Session 12 November 2016

Thank you for another session. Interesting about Trump, comets etc. Perhaps some people were correct without knowing it, when they thought that Trump represented the end of the world. Comets could spell the end of the world for a lot of people and cause some real suffering. Though it is not due to Trump.

Here is the cartoon mentioned in the session. It is from the German magazine and it says: "Das ende der Welt", which means "The end of the World"

The article says this to explain the cover _ :
In 1987, R.E.M. released “It’s the End of the World as We Know It.” In 2004, the band opened a concert for the first time with that song, at Madison Square Garden, two days after the re-election of George W. Bush. Today, German magazine Der Spiegel repeats the famous chorus, minus the “It’s,” with only half the American electorate feeling fine.

Looking at this great piece of artwork, it’s hard not to think of a certain Time magazine cover. The artist responsible for that August Donald Trump “Meltdown” illustration, Edel Rodriguez, is also the author of this Der Spiegel Trump comet.

Also good to hear about Reiki and how it has improved Laura's health. We have also started to do Reiki every other night to each other after years of not using it much and it is very uplifting.
Thanks for the session, and its transcription!

In regards of "seeing the man behind the curtain", it seems the PTB's wishfull thinking has reached/past the point where their acts are so disconnected from reality that people starts to notice.

And regarding Reiki, timely reminder! Time to practice again.

Interesting times ahead :D
Thank you so much for this post. I am looking forward to seeing what sort of changes that Trump will implement.
I don't recall ever reading about the an-nu-ki symbol. Could anybody point me in the right direction. In 2006 Laura had posted a link to the following website but it is no longer working.
Wow! Very interesting session. Thank you! The Trump card is in play. How fascinating! Also, thank you to those who've been working on the crystal project. Since receiving them, I've been having really vivid dreams, sleeping better, and generally feeling better all around. Thanks all! :cool2:
Thank you very much to Laura,Andromeda and Galatea.We do not have the name of the Cassiopaea Member this time,but a lot of gracias to everybody than makes possible this.

A: Things are developing nicely. Help is close.

(Everyone) Oh!

(Pierre) So, it's not on the way anymore. It stopped.

A: And elsewhere! Goodbye.

The help has been closed and i am wondering how this help in practical terms has manifested in the last events? Maybe the light was/is guiding to Putin and his team to take the correct decisions.The light is helping the Syrians to to endure the unendurable to save their country.Bachar Al Assad has chosen the path of freedom in every way, because he knew it was right for his people and his homeland and he surrounded himself with good and powerful friends,whom help him with objective information.We know that the correct and objective information is the Key...This is the Help from the Cosmos. :love:

The story is to be written with Trump, let's see how he uses the Help...
Aeneas said:
Thank you for another session. Interesting about Trump, comets etc. Perhaps some people were correct without knowing it, when they thought that Trump represented the end of the world. Comets could spell the end of the world for a lot of people and cause some real suffering. Though it is not due to Trump.

Here is the cartoon mentioned in the session. It is from the German magazine and it says: "Das ende der Welt", which means "The end of the World"

Thanks for posting this. That's the picture I had in mind.
DougEE said:
Thank you for the session. It's a great relief to know that the real numbers give Trump much greater support than does the MSM. This makes it much harder for Soros/Clintons et al to sow any lasting discontent.
As mentioned elsewhere, there now exist many disaffected Clintonites that just may know too much (eg Abedin). Also, there may now be too many ISIS connections that also know too much, hence Obama's pledge to attack the ISIS leaders. Interesting days ahead. Purple voodoo anyone?

If I were a life insurance agent right now there are a whole bunch of people I would absolutely not give a policy to!
Thanks a lot again, very interesting session. But no introduction from C's this time, no name? Did it happen before?
Kyoshirō said:
There are some astrologers who saw Trump winning. But they see in his chart a possible assassination attempt occurring.

In that case, just about everyone here is equal to these astrologers because we can clearly see the possibility of an assassination attempt. Hell, you don't have to be able to read the stars and planets, just look out the darned window.

OK, I'm having a bit of fun here... but their concept that we need astrologers to inform us of that is ludicrous and hilarious.
Thanks for the new session! I'm happy to hear the election was a "big miscalculation" and "they lost". Hopefully Trump will take his own personal security very seriously. May be better to leave Air Force One parked and travel in his own plane, as they seem to love using planes to achieve goals.

As for the percentage of people who voted,

{NOTE: If only 58% of the population voted, and 63% of those voted Trump, then if we assume that all other people who voted picked Hillary, that works out to 37% of the 58% who voted - which is max 21% of the total population who voted for Hillary.}

The max who could have voted for Hillary is 21%, but if you figure in 3% for Johnson, 1% for Stein, and another .7% that voted for Deez Nutz, Harambe the dead gorilla, etc., it is likely closer to 16% that actually voted for Hillary. Pretty pathetic. With those numbers, the "paid" revolution should fizzle out with the onset of winter.
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