Iodine and Potassium Iodide

La polyvidone (ou povidone), est un polymère qui contient une certaine quantité de son monomère, qui, lui, est toxique (cancérigène), mais est à faible dose. -
Les traces de métaux lourds sont à l'état de trace, et je ne sais pas si c'est nocif quand même. Mais en même temps, il n'y a plus rien de vraiment pur sur cette planète. L'eau que nous buvons, même en bouteille, comporte des toxiques (on ne pense pas aux nanoparticules, dangereuses, et dont la présence n'apparait pas sur l'étiquette d'aucun produit). Idem pour l'air que nous respirons.

Dans le doute, et pour un prix raisonnable, ce que tu peux faire: c'est mettre quelques gouttes de ta solution de Lugol dans un seau d'eau et te rincer les cheveux avec, en fin de douche. Et sécher directement sans rincer à nouveau, pour avoir le maximum de bénéfice du peu d'iode que tu auras mis dans ton eau de rinçage.

Google translation:
Polyvidone (or povidone), is a polymer that contains a certain amount of its monomer, toxic (carcinogenic), but is at low dose.
Traces of heavy metals are in the trace state, and I do not know if it is harmful anyway. But at the same time, there is nothing really pure on this planet. The water we drink, even in bottles, contains toxic substances (we do not think of nanoparticles, dangerous, and whose presence does not appear on the label of any product). Same for the air we breathe.

In doubt, and for a reasonable price, what you can do is put a few drops of your Lugol solution in a bucket of water and rinse your hair with, at the end of the shower. And dry directly without rinsing again, to get the maximum benefit of the little iodine you put in your rinse water.
Oups, j'oubliais ta question vetedine: oui, c'est la même chose que la bétadine (c'est juste le labo qui est différent)

Oups, I forgot your question about vetedine: yes, it is the same product as betadine (just a question of pharmaceutical laboratory)
nature said:
La polyvidone (ou povidone), est un polymère qui contient une certaine quantité de son monomère, qui, lui, est toxique (cancérigène), mais est à faible dose. -
Les traces de métaux lourds sont à l'état de trace, et je ne sais pas si c'est nocif quand même. Mais en même temps, il n'y a plus rien de vraiment pur sur cette planète. L'eau que nous buvons, même en bouteille, comporte des toxiques (on ne pense pas aux nanoparticules, dangereuses, et dont la présence n'apparait pas sur l'étiquette d'aucun produit). Idem pour l'air que nous respirons.

Dans le doute, et pour un prix raisonnable, ce que tu peux faire: c'est mettre quelques gouttes de ta solution de Lugol dans un seau d'eau et te rincer les cheveux avec, en fin de douche. Et sécher directement sans rincer à nouveau, pour avoir le maximum de bénéfice du peu d'iode que tu auras mis dans ton eau de rinçage.

Google translation:
Polyvidone (or povidone), is a polymer that contains a certain amount of its monomer, toxic (carcinogenic), but is at low dose.
Traces of heavy metals are in the trace state, and I do not know if it is harmful anyway. But at the same time, there is nothing really pure on this planet. The water we drink, even in bottles, contains toxic substances (we do not think of nanoparticles, dangerous, and whose presence does not appear on the label of any product). Same for the air we breathe.

In doubt, and for a reasonable price, what you can do is put a few drops of your Lugol solution in a bucket of water and rinse your hair with, at the end of the shower. And dry directly without rinsing again, to get the maximum benefit of the little iodine you put in your rinse water.

I use only water that I go directly to the source of the Kilienne which is 8 km from my home but here also I do not know if it is really healthy but I have more confidence in this water, I do not know why, it's like that.
I think I'll do as you said for the hair.
Thank you nature

Je n’utilise que l’eau que je vais chercher directement à la source de la Kilienne qui se trouve à 8 km de chez moi mais là aussi je ne sais pas si elle est vraiment saine mais j’ai plus confiance en cet eau, je ne sais pas pourquoi, c’est comme ça.
Je pense que je vais faire comme tu as dit pour les cheveux.
Merci nature :)
C'est super, l'eau de source! Surtout s'il n'y a pas de champs (pesticides) aux alentours.

It's wonderfull, spring water! Especially if there are no fields (pesticides) in the vicinity.
Ant22 said:
I was actually pretty shocked when in one of the recent sessions Laura said she was coming down with something actually but somehow it didn't affect my belief that iodine does give me protection. A year of not being sick or ill at all that followed years of coming down with anything and everything clearly did the job for my belief center :)

I hope you guys stay well and unaffected by the flu-like virus and your family members recover quickly!!

Not to worry or be shocked. Whatever it was, it was so mild that I barely noticed it. In fact, whatever it was got passed around and everybody remarked on the fact that you could notice something, like a slightly stuffy nose, but then after a few hours, it was gone. The main thing was just feeling tired.

Now, lots of people are coming down with the flu everywhere... but we seem to be pretty lucky.
I still have loads of catching up to do on the big threads like this one. So I don't know if a particular iodine I have would help.

I ordered on the internet but it only comes in 1 fl oz bottle and was quite expensive but cannot remember - as was in my cases that just arrived 3 months later!!

Anyway it is Decolorized Iodine - Yodo Blanco 48% alcohol (which I suppose would dry out the scalp more).
It is from De La Cruz and external use only.

It was the only colourless i could find.
A l'époque Laura m'avait donné ce lien pour le Lugol :

At the time Laura had given me this link for the Lugol:
Ce matin, j'ai pulvérisé mes cheveux avec du Lugol, en sortant de la douche et avant de m'habiller (pour ne pas tacher mes vêtements):
J'avais gardé un flacon pulvérisateur (vide) et j'ai mis une dosette de sérum physiologique avec quelques gouttes de Lugol.

Tu peux aussi le faire par application à partir d'un flacon d'huile essentielle vide (ces flacons ont l'avantage d'être foncés, l'iode se conserve mieux à l'abri de la lumière), et en massant le cuir chevelu.
C'est la première fois que je fais cela, je ne sais pas ce que cela va donner. "Learning is fun" ;)

L'avantage par rapport à la méthode que je t'ai indiquée hier (se rincer avec du Lugol dilué dans un seau d'eau), c'est qu'il y a beaucoup moins de gâchis de Lugol.

This morning, I pulverized my hair with Lugol, after the shower and before dressing (to not stain my clothes):
I had kept a spray bottle (empty) and I put in it physiological serum with a few drops of Lugol.

You can also do it by applying from an empty bottle of essential oil (these bottles have the advantage of being dark, the iodine keeps better sheltered from the light), and by massaging the scalp.
This is the first time I do this, I do not know what that will give. "Learning is fun" ;)

The advantage over the method I told you yesterday (rinsing with diluted Lugol in a bucket of water) is that there is much less waste of Lugol.
Laura said:
Ant22 said:
I was actually pretty shocked when in one of the recent sessions Laura said she was coming down with something actually but somehow it didn't affect my belief that iodine does give me protection. A year of not being sick or ill at all that followed years of coming down with anything and everything clearly did the job for my belief center :)

I hope you guys stay well and unaffected by the flu-like virus and your family members recover quickly!!

Not to worry or be shocked. Whatever it was, it was so mild that I barely noticed it. In fact, whatever it was got passed around and everybody remarked on the fact that you could notice something, like a slightly stuffy nose, but then after a few hours, it was gone. The main thing was just feeling tired.

Now, lots of people are coming down with the flu everywhere... but we seem to be pretty lucky.

Phew!!!! I'm really glad it wasn't anything serious, although feeling tired does have an uncomfortable slowing down effect. And that's totally undesirable when you're busy. If you guys are pretty lucky and others on this forum also report being unaffected when others around them are, then iodine does seem to be a common denominator.
happyliza said:
Anyway it is Decolorized Iodine - Yodo Blanco 48% alcohol (which I suppose would dry out the scalp more).
It is from De La Cruz and external use only.

It was the only colourless i could find.

I don't know much about iodine with alcohol and how potent it is compared to Lugol but alcohol is very drying. It is added to most commercial shampoos so I guess if this is what you wash your hair with, it is likely to have comparable effect.

I'm not sure whether it has to be colourless though. Iodine on the surface of the skin evaporates pretty quickly, from what people said on here, usually within 12 hours max. I have never noticed any staining from 10-20 drops of iodine in a large cup of water every 2-3 days. How do you take your iodine internally? If you drink it diluted in a glass of water, has there ever been any staining in your mouth? If you haven't noticed any, there's probably little risk it will stain your scalp either. Unfortunately I can't comment on that. I take my iodine in an empty capsule so I can't comment on my own experience.

Just a thought :)

nature said:
Ce matin, j'ai pulvérisé mes cheveux avec du Lugol, en sortant de la douche et avant de m'habiller (pour ne pas tacher mes vêtements):
J'avais gardé un flacon pulvérisateur (vide) et j'ai mis une dosette de sérum physiologique avec quelques gouttes de Lugol.

Tu peux aussi le faire par application à partir d'un flacon d'huile essentielle vide (ces flacons ont l'avantage d'être foncés, l'iode se conserve mieux à l'abri de la lumière), et en massant le cuir chevelu.
C'est la première fois que je fais cela, je ne sais pas ce que cela va donner. "Learning is fun" ;)

This morning, I pulverized my hair with Lugol, after the shower and before dressing (to not stain my clothes):
I had kept a spray bottle (empty) and I put in it physiological serum with a few drops of Lugol.

You can also do it by applying from an empty bottle of essential oil (these bottles have the advantage of being dark, the iodine keeps better sheltered from the light), and by massaging the scalp.
This is the first time I do this, I do not know what that will give. "Learning is fun" ;)

The idea of using a spray bottle, (or an empty essential oil bottle) is actually brilliant! And you're right, it significantly brings down the overall cost of using the iodine rinse too, thank you for sharing :thup:
You're wellcome :)

For those who questionned about stains on the skin: this morning, while I massaged my scalp with diluted iodine, I massaged also my forehead: it gave a light yellowish colour, as though I was suntanned. And now, 6 h later, it's nearly disappeared. This confirms what ant22 said (it disappears). One can try on oneself and see the result.
nature said:
Ce matin, j'ai pulvérisé mes cheveux avec du Lugol, en sortant de la douche et avant de m'habiller (pour ne pas tacher mes vêtements):
J'avais gardé un flacon pulvérisateur (vide) et j'ai mis une dosette de sérum physiologique avec quelques gouttes de Lugol.

Tu peux aussi le faire par application à partir d'un flacon d'huile essentielle vide (ces flacons ont l'avantage d'être foncés, l'iode se conserve mieux à l'abri de la lumière), et en massant le cuir chevelu.
C'est la première fois que je fais cela, je ne sais pas ce que cela va donner. "Learning is fun" ;)

L'avantage par rapport à la méthode que je t'ai indiquée hier (se rincer avec du Lugol dilué dans un seau d'eau), c'est qu'il y a beaucoup moins de gâchis de Lugol.

This morning, I pulverized my hair with Lugol, after the shower and before dressing (to not stain my clothes):
I had kept a spray bottle (empty) and I put in it physiological serum with a few drops of Lugol.

You can also do it by applying from an empty bottle of essential oil (these bottles have the advantage of being dark, the iodine keeps better sheltered from the light), and by massaging the scalp.
This is the first time I do this, I do not know what that will give. "Learning is fun" ;)

The advantage over the method I told you yesterday (rinsing with diluted Lugol in a bucket of water) is that there is much less waste of Lugol.

Merci nature pour l’idée du vaporisateur, c’est vrai qu’il y aurait moins de perte avec ce système.
Pour la source il y a des champs (pesticides) un peu éloignés mais il y en a quand même.

Je suis désolée pour les obstacles que tu subis, ça me fait mal au cœur pour toi. :(

Thank you nature for the idea of the vaporizer, it is true that there would be less loss with this system.
For the source there are fields (pesticides) a little distant, but there are nevertheless.

I'm sorry for the obstacles you have, it hurts for you.

Hey! an idea: the iodine vaporisator could also be usefull in stuffy nose, or flu or sinusitis! :D

As iodine is the best anti-fungus, anti-virus, anti-all you want
Il y a malheureusement des pesticides partout, même dans l'eau en bouteille, et je ne sais pas si des études fiables de dosages sont faits et accessibles au public, et s'ils sont dosés de manière fiable. Donc, ton idée de prendre l'eau de source n'est pas mauvaise. L'important est de ne pas négliger la détoxification du corps

There are unfortunately pesticides everywhere, even in bottled water, and I don't know whether reliable studies of dosages are made and accessible to the public, and whether they are reliably dosed. So your idea of taking spring water is not bad. The important thing is not to neglect our body detoxification
nature said:
Il y a malheureusement des pesticides partout, même dans l'eau en bouteille, et je ne sais pas si des études fiables de dosages sont faits et accessibles au public, et s'ils sont dosés de manière fiable. Donc, ton idée de prendre l'eau de source n'est pas mauvaise. L'important est de ne pas négliger la détoxification du corps

There are unfortunately pesticides everywhere, even in bottled water, and I don't know whether reliable studies of dosages are made and accessible to the public, and whether they are reliably dosed. So your idea of taking spring water is not bad. The important thing is not to neglect our body detoxification

You have to be careful with spring water. Depending on location it can contain even more chemicals (from fields), including pesticides. Besides some sources have elevated concentration of iron which not good for us, too. Better to use a high-quality water filter (distiller or reverse osmosis).
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