Session 23 April 2022

Have you had a chance to read the Wave Series yet? I saw that you were given the links to the books in your intro thread. You will find a LOT of information in those books.

Also, if you are so inclined, any sites like Above Top Secret, etc., along with many ideas in various areas, have been mentioned here on the forum and you can do a search for them to see what has been said about them.
I'm currently in the wave chapter #17. Thank you 😊
A: Most likely to be similar to primitive smallpox.
Q: (Pierre) Primitive smallpox is nasty. It's a descendant of the Black Death.
(L) I think we decided that primitive smallpox was the Black Death.
(Gaby) Smallpox is a DNA virus. So if this is an RNA virus, it could be nastier I suppose.

oh no said:
I said this a few months back smallpoxs will be the new covid
Reading this last warning came to mind the rare planetary alignment that is happening right now (Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Moon) and the possible influences

PICTURE: Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Saturn to align together in rare cosmic dance, Moon to join them for main event
Hello. There is nothing surprising. If you go into programs that show the location of the planets, you will see that they are always in the same line. Why? Because the planets are in the same plane of the ecliptic. There are small deviations, but not more than 7 degrees. Url picture.


I have been using the Solar Walk app for many years (and not only), so I have long been accustomed to seeing a line of 3-4-5 planets in the sky. Journalists call it a "parade of planets", but this is only for the sake of sensation.

After all, if you think about it, these planets are always "on parade". Moreover, in 3D they are not in a straight line, but scattered like rocks on a beach. But if you look at the beach from the sea, it seems that they went to the parade.

Здравствуйте. В этом нет ничего удивительного. Если заходить в программы, которые показывают расположение планет, то вы увидите, что они всегда находятся на одной линии. Почему? Потому что планеты находятся в одной плоскости эклиптики. Есть небольшие отклонения, но не более 7 градусов. // Я много лет пользуюсь приложением Solar Walk (и не только), так что давно привык к тому, чтобы видеть на небе линию из 3-4-5 планет. Журналисты называют это "парадом планет", но это только ради сенсации. // Ведь если подумать, то эти планеты всегда "на параде". Более того, в 3D они не находятся на прямой линии, а разбросаны как камни на пляже. Но если смотреть на пляж с моря, то кажется, что они вышли на парад.
Dear Ark maybe this can give some hints.

About Algebra and geometry, intuitively while reading the session and the accent on the simplicity of the algebra we need to grasp to understand the interconnectedness with spirit and matter, and how this material world is created (projected) the Merkaba came to my mind.

A crop circle reminds me of the intermingling of Merkaba in motion and 3-6-9 mystery and the polyhedron of Durrer Melancholia and the undefining interconnectivity between numbers 7 and 9, that is kind of "anchoring" the link between spirit and matter, that is everchanging and flickering all the time within us, calibrating us with the source of all knowledge, cosmic mind. This crop circle is a great art of optical illusions too and various perspectives and dimensions and densities change as you move your eyes around literary and metaphorically.

Video of the crop circle that was crafted on 28th July 2019 -

And some images of that Merkaba Crop Circle, some Merkabas, and Durer's "cube" - polyhedron in Melancholia.

Maybe Melancholia engraving needs more investigation of the symbols there. It is packed with symbols ...
Hollenoaea, I think you may be on to something here by referring Ark back to crop circles. In the early days of the Cassiopaean communications, crop circles were a prominent subject. If I recall correctly, Ark even became involved in a project trying to produce a computer programme to decode the messages hidden within in the crop circles. The C's even admitted that they at 6D were behind the creation of some of the crop circles, which were a means of providing important messages generally to mankind to assist humanity in these dark times (a last chance saloon!). Many crop circles have appeared in England, particularly in the county of Wiltshire where Stonehenge is located. This is not surprising since the C's told Laura that Stonehenge was deliberately chosen as a site for building a major stone circle for receiving higher density communications because of its geography and the fact that it was a 'window' - see below:

Session 7 November 1994:​

Q: (L) Why are there so many crop circles in Britain?
A: Window. Why Stonehenge was built there.

Session 8 December 1996:

Q: (L) Well, we talked about Stonehenge before, that it was an energy transducer, so to speak. So, was Stonehenge put there because of the location, or did Stonehenge create... (T) Why don't you just ask what it is about Stonehenge? (L) Okay, what is it about Stonehenge?

A: Location attracted those spirit types on the proper frequency, who in turn, placed stones in proper location to receive the coded communications in code telepathically, in order not to have to chase around the countryside reading encoded pictographs.

Q: (L) What was the technique used within the circle to receive the information telepathically? [Planchette spiralled in, and spiralled out.]

A: Transcendent focused thought wave separation."

However, I have especially mentioned Stonehenge because it was the site of a famous crop circle depicting the Julia Set (see below) named after a fractal formula discovered by the French mathematician Gaston Julia. See: Julia set - Wikipedia.

With Stonehenge now permanently out of action, I guess that 6D has reverted to Plan B by having modern Britons chase around the countryside reading encoded pictograms (i.e., crop circles). So much for progress.


Wondering if this somehow involves fractals and its iterative nature?
Ark: Possibly.

However, this was not the only example of fractal crop circles by any means. Bert Janssen in the Crop Circle Connector has pointed out that:

In the mid 90s some of the found crop circles were based on fractals. For instance the so-called 'Julia set' at Stonehenge in 1996 and the 'Triple Julia set' at Windmill Hill the same year. Or the Koch-fractals in 1997. In later years, this resembling disappeared and was replaced by other features. In 1999 many of the crop circles looked three-dimensional. But did the fractals really disappear?

Janssen then gives the example of the 1999 West Overton formation (see below), in which the fractals were now hidden in 3-Dimensional form:


See Crop Circle Geometry 3 D - Fractals by Bert Janssen.. Selectively quoting from the article:


If you make a drawing of the 1999 West Overton formation, cut it out and fold it together, you get a three-dimensional shape: an octahedron. See image above. This octahedron forms the core of a three-dimensional fractal.


The procedure described above (see full article) can be repeated again and again forming a three-dimensional Sierpinsky Gasket. A true three-dimensional fractal! Remember: the red fillings are in fact octahedrons, the shape formed by folding together the West Overton 1999 formation.

Would it be worthwhile for Ark to revisit the mathematical information set out in such crop circles for inspiration?
Session Date: April 23rd 2022

Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board

Pierre, Joe, Chu, PoB, Ark, Scottie, Gaby, Niall, Pikabu the Cat

Q: (L) Today is April the 23rd, 2022. The usual suspects: [Review of those present] Alright. Hello? Anybody there?

A: Moiloiaea of Cassiopaea and good evening to all.

Q: (L) Alright. I guess we'll start with questions. Honey, you can start.

(Ark) Yes?

(L) Yes.

(Ark) What are densities?

A: States of awareness in interaction with information.

Q: (L) Does that mean the state of awareness interacting with the information somehow affects what is "real" to use a loose term?

A: More or less.

Q: (Ark) Awareness of whom?

A: Consciousness that is capable.

Q: (Ark) I don't understand. Which consciousness? Whose consciousness? I don't understand.

A: Wave reading consciousness units.

Q: (Ark) Where is this wave reading consciousness unit? Where is it?

A: You are one.

Q: (Ark) It means densities are totally subjective, or is it objective?

A: Both.

Q: (Ark) How is it objective? In which sense? How is it objective if it is related to wave reading consciousness unit. Wave reading consciousness unit is subjective, so how can densities be objective? Physics needs objectivity.

A: If the wave reading consciousness unit aligns with the consciousness of the field, then the perception is more objective than subjective.

Q: (Ark) What is consciousness?

A: Life.

Q: (Ark) What is life?

A: Consciousness.

Q: (Pierre) It's getting circular.

(Ark) What is information?

A: All.

Q: (Ark) Can physics describe densities?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) How?

A: Algebra.

Q: (Ark) What kind of algebra?

A: Simple.

Q: (Ark) What is the relation between densities and dimensions?

(L) They've already answered that question. That's in the transcripts.

(Ark) Yeah but there is no answer for that.

A: Dimensions are a human construct we have used as there are no better available terms.

Q: (Ark) But algebra is also a human concept, yes?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) Everything we use in physics is a human concept, yes?

A: Which is why you are having so much confusion.

Q: (Ark) But algebra is using dimensions. It's not a human concept. It's an algebraic concept. And we need dimensions if we want to use algebra.

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) How many dimensions?

A: Infinite.

Q: (Ark) Are these dimensions related to space and time?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) But space is 3-dimensional. Where is the rest of the infinite dimensions?

A: Many iterations.

Q: (Ark) Many iterations... Iterations of what?

A: Space and time.

Q: (Ark) Does it have anything to do with quantum theory or not?

A: Very little, actually.

Q: (Ark) Does it have anything to do with Einstein's theory of gravity?

A: Even less.

Q: (Ark) So, with which part of physics it has to do?

A: Modern concepts do not define as such.

Q: (Ark) Can you please explain it, this sentence?

A: There is no relevant construct that you can name or mention from your modern terminology.

Q: (Ark) What about ancient terminology? Were there such concepts that have been forgotten?

A: Possibly.

Q: (Arky) No clue? What concepts would do? If not ancient, if not modern, then what? No hope? Hmm. Okay, I am done.

(L) Next?

(Joe) On March 21st, the China Eastern Airline that flew straight into the ground... What was the cause?

A: Guidance system run amok after air burst.

Q: (Pierre) And what was the cause of the air burst?

A: Meteoric object breaching realm barrier.

Q: (Andromeda) That was my first guess.

(Pierre) Yeah, me too. We agreed on that. Breaching the realm barrier...

(Niall) The meteor wasn't coming through space. It merged...

(Andromeda) It came through a portal, pretty much.

(Niall) Was it a merging of...

(Pierre) From 4D?

A: Every object entering your realm does not have to come from 4D. Refer back to Ark's questions about dimensions. Also consider what has been said about window fallers and Flight 19.

Q: (Pierre) I have a stupid question.

(L) You wanna ask a stupid question?

(Pierre) Yes.

(L) It seems to be the night for it. [laughter]

(Pierre) At the time on Kantek was there more oxygen than on Earth nowadays?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) That was a good question.

(Pierre) Does it explain partly...

A: There was also more oxygen on Earth at times in the past.

[ ...SHORT BREAK... ]

Q: (Pierre) Did the Ukrainian witches perform a ritual against Putin?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Was their ritual efficacious?

A: Not much.

Q: (L) And why was it not efficacious?

A: Many more were acting as guardians and protectors.

Q: (L) So there were more people protecting and guarding Putin than there were people trying to send bad vibes at him. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Did it bounce back?

A: In process. Hubris.

Q: (Joe) Does Putin have any kind of significant chronic illness?

A: No. Just stress. He would also benefit from hyperbaric treatments!

Q: (L) Speaking of which, Ark wants to know how many treatments he has to take before he gets smart?

A: 27 will get you out of the current muddy rut.

Q: (Ark) Okay, I'm already getting out. What about quaternion algebra? Is it relevant to wave reading units?

A: Absolutely.

Q: (Ark) Yes? What about octonions? Are they better or worse? They are non-associative. Ooo!

A: Better.

Q: (Ark) Better! Oh my goodness. Better!

(Scottie) Just talking about the hyperbaric chamber is helping!

(Artemis) How many hyperbaric chamber sessions would I need to cure me of anything I need curing of?

A: 35

Q: (Andromeda) A little over a month.

(Pierre) When Joe asked about me recovering motricity the C's answer was: "Vitamin C plus..." Were they referring to the hyperbaric chamber?

A: Very likely.

Q: (L) Yeah, how come I thought of the hyperbaric chamber all of a sudden out of the blue? I still cannot trace a single thing that triggered it. I read nothing, I saw nothing, I heard nothing... It just emerged as urgent.

A: You were channeling as you often do spontaneously.

Q: (L) Alright.

(Pierre) Our meditations... To me, it seemed like it's raising the FRV of planet Earth.

(Joe) Things are getting better, yeah. [laughter]

A: Needs more application.

Q: (L) Well, going along with that question: Is our current interaction with the coronavirus gonna provide us with any upgrades?

A: In some respects. But remember what was said about parasites at times of major change and remain vigilant and proactive.

Q: (L) In other words, don't just assume that things can go a positive way without taking action yourself. Like hyperbaric chambers or vitamin C or ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and all of that.

(Pierre) Previously, the C's said that, triple bad day for Rockefeller and the like. Social, economic, and health wise. And they added in a subsequent session: FRV alteration. So, we might contribute to their fall. Now, is there any relation between the triple bad day remark and the April Drop Dead date remark?

A: Weak relationship.

Q: (Joe) Why is the Chinese government imposing very harsh lockdowns in Shanghai?

A: They know things about US experiments.

Q: (L) So there could be some kind of thing going around there that the US was messing around with that they aren't making any announcement about.

(Joe) Does that mean they're picking up on a more recent or newer dispersement of some kind of germ or something?

(L) Yeah.

(Joe) That's limited to China obviously.

(L) At this point.

(Andromeda) Unless that's what we have, too.

(Niall) Russia and China are both surrounded by American biolabs doing things.

(Gaby) In a prior session, they were saying it was not mostly the US experiments that were a threat to humanity, but instead a space virus. So, if that's the case, in theory if there's a 4th density STS virus coming up, will it be a DNA or an RNA virus?


Q: (Gaby) And what kind of disease will it produce?

A: Most likely to be similar to primitive smallpox.

Q: (Pierre) Primitive smallpox is nasty. It's a descendant of the Black Death.

(L) I think we decided that primitive smallpox was the Black Death.

(Gaby) Smallpox is a DNA virus. So if this is an RNA virus, it could be nastier I suppose.

(Pierre) With 79% death rate, it's nasty.

(Joe) What kind of treatments would be effective against such a critter?

A: Vit C and oxygen.

Q: (Artemis) Speaking of healing therapies, I recently came across tuning fork sound therapy. Have you ever heard of that?

(Chu) Yeah.

(Artemis) Have you ever tried it before?

(Pierre) Yes.

(Artemis) You have? And?

(Joe) It was noisy.

(L) Nothing to write home about.

(Artemis) I wanted to ask them because I saw some videos about this woman who was doing it and they were actually having a lot of energetic releases. So I wanted to know if it's something we could do here to help us with anything. Is there anything good about it?

A: Gently helpful mainly at the emotional level.

Q: (Artemis) Okay, so if you have emotional issues that contribute to physical issues, then it could help in that way.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Was the Russian flagship Moskva hit by a missile?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) Was it the Ukies or did the US and allies have a direct hand in it?

A: US direct hand. CIA.

Q: (Joe) Ukies wouldn't be up to that.

(L) Alright. No more questions?

(Ark) I have a question. Should theory of gravity be formulated rather as electromagnetism instead of what Einstein did where he created like a metric or whatever?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) Yes it should, yes?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) Should electromagnetic theory be extended to take into account magnetic monopoles?

A: Yes

(Ark) I think they are a clue to this chirality.

(Pierre) Yes. It's an enigma.

(L) Anything else from anybody?

A: Be aware that you are currently under attack by forces that wish to silence you and end your exertions on behalf of your group in specific and the planet in general. These forces are getting desperate and will attempt to use any inroad possible. Be awake and alert at all times. Any disputes or disagreements can be easily blown out of proportion to your destruction. And then, when the negative energy is withdrawn, the devastation left will be amplified by the knowledge that it was all a deception. [Planchette swirls around and around for about 45 seconds] You have been warned. Do not take this lightly. Communicate and listen. It will take all of you together to navigate these dangers!!! Goodbye.

I just received a message on Facebook saying that there is a possibility for nasty messages which could be seen coming from you and sent to your friends but not written by you. The messages would be hurtful and create drama. My friend sent out a message asking people to be aware of unusual hurtful messages coming from friends and advise to go back and check for the truth. Warning!
It reminds me of what the Cs talked about in the last session, about disputes and disagreements.
"Any disputes or disagreements can be easily blown out of proportion to your destruction. And then, when the negative energy is withdrawn, the devastation left will be amplified by the knowledge that it was all a deception"
What a great way to create disputes!!!
Quaternions have an application in video games' 3D graphics engines because they are better for calculating orientation and rotation without computational errors. Seeing how quaternions are useful in a particular application provides some insight I think.

The 3BlueOneBrown channel provides lots of visualizations combined with math theory. This one helps visualize and understand quaternions:

The virus should strike high altitudes such as the Himalayas or Bolivia first, and when it arrives at mountain tourist resorts such as those in the European Alpes people will unknowingly take it home to their countries and cities, due to its long incubation period... :-(
That would depend where it "lands" first probably. I imagine such things will be difficult to predict, but there will be signs, and this may be one of them.
Quaternions have an application in video games' 3D graphics engines because they are better for calculating orientation and rotation without computational errors. Seeing how quaternions are useful in a particular application provides some insight I think.

The 3BlueOneBrown channel provides lots of visualizations combined with math theory. This one helps visualize and understand quaternions:

Thank you for pointing this fact out. I had not realised quaternions were used in the 3D graphics engines of video games. What scares me about this application is that there is a school of scientific thought that our physical existence is in reality based within a 2-Dimensional holographic simulation, so that 3D is in fact just an illusion. If that were so, could the computer programmer of our reality have made use of quaternions within the programming to give us the illusion of 3D orientation? Our bodies would then be 3D simulations or avatars, if you like, linked to our consciousness and controlled in much the same way that we now control a character in a video game by constantly making decisions.

This might also explain how awareness is the determining factor in knowing what density you are in - i.e., seeing the matrix or virtual reality for what it really is. This makes me think of the Matrix films and of an old sci-fi flm called Tron (see: Tron - Wikipedia), which dealt with the same concept by having the heroes stepping into their computer simulation to save the day. Could this also explain why in 4th density you may see things in straight lines where in 3rd Density these lines appear curved - recall what the C's said about people driving off roads in New Mexico when they failed to negotiate a curve since they thought in their minds that the road was going straight on when it wasn't?

The C's gave credence to this notion of our living in a virtual reality universe when they said we would not even exist unless someone had dreamt us up. That idea is reflected in the Hindu belief that Brahma is the creator and the great magician (programmer) who dreams the universe into being. The dream itself is then maintained by Vishnu, the preserver (or IT techinician?) , who uses maya to spin the illusion. Since Hinduism as a philosophy was most likely a legacy from the Aryan invaders (Atlantian survivors) of India, this suggests that such concepts were carried over from the advanced scientific knowledge of the Atlantians and preserved through myths, which were handed down from generation to generation.
Quaternions have an application in video games' 3D graphics engines because they are better for calculating orientation and rotation without computational errors. Seeing how quaternions are useful in a particular application provides some insight I think.

Thank you for pointing this fact out. I had not realised quaternions were used in the 3D graphics engines of video games. What scares me about this application is that there is a school of scientific thought that our physical existence is in reality based within a 2-Dimensional holographic simulation, so that 3D is in fact just an illusion. If that were so, could the computer programmer of our reality have made use of quaternions within the programming to give us the illusion of 3D orientation? Our bodies would then be 3D simulations or avatars, if you like, linked to our consciousness and controlled in much the same way that we now control a character in a video game by constantly making decisions.

I wonder if quaternions can be used to determine a point in space-time for a given event. Using the analogy explained by the C's of the projector and slides, where each slide is an event that you can select by going backwards or forwards in time. The quaternion can give you the coordinates of the slide.
I wonder if quaternions can be used to determine a point in space-time for a given event. Using the analogy explained by the C's of the projector and slides, where each slide is an event that you can select by going backwards or forwards in time. The quaternion can give you the coordinates of the slide.
I think so, but a quaternion would have extra functionality in one higher dimension.

I'm a little confused actually. It seems like a quaternion is basically a coordinate system - like the cartesian coordinate system with an added dimension. Quaternion also sounds like the name of some sort of quantum particle, which seems misleading. In graphics software, there could be many individual quaternion instances running in real-time, each representing a particular game object/parameters as an object of the class Quaternion. Such object instances could be working within the software's quaternion coordinate system rules.

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