Iodine and Potassium Iodide

I've had gastric reflux but I personnaly associeted that with the 3000mg of Vit C. On only when I felt asleep on the couch in a weird position. After magnesium intake it stoped.
Another thing I forgot to mention. As a teenager, I used to know I was waking up in my dreams. I was very active and alive the very second I was awake. I had this little challenge with myself where I could get out off bed and walk while still being in my dream for few seconds!! I was very aware of my half dreaming half waking up situation and I had a similar experience one morning during the Iodine intake. I knew I was waking up and was moving counsciously in my bed even if I was still in my dream.

I tend to be reserved in general in my interaction with people and felt more social during Iodine intake.
I hope everybody had a pleasant holiday season. Mine was really nice! -But I am also glad it's over.

As I've grown older, I've come to appreciate reliable patterns; knowing when I'll be awake and sleeping, what foods are crossing my plate, etc. The holidays, while wonderful in that I see friends and family and experience some new adventures, throws everything out of whack. I'm glad, finally, to be back to my regular routine. This is quite the reverse as compared to how I organized my youth, when Random Adventures = Awesome! Now I have to say, I love my thick Winter socks, my reading/thinking time, my hanging out with friends time (but not too much of that), and a regular work schedule. Heh.

So anyway...

After reading about Joe's intense power-detox experience, I decided to scale back my own modest experiment. Props to you, Joe, for taking one on the chin and recording it all for the rest of us to learn from. I'm VERY glad you didn't do any obvious, lasting harm, and I look forward to hearing that things normalize once and for all. Thank-you and do continue to take care!

-I now am taking 3 drops of 5% Lugol's once a day before bed. (For around 18 mg per day total.) -With a couple of Brazil nuts.

-I wake up and have a full glass of water with pink rocksalt and vitamin C. (Which is interesting; even after drinking this rather pleasant mix, I often still feel thirsty.)

-My pee stinks. I take an odd glee in this fact. "Yeah! Smell that! Bye-Bye toxins! Down the flusher with you!"

-My brain is fog-free in ways I've not experienced in years. I like that a whole lot! It began to clear up almost immediately after I started with the Lugol's several weeks ago now and I've almost forgotten what it was like before when I felt an artificial cloud of "stupid' surrounding my mind all the time. Now that it's gone, I almost take for granted clear thinking. -Though, it's still a bit topsy-turvey. My thinking is sharp, but by no means straight. There's a lot of emotional clearance going on.

-I also decided yesterday that I didn't want to smoke anymore, at least for the next few weeks. I want to see what that's like. So nicotine withdrawal has been making me feel a bit nuts. After a couple of days, I expect my thinking will settle down and I'll be in some kind of new Normal. I'm looking forward to that. I've never been Iodized while Nicotine free at the same time. That'll be interesting!

Changes I'm considering...

-Taking the Lugol's before bed is sometimes leading to very poor sleep. The stuff, as I'd described before, is like drinking rocket fuel. I'm AWAKE, my body is tingling with energy, especially in my extremities, and even though I've been awake all day and know I need sleep, I feel like I could do running laps of the house. Curiously, this is not every night, but the last couple of nights have been, and last night I didn't sleep at all, but just lay in bed with my mind racing in circles. Later at work during one of my night shifts, I find I feel fine even on no sleep. That can't be good in the long run!

-So I'm considering taking the Lugol's at a different time of the day.


Regarding Mercury and Selenium

After reading through the last bunch of pages of forum update, I see that Mercury has been given some highlight. -This quote from a December 25th post stood out in regard to dealing with mercury once it has been liberated from cells, and I thought it bore re-posting...

mariowil7 said:
(v) Selenium is an important essential element, that is present at a broad range of levels across populations. The selenide ion forms
an extremely stable, insoluble compound with mercury, and provides relief of mercurialism symptoms.
On the face of it, selenide might not be compatible with chelation, as the two agents may counter the effectiveness of one another; however, selenium may be incorporated in organic molecules, and organic selenium/mercury complexes may be transported through membranes. Selenium depletion in the face of mercury exposures also depletes seleno-enzymes. In humans, organic selenium supplementation was beneficial in a controlled trial among 103 mercury-exposed villagers. A selenium yeast product increased mercury excretion and decreased oxidative stress-related biomarkers urinary malondialdehyde and 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine.

Chelation: Harnessing and Enhancing Heavy Metal Detoxification—A Review


Also, I ran across this fairly detailed website while reading up on selenium and specifically how it helps when detoxing from Mercury. It provides a good read along with suggested food sources and dosage amounts, etc... It seems like Selenium is the perfect element, designed exactly for dealing with Mercury poisoning.


-I think I'll be upping my Brazil nut doze to 5-10 a day depending on how I feel at the time.


Regarding Muscle-Test Bio-Feedback on dosage amounts and such... I've not tried it directly, but when scaling back on the Lugol's, I found that my hands were happy to apply two drops to a glass of water, but resisted the third drop, even mis-directing it to the kitchen counter surface. I bullied my way through and added the third drop anyway, but my gut sense has been yelling, "TWO DROPS, DUDE! PAY ATTENTION!"

The impatient part of me doesn't want to listen, wants to fight the Mercury monster right away, but after a few days of repeatedly struggling with my own hands, I think I'll be grown-up about it and scale back to 2 drops starting with my next dose. Sheesh.


Regarding changes of psychological state...

Yep. Big-time. Brain fog may have cleared, but with it I've had re-surface some difficult emotions and old hurts and puzzles of the heart I thought I'd long since left behind. Not so. There have been a couple of difficult nights where I've fought through emotional knots which have left me in tears. The cleansing kind, though. It's all good, but unexpected.


So for now, I think I've more or less settled on the long route to de-toxing. A couple of years feels like it ought to do it. It would be nice to move more quickly, but at the moment, everything is telling me that slow and steady is how I win this particular race. I'm gonna listen.

Okay! That's all for now.

Cheers, everybody!
I'm glad you're having good results Woodsman. The emotional component sounds pretty intense but it's definitely good to be seeing some detox effects. Hang in there :) . It may also be part of the nicotine withdrawal though. I noticed a while ago that when I would have a day off and lie in bed for a few extra hours in the morning without smoking, I could get intensely emotional in ways I don't remember since childhood/teen years. Not just sadness etc. but also wonder and hope. I think maybe tobacco can block emotions for some people.

A lot of people have reported acute high energy levels after taking iodine on this thread so I would definitely recommend taking it in the mornings instead.

[Quote author=Loreta]

Same with me! I was not sure to talk about this but me too I, since I take iodine, have more conversations with people, as if people wanted to talk with me, find me the ideal person to exchange ideas and profound sentiments. I am a very amicale person and a good listener, but this is different, the people who talks to me are interesting, talk about interesting things. Very strange! And I feel positive. It is not just I listen and they talk,no, they talk, I listen and we exchange ideas. Iodine can do this? :huh:

It makes sense. For one, a general stiffness/shyness is a symptom associated with mercury toxicity. Apart from that, if something is clearing up our hormones, neurotransmitters and everything else and getting them to function well, it's gonna have a positive psychological effect. A lot of my results so far seem to indicate higher testosterone (though I never have stuff like that measured/checked).
I've not properly researched that one, but there are a few articles containing iodine on "Man sites" out there that come up on a Google search, like:

Then there's also the possible clearing up of critters, which we know can influence our mind. Finally, it may be clearing up our "energy/chakras" in some unseen way, which means we send out a different signal into the world.

[quote author=Foxx]

I did a quick search but didn't find much of interest about iodine and magnesium, though I thought this was interesting with regards to autoimmune Thyroid disorders:


Thanks for the recommendation Foxx. I have been feeling quite cold in the day time. Tyrosine, tryptophan, krill oil and green tea are very much helping my mood throughout this winter, but I will try magnesium in the day for the shivers.
Mandatory Intellectomy said:
Thebull said:
After reading the article below on Sott which mentions that Lugols can irritate the stomach I'd like to ask ask if anyone else has had reactions using Lugols. I've had some problems with my stomach over the last week but hadn't realized it could be caused by the lugols. I started the iodine protocol early December.

I have no problems taking 400mg of iodine on an empty stomach, but everyone's different.

I think any vitamins or minerals may upset your stomach to some degree if you're sensitive to that. If that's the case, taking it with meals should help. And I guess drinking more water with it could help too. What doses are you taking?

If you started early December and only had this problem over the last week, then it's probably not the iodine itself, but it could be a combination of things or something triggered by the iodine. Possibly a detox reaction.
I thought it maybe a detox reaction but I'll keep experimenting. I have been dropping my dose of iodine I felt the reactions were too intense.

I have been taking 15% Lugols which is 11.75 iodine 6.75 potassium iodide. I average about 4 drops a day but have been as high as six or seven and as low as 2. I am extremely cautious with this as my working hours are long and busy especially so at Christmas.

My current supplement routine is as follows
When I wake up salt water 1/4 to 1/2 a teaspoon in warm water
Light breakfast
1 or two hours later iodine in water. I put the drops in a small amount of water a quarter of a glass. 2 to 6 drops
1 to 2 hours later heaped spoonful of vitaman c (absorbic acid)
Late afternoon early evening - Selenium 1 200 mg tablet, vitaman d,
1 - 1.5 mg of liquid ionic magnesium before bed

I only started taking my selenium about 2 weeks ago and thinking about taking another tablet to help me with the detox I'm currently looking into this.

I have had detox symptoms metallic tasting mouth initially and at times intense dreams though I tend to have intense dreams leading up to the full moon and it was at that time. Though my dreams are more regular and intense so to speak. I have had a consistent blocked runny nose really since I started this but I have still managed to still exercise regularly.

There were two main reasons why I started this. When I was younger 5 or 6 I had a severe case of thread worms where I suffered for over 6 months with out telling anyone about it. I had these again 2 years ago which I took medication for and cleared up. I have always thought that I haven't completely cleared them up for some reason. The other reason is I have always as long as I can remember had cold hands and feet. People will always comment on this if they touch my hands. I also just don't sweat much and even when I'm training.

I keep thinking about upping the dose now to see what happens (nuke theory)as I am used to my routine now. My concern is I have never metal detoxed before so I need to ensure I am more prepared for this.

In general since starting this I have felt better no more brain fog and my mood has been better ore balanced. I know I haven't detoxed fully.

I feel I need to sauna though this isn't readily available where I am and would also ask anyone if Epsom salt bath may help.
Thebull said:
Late afternoon early evening - Selenium 1 200 mg tablet
I hope you mean "one 200mcg tablet", i.e. not 1200 and not mg.

I only started taking my selenium about 2 weeks ago and thinking about taking another tablet to help me with the detox I'm currently looking into this.
It's not recommended to go over 400mcg, as selenium gets toxic at higher levels. You have to consider that you're probably getting some from food as well, so you may not want to supplement more than 200mcg daily. I think if you take 200 every day, it should be enough if you do it over a longer period of time.

The other reason is I have always as long as I can remember had cold hands and feet.
I have that too. Has it changed on the iodine? My high doses (400mg) haven't done anything in that regard.

I keep thinking about upping the dose now to see what happens (nuke theory)as I am used to my routine now. My concern is I have never metal detoxed before so I need to ensure I am more prepared for this.
You can increase by 1 drop every few days and observe the effects, but if you're already detoxing, you might just take it slowly and keep it at that level. Also, as iodine is more for just removing the toxins from their place, you might want to use some chelating agents that help carry it out of the body, like Chlorella etc. That should relieve some detox symptoms that may be caused by the toxins running around the body.
Now that others mentioned it, I did cut back on smoking to about 15 a day for 3 or 4 days when initially raising the iodine dosage. But then I went back to 20 a day plus pipe smoking (hadn't been smoking the pipe much when at 15 a day either).

Also forgot to mention that I get a runny nose occasionally since starting Lugol's. Just need to blow my nose a couple extra times a day. There doesn't seem to be any rhythm to when it comes on that I can detect.

I was having a cold right hand for a while (not feet and not left hand) before starting on the iodine, especially early in the mornings when it was still dark out. That went away the last couple of weeks. A few times, I got really hot and started sweating, even thought the temperature in the house is always about the same. I get the feeling that something "moves" inside, and I'll get a runny nose, or start sweating out of the blue, etc. Still feeling great overall....
lainey said:
It's been mentioned before but I thought I would share again. Since starting taking iodine I have totally lost all smoking cravings.
I was never a big smoker and haven't smoked for a long time but I could easily stop without missing it. I think I'm just one of those people who doesn't need to smoke at all. I still like to have one in the afternoon while I'm working at my laptop but if I have one in the morning or late at night I get a real head rush. I used to be able to smoke as soon as I woke up.

That's interesting. Recently I had to almost completely withdraw from smoking for 4 days (smoked only 2-3 cigarettes daily). My daily dosis is about 25 roll-up cigarettes. During these 4 days I had almost no cravings for tobacco. I was wondering if nicotine or some products of smoking could interfere with thyroid/iodine uptake and here what I found:

Cigarette Smoking

Unfortunately, tobacco smoke contains cyanide, which is converted to thiocyanate, and which adversely acts as an anti-thyroid agent, inhibiting iodide uptake and hormone synthesis. The enlargement of the thyroid can occur due to smoking, which is a clue that the thyroid is negatively affected.

Source: _

Not sure whether it relates to tobacco without additives.

Here is one of the studies:

Examination of antithyroid effects of smoking products in cultured thyroid follicles: only thiocyanate is a potent antithyroid agent.

We studied the antithyroid action of cigarette smoking products (nicotine, cotinine, and thiocyanate) in the physiological culture system of porcine thyroid follicles. Iodide uptake, iodine organification, de novo thyroid hormone formation, and iodide efflux were measured in the presence of 0-200 mumol/l nicotine, cotinine, or potassium thiocyanate. Nicotine and cotinine did not inhibit iodide transport or thyroid hormone formation. Thiocyanate concentrations equivalent to serum levels of smokers showed three independent antithyroid actions: (i) inhibition of iodide transport, (ii) inhibition of iodine organification, and (iii) increased iodide efflux. Inhibition of iodide transport by thiocyanate was competitive with iodide and independent of TSH concentration. Thiocyanate did not inhibit TSH mediated cAMP production or Na+K+ ATPase activity, a sodium pump for iodide transport. When 50 mumol/l thiocyanate was added 2 h after incubation with iodide or when 1 mumol/l thiocyanate was added from the beginning of incubation, iodine organification was inhibited without changing iodide transport. De novo thyroid hormone formation was clearly inhibited by 50 mumol/l thiocyanate. Thiocyanate increased iodide efflux although the degrees of iodide efflux by 10 mumol/l and 100 mumol/l thiocyanate did not differ significantly. In summary, thiocyanate, a product of smoking, has three independent antithyroid activities. The data of iodide transport kinetics suggest that thiocyanate can be an antithyroid agent particularly in iodine deficiency.

Source: _

So the question is whether thiocyanate is also a byproduct of smoking additive-free organic tobacco.
Altair said:
So the question is whether thiocyanate is also a byproduct of smoking additive-free organic tobacco.

Did some quick research ...

Thiocyanate is a metabolite of cyanide and the end product of the detoxification of cyanide compounds by the catalytic action of a mitochondrial enzyme called rhodanase.

The cyanide isn't added though, it's a natural chemical reaction to burning the Tobacco.
the following foods naturally contain cyanide:
•millet sprouts
•lima beans
•bamboo shoots
Additionally cyanide is found in most any fruits that have a pit, or core, like cherries, apricots, and apples.

Also kale, arugula, bok choy, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, mustard greens, turnips, and watercress...
After exposure, cyanide quickly enters the bloodstream. The body handles small amounts of cyanide differently than large amounts. In small doses, cyanide in the body can be changed into thiocyanate, which is less harmful and is excreted in urine.

This might be questionable, but what they really mean is Thiocyanate, since cyanide doesn't stay as cyanide in the body...
Small amounts of cyanide may even be good for you by helping to lower blood pressure.

I mean, even considering what Atlair wrote, it mostly states that the mix of Thiocyanate and low iodine can reduce thyroid hormones. Might be even a good thing to smoke to prevent hyperthyroidism while you take iodine?

Seems to be a balancing act, much like potassium and sodium. On the one hand, iodine can cause hyperthyroidism, on the other you have goiter, nodules and hypothyroidism.

Maybe? what do you guys think?
fwiw I didn't smoke as much over Christmas whilst visiting family, and it wasn't noticeable for a change (past years I've noticed the lack of nicotine).
I've also noticed I can't smoke as much as usual either, especially late at night.
Last friday i woke up with flu-like symptoms. I had a sore throat and a runny nose. I had stayed up more late than usually, so i suspect my immune system was weakened by that. On that week i had used 8mg lugol's per day. When the symptoms started, i tried bigger doses: next day (last saturday) i took 80mg, but few hours later my throat started to get really sore and aching. Sunday i took 40mg with no changes in condition, so i decided to put the iodine aside, because i started to get little worried that my condition was caused by iodine/detox. So i haven't used iodine at all during this week. I feel better but haven't fully recovered yet. My throat was little sore at morning. I still have runny nose. Now i'm more certain that i have viral/bacterial infection, so i'll try taking iodine again with my normal doses of 1-2 drops, 8-16mg.
Hi all. Just started the Iodine protocol 5 days ago with a small dose; Salt water before breakfast then 2 drops of 2% with co-factors (200 mcg Selenium, B-complex that contains 10mg of B2 and 45mg B3) in the morning and Magnesium Glycinate in the afternoon. I am only taking about 5mg of Iodine but noticed some action on day one.

Day 1
An hour after the first dose I had a runny nose from one lone nostril which was a little strange. However, I was in a good mood and had a bit more energy than usual. Not the hyper kind but something close to feeling very motivated without knowing why so I used that to get some cleaning done around the house. As the the day waned I began to feel really heavy and tired. Drowsy even, followed by a slight headache and feeling hot or feverish. I never get headaches so I figured this was apart of the detox symptoms. Fortunately, the salt water has, up to now, always made any strange symptoms disappear pretty quickly so it has been a godsend. Also the symptoms I do have only last for 10 or 20 minutes which is good. I've upped my water to at least a half gallon a day to try and give anything that is dislodged every possible chance to make an exit as there would be no where for it to go other than hanging out in my blood stream. I'm a skinny and have been exposed to some pretty nasty chemicals because of my current line of work so extra precaution in the dosage and water intake was a must for me. Or so I figured.

Day 2
The usual morning routine and then off to work. However, this day I woke up with pain that felt like I had just been given a shot in my left shoulder with the pain staying with me the entire day. Ironically, the pain was exactly where I use to get shots in the military. Sometime around 10:30 in the morning I began to feel like I was getting strep throat but that stopped within 30 minutes of it starting. Other than that I also had a sore achilles tendon. Usually, I don't have body aches and pains and generally I am pretty hardy in the health department. So I only wish to paint the picture here but I apologize if it comes across as complainy.

Day 3

Rinse, Repeat morning routine.

Felt pretty good and actually not a lot going on besides...having the vaccine shot pain in my right shoulder! If anyone has had to go down that line where they inject you in both shoulders as you walk past will know what I am talking. I am pretty baffled at this point because I haven't been vaccinated in at least 4 or 5 years but it felt like I was receiving them all over again. This was the only weird symptom I had that day keeping in mind that in general and in the midst of the unpleasant albeit short-lived pains/annoyances I felt good, better than usual.

Day 4 (today)

Upped the dose to 10mg of Iodine (4 drop of 2% Lugols)

No pains, runny noses, or aches. However, in the afternoon around 3:45 pm or so, I started getting this feeling of my face physically detaching from my head? It wasn't painful just baffling and my entire face felt like it was buzzing. And no it wasn't a numbing, "I can't feel my face" feeling. I could touch it and actually I can't really describe it... I thought that maybe this was brainfog but I'm still uncertain. Most of the symptoms I've come across in relation to brainfog specifically state that it can be described as

__ said:
  • Your head, mind, and brain feel foggy or like in a fog.
  • It feels like you have a foggy head, foggy mind.
  • You have difficulty thinking, concentrating, and/or forming thoughts.
  • Your thinking feels like it is muddled and impaired.
  • Some people describe this symptom as being “foggy-headed” or having a “foggy head.”
  • It seems as if your thoughts are illusive, and things that you once knew seem hard to comprehend or recall.
  • It feels like your short-term memory isn’t as good as it used to be.
  • It feels like normal intellectual tasks seem much more difficult.
  • You find it hard to focus and concentrate.
  • You are more forgetful (forget things that you normally wouldn’t).
  • You have difficulty focusing on and carrying on conversations.
  • Your thoughts seem like in a cloud.
  • Your thinking isn’t as clear as it normally is.
  • Your head feels foggy, clouded, muddled, and 'off.'

The only thing I can say for certain that I've noticed from the above list is forgetfulness, specifically when it has to do with my lighter. Which by the way, my smoking has been pretty constant throughout. Like a chimney.

Day 5
Same routine. Maintained elevated dose of 10mg total iodine with cofactors. Mag Glycinate at night. No issues, but I feel very well rested in the morning.

Day 6

So far so good. Again felt well rested this morning. As far as dreams go I only had two since starting the protocol. The one I can recall had something to do with a mission in kind of a startrek ship setting. Except everyone was black. Not sure what it means but I haven't had any nightmares yet so that's good.
Woodsman said:
-I now am taking 3 drops of 5% Lugol's once a day before bed. (For around 18 mg per day total.) -With a couple of Brazil nuts.

-I wake up and have a full glass of water with pink rocksalt and vitamin C. (Which is interesting; even after drinking this rather pleasant mix, I often still feel thirsty.)

Hey Woodsman, like you wrote it's probably best to take your iodine dose at least before 4pm, as taking it before bed might increase your energy levels and cause difficulty with sleeping. If you decide to take it in the morning for example, note that it is best to take vitamin C at least 2 hours after taking your iodine. Just a heads-up in case you didn't know :)
Took two days off after 37 days straight of Lugols. Got as high as 23 drops 5% Lugols before experiencing significant detox symptoms. Headache, muscle cramps, fatigue, loose bowels. Had a cold a few weeks back after I last posted in this thread. Took off work because I thought I might be contagious for a couple days. Used some of the extra time I had to re-watch the Sense 8 series on Netflix. Very emotional through that viewing this time. Continued to take Lugols and the cold was gone in a few days. Started to move around the dose experimenting. Seems 12-14 drops per day is ideal maximum dose without to much detox symptoms.

Thing is, psoriasis is getting worse, like critters are being energized. I'm thinking higher doses will be needed but I need to get some heavy metal detoxing done first so I can tolerate it. Anyway, started back at 8 drops today.
Altair said:
So the question is whether thiocyanate is also a byproduct of smoking additive-free organic tobacco.

I think that in perspective, mercury is much more harmful for all our endocrine glands including our thyroid gland:

Detoxify or die! Environmental toxicity and the endocrine glands

Mercury blocks thyroid hormone production by occupying iodine-binding sites and inhibiting hormone action even when the measured thyroid levels appears to be in the proper range.

According to sources quoted here, therapeutic or normal level in human blood of Thiocyanate is 8.0-14.0 mg% or 80.0-140.0 ug/mL.

Here we find the levels in smokers:

-Smokers mean serum thiocyanate concentration (112 +/- 36.6 micromol/L).
-Serum thiocyanate of female smokers (133 + 28.7 micromol/L).

What is even more interesting is that a clinical study showed that quitting smoking is bad for your thyroid gland and function:

Smoking cessation is followed by a sharp but transient rise in the incidence of overt autoimmune hypothyroidism - a population-based, case-control study.
Current smoking is associated with a low prevalence of thyroid autoantibodies. On the other hand, smoking withdrawal enhances thyroid autoantibody level and may be a risk factor for the development of hypothyroidism. The aim of this study was to assess the association between smoking habits (smoking cessation in particular) and development of autoimmune hypothyroidism.

Population-based, case-control study.

Cases (n = 140) newly diagnosed with primary autoimmune overt hypothyroidism were identified prospectively by population monitoring (2,027,208 person-years of observation) of all thyroid function tests performed in the two well-defined geographical areas. Individually, age-, sex- and region-matched euthyroid controls (n = 560) were simultaneously included from the same population.

Participants gave details on smoking habits including smoking withdrawal and other lifestyle factors. Smoking habits were verified by measuring urinary cotinine (a nicotine metabolite).

Incident hypothyroidism was very common in people who had recently stopped smoking: OR vs never smokers (95%-CI); quit smoking <1 years, 7·36 (2·27-23·9); 1-2 years, 6·34 (2·59-15·3); 3-10 years, 0·75 (0·30-1·87); >10 years, 0·76 (0·38-1·51). Results were consistent in both sexes and irrespective of age. Within two years after smoking cessation, the percentage of hypothyroid cases attributable to cessation of smoking was 85%. The current smoking was not associated with altered risk of developing overt hypothyroidism [OR, 0·92 (0·57-1·48)].

The risk of having overt autoimmune hypothyroidism diagnosed is more than 6-fold increased the first 2 years after cessation of smoking. Clearly, smoking cessation is vital to prevent death and severe disease. { :headbash: I bet they were forced to say that in order to publish this} However, awareness of hypothyroidism should be high in people who have recently quit smoking, and virtually any complaint should lead to thyroid function testing.

Nicotine's therapeutic effect seems to overrule any detrimental issues derived from thiocyanate.

I think that those who quit smoking should not worry about developing hypothyroidism just as long as they are getting iodine ;)
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