout Meter, a rudimentary but reliable radiation meter made from typical kitchen materials. He includes a warning about the burning sensation the tablets cause when ground up (as recommended for young people who can’t swallow the KI pill whole). I highly recommend his book Nuclear War Survival Skills which he graciously made available for free online at Get a hard copy ($20) for your preparedness library. KI pills are available from many sources including distributors for

Don’t wait until nuclear war to supplement with iodine. Proper thyroid function depends on good iodine levels. Although potassium iodide is best for the thyroid, elemental iodine is preferred by other vital parts of the body. Jean Lugol, a French physician, found that a mixture of 5% elemental iodine and 10% potassium iodide in water provided the body with a good balance. “Lugol’s Solution” or “Lugol’s Iodine” is still widely used, but the taste is very strong. The tablet form, Iodoral is much easier to take. It comes in 12.5 mg and 50 mg tablets.

Our endocrinologist friend, Dr. Richard Pooley, recommends everyone take 12.5 mg Iodoral per day, although most people need 50 mg/day for several weeks to get iodine levels up to par. In the event of nuclear war you can use Lugol’s solution or Iodoral instead of straight KI tablets, but you shouldn’t need more than 130 mg/day for adults or 65 mg/day for children. Excess iodine is excreted by the body. [END]
Thank you Gaby, Joe and Yupo !

Joe said:
Gaby said:
Nico said:
So Iodine has awaken deep entrenched feelings, I'm in the process of tracking them.

Throughout this process, don't force the iodine dose. You can remain with one drop on alternative days if that is what you can tolerate for the time being.

It sounds like you have good guidance. :flowers:

Yeah, slow and easy is the rule. Some members here seem to have taken the approach that, if after a certain amount of time on a low dose they don't notice anything significant, they up the dose in search of some 'effects'. That's ok, if you want to do it, but you should realize that the effects you get may not be pleasant and not necessary to provoke in this way. Even if you don't notice anything significant on low doses, something very likely IS in process. Iodine seems to build up over a protracted period of time, eventually reaching a 'saturation' point, which lets us know that we should lower the dose, that most of the 'work' of iodine is done and only maintenance is needed. How long this takes is a totally individual thing. So it's up to each to decide: do you want the gradual and 'behind the scenes' benefits of iodine, or do you want a sudden detox that puts you out of action for a while, after which you'll still have to continue with the slow and easy approach anyway.

I asked my body, he says one drop Lugol with selenium. I am learning cycle here, I attained the saturation point, but two days off wasn't enough for me.

Yupo said:
[...] Excess iodine is excreted by the body. [END]

Aha yeah... Here I point saturation symptomes I went through :

- Light : The tongue stay of the brown iodine colour at least a day.

- Medium : the skin begins to feel itchy instead of smooth nice and soft. I think around the mid backbone (solar plexus) there is trace minerals/emotions stuck, Iodine is releasing these and it manifests by itching and burning. Sometimes, allergy symptoms may occur : itchy eyes, lacrimation, running nose.

- Hard : Constipation and diarrhea that smells like algae, very funny but not very normal...
I've not posted an update for a while, partly because I had nothing to report.

But I think that might now be the thing to report...

I've been taking 5 drops of 5% Lugol's solution every day since about March, up from 2-3 drops started in October of last year. I'm half-way through my little bottle at this point, (though some of that was lost due to spillage.).

I load with rock salt in the mornings, eat two or three Brazil Nuts, and drink the Iodine about mid-way through my awake cycle. I'm also taking a few other supplements and living on fatty pork ribs with big chunks of cartilage to gnaw through and bones to suck the marrow from. My diet feels right on track.

Anyway... My mind has been clear as a bell! I feel sharp and strong and the toxic symptoms have subsided. My sweat doesn't stink like it did during the detox phase, and I don't feel crazy. -But I DO have the benefit of much increased energy.

In general, the foggy blahs which had filled my life for the last few years have receded entirely. I feel great!

I'd estimate that the Iodine made me feel crazy for about four months. After that it settled down to my new normal.

I should point out that the reactiveness of Reality I started experiencing when first starting the Lugol's has remained. That is, I think or wish for something, and it comes true very quickly. -Like, within hours sometimes. THAT has taken some getting used to, partly because, as discussed in another thread, it has less to do with what I want and more to do with what I believe I deserve to experience; not the same thing! Mostly I just catch myself from imagining whacked out stuff or wishing for things I really don't want or couldn't handle anyway. -Or trying to back peddle away from things which I didn't stop from manifesting in time. I feel like I'm learning how to use ice skates for the first time or something. Reality navigation 101, and I'm a solid C+ student.
Woodsman said:
I've not posted an update for a while, partly because I had nothing to report.

But I think that might now be the thing to report...

I've been taking 5 drops of 5% Lugol's solution every day since about March, up from 2-3 drops started in October of last year. I'm half-way through my little bottle at this point, (though some of that was lost due to spillage.).

I load with rock salt in the mornings, eat two or three Brazil Nuts, and drink the Iodine about mid-way through my awake cycle. I'm also taking a few other supplements and living on fatty pork ribs with big chunks of cartilage to gnaw through and bones to suck the marrow from. My diet feels right on track.

Anyway... My mind has been clear as a bell! I feel sharp and strong and the toxic symptoms have subsided. My sweat doesn't stink like it did during the detox phase, and I don't feel crazy. -But I DO have the benefit of much increased energy.

In general, the foggy blahs which had filled my life for the last few years have receded entirely. I feel great!

I'd estimate that the Iodine made me feel crazy for about four months. After that it settled down to my new normal.

I should point out that the reactiveness of Reality I started experiencing when first starting the Lugol's has remained. That is, I think or wish for something, and it comes true very quickly. -Like, within hours sometimes. THAT has taken some getting used to, partly because, as discussed in another thread, it has less to do with what I want and more to do with what I believe I deserve to experience; not the same thing! Mostly I just catch myself from imagining whacked out stuff or wishing for things I really don't want or couldn't handle anyway. -Or trying to back peddle away from things which I didn't stop from manifesting in time. I feel like I'm learning how to use ice skates for the first time or something. Reality navigation 101, and I'm a solid C+ student.

Great to hear that Woodsman. If your recent posts are anything to go by, you sure seem to be firing on all cylinders! Btw, can you give an example of thinking or wishing for things and them coming true?
Joe said:
Great to hear that Woodsman. If your recent posts are anything to go by, you sure seem to be firing on all cylinders! Btw, can you give an example of thinking or wishing for things and them coming true?

The most recent was feeling lonely and wanting a cool, sexy and challenging partner, probably to help mess up my current in-the-zone work streak toward a couple of big projects I'm closing in on the finishing lines of.

This has been a recurring theme in my life; when things are going really well, I sabotage or at least severely limit myself by getting into demanding relationships.

While coming home on a bus the other day, I was struck with a wellspring of this feeling; "Get off at the next stop and get lunch. You'll meet her. Do you wish to continue? By the way, this is a bad idea, but it's your choice."

I ride that bus line maybe five times a year and very rarely eat at this one road side restaurant. I went in, got a sandwich, and ran into Her. -Last person I expected, it had been years since I'd last had a conversation with her, (and within the materialist model), totally at random. She's a fabulous semi-famous musician, gorgeous and brilliant, extroverted and really fun. And kind of nuts. Perfect for the job of sabotaging my life. (Not that I think she's a *bad* person, but just way too much intensity for little old me to handle right now. Or possibly ever.)

And the connection was *intense*. She drove me back to my place and actually told me she loved me. -I feel compelled to mention that while this crazy stuff is all, I realize, fit for a ridiculous pulp novel, I'm not making it up. That's life with Iodine and/or perhaps a waking pineal gland. I can't imagine how 4D residents keep their lives straight.

We made plans for that evening, and while showering and getting ready to go, I noticed two giant zits on my face. -The kind which require small band aids after you pop them. That almost never, ever happens, and in the past it has been my body's way of severely trying to veto my current relationship options. That in combination with the undercurrent of cautions moving through my gut, I put the brakes on, reviewed the whole thing; How far was I getting on with my Real Work, and what was this sudden firestorm, what was it really all about and where was it coming from?

Then I consulted my I Ching deck, which I sometimes do when I'm feeling overwhelmed, and it proceeded to tell me in no uncertain terms that I was about to ruin my life and that I'd done it entirely to myself and what the hell was I doing? Also, if I stuck firm to my real work, I was on the cusp of major successes. Back away from danger, be firm and resolute and dispense with regrets. And I asked, "Good grief! Is she really that bad?" And the answer was, "No. Be gentle. Be gentle. (You stupid ass.)" [paraphrasing for Chinese stoicism].

So.., that's a fairly extreme example. But not by much.

The take away: "Careful what you wish for."
Note: Because of the iodine connection, I'm repeating these particular paragraphs taken from a post I made in the "Hay Fever" thread.

To provide some kind of segue from that intriguing and helpful episode Woodsman shared above ;), I'll quote one of the iodine-naive product reviewers cited at the end of this post:

[This iodine product is] great for the short term, but feel weird if you start using it habitually

I have been battling with chronic sinus congestion all my life. It improved greatly when I gave up dairy and gluten about 8 years ago. However, after taking various antibiotics for a MRSA infection, it became much worse. I'm convinced it's a fungal infection which gained dominance once all the bacteria was killed via medications. I don't think it could be an allergic reaction for 2 reasons: because the congestion is always only on my left side, and my chiropractor told me I had a collapsed sinus on that side (which I've verified by facial manipulation which gives immediate relief).

After trying many things over the years, I settled on a regimen of stinging nettle capsules to reduce inflammation and irrigating my sinuses with colloidal silver plus a little xylitol as a buffer. The silver is the one thing which has consistently brought immediate relief (giving credence to my fungal infection theory). Also, at alternate times, I use a nasal rinse (sea salt plus a little baking soda) to wash away any allergens.

After reading the recommendations in a recent SOTT article I've also begun taking 1200 mg of NAC 3 times a day which thins mucous so it drains, which has been especially helpful.

Two months prior to that, I had eased my way up to 20 drops of 10% Lugol's iodine solution, supplemented with 3500 mg Vit. C and 100 mg Selenium, but this didn't help my congestion.

Two years ago, my general physician put me on oral anti-fungal meds (Terpenatine) for 6 weeks, which completely cleared up toenail fungus, but had no effect on my sinuses. My ENT physician explained that was because oral anti-fungals were not very effective in the sinus area because of poor transport due to limited blood vessels there.

So it appears that topical treatments work best, which has been my experience (e.g. silver rinse). So I was eager to try the deep sinus rinse with an iodine dilution that was recommended in the article cited above. This consists of dipping the face into a bowl containing water, sea salt and a mild dilution of iodine (1 drop per quart!), and eventually learning to sniff it in and out of the sinuses.

But before I got around to trying that, I discovered a great product which exposes the sinuses to iodine via it "botanical oils specially treated through the exclusive J-R iodization process"

The name of the product is "Ponaris", a nasal emollient "included in NASA's medical space kit". It's manufactured by Jamol Laboratories, Inc. in Emerson, New Jersey. It specifically claims to relieve hay fever, as well as chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, epistaxis (dried out sinuses), and sinus rebound from drugs or smog. The oils used are Pine, Eucalyptus, Peppermint and Cajeput in a cottonseed oil base :/. Each drop contains 150 micrograms of iodine.

I'm thrilled to report these drops have relieved congestion more effectively than anything else I've found. The effects are almost immediate and last for hours.

Here's the Amazon link with reviews:

Sample reviews:
This was recommended by the top nose and throat doc in Las Vegas several years ago. It has been a wonder for me and everyone I told about. No drugs but effective results with all congestion and allergy issues. Especially for me with long history of sinus issues because multiple broken nose issues. Friends that are totally into natural and healthy life styles find this their go to solution for nasal and allergy issues.

Great for the short term but feel weird if you start using it habitually. [sounds like the typical effect following initiating iodine supplementation]

Recommended by my ENT doctor and I would not go without it during allergy season. It makes the difference between sleeping soundly and constant awakening for stuff nose problem.

My ENT recommended this to me 10 years ago and I've been using it ever since. It's fantastic!
There's a new article on Mercola's site about metal detoxing that might be helpful for those trying to detox via iodine.

The bottom line is:

The three pillars of detoxification in general and metal detoxification in particular are:

1. Cleanse and clear your GI tract of metals and toxins using a thiol-functionalized silica (Intestinal Metal Detox, or IMD) with a practitioner, or chlorella, plus charcoal and clay, which bind to all the other toxins. Herbs like dandelion and goldenrod are good for added liver and kidney support. Burdock and dandelion helps clear your blood. Be sure to drink extra water to flush the toxins out.

Remember, if you're detoxing and feeling really unwell, you need to clear more toxins out of your GI tract and blood. When you do that, back off your Nrf2 upregulators, and instead take more GI binders, and more liver and kidney supporting herbs. Drink a lot of water. When you're feeling clear again, restart the Nrf2 upregulators.

2. Glutathione optimization. Increase glutathione levels either by using precursors (such as N-acetylcysteine [NAC], or a liposomal glutathione formulation.

3. Nrf2 upregulation in the cells using R-lipoic acid, polyphenols, and sulfur-based compounds from cruciferous vegetables and alliums. The Ayurvedic herb haritaki is beneficial, as are sulforaphane (broccoli seed extract), and allicin and diallyl disulfide (garlic). All of these upregulate Nrf2 and aids detoxification.

("R-lipoic acid hits a switch called nuclear factor erythroid 2 (Nrf2). It's a protein made to translocate into the nucleus. It hits promoter regions on genes. Promoter regions are signals for families of genes to turn on. If you want to accomplish something, there's usually not just one protein that does it; there's a family of proteins. A promoter regions brings up a family of proteins. The Nrf2 promoter region is called the antioxidant response element. It brings up the family of detox or chemo-protection genes.)

Some additional bits of interest:

"The central nervous system and nephrotoxicity (or kidney toxicity) are the most well-understood damages," Shade says. "It should be said that in neurotoxicity, the most common site for damage is the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor or the glutamate receptor, which causes hyperglutamate activity, which leads to anxiety.

Glutamate excess or excess activity of the glutamate receptor makes a chronic peroxynitrite free radical cascade coming off of those receptors that causes neuroinflammation, which gives you brain fog and fuzzy thinking. It also causes a lot of anxiety and disrupts your autonomic nervous system function ... That's another downward spiral.

Thyroid problems is also a huge one — hypothyroid activity or lack of thyroid activity. It's mostly damaging the deiodinase, which takes the T4 and moves it to T3. If you're looking at your thyroid labs and you have a high T4 but a low T3, mercury, cadmium, or arsenic are the most dominant players in breaking that chain.

Inorganic mercury also builds up in connective tissue, leading to a lot of joint pains. If you're having lower back pain, a lot of hip pains, connective tissue pains, or diffused pains like fibromyalgia, and you have dental amalgams, that's a very common situation. We see people's joint pains and connective tissue pains clear up a lot when they get rid of their amalgams and clear all that mercury out."

If everything is working well in your body, you can simply use precursors to glutathione, like N-acetylcysteine (NAC) which will support glutathione production. If things aren't working well, Shade recommends using a direct delivery of glutathione.

It's important to realize that most oral glutathione supplements do not work. It's simply going to break down to its constituent amino acids, so it's not an effective intervention. Shade recommends and uses a nanoliposomal glutathione that absorbs under your tongue and is far easier and less expensive than IV glutathione.

Again, whether you can make do with precursors or need direct delivery of glutathione has a lot to do with how well your glutathione system is working, and your current state of health.


Last but not least, remember that detoxing is a marathon, not a sprint. Start all your doses low and work your way up. Do not jump in and do too much all at once. Typically, detoxing will take anywhere from three to 12 months; sometimes longer. Also, pulse the treatment on and off, or else it will lose its effectiveness.
Merci Laura pour cet article intéressant je viens de le partager sur ma page Facebook avec la traduction GOOGLE en Français...

Laura thank you for this interesting article I just share it on my Facebook page with the translation into French GOOGLE. . .
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