My idea about elementals is that they can be harmful and useful (alongside neutral). This is probably the most often force used in magic (including black). I've been trying to create and strengthen one elemental mainly for protection. Imaging elementals, giving purposes - intention (protection, surveying, finding, healing etc.), give it mental power to function, occasionally supplement energy. After reading this session I am a little worried about what is full truth about elementals.
Whether they can get out of control and develop their own will?
It sounds like you are talking about "white magic"? I suppose many are curious about magic or enjoy watching magic shows (I know I have been fascinated watching many "magicians").
I guess there can be a negative side to everything and instinctively I have wondered if the spiritual hygiene you mention is not something to consider when exploring the unknown.
Your remark reminded me of this session which interestingly also mentions DNA:
Session 30 March 2002:
Q: (V) Next question: Is repeating the names of the symbols, which I guess is like a mantra which is a no-no here, as effective as repeated use of the symbol? Does it go either way?
A: No. Important part is the geometry.
Q: (V) So the use of the symbol is putting a geometric equation into the person's body...
A: Think of it as soldering in a new circuit.
Q: (V) New circuit as in DNA?
A: More like transducer of higher consciousness. If DNA changes result, it depends on the application.
Q: (V) Alright. Now then, this other Reiki symbol you gave us - An-nu-ki (shows symbol). I was wondering if Laura had drawn it correctly as it had been drawn before since she was doing it from her...
A: Close.
Q: (L) I've got it, let me show you. (V) What could make it closer?
A: Close base.
Q: (V) Ahh! Okay. And what does An-nu-ki mean?
A: Already described. Retention of energy.
Q: (V) The next question - and I asked Laura about this - is it possible, in a meaningful way, to send healing energy, Reiki, directly to the subconscious through the ether tube connector symbol?
A: Yes. This has also been discussed. Application increases circuit imprint.
Q: (L) I think the way the question was asked before - does repeated applications of Reiki heal Karma even, and the answer was 'yes'. I think that something that heals Karma just about covers everything...since that is very often our major concern in this reality. (V) Laura and I were looking at these Karuna Reiki symbols earlier and discussing them, can you offer some insight as to their validity?
A: Give them a try and research background of originator. You may discover something very interesting.
Q: (V) Well, I have used them, not to a great extent. The one that I have used the most is the Rama symbol which is used to dispel or expel negative energy. Does this symbol do what they claim it does?
A: Do you think that a symbol can control your consciousness, or the consciousness of another?
Q: (V) I guess I've been thinking it's a tool just as this is a tool (holds up symbol displayed earlier). No I don't think a symbol can control consciousness...when it's put that way. But I want to say that I think they can be used as tools also. Not to be right or anything but this my thinking at this time.
A: What quality of an individual would have to be present to set the effect of a symbol against consciousness?
Q: (V) I don't understand that. (L) I think they are saying that the presence of a negative energy implies the presence of a negative consciousness. It's either the consciousness of the individual who is experiencing it or it is the consciousness being projected from somebody else. And if one or the other of those is the condition - say for example: if you had negative energy that was being sent to you from someone else, and you wanted to set this symbol against that negative energy, what quality would have to be present in you in order to make that work? (V) A lack of negativity. (L) I don't think so. You already have negativity right? So you're going to use the symbol to make it go away assuming it was sent on you. So what do you have to have to make the symbol work? (V) A conscious effort? (L) Faith. You have to believe in the symbol. And if you believe in the symbol then you are putting the power in something outside of you, you don't believe that you have the ability to stand against the negative consciousness. On the other hand, if the consciousness of negativity is your own, and you believe a symbol can stand against your own negativity, you haven't inquired into where the negativity comes from. (A) You see a tool is something which you must know exactly how it operates, because otherwise it's not a tool; you are the tool of something else - the originator of the tool who may not have your best interests at heart. So you must exactly know, and have precise knowledge of, the tool if it is to be a tool. So a tool is a projection - an extension - of what is in you.
A: Otherwise you are the tool of the tool
Q: [laughter]. (L) You are the tool of the tool if you don't have real understanding of what it is and what it is supposed to do. (A) Okay, so if it looks like a nice bomb... (L) Push the button. Don't know what the bomb does, but let me push the button anyway and see what happens! (V) Well, okay. (L) I know, ain't it fun?
Learning can be fun but I think we have to have a bunch of knowledge sometimes otherwise we "are the tool of the tool".