Recommended Books: Discussion

We hear you loud and clear, and we understand you better than you understand yourself. As uncomfortable as this might feel, it is true, for all of us. We can't see ourselves as others see us, period. That's why we use the network. A simplistic but too common analogy, is the one where someone walks in a formal occasion with greens on her teeth, smiling around thinking that she looks oh so sophisticated and charming in her new gown, until somebody points out to her that there's a salad left-overs showing in her mouth. It's better to be told that than not, yes? Otherwise the poor woman won't have a chance to look in the mirror and clean her teeth. It's a very simplistic example as I said, because in this instance, what you can't see about yourself is actually dangerous to you, your life and the health of this forum, compared to some food stuck in your teeth.

That is helpful. And, when someone points out to her that there is salad left-overs in her teeth, kindness is always appreciated.

I think it's important to realize how you may be thinking wishfully about many things, and to look critically at how you come across to others. Humility, which is defined as "the quality of being modest and respectful" is important, in a way we all are guests here, and it is only appropriate to take into account what others say, knowing that we don't know ourselves, and that we primarily can get to know ourselves from the point of views given by others.

Yes, I can say that I may be thinking wishfully about certain things. It is true that I don't know myself.
Yes, respect is important across the board.
There seems to be a certain style here on the forum, that consists of humiliating first, then expecting humility back from the person being humiliated. Just how productive is that? It is called 'self importance' when a reaction comes from a place of hurt.
When something painful is being pointed out to me, I respond better with some kindness being shown in the midst of the shock.
It is true that I lash out when I feel misunderstood. I will be looking at this.

I do need to take a break and process all of this.
If Ark is willing to answer my questions, I will look forward to that.
SolarMother said:
Yes, I can say that I may be thinking wishfully about certain things. It is true that I don't know myself.
Yes, respect is important across the board.
There seems to be a certain style here on the forum, that consists of humiliating first, then expecting humility back from the person being humiliated. Just how productive is that? It is called 'self importance' when a reaction comes from a place of hurt.
When something painful is being pointed out to me, I respond better with some kindness being shown in the midst of the shock.
It is true that I lash out when I feel misunderstood. I will be looking at this.

I do need to take a break and process all of this.
If Ark is willing to answer my questions, I will look forward to that.

Dear, people here are being respectful. There is no humiliation taking place, people are merely pointing at you your own behaviour and mode of thinking. Usually mods here do this when a member has show to be regular, and shows peculiarities that may hinder him/her.
Think about it - all the people that were posting, are working on themselves, are busy with ordinary life and projects. They have no obligation to point to you your faults.
Even Ark passed here to address your concerns.
Yet, you wrote in a somewhat demanding style - If Ark is willing to answer my questions...
You feel humiliated because you identify strongly with your definition of resonating, and guiding yourself through intuition. You seem to equate this with feminine power.
STS forces can, and will use fake "resonance" to lead us astray. If you think that your level of intuition/detecting resonance are strong enough to be exempt of this rule, you are food. This, is self importance.
To hear a message - "newagers typically use such terms as ressonance and subjective reasoning to guide themselves through life, and you are doing the same" and somehow think that, despite using even the same words, you are doing differently.
I understand that you think that the fact that you have used these skills through life with sucess may prove your point, however our senses deceive us all the time.
Many people are sensitive on this forum, some may even be more than you. But there is wisdom in using such skills - assuming that you really do have those and its not more self deception - as only a guide, and thinking with your head, as a hammer. A feeling, a intuition has to be decoded. And only the mind, with the help of constant influx of information can do that in our present state. But this information MUST be put to test. To not do so, and trust only your own imput, is self-importance. Because, once again, we deceive ourselves, and you may be operating on very false premisses.

It may seem totally contrary right now, but people are doing this because they care about you. They care about your growth. Every second that people use to reply to you, could be spent doing something else. Think about it.
SolarMother said:
Citro goes to great pains to describe the materia pura and cites experiments with TFF (Transference Pharmacological Frequency.) He cites many physicists in his book, such as Popp, Mandel, Preparata...)
I posted his book review on the water thread.
Has anyone else read it?

I mentioned it several weeks ago here, and on balance think it's a good book -- I don't see the connection with what you mentioned earlier (outside of the fact that it deals with quantum topics in general), but I would recommend it. Let's leave that for now, though, and wait for Ark to answer your questions -- I think that will be very educational.
SolarMother said:
"IS the earth's frequency actually increasing (while the earth's magnetism is decreasing?)

What do you mean by earth's frequency? Can you point out at least one reference (possibly from scientific or semi-scientific, say Wikipedia, sources) in which the term you are using is precisely defined, and where the method of measuring this "earth's frequency" is specified?

In other words: is it a scientific term? Or is it just that other people use this word, so you are using it too, because it "resonates", but you do not really know what that means?

If this question really interests you - try to understand first the meaning of the word, as precise as possible.

That is how every fruitful dialogue should start - the terms used should be defined. Otherwise, for instance, two people will discuss about "love", but each of them will mean a different thing and assume that the other part understands it in the same way. Such a dialogue is a waste of time. So, first try to define the term. A teacher, for instance, often realizes that she/he does not really understands that what she/he is teaching about, after students ask questions. A teacher would, say, teach about "energy", and a student would ask: "But what exactly is energy? How you define it?" And the teacher may realize that she/he does not really know. Knowing what we do not know is already a progress.
Prometeo said:
People seriously, how you find all those books? When I go to my library I just find twilight. Thanks anyway for the list.

Perhaps you meant how does the forum stumble upon all these great books?

Maybe I'm stating the obvious, but you can for example :

- have a look at the bibliography listing at the end of a good book. If the book you are reading is very informative, chances are the books in its bibliography are too (or at least parts can be).
- Authors often quote very interesting references that are worth looking into.
- If a book by an author is interesting (Timothy Wilson for example), other books by this author might be too. You can also get great references for books from great websites (greenmedinfo, etc.).
- Then there is the 'Customers who bought this also bought...' on Amazon and find great suggestions (and actually notice that the suggestions are based on SOTT people's purchases!!).
- A great documentary might spark an interest in a particular experiment, area, person, theory and the research on the net about these will lead to a set of new and interesting books.

Then there are people sending books they find interesting directly to the Château. Also, the variety of people on this forum (and the fact that many of them love to read) guarantees a wide net to catch books one would not immediately think of.

I'm sure there are plenty of other ways I'm forgetting at the moment. :)
anart said:
Prometeo said:
He he, my question did mean about which method you use to get these books, of course I know how to get them. I meant how they actually get to spot these books, how much searching and kinda luck this would take. You know, some say the book gets to you, like if the book itself wants to be read by you and suddenly you got your attention on it. :P Just as I did with the wave, matter of luck.

It's best - if you actually want to learn - to go and get the recommended books, not wait for them to fall in your lap.

I know I know and I got lot of them... on my lap. I was trying to be funny with my first question but I'm gonna stop because I was misunderstood.

Iron said:
Prometeo said:
He he, my question didn't mean about which method you use to get these books, of course I know how to get them. I meant how they actually get to spot these books, how much searching and kinda luck this would take. You know, some say the book gets to you, like if the book itself wants to be read by you and suddenly you got your attention on it. :P Just as I did with the wave, matter of luck.

I used to think like that. But since that seems to not happen anymore, that long periods would pass while Im "waiting" for the right time to read the book, I got to the following conclusions:
- That used to happen because it would be the "cubic centimeter of chance". I did not know the rules of searching, so the universe gave "free samples".
- Time is short and getting shorter by the second. If I wait for the right time, perhaps in a minute from now there will be no longer a right time... or time passing for me for that matter. I could be dead a minute from now.
- In the point of learning I am, I believe its my predator/programs that urge me to wait. Now, if necessary I have to push information "down my throat" and later struggle to apply it in order for it to become knowledge.

Ok, I didn't mean that I wait for them to come to me, but actually you touched an important part of my behavior, sometimes I have the books and because I have other things to do I don't read them. :/ Well well, I received good feedback from something I never imagined lol.

Thanks everyone for the responses, never imagined to be appreciated in this way really.

truth seeker said:
Prometeo said:
He he, my question didn't mean about which method you use to get these books, of course I know how to get them. I meant how they actually get to spot these books, how much searching and kinda luck this would take. You know, some say the book gets to you, like if the book itself wants to be read by you and suddenly you got your attention on it. :P Just as I did with the wave, matter of luck.
Perhaps in the instance with The Wave, there was something deeper in you asking without the intention of receiving? What I have found though is that when one has received something, the onus is then on the individual to Do - to give back. The reliance on receiving - getting without giving or giving with the expectation of getting is really a state of entropy. One only "gets" when one shows to the Universe that they not only acknowledge but respect the gift. Otherwise it amounts to little more than gluttony and neglect for the goddess' gift.

edit: clarity
I didn't understand what you mean by this, could you explain it to me please?

I mean, what do you mean by giving and receiving and not giving etc, applied on my situation? When I found the wave I was reading from various sources for example alex collier, the active side of infinity and other bunch of books about about aliens and all on bibliotecapleyades, then I spotted the wave and realized that explains things better than those other books together, then I began to read all the articles I found related to the wave and the quantum group. I talk about it so you can understand my context a little better.

But I was really searching and searching here and there for some explanation, incredibly I found the wave. My question so, meant in a sarcastic or funny way how much time would take to discover these books as how it happened to me when I discovered the Wave, through looking from this to there, not that it takes so much time to read the recommended books or that I'll read them when I feel that I have to.

Mrs.Tigersoap said:
Prometeo said:
People seriously, how you find all those books? When I go to my library I just find twilight. Thanks anyway for the list.

Perhaps you meant how does the forum stumble upon all these great books?

Yep, you nailed it. I need to expand my vocabulary :lol:

Pashalis said:
truth seeker said:
I just wanted to apologize to you Pashalis for making that mistake. I'm really sorry if I made you feel bad.

no worry as you said we all make mistakes and I saw it as a possible opportunity to learn something :)

I feel you brother.
Prometeo said:
Ok, I didn't mean that I wait for them to come to me, but actually you touched an important part of my behavior, sometimes I have the books and because I have other things to do I don't read them. :/ Well well, I received good feedback from something I never imagined lol.

Thanks everyone for the responses, never imagined to be appreciated in this way really.

truth seeker said:
Prometeo said:
He he, my question didn't mean about which method you use to get these books, of course I know how to get them. I meant how they actually get to spot these books, how much searching and kinda luck this would take. You know, some say the book gets to you, like if the book itself wants to be read by you and suddenly you got your attention on it. :P Just as I did with the wave, matter of luck.
Perhaps in the instance with The Wave, there was something deeper in you asking without the intention of receiving? What I have found though is that when one has received something, the onus is then on the individual to Do - to give back. The reliance on receiving - getting without giving or giving with the expectation of getting is really a state of entropy. One only "gets" when one shows to the Universe that they not only acknowledge but respect the gift. Otherwise it amounts to little more than gluttony and neglect for the goddess' gift.

edit: clarity
I didn't understand what you mean by this, could you explain it to me please?

I mean, what do you mean by giving and receiving and not giving etc, applied on my situation? When I found the wave I was reading from various sources for example alex collier, the active side of infinity and other bunch of books about about aliens and all on bibliotecapleyades, then I spotted the wave and realized that explains things better than those other books together, then I began to read all the articles I found related to the wave and the quantum group. I talk about it so you can understand my context a little better.
Just for clarity, the part in bold above (in your quote) is what most likely led to some of the responses you received. It sounded as if you were waiting for the books to come to you because it "wants to be read" by you as opposed to you going out to get the books yourself. To me, this points to a certain level of expectation - that one expects things to come to them with little to on effort on their part. That kind of expectation (to me) seems to be a lack of respect for what has already been given and doesn't require any "payback" (the respect reference) on the part of the recipient. So based on what you initially wrote, it came across as you wanting to get without giving (the gluttony reference) since it seemed you were "used' to it. Hope that's clearer.
Gimpy said:
In my own words, simply--when I resonate with something it feels right and true.

Hi SolarMother.

Its been my experience, that when I 'resonate' with something, its not necessarily a positive event. The more 'at home' I feel in a situation, with a person, or a group upon first meeting...the more it can't be trusted to be a real perception of the situation.

Why is this? Because what tends to 'resonate' with us is what's familiar, which can be old entrenched programs that fit like a favorite pair of shoes. I learned to see that 'resonance' for the red flag it really was. Every time I didn't question this, or look for clues, I got hurt eventually.

When I first came here, yes, there were many things that 'resonated', but it was equaled by clanging against several programs I had running at the time, and yes that clanging drove me away from here until I could process it and come back again.

Does this sound close to what you are currently experiencing?

I can't add very much to what you have said, Gimpy. I will say that my experience was not only that I "got hurt" but that I sometimes was hurt very badly. And not just from a series of incidents. The entire course of my life was altered more than once as the result of "resonating" with something that eventually proved to be evil masquerading as good.

And yet some things that have resonated later in life have eventually proven to be true and very beneficial.

So "resonance" seems to be a signal, not of something "right and true" but of something that requires special attention and further investigation. And intense scrutiny, if you are going to allow it to change your life.
truth seeker said:
Just for clarity, the part in bold above (in your quote) is what most likely led to some of the responses you received. It sounded as if you were waiting for the books to come to you because it "wants to be read" by you as opposed to you going out to get the books yourself. To me, this points to a certain level of expectation - that one expects things to come to them with little to on effort on their part. That kind of expectation (to me) seems to be a lack of respect for what has already been given and doesn't require any "payback" (the respect reference) on the part of the recipient. So based on what you initially wrote, it came across as you wanting to get without giving (the gluttony reference) since it seemed you were "used' to it. Hope that's clearer.

Ok, thanks for the answer. Any tips on how I can work this 'gluttony'?
Prometeo said:
truth seeker said:
Just for clarity, the part in bold above (in your quote) is what most likely led to some of the responses you received. It sounded as if you were waiting for the books to come to you because it "wants to be read" by you as opposed to you going out to get the books yourself. To me, this points to a certain level of expectation - that one expects things to come to them with little to on effort on their part. That kind of expectation (to me) seems to be a lack of respect for what has already been given and doesn't require any "payback" (the respect reference) on the part of the recipient. So based on what you initially wrote, it came across as you wanting to get without giving (the gluttony reference) since it seemed you were "used' to it. Hope that's clearer.

Ok, thanks for the answer. Any tips on how I can work this 'gluttony'?
It's not an unusual problem. We all do it to one extent or another. In the case of the books, do what you can to get/read them. If it helps, what I try (and sometimes fail at) is keeping in mind how my own inaction indirectly hurts others - if I don't keep up with the information, I can't help others who come to the forum because I haven't helped myself first, if that makes sense. The same goes with me working on my programs, when I fall short, I fail others. If you're like me, you may have programs rooted in fears that may lead to inaction by thinking "Everything I do is wrong, so why try?". The seeming opposite (but what I think is two sides of the same coin) is jumping into things without thinking. Both are incorrect and self important, but that's just me, it may present differently for you. So perhaps just trying to be mindful of helping as many people as we can in as many ways as we can by helping ourselves, is the key?
Indeed. I'm not that one that fears of fail, but that jumps without thinking. You just remembered me the new article about toxic relationships from SOTT, that it seems it does not only apply to a romantic relationship but how you relate with others. Healing and working on ourselves so at least we can inform others from a healthy perspective. This thing of networking and what you communicate with others is more important than what usually is taught.

Prometeo said:
Indeed. I'm not that one that fears of fail, but that jumps without thinking. You just remembered me the new article about toxic relationships from SOTT, that it seems it does not only apply to a romantic relationship but how you relate with others. Healing and working on ourselves so at least we can inform others from a healthy perspective. This thing of networking and what you communicate with others is more important than what usually is taught.

Amazing article wasn't it? It was also quite timely for me and I saw much of myself in it. I thought as you did that it doesn't only apply to those in romantic relationships and hope that others picked up on that as well.

Definitely do your best to get the additional "big 5" books recommended at the post below if you haven't already. I think you'll find much in there that's very helpful as well.,4718.msg314120.html#msg314120
Approaching Infinity said:
Suggestions for inclusion on the Big List of Big Books:

Thomas Sheridan's Puzzling People
George Simon's Character Disturbance
Stephen Porges' Polyvagal Theory
Bryant Shiller's 5th Option
Norma Gedgaudas' Primal Body Primal Mind

Suggestion for additional "big 5":

Peter Levine's In An Unspoken Voice
Timothy Wilson's Redirect
Timothy Wilson's Strangers to Ourselves
Daniel Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow
David DiSalvo's What Makes Your Brain Happy and Why You Should Do the Opposite (maybe)

How about David McRaney's You Are Not So Smart? (in part because of the information, as excerpted on the psychology board, and also because of its delivery; I think the former can also be found elsewhere, but not the latter)

Laura also mentioned Samuel Barondes' Making Sense of People in the adaptive unconscious thread; as the book Strangers to Ourselves makes clear, such approaches to personality classification are limited, but seen in context, as in the thread, the concepts can be used to - in observing oneself and others' behavior - better infer how oneself and others really work.

Another thought: As for making another "Big 5" recommendation, perhaps the above choice is the best; I guess it depends on which books (not read DiSalvo's book yet) are the most foundational in the knowledge and understanding they convey. However, for completeness, I think it could just as well be a "Big 6" or even a "Big 7" - I mean, AFAIK there's no particular need to keep it strictly five. Though the less, the easier to acquire and the shorter the time to read the recommended "must-haves"; still, I think completeness is the more important in the end, though not at all sure what would be "complete enough" in this instance.
ark said:
SolarMother said:
"IS the earth's frequency actually increasing (while the earth's magnetism is decreasing?)

What do you mean by earth's frequency? Can you point out at least one reference (possibly from scientific or semi-scientific, say Wikipedia, sources) in which the term you are using is precisely defined, and where the method of measuring this "earth's frequency" is specified?

In other words: is it a scientific term? Or is it just that other people use this word, so you are using it too, because it "resonates", but you do not really know what that means?

If this question really interests you - try to understand first the meaning of the word, as precise as possible.

That is how every fruitful dialogue should start - the terms used should be defined. Otherwise, for instance, two people will discuss about "love", but each of them will mean a different thing and assume that the other part understands it in the same way. Such a dialogue is a waste of time. So, first try to define the term. A teacher, for instance, often realizes that she/he does not really understands that what she/he is teaching about, after students ask questions. A teacher would, say, teach about "energy", and a student would ask: "But what exactly is energy? How you define it?" And the teacher may realize that she/he does not really know. Knowing what we do not know is already a progress.

Sorry for the delay in replying.

Here is a start. What I have read so far, that springs to mind, is that there is something called the resonance
principle. In physics, two systems resonate with eachother when their oscillations vibrate at the same frequency.
"The Earth does, indeed, "ring like a bell", as do all generally spherical bodies that consist of a more dense shell surrounding a less dense interior. A shock delivered to a point on the shell will reverberate through and around the sphere in auditory patterns we call "ringing"...though, for the Earth, the ringing is at such a low frequency, that we humans don't hear it. According to the book "Earth", by F. Press and R. Siever, the lowest ring tone is E flat in the 20th octave below middle C. Seismologists can use this ringing to study the structure of the earth, including the flow of the molten core within. New data is gathered every time there is a major earthquake, which sets the earth ringing for days. The book "Theoretical Global Seismology", by F. A. Dalen, is a (highly technical) resource. Another interesting source is the web site for the Royal Observatory of Belgium. They are doing work on a core model for the earth, which includes trying to understand how earth's interior features modulate the ringing."

Here is what I found on Wiki:

From the following page:
we have the following information:

Robert C. Beck performed his own research on electro-stimulation of the healing process and found that the human body has numerous very specific frequencies at which production of different endorphins, beta-endorphins, catecholamines, enkephalins, dynorphins, proteins, and stem cells were triggered.

Beck used an HP spectrum analyzer and attached it to instrumentation amplifiers that were connected to human subjects in order to measure brain wave activity both with and without external stimulation. Beck claimed that the brain appeared to have a high-Q factor of about 3000 for frequency selectivity. Via his own research and that of others, Beck determined that about 250 different frequencies were key in triggering the body to produce its own healing chemicals. Beck studied about 150 different brain wave stimulation devices, and their effects experimentally. He studied the 'executive chimp' study (involving stressed animals). He designed the Brain Tuner black box electrode device to produce these frequencies simultaneously.

Through further research on various people claiming mystical powers, Robert C. Beck found that these people for brief instances of a few seconds at a time generated brain waves in frequency between alpha and theta waves, in sympathy with the 7.83 Hertz-earth resonance frequency (see ELF, Binaural beats, Schumann resonance). He found that nearly none of people claiming mystical powers were without this phenomenon, and that the ones without it were probably faking their mystic abilities.

From the following page we get the following information:
The Schumann resonance (SR) is a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth surface and the ionosphere. This global electromagnetic resonance phenomenon is named after physicist Winfried Otto Schumann who predicted it mathematically in 1952. Schumann resonance occurs because the space between the surface of the Earth and the conductive ionosphere acts as a waveguide. The limited dimensions of the Earth cause this waveguide to act as a resonant cavity for electromagnetic waves in the ELF band. The cavity is naturally excited by energy from lightning strikes. Schumann resonances are observed in the power spectra of the natural electromagnetic background noise, as separate peaks at extremely low frequencies (ELF) around 8, 14, 20, 26 and 32 Hz.

Read more:'s_frequency#ixzz1leBDMrzV
More: _'s_Magnetic_Field.html [link deactivated by moderator]

I don't know if this is correct, but if it is, it helped me to understand the measuring of the earth's frequency.

...The apparent source of the measured frequencies is lightning strikes. Each strike is much like throwing a pebble into a pond and observing the resulting wave extending outward from the strike point. Earth, being a sphere, allows for the wave to circulate around and around until it dies out. Thus we have a resonance forming mechanism. Now imagine taking a handful of pebbles and tossing them up in the air over the pond. As they land at various places and times in the pond the resulting wave created by each pebble has its own path and at times adding to or subtracting from the waves created by the other pebbles. This picture is analogous to the many lightning strikes occurring on Earth at any given time, each strike creating it's own wave being sent around Earth.

So, what is it that creates a measurable single signal at the base frequency of Earth resonance? One would expect, given the above, that all that would be measured would be noise produced by the random lightning strikes from around the planet. This would be true if it were not for Earth's magnetic field, which creates what is known in microwave applications as a circulator. A circulator is created in the laboratory by placing a magnetic field at right angles to an electrical ring. A repetitive radio frequency signal that resonates with the ring's size is injected (lightning strike) at any point on the ring.

Without the magnetic field the injected signal would travel in both directions around the ring. The split portion of the signal would meet and pass each other on the opposite side of the ring from the injection point. This is the same phenomenon that is created when striking a bell. In the case of the bell, sound waves travel in both directions from the strike point around the perimeter of the bell, continuing until they die out. However, in the case of Earth, with the introduction of the magnetic field the waves traveling in one direction (East) are aided in their path while those traveling in the opposite direction (West) are attenuated. As the magnetic field is increased in strength, at some flux level all of the Westward traveling waves are completely attenuated.

If Earth had a strong enough magnetic field around her, one much stronger than what we have today, then these random lightning strikes would only be sending their respective waves in one direction, East. As such, the lightning charges that build locally would be influenced by waves created by other lightning and they would be synchronized in their discharge. This is known as injection locking. Injection locking occurs when a small signal, that from another lightning strike, helps time the discharge of a building local charge.

With such a large magnetic field Earth would be singing a single note. A steady pure tone would be created and kept going by the synchronized lightning strikes from around the globe. With Earth's current weak and perhaps decreasing magnetic field what we measure with our instruments is a noisy, almost resonant, wide band signal at Earth's base resonant frequency.

I await your comments. I hope a fruitful dialogue can commence.
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