Jeff Rense EXPOSED!!

WINGTV Opinion poll; Day 3 - on Wingtv

LFOD said:
What does Rense have to do with the 911 Truth movement? he runs a show about UFO's & Big foot.. Same goes for Sonny Crack, I don't think Ive ever heard of Sonny doing a radio show or writing an article on 911.. Why WingTV even responds to Sonny is beyond me, I guess they just thought it would be a good chance to attack Jack blood for his imaginary connection to Revere Radio.
First of all, I am going to assume that your intentions are good, that you are really interested in the Truth about 9/11 getting out there, that you do not like the fact that liars and totalitarian psychopaths have taken over the United States and are driving it into the ground, and that you are really interested in the restoration of the original United States Constitutional Republic, the Bill of Rights, etc.

Now, assuming that, I am also going to assume that you hope that the 911 Truth Movement will actually have a chance to accomplish its goals as described above.

Am I doing okay so far?

Any disagreement?
WINGTV Opinion poll; Day 3 - on Wingtv

I did not post any comments, I hadn't seen that one.. I do find it interesting that this is one of the last comments made.. Did somebody see this poll a few days late and attempt damage control? Sadly I have no way of checking the Ip's :(
WINGTV Opinion poll; Day 3 - on Wingtv

Like I said, I'm assuming your intentions are to "save the US of A" by bringing the light to bear on the Truth of 911. I mean, "Live Free or Die" is a pretty good statement on the situation. Notice my own chosen "signature line." So I think we have something in common: a committment to a goal that is greater than ourselves.

So again, please answer me: do you agree or disagree with my assessment of your motivations as outlined briefly above?
WINGTV Opinion poll; Day 3 - on Wingtv

LiveFreeOrDie said:
I did not post any comments, I hadn't seen that one.. I do find it interesting that this is one of the last comments made.. Did somebody see this poll a few days late and attempt damage control? Sadly I have no way of checking the Ip's :(
If you have no way of checking the IPs, how do you know that Sonny Cracksmoker and his goons (assuming you aren't one of them) didn't just fake 80% of those votes?
WINGTV Opinion poll; Day 3 - on Wingtv

Laura said:
LFOD said:
What does Rense have to do with the 911 Truth movement? he runs a show about UFO's & Big foot.. Same goes for Sonny Crack, I don't think Ive ever heard of Sonny doing a radio show or writing an article on 911.. Why WingTV even responds to Sonny is beyond me, I guess they just thought it would be a good chance to attack Jack blood for his imaginary connection to Revere Radio.
First of all, I am going to assume that your intentions are good, that you are really interested in the Truth about 9/11 getting out there, that you do not like the fact that liars and totalitarian psychopaths have taken over the United States and are driving it into the ground, and that you are really interested in the restoration of the original United States Constitutional Republic, the Bill of Rights, etc.

Now, assuming that, I am also going to assume that you hope that the 911 Truth Movement will actually have a chance to accomplish its goals as described above.

Am I doing okay so far?

Any disagreement?
Just like Victor Thorne, answering questions with questions ;) What questions need to be asked when 49% of the people in this poll think WingTV are destroying this movement with there half truths and whole lies and 28% of people think WingTV are sometimes relevant but usually just destructive, dividing & time wasting - more bad than good.. Thats over 75% of people who think WingTv are causing more bad than good in this movement!
WINGTV Opinion poll; Day 3 - on Wingtv

Ryan said:
If you have no way of checking the IPs, how do you know that Sonny Cracksmoker and his goons (assuming you aren't one of them) didn't just fake 80% of those votes?
Good question. Does the software have the capability of excluding multiple responses from the same or similar IPs? (Not that this would make a whole heck of a lot of difference since we know that people can use proxies and a lot of cointelpro types are associated with hackers who know how to do that stuff.)
WINGTV Opinion poll; Day 3 - on Wingtv

Ryan said:
LiveFreeOrDie said:
I did not post any comments, I hadn't seen that one.. I do find it interesting that this is one of the last comments made.. Did somebody see this poll a few days late and attempt damage control? Sadly I have no way of checking the Ip's :(
If you have no way of checking the IPs, how do you know that Sonny Cracksmoker and his goons (assuming you aren't one of them) didn't just fake 80% of those votes?
Because you can only vote once, go ahead and try it - I may not be able to see the Ip's, but the system certainly does, aswell as using cookies.
WINGTV Opinion poll; Day 3 - on Wingtv

LFOD said:
Just like Victor Thorne, answering questions with questions wink What questions need to be asked when 49% of the people in this poll think WingTV are destroying this movement with there half truths and whole lies and 28% of people think WingTV are sometimes relevant but usually just destructive, dividing & time wasting - more bad than good.. Thats over 75% of people who think WingTv are causing more bad than good in this movement!
I am trying to place our discourse on a reasonable, unemotional platform. In order to do that, we need to establish some common ground. I am not being difficult, I just want to know if there IS a common ground.
WINGTV Opinion poll; Day 3 - on Wingtv

LiveFreeOrDie said:
Because you can only vote once, go ahead and try it - I may not be able to see the Ip's, but the system certainly does, aswell as using cookies.
Well, since you invited me, I did try it again. And as I have a "cookie blocker" on my browser, it appeared to accept my vote.

Now, given that the scientific method demands reproducible results from any hypothesis before it can be considered a valid theory, I therefore had no choice but to try doing this again another 10 times, to verify it.

Lo and behold, it accepted all ten votes!

And because choosing different responses might skew the results of the experiment, I therefore chose to vote "Excellent" for all 10 attempts.

As the experiment was a success, you may want to take those 10 votes into account when you consider the results of the poll.
WINGTV Opinion poll; Day 3 - on Wingtv

LiveFreeOrDie said:
Because you can only vote once, go ahead and try it - I may not be able to see the Ip's, but the system certainly does, aswell as using cookies.
You are either naive or you are joking or ... You get rid of cookies and you vote again, get rid of cookies and again, and again .... ad infinitum
When you have a dynamic IP you can vote as many times as you want. I mean if you are desperate. And, if you read the thread on wingtv you see that there are cracksmokers that are really desperate. So what good did you accomplish?
WINGTV Opinion poll; Day 3 - on Wingtv

Laura said:
Ryan said:
If you have no way of checking the IPs, how do you know that Sonny Cracksmoker and his goons (assuming you aren't one of them) didn't just fake 80% of those votes?
Good question. Does the software have the capability of excluding multiple responses from the same or similar IPs? (Not that this would make a whole heck of a lot of difference since we know that people can use proxies and a lot of cointelpro types are associated with hackers who know how to do that stuff.)
As I explained above, the system checks IP's. And finding a working proxy is time consuming enough, it would take somebody a lot of time to have any real impact on a poll with 145ish (so far) votes.

And also, couldn't people have used proxies in the WingTV poll? If there was only a small number of voters (we don't know because the results were not divulged) then a phantom voter could have had more of an impact..
WINGTV Opinion poll; Day 3 - on Wingtv

LFOD said:
As I explained above, the system checks IP's. And finding a working proxy is time consuming enough, it would take somebody a lot of time to have any real impact on a poll with 145ish (so far) votes.
Well, apparently it doesn't as Ryan has just proven (and I tested it myself, so you can discard two of my three votes.)

Now, as I said above, even though you haven't responded to my question, I'm assuming that your intentions are good and that you REALLY want to make a difference.

The problem with "making a difference" is that many people have tried to do that throughout history and most of them made no difference at all. The proof is that the condition of our world today is so bad that we are literally teetering on the edge of total destruction. At the very least, the destruction of the US of A is imminent. And here I am not suggesting anything having to do with terrorists but the simple observable fact that it can never recover from what the Neocons have done to it economically and politically without some serious efforts.

That means, of course, that if you live there, you are screwed.

I don't live there but a lot of people I love do, and I was born there and I can claim a half dozen Revolutionary War soldiers in my family tree, so I have a pretty long term blood investment in the place. I am HIGHLY motivated to find what works.

I also know a lot about history, particularly the history of people who have tried, in the past, to make a difference.

It's not a pleasant read, I can assure you. And the one thing you learn from reading history is this: the Road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

As Santayana said (and others said something similar): "Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it."

And that is what I see so clearly in the 911 Truth Movement. A lot of people with a lot of ideas all doing everything WRONG. And I say that not just as an opinion, but based on research, comparing past efforts to do things to "make a difference."

So, assuming that you DO want to REALLY make a difference, I suggest to you that you, and all your friends, begin to study history. I've even made it easy by compiling 30 years of research into my book The Secret History of the World. More than that, we have hundreds of articles on our website exposing these things.

Once you have a grasp of the historical patterns, then you can begin to use them as a template for observation of the current reality. That is, you need to take all this knowledge and apply it. When you begin to see where patterns match up, you then have to zoom in and see if you can figure out who did what and why and more than that, whether and why they were successful or not.

As my grandmother always said: a smart man learns from his mistakes; a genius learns from the mistakes of others.

I am of the opinion that we don't have enough time or resources to make mistakes here. This is deadly serious. Total madmen have taken over the United States and this is not unprecedented in history. There ARE many other times and places where this has happened. And they have all ended the same way: massive death and destruction for ALL.

Now, surely we would like to avoid that, right?

So best get about the business of really studying the situation; do it like a general studying the enemy he must make war against. You must know the strengths, the weaknesses, the methods they use, their resources, you MUST gather intelligence. For more than anything else, this is a war of information.

So, if you agree with anything I have said, you may like to read a series of articles I wrote on my blog. If you find anything of value in them (and I think you will), then you might like to share them with the same forums you have mentioned above where, seemingly, most of the participants haven't got a clue about COINTELPRO and information war strategy.

To make it easy, I am including the links to the relevant blog posts below.
Yes, it's a lot of reading, but you don't expect to graduate from a War Gollege without doing the work, do you? And you can't be a good general if you don't know what you are dealing with.
WINGTV Opinion poll; Day 3 - on Wingtv

LiveFreeOrDie said:
And also, couldn't people have used proxies in the WingTV poll?
Now, once you are starting asking this kind of questions, let me ask you.
Couldn't you be a buddy of sonnycrack?
WINGTV Opinion poll; Day 3 - on Wingtv

Ok, It turns out I was wrong about the IP Checking, it turns out they charge you for IP-checking.. which is frustrating to say the least because they advertised it like it was part of the free service, I will find a new poll provider and start again - this time giving all Signs of the Times users a chance to vote on the first day.

If all it takes to skew a poll is proxies then couldnt the WingTV poll have been skewed by cointelpro agents and "clappers" ? More to the point, why did they not tell us how many people voted and who they voted for? Are we expected to swallow it just because they tell us they are honest patriots? People said my poll was not scientific.. Is the WingTV poll scientific? Where are the numbers? Why would they, by default, keep such an important piece of the puzzle, completely hidden! You guys did a great job of picking my poll to pieces, now where was all of that effort when WingTV did there poll? Why did nobody ask the hard questions when WingTV did it? Am I to believe that you people are completely taken in by anybody who claims to be honest? Or is it just because they are Anti-Alex jones that you feel you can trust them? There is a lot of hypocricy in this forum.

Be back soon with part 2 of the WingTV opinion poll.
WINGTV Opinion poll; Day 3 - on Wingtv

And keep in mind that the results of this poll may not have been tampered with at all, this is all speculation.
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