Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Divide By Zero said:
Interesting. Yeah a while back I mentioned how F, Cl, Br, I (same row in periodic table, next to noble gasses) are all -1 meaning they love electrons. I still am confused how F and Br are bad for us, yet Cl and I are beneficial.

Any ideas?

The main reason that F and Br (and to a certain extent Cl) are harmful lies in the fact that the NIS (Sodium-Iodine-Symporter) - the ion channel responsible for shuttling Iodine into the cell cannot distinguish between different halides. Iodine is important for metabolism in every cell of the body, while F and Br don't have any biological function and may even be detrimental.

So on one hand the NIS will not take up enough iodine into the cell even if the levels "outside" were sufficient (because I is displaced by other halides).

On the other hand the redox potential (reduction-oxidation potential) of the different halides is quite different, I being a weak oxidizer, while F is about the strongest oxidizer there is. The other halides are all less than F, but more than I. For details about redox potential see here.
Fin Aout 2016 rappel de mon analyse de sang concernant ma thyroïde :
En Janvier 2015 : TSH U.S. (3ème génération) 1.564 mUI/l - Intervalles de référence : 0.40 à 3.70 - Antériorité 01/06/2012 : 1.99
En Février 2016 : TSH U.S. (3ème génération) 7.886 mUI/l - Intervalles de référence : 0.40 à 3.70 - Antériorité 22/01/2015 : 1.564
En Août 2016 : TSH U.S. (3ème génération) 10.500 mUI/l - Intervalles de référence : 0.40 à 3.70 - Antériorité 09/02/2016 : 7.886

Le 09 Janvier 2017 : TSH U.S. (3ème génération) 1.647mUi/L - Intervalles de référence : 0.40 à 4.00 - Antériorité 13.08/2016 : 10.500

Puisque mes analyses semblent revenues à la normale depuis que j'ai arrêté mes 5 gouttes de Lugol 12%, je vais donc les reprendre à partir de demain... Qu'en pensez vous ?...

End of August 2016 recall of my blood analysis concerning my thyroid:
In January 2015: TSH U.S. (3rd generation) 1.564 mUI / l - Reference intervals: 0.40 to 3.70 - Prior art 01/06/2012: 1.99
In February 2016: TSH U.S. (3rd generation) 7.886 mUI / l - Reference intervals: 0.40 to 3.70 - Prior art 22/01/2015: 1.564
In August 2016: TSH U.S. (3rd generation) 10,500 mUI / l - Reference intervals: 0.40 to 3.70 - Prior art 09/02/2016: 7.886

On January 09, 2017: TSH U.S. (3rd generation) 1.647mUi / L - Reference intervals: 0.40 to 4.00 - Prior art 13.08 / 2016: 10.500

Since my analyzes seem to have returned to normal since I stopped my 5 drops of Lugol 12%, I will therefore resume them from tomorrow ... What do you think? ...
Rappel du 20.08.16

PERLOU said:
Depuis le 15 06 16 suite à nouvelles directives de Laura
Directement au lever le matin : 3 grammes L-Arginine
1 heure après : ½ cuillère à café de sel marin Celtic dans un grand verre d'eau
Petit déjeuner : 2 cuillerées à café de Glycine qui adoucit mon thé
Directement avec le petit-déjeuner (bol de thé) : 1 comprimé super vitamine B complexe, 1 comprimé sélénium, Lugol 5 gouttes 12% dans un verre d'eau
1heure après 3 grammes L-Arginine
Directement après le déjeuner midi : Chardon-Marie 1 comprimé ou 1 comprimé de NAC
Dans l'après-midi : 1 cuillerée à café Vitamine C dans un verre d’eau
3 heures après avoir mangé le dernier repas de la journée : 3 grammes L-Arginine
Avant de dormir : magnésium 1 comprimé

Mes analyses de sang indiquaient concernant ma thyroïde :
En Janvier 2015 : TSH U.S. (3ème génération) 1.564 mUI/l - Intervalles de référence : 0.40 à 3.70 - Antériorité 01/06/2012 : 1.99
En Février 2016 : TSH U.S. (3ème génération) 7.886 mUI/l - Intervalles de référence : 0.40 à 3.70 - Antériorité 22/01/2015 : 1.564
En Août 2016 : TSH U.S. (3ème génération) 10.500 mUI/l - Intervalles de référence : 0.40 à 3.70 - Antériorité 09/02/2016 : 7.886

J'ai perdu ma Maman le 07/03/2015 ce qui pourrait expliqué cette progression à 7.886 suite à un choc émotionnel mais d'après la biologiste, si c'était le cas ce taux aurait dû diminué en Août 2016...

Je prends du Lugol 5 à 6 gouttes 12% dans un verre d'eau depuis novembre 2015.

Je dois passer une échographie le mardi 23/08/16 et voir mon Médecin qui s'inquiète le 25/08/16...

Je vous tiendrai au courant mais j'aimerais savoir ce que vous en pensez...

Since June 15, 16 after new guidelines Laura

Directly up in the morning: 3 grams L-Arginine
1 hour after: ½ teaspoon of Celtic sea salt in a glass of water
Breakfast: 2 teaspoons of Glycine that softens my tea
Directly with breakfast (tea bowl): 1 super tablet vitamin B complex, selenium 1 tablet, Lugol 5 drops 12% in a glass of water
1 hour after 3 grams L-Arginine
Directly after lunch Afternoon: Thistle 1 tablet or 1 tablet of NAC
In the afternoon: 1 teaspoon Vitamin C in a glass of water
3 hours after eating the last meal of the day: 3 grams L-Arginine
Before sleep: 1 tablet Magnesium

My blood tests showed about my thyroid:
In January 2015 U. S. TSH (3rd generation) 1. 564 mIU / l - Reference Intervals: 0. 40 to 3. 70 - Anticipation 01/06/2012: 1. 99
In February 2016 U. S. TSH (3rd generation) 7. 886 mIU / l - Reference Intervals: 0. 40 to 3. 70 - Anticipation 22/01/2015: 1. 564
In August 2016 U. S. TSH (3rd generation) 10. 500 mIU / l - Reference Intervals: 0. 40 to 3. 70 - Anticipation 09/02/2016: 7. 886

I lost my Mom on 03/07/2015 which could explain this increase to 7 886 following an emotional shock but according to the biologist, if that was the case this rate should have decreased in August 2016. .

I take Lugol 5-6 drops 12% in a glass of water since November 2015.

I must have an ultrasound Tuesday, 23/08/16 and see my doctor who worries the 08/25/16. . .

I'll keep you posted but I would like to know what you think. . .

Merci Adaryn et Gaby for your REPONSES instructives.
D'après ma prix derniere de sang 18 08 16, VOICI les éléments manquant Que vous DEMANDEZ si je ne me trompe pas:

T3 libre: 2,8 ng / l - Intervalles de référence: 2,5 à 3,9
Méthode chimiluminescence, Backman DXi 800: 4.3 pmol / l - Intervalles de référence: 3,7 à 7.

T4 libre: 4,9 ng / l - Intervalles de référence: 4,8 à 15,4
Méthode chimiluminescence, Backman DXi 800: 6.3 pmol / l - Intervalles de référence: 6,17 à 19,8

Anticorps anti-thyroglobuline < 0.9UI / ml - Intervalles de référence: Inférieur à 4
Anticorps anti-TPO (microsomes) <0,25 UI / ml - Intervalles de référence: Inférieur à 9

Adaryn vous et Gaby merci pour vos réponses informatives.
Selon mon dernier test sanguin 18 Août, 16, voici les éléments manquants que vous demandez si je ne me trompe pas:
T3 libre: 2. 8 ng / l - Intervalles de référence: 2. 5 à 3. 9
méthode de chimiluminescence, Backman DXi 800: 4. 3 pmol / l - intervalles de référence: 3. 7-7.

T4 libre: 4. 9 ng / l - Intervalles de référence: 4. 8 à 15. 4
méthode de chimiluminescence, Backman DXi 800: 6. 3 pmol / l - Intervalles de référence: 17 à 6. 19. 8

thyroglobuline anticorps & lt; 0. Les intervalles de référence - 9UI / ml: Moins de 4
anticorps anti-TPO (microsomes) & lt; 0. 25 UI / ml - intervalles de référence: Moins de 9
PERLOU said:
D'après ma prix derniere de sang 18 08 16, VOICI les éléments manquant Que vous DEMANDEZ si je ne me trompe pas:

It all looks pretty good. Have you felt a deterioration of health when you stopped iodine? More tiredness?

You could re-start iodine, but taking only a drop of the 12% on alternative days and seeing how that goes.
Here are my newest results:

FT4: 16.4 (10.3 - 21.9)

TSH: 6.824 (0.300 - 3.600)

And here are my old results:,13371.msg669934.html#msg669934

I guess I should lower my dose from two drops to just one?

I don't feel any bad symptoms when I take iodine and my FT4 is again in a good range.

It's interesting how the same institution lowered the range for TSH from 4 to 3.6, and for FT4 from 25 to 21.9. What's up with that? Do they want to put more people on drugs?
Persej said:
Here are my newest results:

FT4: 16.4 (10.3 - 21.9)

TSH: 6.824 (0.300 - 3.600)

And here are my old results:,13371.msg669934.html#msg669934

I guess I should lower my dose from two drops to just one?

I think that is a good plan, just as long as your symptoms don't get worse on a lower dose.
Gaby said:
I think that is a good plan, just as long as your symptoms don't get worse on a lower dose.

Ok. Thank you Gaby. Luckily I found out that xylitol helps me a lot, so I hope that I can pass with a lower dose for now. In the next few days my herbal package should arrive and I will start with a new anti-bacterial protocol.
Hi Persej,

I was reading a protocol quoted by Carl in this thread which point here and where it talk about supplementing by the butt. You may want to investigate and read, I am currently experimenting with it.

For my part, my gallbladder is going a little bit crazy as it seems to have difficulties to flush the toxine out. Reading this link, I am beginning a serious salt loading, i.e. loading until bowel movement and not just supplementing. I found there is some back and upper middle right abdominal irritations. I will go slow.
Nico said:
For my part, my gallbladder is going a little bit crazy as it seems to have difficulties to flush the toxine out. Reading this link, I am beginning a serious salt loading, i.e. loading until bowel movement and not just supplementing. I found there is some back and upper middle right abdominal irritations. I will go slow.

I've been trying a shot of apple cider vinegar with my biggest meal. Around 3 tablespoons. I have found that I can tolerate zinc, digest better, have better bowel movements and have more energy since I'm taking it.
I've been trying this too ! A good shot of ACV before bed, and a good razade upon meal. I feel good warm wave on the gallbladder area. But nothing comparable to the effect of salt loading (two tablespoon with warm water plus fresh water to put it down), adding lots of magnesium oil, liquid trace minerals, and zinc and copper.

I am reading Lynne Farrow book,

Historically, iodine has also been compounded into rectal or vaginal suppositories for local use

From the link in my previous post,

[...] green coffee extract, which has a similar effect to the coffee enema that used to be cool last century but is now obsolete.

And the crew is talking about fecal transplant.

So, maybe a hidden path on the way to peace ? :)
Nico said:
I've been trying this too ! A good shot of ACV before bed, and a good razade upon meal.

I can't take it after 4pm, otherwise I'll have insomnia. Funny how lack of fire in your stomach affects everything. Now I have more energy. Nothing like digesting well!
Nico said:
Hi Persej,

I was reading a protocol quoted by Carl in this thread which point here and where it talk about supplementing by the butt. You may want to investigate and read, I am currently experimenting with it.

Thank you Nico. I'll be happy to hear about your experiences with it.

Gaby said:
I can't take it after 4pm, otherwise I'll have insomnia. Funny how lack of fire in your stomach affects everything. Now I have more energy. Nothing like digesting well!

Interesting. I might try ACV as well. I remember taking it when I was a little, but it had a horrible taste. Some people suggest adding some honey. I love putting vinegar into salads, but don't have much experience taking it alone with water.
Persej said:
Nico said:
Hi Persej,

I was reading a protocol quoted by Carl in this thread which point here and where it talk about supplementing by the butt. You may want to investigate and read, I am currently experimenting with it.

Thank you Nico. I'll be happy to hear about your experiences with it.

Gaby said:
I can't take it after 4pm, otherwise I'll have insomnia. Funny how lack of fire in your stomach affects everything. Now I have more energy. Nothing like digesting well!

Interesting. I might try ACV as well. I remember taking it when I was a little, but it had a horrible taste. Some people suggest adding some honey. I love putting vinegar into salads, but don't have much experience taking it alone with water.

I enjoy the taste of ACV. Very important when buying ACV is to choose one that is muddy. Never buy clear ACV. Its probably some kind of synthetic liquid.
Pure, real ACV vinegar must be muddy.
I usually put 2 to 4 tablespoons in a 750 ml water in my water bottle when I go to the gym. It is very refreshing and in max 45 minutes I drink it all. It feels good when i drink it and I love it.
Konstantin said:
I enjoy the taste of ACV. Very important when buying ACV is to choose one that is muddy. Never buy clear ACV. Its probably some kind of synthetic liquid.
Pure, real ACV vinegar must be muddy.
I usually put 2 to 4 tablespoons in a 750 ml water in my water bottle when I go to the gym. It is very refreshing and in max 45 minutes I drink it all. It feels good when i drink it and I love it.

Yeah, I was probably given the clear/cheap version. But I saw that now there are plenty of organic/wild apples versions. I will try to find the muddy version.
I found some ACV in my pantry and put one teaspoon in 200 ml for a test. And it was quite drinkable. It's not muddy, but it says it has no chemicals. In any case it's much better than what I drank in my childhood. I'll try to find even better version for the next time.
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