Receivership Capability

Kay Kim,

I agree with genero81 that the emotions and the path to control them can be "like a maze". By reading the recent reading material that was recommended by Laura I think we will see "thinking errors" that we never saw before.

Session 28 April 1996

I think if you read some more of the reading list books you may improve your receivership capacity in ways you haven't even thought about.

Actually I've been thinking about this and almost posted about it yesterday. So we're on the same wavelength here, goyacobol.

From the latest session:

A: Indeed. All in your group should read these books in order to jump start the necessary processes for achieving receivership capability. Those who have been blocked up to the present will find unblocking therein if they are able to receive.

So this is exactly what's been on my mind. Why did the C's directly relate the latest reading materials to receivership capability? Then I remembered something Laura said about Ra's term social memory complex being 'located' at a higher density. Remember the C's told us that receivership capability was mind through central nervous center connection to higher levels. They also dropped some pretty strong clues or suggestions along the way, like; we are only a thought away, and do all you can and yourselves in the future will fill in the gaps.

So it occurs to me that the maze which is set as a trap is the unresolved developmental trauma that give rise to a survival style that inhibits or blocks proper connection to others. So we need to get unblocked so we can truly connect with each other to provide multiple antennae for connection to higher levels. Or that's what I'm thinking anyway.
Thanks goyacobol, I am working on at but there is lots of list books to read, so I must keep reading...
Actually I've been thinking about this and almost posted about it yesterday. So we're on the same wavelength here, goyacobol.

From the latest session:

A: Indeed. All in your group should read these books in order to jump start the necessary processes for achieving receivership capability. Those who have been blocked up to the present will find unblocking therein if they are able to receive.

So this is exactly what's been on my mind. Why did the C's directly relate the latest reading materials to receivership capability? Then I remembered something Laura said about Ra's term social memory complex being 'located' at a higher density. Remember the C's told us that receivership capability was mind through central nervous center connection to higher levels. They also dropped some pretty strong clues or suggestions along the way, like; we are only a thought away, and do all you can and yourselves in the future will fill in the gaps.

So it occurs to me that the maze which is set as a trap is the unresolved developmental trauma that give rise to a survival style that inhibits or blocks proper connection to others. So we need to get unblocked so we can truly connect with each other to provide multiple antennae for connection to higher levels. Or that's what I'm thinking anyway.

That's what I am thinking too, genero81. It ties in so well with all the other aspects we are working on. The emotional maze is like the wiring in our brains that needs re-routing to escape the the pattern that was "foisted" upon us. The NeurOptimal project seems to be having phenomenal results. The reading assignments provide the intellectual stimulation to understand "thinking errors" and the whole work done by Laura's writing and communication with the Cs gives us vision to move towards a better future.

It's almost like things could become "crystal" clear at some point (I think you might see the connection) and many of us will get on the same Wave length!
Thanks goyacobol, I am working on at but there is lots of list books to read, so I must keep reading...

Kay Kim I know how you feel... all the reading is a huge challenge for me too. :lkj:

I think your efforts have been tremendously well organized and thought out. I appreciate the Mouravieff article you posted here that Laura wrote and I think it really is part of the puzzle that gives new insight to the 3rd Man Theme.

All the other reading takes nothing away from our efforts to keep searching for the pieces to the puzzle in the session transcripts and Laura's books.

That article caused me to notice a really profound (for me anyway) video on YouTube that is really an audio of:

The 27 texts of St. Isaiah, on guarding the intellect. From the Philokalia, a collection of texts written between the 4th and 15th centuries, by Eastern Orthodox (Christian) monks.

The main point with "receivership capability" seems to be about, well, "receiving", as in "radio". But as a non-native English speaker i was surprised about the strong reference to business terminology. A webservice i used translated "receivership capability" to German "Insolvenzfähigkeit", which could be translated back to something like "insolvency ability".
I found the following text very interesting:

What Is Receivership? | Insolvency in Ireland
What Is Receivership?
When your business debts are continually growing and it seems almost impossible to pay your creditors, you can clearly see where your business is heading. Bankruptcy can appear to be the most likely outcome, but there is a better option – Receivership. Although you can find it incredibly difficult to allow someone else to have the overall control of your company, it would be difficult to find another alternative that can lessen the impact of your business’ decline.

But in order for you to prepare yourself and your business to enter into receivership, you need to first be able to understand the nature of Receivership, and how it works.

So what is Receivership?

Receivership happens when the bank, court or a secured creditor assigns an external person (known as the receiver) to take over the administration of a company. This outside manager will then replace the managing director of the business that has been placed under receivership, and this person will endeavor to find the best ways possible to pay the company’s debts in a limited amount of time.

To be able to free the company from the majority of its debts, most assigned receivers will liquidate all of the company’s properties and other assets. And that means that the business will have to be shut down. But after careful analysis of the company, if the receiver sees hope in the capability of a company to continue its operation and move into profit, the receiver will try to find possible ways to rescue some of the assets of the business.

Receivers work hard to protect the company’s stakeholders and creditors. And when his or her responsibilities are all accomplished, the company receiver will then file a resignation and return the power to the former managing director (if the company is still able to survive and can still operate). However, there are times when the receiver will make the decision to appoint a new managing director.

When compared to filing for bankruptcy, receivership is seen as the lesser of the two evils. It is also a faster process, so the cost is usually a lot less than the cost of going through bankruptcy. Probably its biggest advantage over other options is that it gives a failing company hope to restructure itself, only now with a firmer foundation.

It is important that when a company is facing receivership that the company directors face up to their responsibilities. Certainly there is no point in conducting a witch-hunt to find someone to blame for the company’s downfall. Usually there has been more than one cause. But if receivership is necessary, then the right advice needs to be sought out, and acted upon.
So "receivership capability" could entail also to step a bit aside, accept and see outer circumstances and allow higher knowledge. It can also mean the ability to deal with an "insolvency" - if the old ways just don't work anymore - or a "reset" as well as "act of nature" or "vis major" in the description above. Be it on a personal or global or cosmic level.
Also the book recommendations by the C's.. I did not read "Healing Developmental Trauma" yet though I already have it here. But I'm reading "Inside the criminal mind" which has some disillusioning aspect that fit the observation above, and also the book describes never-ending series of the inability to deal with monetary or societal insolvency of individuals.
goyacobol and genero81, I think you are both very much on point with regards to this matter, in terms of escaping the "survivalism" brainwave pattern which can be verified readily with biofeedback equipment, and transforming the circadian state to one which is able to harmonize/resonate with the "radio channel" at the same harmonic frequency multiples which are resonant in our universe. For example not many understand fully the science of why music belongs in some particular tunings but not others. This has to do with not only how well it harmonizes/resonates within a physical structure, something which was known well in the Renaissance but forgotten soon after, but also even larger structures involving the planetary systems, which was known well by Kepler but few after him.

mrtn, I believe your alternative interpretation gives suggestion to an equally valid perspective on the matter, which is more to do with recognizing how your definition applies itself to the vastly unnatural communication patterns which have formed in the later internet age. The early internet age involving BBS systems and dialup modems was not subject to this problem, quite the opposite, everyone had time to think deeply about online discussions and log on to submit their well considered replies. Now that things have accelerated far beyond that pace, we feel that to "pay our creditors" is to reply to email number 123234984, reply to text message 12989899, keep up with the Jones' on social media, and so on and so forth. It is an exhausting pattern which is becoming epidemic in our times.

Receivership in this context might be considered something like stepping out of the first person perspective which madly tries to keep up with all this, at the expense of other activities requiring deep thought, meditation, and consideration, and to allow the higher self to help one to restore their natural rhythms.

After all, we can achieve quite a bit of communication in a day without disturbing our natural rhythms, but the way we would do this looks quite different from how many people have implicitly agreed to communicate with one another, more and more each passing year since the early 2000s or so. It is no longer healthy in the slightest, and it is yet another way of inhibiting receivership capability.

This might be the most "important" topic in this forum. It is one thing to follow others, to be humble enough to do so and diligent to find the best to follow, but we will get nowhere in this transformation out of 3D if we do not learn receivership capability for ourselves. We are only reconnecting with ourselves in the future after all, or, at least, that is the easiest way for us to understand it from our largely linearly temporal mindsets.
In the Carl Gustav Jung thread, Laura posted a session excerpt (from 17 Aug 2000) which reminded me again in some way to the issue i mentioned in my last post above:
Q: In other words, we are doing what we are doing, and it doesn't really matter what we
are doing. The Wave will happen, everything will change, become new, and that's that?

A: What matters most is what others are doing, have done and will do.

Q: Who are these others that it matters most what they have done, are doing and will do?

A: Program rewriters, i.e. you and us in the future.

Q: So, what we have done, what we are doing, what we will do - WE - is important? I
think that I missed something. I thought you said that what we were doing simply didn't

A: You are/will be others.

Q: Okay, how is what we are doing now helping or hindering this process?

A: No help/hinder, just is.

Q: So, this has all been done before? It's a foregone conclusion how it is going to turn
out? It's a done deal?

A: No Laura, stop your linearishness!

Q: I don't understand. Is what we are doing making a difference?

A: What is "time?"

Q: Time is an illusion. (A) Is doing also an illusion?

A: If you are thinking in linear "time" terms.

Q: In other words, the best way for an STO future to manifest is for us not to anticipate
that ANYTHING we do will matter. Because, if we are anticipating that what we do will
make a difference, it won't. It is wanting. (A) I can't stop thinking that my working is
going to be useful! (L) I can't stop what I am doing either because it is what I DO. It is
being ME. We have to stop anticipating. We do what is in us to do without expecting it
to matter.

A: And you do it because you are directing you to do it from another plane of existence
where you know the score. Where you are on your present awareness plane, you are
largely, though not completely, scoreless and clueless.

Q: So, it is from another level of reality that we create THIS reality?

A: Close.

Q: How much input do we have from this level of reality regarding the creation of a
future reality, and I use the term "future" loosely, but meaning "future" as we perceive it
from this reality? How much input?

A: About as much awareness as a small child does when contemplating how to fly the
plane they are riding on.
The very last sentence is also a strong hint towards humbleness. If at all this could be connected to 'reveivership capability' then a child could possibly control the airplane to some degree if very carefully instructed by someone knowledgable, but imagine the childs thinks it knows how everything works, this could be catastrophic.
An article on SOTT a couple weeks ago reminded me of this phrase.

A new theory on the quality of high IQ brains

When you 'listen' electrically to the brain running, the more intelligent ones make less 'noise'.

So, this is the why to make the time to meditate frequently. Using your nub of free will to choose to quiet the mind, which in turn quiets the brain, making you "smarter" (increasing ability to receive the higher intelligence / point of view).

And so this is why meditating "with a seed" (as Laura has expounded for many years) is an useful technique: it gives the monkey brain something to focus on, so it doesn't divide its focus on a million other things, thereby quiet-ing the brain.

Eventually, after practicing this technique for some amount of time, I think the goal would then be to become able to achieve this quiet brain without a seed..
There are exceptionally astute points made in both of the two above posts, my attention is drawn to them immediately, especially in their combination. From the first:

A: And you do it because you are directing you to do it from another plane of existence
where you know the score.

There is something quite key indeed in achieving receivership that relates to an awareness that you are receiving from yourself on another plane of existence, where we might consider our ordinary selves the "lower self" and this other self the "higher self". While we might belittle the lower self when it is completely separated and detached from the higher self, as mainstream culture conditions us to do, once we have made enough progress in establishing the connection, the lower self can achieve the most utility by optimizing the signal/noise ratio. In other words, we need to become the best possible conduit or channel we can for the communication, intention and directed action of the higher self.

Thus from the second:

When you 'listen' electrically to the brain running, the more intelligent ones make less 'noise'.

So, this is the why to make the time to meditate frequently. Using your nub of free will to choose to quiet the mind, which in turn quiets the brain, making you "smarter" (increasing ability to receive the higher intelligence / point of view).

It is hard to say whether the "smartness" involved is actually originating from the lower self, but then, if the unified selves can be considered singular, then what does it really matter? The lower self, when resonating at the carrier frequency of the signal directed to them by the higher self, can act efficiently as a beacon or conduit of the higher self and this is all that really matters in the end. Only the higher self can be aware of the implications of the effort and so this is why it is alright that the lower self not concern itself with whether what it is doing (both directly and indirectly via receivership) really matters. They will certainly discover in time that it does, but applying the anxious energy of worrying about how much it matters can negatively affect the quality of the signal and so this will work against what we have just discussed.

t is hard to say whether the "smartness" involved is actually originating from the lower self, but then, if the unified selves can be considered singular, then what does it really matter? The lower self, when resonating at the carrier frequency of the signal directed to them by the higher self, can act efficiently as a beacon or conduit of the higher self and this is all that really matters in the end. Only the higher self can be aware of the implications of the effort and so this is why it is alright that the lower self not concern itself with whether what it is doing (both directly and indirectly via receivership) really matters. They will certainly discover in time that it does, but applying the anxious energy of worrying about how much it matters can negatively affect the quality of the signal and so this will work against what we have just discussed.

I have been thinking a lot about this lately and I think you are right about not trying to anticipate too much and realize in a sense we are trying to just listen to our own higher selves and get the message.

One reason I have been thinking about this is that the Cs describe what the "higher self" really is:

Session 28 December 1994
Q: (V) Is the higher self the same as the soul and the subconscious?

A: Yes.

Q: (V) Please define true psychology for me?

A: Half.

Q: (L) What do you mean by half? What is the half?

A: Half spirituality.

Q: (V) Do you think that the spiritual part put together with the subconscious part is a good way to approach psychology as I have been planning?

A: Be careful of "influences," you are easily influenced.

Q: (V) Is this directed at me and my idea of spiritual psychology?

A: Yes. And no.

Q: (V) What influences?

A: Any.

Q: (V) That is kind of open, isn't it? (L) Well, you never answered the question about "true" psychology. You only said "Half." What is true psychology? Is it the investigation of the subconscious mind?

A: True psychology only half.

Q: (L) And what is true psychology, a definition? Was it as I said, an investigation of the subconscious mind?

A: Physiologically directed study of mind.

Q: (L) The effects on the mind of the physiology, the hormones, blood sugar levels and so forth, input and output of the various organs and how that can affect the thought processes, is that correct?

A: Close.

Q: (L) And that is half of it. What else?

A: Spirit is missing half.

Q: (L) And what would the person who is working on the spiritual half of it focus their energies on? Would it be techniques of meditation, understanding the nature of the universe, would it have to do with physics, what area?

A: Apples and oranges.

Q: (L) All of those things are apples and oranges compared to the spiritual application of psychology that you intend?

A: No. Spirit has nothing to do with psychology as you know it.

Q: (L) But, in this theoretical psychology that you are telling us about, how would you fit the spiritual aspect into it?

A: Totally restructure theory.

Q: (L) Okay, and how would you present this totally restructured theory?

A: Much too complex.

I have gradually absorbed much of what the Cs have been saying without realizing how much it just gradually has been sinking into me.

I tend to think that I was seeing much of this even before I found Laura's work and the Cs but that's not really important as the fact it just seems to resonate with me.

This whole session has been there from way back in 1994 and it seems more relevant now than ever with all the psychology we have been studying and especially the newest efforts in the possible benefits being experienced with the NeurOptimal sessions.

The "influences" are everywhere and start from birth and even from before birth if reincarnation is a reality. On top of the everyday programming we have "preverbal" influences that we are trying to work on using NeurOptimal.

This whole session really gives us an idea of where the "influences" are which is just about everywhere:

Session 28 December 1994 continued:
Q: (L) In the discussion of psychology that we have had here, obviously you think that there is something about the way you have discussed it that V__ has missed or would miss because of influences from other sources, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) In terms of these sources that influence her, by what means of her system, her organic or spiritual system, do these influences tap into her being?

A: Visual and auditory.

Q: (L) Okay, so she sees things and hears things that influence her, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And where does she usually see or hear these things?

A: Scholastic.

Q: (L) So, these are scholastic things that you are talking about. She hears and sees things at school that influence her, that you say these influences are not going to be helpful in what she is ultimately trying to achieve, is that correct?

A: Bingo!

Q: (L) These things that she sees and hears, are they people and words that the people speak, or are they images such as film images, or just general...

A: All of the above.

Q: (V) Okay, now listen guys: if I don't go to school to get an education, and, in other words, to get the degree and get the credibility, then how am I going to be able to do any work? (L) Did you ever think that the people you would want to work with wouldn't come to anybody with a traditional degree?

A: Laura, let us answer.

Q: (L) I'm sorry. I'll butt out.

A: Why do you think you need a degree?

Q: (V) Well, the professional world here on planet Earth is built around degrees. I'm sure you are aware of that.

A: Incorrect!

Q: (L) People with degrees are in bread-lines... I'm sorry... I'll shut up. (V) Well, my goodness... so then I...

A: Disinformation cleverly and carefully orchestrated.

Q: (L) For what purpose?

A: To mislead.

Q: (V) To mislead in what way? What am I being led away from?

A: Not just you.

Q: (V) All psych students are misled?

A: All humans.

Q: (L) Are you saying that the public school system, including the college system, is deliberately designed and implemented to fill one's brain with false knowledge, to perpetuate Lizzie rule?

A: Close but this manifests at lower levels too.

Q: (V) Well, let me ask this question... is this the only species in the universe that studies this concept of psychology? Are there psychologists in Orion, are there psychologists in Cassiopaea?

A: Narrow concept.

Q: (L) What do you mean it's a narrow concept? (V) I mean, I mean... (L) Do you understand what they mean? (V) No, but what I mean is are we the only thinking, intelligent, types of people that... (L) I don't think that's what they meant to imply. (V) Well, it's not coming out right. You know, I sit here and I try and put things into words and it's so hard...

A: Expand your mind.

Q: (V) I'm trying to. (L) By what means?

A: Less prejudice.

Q: (L) Bet you never thought you would be called prejudiced, did you? (V) Prejudice about what? I don't think they are talking about blacks and whites... (L) I know, but there are other kinds...

A: The universe is an infinite illusion.

Q: (V) Jesus Christ! You guys...

A: We are not Jesus Christ.

Q: (V) That was just an exclamation... (L) They know that. I think they are being funny. (V) Ha, ha. Well, then, I guess... okay, when you say the universe is an infinite illusion, then why not close the eyes, lights out and the illusion is over?

A: Stop focusing so narrowly and rigidly.

Q: (V) Now, I don't think that's fair because I sit around all the time not focusing on narrow... (L) I know nothing! They already told me to shut up! Alright, you guys, you better help V__ out here because she is losing it... (V) Well I'm, I'm...

A: Blast your mind open.

Q: (V) Alright. You guys have said you are with us at all times, then you must know that I constantly am thinking about the possibilities... not even to think about possibilities, just accept that there is endless, boundless possibilities and move forward every day from that point of view?

A: That's a good start.

Q: (V) Well, if I have as open a mind as I do, I mean, I think I have a pretty open mind, what do you guys consider an open mind? Does anybody sitting here have the ultimate open mind? (L) Don't include me in this... I don't want them starting on me! (V) No, I mean how... as 3rd dimensional beings, how open can our minds be? Can you not tell that I am trying?

A: You are moving to 4th level, but all are not at same level of progression.

Q: (L) Are you saying here that V__ is much farther along than many people?

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, are you saying that she's got a good start? (V) Am I doing... let's put it this way, if I am moving on in my progression, what are the most critical things that I am doing in my moving and my progressing to move faster, that's making it happen? What are the key things that I do...

A: Association with individuals who speed your progress.

Q: (V) And naturally, that's Laura and Frank, correct?

A: Maybe. That is up to you.

Q: (V) Okay, association with individuals who speed my progress, that's one of the things that I do right, that's what you said, right?

A: Okay.

Q: (V) Is that the only key thing that I do?

A: Learning involves discovery.

Q: (V) Alright... So then, am I wasting my precious time going to school to get a degree in psychology?

A: Open.

Q: (L) I just think if going to school makes you happy, do it, but don't take it too seriously. (V) Are you saying that I can be so influenced that I ...

A: Influence comes not from experience but belief.

Q: (V) Well, if you guys hadn't just instilled within me that what I am doing, my education, is also being highly influenced, then would I ever have had the belief that you are talking about? Are you part of the influence? (L) What are you saying here? (V) Influence comes not from experience but belief... I didn't have a belief before this that I could... (L) Okay, in other words you have warned her about influences therefore, it is now okay for her to continue on her daily path as it is currently set up because she has been warned and is aware, is that correct?

A: Close.

Q: (V) My understanding is that the whole psychology thing, you know because Frank pooh poohs it all the time, and its that even though the teachings of Freud and all the others, Erikson, Horney and so forth, may not apply to the whole universe, they do apply to the species as a society...

A: Application is subjective.

Q: (L) So V__ is okay to continue along her current path, and there are a lot of benefits she is receiving from going to school including networking, as it exists for her... (V) Yes, I do a lot of seed planting while I am at school...

A: Okay, but be careful of influences.

Q: (L) Well, I guess that is it. You have the knowledge now and you're loaded for bear.

A: Now, you could gain much more knowledge by independent study and meditation.

Q: (V) Well, the knowledge that I want to gain in psychology and in school, and all of this is in order to help other people grow. (L) I think that what they are telling you is that the knowledge that you want you are not going to get there. That is the whole issue.

A: Why do you feel you need a degree?

Q: (V) Like I said, for credibility. It's also a legal aspect of practicing. You just don't practice...

A: Nonsense!

Q: (V) But you are not going to tell me how I can do this otherwise, are you?

A: We just did, but because you are not yet open, you did not recognize this.

Q: (V) So, independent study and meditation is the true way that I could find how to help other people?

A: Yes.

Q: (V) So, in other words, if it is going to happen, it is going to happen. No need to force the issue, huh? Okay, once this is published and people start being aware of what we do, what will they be looking for?

A: Everything.

Q: (L) You did say that once we got on the network, things would happen suddenly and dramatically. Now, as you must know, I did have an automobile accident the day after I got hooked up to the network, as you can see. I am put back together now with screws and tape!!! I'm sure I look charming! Now, oddly, as I was driving, just a few minutes prior to the accident, I was thinking very strongly of the fact that you Cassiopaeans were with me and I was saying to you in my mind that I wished you would also go and help my friend, Sandra, who was in the hospital. I was planning on rushing through my Christmas Eve and going to the hospital to give her Reiki. And then, Kowabonga! I got the smasho- smacko in the rear. Why did this happen? What did I do wrong? Is this what you meant by "sudden and dramatic?"

A: All happens for a reason.

Q: (L) Was there something I was supposed to learn from this smash-up?

A: If so, learn by meditating.

Q: (L) Is there something about our state of being that we can be sitting there thinking loving thoughts about others and then we get smashed?

A: Meditate.

Q: (V) Is her accident directly connected with getting on line? (L) Well, they didn't kill me, though they tried!

Q: (V) Back to my question...

A: Not necessary to answer.

Q: (L) Is that because I know the answer?

A: Okay.

Q: (L) And my answer is that there is a definite connection between the accident and getting hooked up, is that correct?

A: You explore well.

Q: (L) I think... now, my whole spinal column snapped like a whip on impact and I did have a concussion... and my shoulder is in REALLY bad shape... I am really surprised that they didn't keep me in the hospital longer...

A: You must be a "Whippersnapper."

Q: (L) Are there going to be some really positive results from the computer net? I mean, this is a rather painful beginning.

A: What have we told you?

Q: (V) Well, let's turn it on now.

A: Good idea.

Q: (L) Good night.

End of Session
It is hard to say whether the "smartness" involved is actually originating from the lower self, but then, if the unified selves can be considered singular, then what does it really matter? The lower self, when resonating at the carrier frequency of the signal directed to them by the higher self, can act efficiently as a beacon or conduit of the higher self and this is all that really matters in the end. Only the higher self can be aware of the implications of the effort and so this is why it is alright that the lower self not concern itself with whether what it is doing (both directly and indirectly via receivership) really matters. They will certainly discover in time that it does, but applying the anxious energy of worrying about how much it matters can negatively affect the quality of the signal and so this will work against what we have just discussed.

The danger in that is having "too much" faith, which can easily be hijacked by higher STS forces. This is why it is so important to hold faith "at arm's length" for a time (several years) while following clues & connecting dots to grow Awareness before trying to channel your own higher self. (I've long thought of "faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains" as a warning, rather than good news.)

Not trying to talk down to anyone, just some context in case someone new to this Work might discover the site and see this.
The danger in that is having "too much" faith, which can easily be hijacked by higher STS forces. This is why it is so important to hold faith "at arm's length" for a time (several years) while following clues & connecting dots to grow Awareness before trying to channel your own higher self. (I've long thought of "faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains" as a warning, rather than good news.)

Not trying to talk down to anyone, just some context in case someone new to this Work might discover the site and see this.

Oh, ye of little "faith"...just kidding. Actually this session does not mention "faith" but the danger of false "beliefs" and "influences". When you try to see the negative influences and outright lies you have absorbed, afterwards, I don't think the problem will be too much "faith" in anything but more of where did I put that mustard seed.

And as you say following clues and connecting dots is what I think gradually produces "faith" from actual testing, researching and experiencing. It is more a faith born of "awareness" I think. Giving yourself time varies from individual to individual I suppose. Some of us are seeing that need to "chill out" and slow down a bit more recently.

And I don't think you were talking down to anyone. Hope I don't sound that way either.

The Cs link "faith" to knowledge as being practically inseparable:

Q: (L) Does knowledge have a substance or an existence apart from its possession or its acceptance?

A: Knowledge has all substance. It goes to the core of all existence.

Q: (L) So acquiring knowledge includes adding substance to one's being?

A: Indeed. It includes adding everything to one's being that is desirable. And also, when you keep invoking the light, as you do, truly understand that the light is knowledge. That is the knowledge which is at the core of all existence. And being at the core of all existence it provides protection from every form of negativity in existence. Light is everything and everything is knowledge and knowledge is everything. You are doing extremely well in acquiring of knowledge. Now all you need is the faith and realization that acquiring of knowledge is all you need.

Q: (L) I just want to be sure that the source that I am acquiring the knowledge from is not a deceptive source.

A: If you simply have faith, no knowledge that you could possibly acquire could possibly be false because there is no such thing. Anyone or anything that tries to give you false knowledge, false information, will fail. The very material substance that the knowledge takes on, since it is at the root of all existence, will protect you from absorption of false information which is not knowledge. There is no need to fear the absorption of false information when you are simply openly seeking to acquire knowledge. And knowledge forms the protection -- all the protection you could ever need.

Q: (L) There are an awful lot of people who are being open and trusting and having faith who are getting zapped and knocked on their rears.

A: No. That is simply your perception. What you are failing to perceive is that these people are not really gathering knowledge. These people are stuck at some point in their pathway to progress and they are undergoing a hidden manifestation of what is referred to in your terms as obsession. Obsession is not knowledge, obsession is stagnation. So, when one becomes obsessed, one actually closes off the absorption and the growth and the progress of soul development which comes with the gaining of true knowledge. For when one becomes obsessed one deteriorates the protection therefore one is open to problems, to tragedies, to all sorts of difficulties. Therefore one experiences same.

To me it seems the Cs are giving a different meaning to the word "faith" as not being "belief" or blind faith but more awareness linked to knowledge. Perhaps some of this awareness is deep in our subconscious.
I believe everyone is correct in what they say, from where they say it. It becomes easy enough to see after pursuing enough study of the transcripts that the language we use can be a point of major limitation, leading sometimes in circles because of the limited modality of the language form. That we too struggle with the possible interpretations of the words we choose is a good sign, we see the ambiguity in the spoken word and it is here we might find the opportunity to surpass this limitation by delivering additional information on the same channels that are used for receivership.

Thus the medium for receivership can also be used to transmit information as well. It can be stated outright - read not just my words, but please try and read between the words, to obtain the context, the place from which the words are being spoken. If that place can be found, the provided context will provide the additional information that will hopefully remove the ambiguity. Read the way the words are spoken, the conviction, look for patterns of familiarity, of a kind of precision found only when the carrier frequency of the channel is resonating clearly and the noise level is low.

Faith is a funny thing, it suggests a fairly low level of two-way communication, or a one-way communication, or perhaps no communication at all, just a story to be believed in.

But interpreted differently, it can be something else entirely. The source of faith can ask that you question "why should I place my faith in this source?" It would want the same thing you want, if it is really worthy of faith, for you to be able to believe without doing so blindly.

And so, if that source of faith is nothing but your own higher self all along, experiencing a different modality of reality as a free participant in a collective consciousness, there remains nonetheless a large span or gamut to cross, when communicating. The lower self can bridge the gap through the Work and come to understand, or perhaps even identify with, that modality for reality as feeling much more like "home" to them than this one does, or ever did.

Receivership is one thing, but things get interesting when enough people span the gap and create the border crossing which has been spoken of previously. Receivership is the main initial catalyst in this transition.
Receivership is one thing, but things get interesting when enough people span the gap and create the border crossing which has been spoken of previously. Receivership is the main initial catalyst in this transition.

This quote and the one by genero81 earlier made me think.
So it occurs to me that the maze which is set as a trap is the unresolved developmental trauma that give rise to a survival style that inhibits or blocks proper connection to others. So we need to get unblocked so we can truly connect with each other to provide multiple antennae for connection to higher levels. Or that's what I'm thinking anyway.

The thought is that one of the reasons for doing The Work on oneself while connecting to the forum network is to help improve receivership capability for the entire network which would then function similar to a multi array radio telescope which can detect and amplify signals from deep space. Properly tuned, unblocked, and connected we would be an organic living version of a multiple array antenna for receiving higher cosmic energies to do further work in STO mode.
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