Recommended Books: Discussion

Is it true that there is a free downloadable version of Cleckley's book? Where can I find the link?

Abe :)
sure. Here it is.

Abe ;)
Johnno said:
This is the current list of books recommended by the QFS. The list was last updated on June 1st, 2011.

Health and Diet
Life Without Bread: How a Low-Carbohydrate Diet Can Save Your Life - Christian B. Allan & Wolfgang Lutz
The Ultra Mind Solution - Mark Hyman
Detoxification and Healing: The Key to Optimal Health" - Sidney MacDonald Baker
Detoxify or Die - Sherry Rogers
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Autoimmune Disorders - Stephen B. Edelson and Deborah Mitchell
Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Rodger Murphree
Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar, and Survival - T. S. Wiley & Bent Formby
Sex, Lies, and Menopause: The Shocking Truth About Synthetic Hormones and the Benefits of Natural Alternatives - T. S. Wiley, Julie Taguchi & Bent Formby

Should The Vegetarian Myth be added to the list?

I just wanted to add that the Dwellings of the Philosophers by Fulcanelli is extremely expensive on amazon...

I found a website where it is reasonably priced at around $165.00

If anyone is interested.... :)

Just wanted to say that I feel very grateful for this book list. Books have started arriving at my home and I have been taking a sneak peak, reading the prefaces and the back covers. Just wonderful.
I expect them to help me in letting go of more and more illusions.
I have been reading The UltraMind Solution and Trapped in the Mirror and both unleash old stuff in me, like illusions and pain.
I can't wait to read that small book In Sheep's Clothing, but from now on I will read the books in the order that was suggested.

Thank you so much for this.
quick question,

when will there be audio books for those unable to see, I am interested in the books from Laura and the SOTT site.

thank you
Hi Adolanaea, you can take a look here:

It isn't an audio book but is very interesting
I would like to start out with Myth of Sanity and In Search of the Miraculous (after I've finished The Wave online), although my brother suggested that maybe it was better to read the recommended narcissism/psychopathy books first.

Another issue is that our bank account is proving too unstable at the moment to purchase books online. I have a bit of cash saved up however and was wondering if there is a way I could buy these books with that, in a way that would contribute to SOTT/QFG?
HowToBe said:
I would like to start out with Myth of Sanity and In Search of the Miraculous (after I've finished The Wave online), although my brother suggested that maybe it was better to read the recommended narcissism/psychopathy books first.

Another issue is that our bank account is proving too unstable at the moment to purchase books online. I have a bit of cash saved up however and was wondering if there is a way I could buy these books with that, in a way that would contribute to SOTT/QFG?

Try here:
Adolanaea said:
quick question,

when will there be audio books for those unable to see, I am interested in the books from Laura and the SOTT site.

thank you

Have you tried text to speech software before? I used this software to read much of the wave and adventures series and various other books. Maybe you could find ebook versions of the books you would like to read and use this software?
Approaching Infinity said:
HowToBe said:
I would like to start out with Myth of Sanity and In Search of the Miraculous (after I've finished The Wave online), although my brother suggested that maybe it was better to read the recommended narcissism/psychopathy books first.

Another issue is that our bank account is proving too unstable at the moment to purchase books online. I have a bit of cash saved up however and was wondering if there is a way I could buy these books with that, in a way that would contribute to SOTT/QFG?

Try here:
Alright, I've sent them an email.
Adolanaea said:
quick question,

when will there be audio books for those unable to see, I am interested in the books from Laura and the SOTT site.

thank you

I remember reading somewhere that people downloaded and pirated copies when her work was put in audio form, but I really like this idea of audio books. I could be wrong, but I think audio books can be made to where they cannot be copied. I think Laura's works could reach so many more people so much faster if they were made into audio books and hope Laura considers this or has considered it. :)
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