Session 23 September 2023

Thank you for sharing the document. It is very helpful as I'm currently revisiting the topic of prime numbers from a geometrical point of view.

The tetractys made me think about the 4D matter-antimatter matrix mentioned by the C's:

Prisms are interesting.
View attachment 82818
There is this duality, this mirror between matter and antimatter as if they were always linked through a 'tunnel.' Of course, this is in 3D, but what would the 4D symmetries reveal? And how does the prime number 7 geometrically 'spawn' from the primes 1, 2, and 3?

View attachment 82821
That is very interesting. The mention of a cube converted into four dimensions:

Q: (A) Okay, as you repeatedly mention this ‘matrix,’ I want to know exactly what your definition of ‘matrix’ is?
A: Picture a perfectly symmetrical three dimensional parallelogram.

Q: (A) It’s a cube.
A: Yes, now convert to 4 dimensions, and you have the mathematical representation of the matter-antimatter matrix.

makes me think of the tesseract, which is a four-dimensional analogue of the cube; the tesseract being thus to the cube as the cube is to the square.


It is the four-dimensional hypercube, or 4-cube as a member of the dimensional family of hypercubes or measure polytopes. As a regular polytope with three cubes folded together around every edge, it has Schläfli symbol {4,3,3}. Coxeter labelled it as the �4
{\displaystyle \gamma _{4}}
polytope. The tesseract can be unfolded into eight cubes into 3D space, just as the cube can be unfolded into six squares into 2D space. See: Tesseract - Wikipedia

As I said in my last post, I have not quite completed my article on the sacred tetractys. Where I said at the current end of the article:

"It is for this reason that Farrell argues the Great Pyramid of Giza was deliberately conceived by its builders as a higher dimensional analogue",

I should have gone on to say:

"for it was built as an example of "squaring the circle" and "cubing the sphere" and thus according to the very technique of higher-dimensional geometry."

However, here we are "cubing the square" and then converting the resulting cube into a tesseract in four dimensions to form what the C's say is a mathematical representation of the matter-antimatter matrix. I attach a link below to a gif, which shows how you move from the straight line ultimately to the tesseract, as you go through the dimensions, demonstrating the Pentactys in action.

In your previous post, you reminded us of how the C's suggested to Ark to produce a pyramid type graph incorporating prime numbers:
Q: Is there any formula, or any thing about prime numbers that makes it easier to find them... anything about them that is unique?

A: Pyramidal.

Q: Pyramid relationships would help one find prime numbers?

A: Graph.

Q: A pyramid type graph. Okay, anything else about prime numbers? When you said that they were the 'dwellings of the mystics' I had an idea that a prime number could be a dwelling of a mystic because the individual would express in some manner a frequency that related in some way to a prime number. Is that somewhere along the line...? That mystics can traverse all densities because of frequency?

A: Something like that.

I am no mathematician but Coxeter appears to have produced graphs based on orthographic projections of a tesseract. Is this the sort of thing the C's had in mind here? If so, how do you fit prime numbers into this?​

Coxeter planeB4B4 --> A3A3
Coxeter planeOtherB3 / D4 / A2B2 / D3
Dihedral symmetry[8][4][4]
Dihedral symmetry[2][6][4]

However, the C's linked prime numbers to sound as well:

A: In prime numbers, you will find resonance.

Q: Resonance in prime numbers? Can you please elaborate a little bit on that?

A: Elaboration is not needed because the answers are there for you already in the texts, as with so much else. One needs only listen to the “music to your ears.”

Why didn’t you answer my question about putting prime numbers around a pyramid?

A: Mathematics converts to sound in geometric measurements. Why do you think the pyramid became a pyramid?

Hence, we need somehow to plug sound or frequencies into the geometry too. I mentioned earlier about Pythagoras and Plato's concept of the harmonious 'Music of the Spheres' but someone in modern times who made the connection between the ancient topological metaphor being a musical metaphor was Ernest G McClain who wrote The Myth of Invariance: the Origin of the Gods, Mathematics and Music from the Rg Veda to Plato in which he promoted his scientific findings after researching the Vedic literature, particularly the Rg Veda, whose myths and hymns were for McLain codes of a musical science that would inspire the Greek philosopher Plato. See the link to my article The Infinity Sign and the 353535 Code for a fuller explanation of this - Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

In his attempts to divine the musical proportions of the “best” city, Plato had proposed the city of Callipolis, his:​

‘absolutely best’ city – his ‘celestial city’ the diatonic scale sung by the Sirens in his planetary model – seven numbers required for the diatonic scale produce all 11 tones.

McClain observed that for the rising notes C# and falling Eb, within the octave-numerical scheme, the largest genetic element is 3 to the power of 6, or 729, which just so happens to be the decimal coefficient of the Fine Structure Constant usually given as a fractional value of 1/137 giving the result of 0.00729927007, an approximate harmonic of 729.

With regard to prime numbers and Arnold Sommerfield's Fine Structure Constant, usually expressed as the fraction 1/137 (which is the basic coefficient of the constant), it is interesting to note that 137 just happens to be the 33rd prime number. Could this fact be significant given the C's have frequently expressed the importance of prime numbers and the power number 33? Could it in someway be connected to what the C's were referring to in the extract shown below?​

A: 11 squared divided by phi.

Q: (L) By pi. 11 squared divided by phi. What does this result bring us to?

A: 33.infinity.

And as to the lemniscate or figure 8 sign on its side used to represent infinity (see figure below), this extract from the transcripts may prove quite illuminating:​

Q: (SV) I have a book on the Brotherhood... I get all kinds of things in the mail... one is from a guy who is supposed to be an extraterrestrial... I'll have to bring it... (L) What could we use to represent 7th density as a mathematical symbol?

A: Try this: [draws figure eight on side in ellipse]

Farrell thinks it unlikely that the Greeks, Egyptians or Mesopotamians knew of significance of this number but he suggests that the Very High Civilisation which preceded these legacy cultures did know of the existence of this constant and other constants of modern physics and mechanics millennia before their rediscovery in our own era.

This link with music would lead to Mclain to scale invariance and ultimately the Fine Structure Constant, which is an example of scale invariance as it applies right across the board. Another way of looking at scale invariance is through “Global Scaling Theory” which Joseph Farrell describes as a unification of the various scales of physics around phi (φ) and associated logarithmic functions.​

Phi (φ) is, of course, the Golden Number being an irrational number with a value of 1.618 033 988 749....

Now there may be no connection at all but in this session there was a passing reference to the bizarre occurrences at Skinwalker Ranch, which is currently the subject of an ongoing scientific investigation being televised in the History Channel's The Curse of Skinwalker Ranch. There is in fact an excellent thread on it at Path of the Skinwalker chronicling what is happening on the show.

For those who have watched the series, there can be little doubt that the investigators are encountering 4th density phenomena. However, one signal or frequency that crops up time and again whenever any high strangeness occurs is 1.6 GHz. This is an electromagnetic wave frequency equal to a huge 1,600,000,000 Hz (hertz). Allowing for a slight variation either way, this frequency seems eerily close to a multiple of Phi (φ) to the billion. If this link is correct, then are we seeing in operation a clear frequency link between φ and 4th density in action?

How much power would you need to generate a signal of that frequency and strength. Perhaps a clue was given by the C's here when discussing time travel:​

Q: But, you said before that one has to generate an electromagnetic field, a la Tesla coils, do you have to have massive amounts of power in order to change channels and time travel?

A: That is the pathway accessible from 3rd density.

Q: How much power do you have to have?

A: Let us just say that GIGAWATT is the term of choice.

That is a huge amount of power.

Already the scientists working at Skinwalker ranch are hypothesising that they may be seeing portals between dimensions (densities) being opened up whenever they see this frequency occurring on their monitors.​

I am no scientist or mathematician but it would be interesting to get feedback on these ideas from those Forum members who are.
Thanks for another very informative session.

(Ysus) Are there couple relationships in fourth density?

A: Yes

Q: (Ysus) Are they as vital and important as in third density?

A: Moreso.

Q: (L) Well that's a surprise.

(Ysus) Is there still procreation in 4th density?

A: For STO.

Q: (Ysus) And do we meet physically in 4th density?

A: More or less as one chooses.

I wonder if Gurdjieff has already rebirth in 4D, or still waiting for right time or waiting right frequency of potential parents.

(Aiming) Okay, we wondered what's up with Gurdjieff's soul?

(L) What?

(Aiming) We were wondering what he is doing right now? Where he is, or...?

A: He was attentive to earth issues for quite some time, but now has gone to full contemplation preparatory to rebirth in 4D.

Q: (L) So, you're saying that people get born in 4D?

A: Yes. When did we say otherwise?

Q: (L) Well, you didn't. I was just not sure.

And according to Ra, 3rd density is only plane forgetting past life memories. So that means that if we go to 4th density, then we will remember all the memories from previous life experiences? Just wondering.

Ra: I am Ra. This query is more complex than most. We shall begin. The incarnation pattern of the beginning third-densitymind/body/spirit complex begins in darkness, for you may think or consider of your density as one of, as you may say, a sleep and a forgetting. This is the only plane of forgetting. It is necessary for the third-density entity to forget so that the mechanisms of confusion or free will may operate upon the newly individuated consciousness complex.”
That is very interesting. The mention of a cube converted into four dimensions:

Q: (A) Okay, as you repeatedly mention this ‘matrix,’ I want to know exactly what your definition of ‘matrix’ is?
A: Picture a perfectly symmetrical three dimensional parallelogram.

Q: (A) It’s a cube.
A: Yes, now convert to 4 dimensions, and you have the mathematical representation of the matter-antimatter matrix.

makes me think of the tesseract, which is a four-dimensional analogue of the cube; the tesseract being thus to the cube as the cube is to the square.

It is the four-dimensional hypercube, or 4-cube as a member of the dimensional family of hypercubes or measure polytopes. As a regular polytope with three cubes folded together around every edge, it has Schläfli symbol {4,3,3}. Coxeter labelled it as the �4
{\displaystyle \gamma _{4}}
polytope. The tesseract can be unfolded into eight cubes into 3D space, just as the cube can be unfolded into six squares into 2D space. See: Tesseract - Wikipedia

As I said in my last post, I have not quite completed my article on the sacred tetractys. Where I said at the current end of the article:

"It is for this reason that Farrell argues the Great Pyramid of Giza was deliberately conceived by its builders as a higher dimensional analogue",

I should have gone on to say:

"for it was built as an example of "squaring the circle" and "cubing the sphere" and thus according to the very technique of higher-dimensional geometry."

However, here we are "cubing the square" and then converting the resulting cube into a tesseract in four dimensions to form what the C's say is a mathematical representation of the matter-antimatter matrix. I attach a link below to a gif, which shows how you move from the straight line ultimately to the tesseract, as you go through the dimensions, demonstrating the Pentactys in action.

In your previous post, you reminded us of how the C's suggested to Ark to produce a pyramid type graph incorporating prime numbers:
Q: Is there any formula, or any thing about prime numbers that makes it easier to find them... anything about them that is unique?

A: Pyramidal.

Q: Pyramid relationships would help one find prime numbers?

A: Graph.

Q: A pyramid type graph. Okay, anything else about prime numbers? When you said that they were the 'dwellings of the mystics' I had an idea that a prime number could be a dwelling of a mystic because the individual would express in some manner a frequency that related in some way to a prime number. Is that somewhere along the line...? That mystics can traverse all densities because of frequency?

A: Something like that.

I am no mathematician but Coxeter appears to have produced graphs based on orthographic projections of a tesseract. Is this the sort of thing the C's had in mind here? If so, how do you fit prime numbers into this?​

Coxeter planeOtherB3 / D4 / A2B2 / D3
Coxeter planeB4B4 --> A3A3
Dihedral symmetry[8][4][4]
Dihedral symmetry[2][6][4]

However, the C's linked prime numbers to sound as well:

A: In prime numbers, you will find resonance.

Q: Resonance in prime numbers? Can you please elaborate a little bit on that?

A: Elaboration is not needed because the answers are there for you already in the texts, as with so much else. One needs only listen to the “music to your ears.”

Why didn’t you answer my question about putting prime numbers around a pyramid?

A: Mathematics converts to sound in geometric measurements. Why do you think the pyramid became a pyramid?

Hence, we need somehow to plug sound or frequencies into the geometry too. I mentioned earlier about Pythagoras and Plato's concept of the harmonious 'Music of the Spheres' but someone in modern times who made the connection between the ancient topological metaphor being a musical metaphor was Ernest G McClain who wrote The Myth of Invariance: the Origin of the Gods, Mathematics and Music from the Rg Veda to Plato in which he promoted his scientific findings after researching the Vedic literature, particularly the Rg Veda, whose myths and hymns were for McLain codes of a musical science that would inspire the Greek philosopher Plato. See the link to my article The Infinity Sign and the 353535 Code for a fuller explanation of this - Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

In his attempts to divine the musical proportions of the “best” city, Plato had proposed the city of Callipolis, his:​

‘absolutely best’ city – his ‘celestial city’ the diatonic scale sung by the Sirens in his planetary model – seven numbers required for the diatonic scale produce all 11 tones.

McClain observed that for the rising notes C# and falling Eb, within the octave-numerical scheme, the largest genetic element is 3 to the power of 6, or 729, which just so happens to be the decimal coefficient of the Fine Structure Constant usually given as a fractional value of 1/137 giving the result of 0.00729927007, an approximate harmonic of 729.

With regard to prime numbers and Arnold Sommerfield's Fine Structure Constant, usually expressed as the fraction 1/137 (which is the basic coefficient of the constant), it is interesting to note that 137 just happens to be the 33rd prime number. Could this fact be significant given the C's have frequently expressed the importance of prime numbers and the power number 33? Could it in someway be connected to what the C's were referring to in the extract shown below?​

A: 11 squared divided by phi.

Q: (L) By pi. 11 squared divided by phi. What does this result bring us to?

A: 33.infinity.

And as to the lemniscate or figure 8 sign on its side used to represent infinity (see figure below), this extract from the transcripts may prove quite illuminating:​

Q: (SV) I have a book on the Brotherhood... I get all kinds of things in the mail... one is from a guy who is supposed to be an extraterrestrial... I'll have to bring it... (L) What could we use to represent 7th density as a mathematical symbol?

A: Try this: [draws figure eight on side in ellipse]

Farrell thinks it unlikely that the Greeks, Egyptians or Mesopotamians knew of significance of this number but he suggests that the Very High Civilisation which preceded these legacy cultures did know of the existence of this constant and other constants of modern physics and mechanics millennia before their rediscovery in our own era.

This link with music would lead to Mclain to scale invariance and ultimately the Fine Structure Constant, which is an example of scale invariance as it applies right across the board. Another way of looking at scale invariance is through “Global Scaling Theory” which Joseph Farrell describes as a unification of the various scales of physics around phi (φ) and associated logarithmic functions.​

Phi (φ) is, of course, the Golden Number being an irrational number with a value of 1.618 033 988 749....

Now there may be no connection at all but in this session there was a passing reference to the bizarre occurrences at Skinwalker Ranch, which is currently the subject of an ongoing scientific investigation being televised in the History Channel's The Curse of Skinwalker Ranch. There is in fact an excellent thread on it at Path of the Skinwalker chronicling what is happening on the show.

For those who have watched the series, there can be little doubt that the investigators are encountering 4th density phenomena. However, one signal or frequency that crops up time and again whenever any high strangeness occurs is 1.6 GHz. This is an electromagnetic wave frequency equal to a huge 1,600,000,000 Hz (hertz). Allowing for a slight variation either way, this frequency seems eerily close to a multiple of Phi (φ) to the billion. If this link is correct, then are we seeing in operation a clear frequency link between φ and 4th density in action?

How much power would you need to generate a signal of that frequency and strength. Perhaps a clue was given by the C's here when discussing time travel:​

Q: But, you said before that one has to generate an electromagnetic field, a la Tesla coils, do you have to have massive amounts of power in order to change channels and time travel?

A: That is the pathway accessible from 3rd density.

Q: How much power do you have to have?

A: Let us just say that GIGAWATT is the term of choice.

That is a huge amount of power.

Already the scientists working at Skinwalker ranch are hypothesising that they may be seeing portals between dimensions (densities) being opened up whenever they see this frequency occurring on their monitors.​

I am no scientist or mathematician but it would be interesting to get feedback on these ideas from those Forum members who are.
A lot of these clues have evolved (for lack of a better word) over time and there are many nuances. The pyramid/pyramidal clue became "Pyramid, Pyrenees, Pyr..." "Frequency of light...". Also when the Session responses use the word dimension(s) it is often because there is a lack of a word in our terminology and the C's do not really mean what we think of as dimension. Also when the C's use the word anti-matter or antimatter, they seem to mean different things in different contexts. Sometimes they mean antimatter as we use the term, physical particulate antimatter. Other times they use the word antimatter in a context of non-matter not-matter conscious energy.

prism, spectrum, pyramidal, pyr were all clues about frequency of light relating to the added spatial reference and it at least sounds as if Ark is on to that now since the August 27, 2022 session.
A lot of these clues have evolved (for lack of a better word) over time and there are many nuances. The pyramid/pyramidal clue became "Pyramid, Pyrenees, Pyr..." "Frequency of light...". Also when the Session responses use the word dimension(s) it is often because there is a lack of a word in our terminology and the C's do not really mean what we think of as dimension. Also when the C's use the word anti-matter or antimatter, they seem to mean different things in different contexts. Sometimes they mean antimatter as we use the term, physical particulate antimatter. Other times they use the word antimatter in a context of non-matter not-matter conscious energy.

prism, spectrum, pyramidal, pyr were all clues about frequency of light relating to the added spatial reference and it at least sounds as if Ark is on to that now since the August 27, 2022 session.
You make some very good points. However, I wanted to bring to people's attention the possible link with music as developed by the work of people like Ernest G McClain since it creates interesting possibilities when noting that light and sound are both wave form manifestations. Plato (who would not have known of light's particle-wave nature) was very much responsible for producing the modern musical scale, which suggests that through his study of Pythagorean science he was aware of a connection between music and the underlying nature of creation, as it would seem the Vedic scholars also were, whose knowledge we know through the C's was inherited from the Atlantean race of the Paranthas:
Q: Were the Vedas written by the Paranthas or written by the Celts?
A: Descendants of Paranthas, as per "Divine guidance."
Last edited:
I concur that the disclosure motive is probably more practical than altruistic, which is that they need more scientists to work on figuring out this tech and compartmentalisation has limited their progress. But I find it really difficult to reconcile the fact that a final UFT exists with that seemingly no tech has come out of the UFT ever, not even military tech.

There may be compartments and security clearances that are even more secretive than the ones used by Lockheed Martin or other private contractors who have indeed been successfully developing this technology and deploying it in some unknown way not understood by mainstream scientists. But still I would have imagined military to come up anti gravity or other technologies if the UFT had really been discovered. And I guess this is partly why the disclosure faction wants to enrol more researchers and scientists to achieve engineering breakthroughs.
I would suggest that UFT technological applications could be in use in modern jet stealth aircraft. For example, I believe that the USA's B-2 Stealth Bomber's wings (see: Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit - Wikipedia) when in flight display a huge charge differential on either side of the wing, which suggests an electrogravitic effect may be occurring, giving a superior uplift when flying at speed.

Electrogravitic technology is the most fυndamental kind of antigravity technology. This entails disrυpting the ambient gravitational field with voltages in the millions of volts. Gravity’s hold on airframes in aircraft like the B-2 Stealth Bomber is redυced by 89 percent as a resυlt of this. For more on this claim, see the video link below:

The Biefield-Brown Effect is a phenomenon that was discovered by Thomas Townsend Brown and Dr. Paul Alfred Biefield. It is believed that this effect can produce an anti-gravity force, referred to as "electrogravitics" based on it being an electricity/gravity phenomenon (see: Biefeld–Brown effect - Wikipedia). The effect was demonstrated by placing a capacitor on a beam balance and charging it. When the positive pole pointed upwards, the condenser would move to a point of equilibrium, when the positive pole was pointed downwards, the balance would show a downward deflection. However, mainstream science still claims there is little evidence to support Brown's claim on the effect's anti-gravity properties.

Thomas Townsend Brown is in reality one of America's unsung geniuses. It should be noted that he worked both before and during the Second World War for the US Navy. This included spells working for the United States Naval Research Laboratory in Anacostia, D.C. Hence, much of his work was conducted under the strictest of secrecy.

A key point to note about Townsend Brown was that he may have been involved in the Philadelphia Experiment according to Gerry Vassilatos, as described in his book '
Lost Science', "Electric Flying Machines" - Thomas Townsend Brown. When you read it, you will understand how the US Navy stumbled upon the time travel phenomena by accident, as the C's confirmed in this exchange from the transcripts below:
Q: That's what I thought. Now, you told us that the Montauk experiment was something that began in the 1920s. All of the stories say that the Navy was trying to make ships invisible to radar for defensive purposes. That's the story. My question is: is that just a cover story?

A: No.

Q: Is that, in fact, what they were attempting to do?

A: Close.

Q: Can you get me any closer to it? What were their intentions?

A: Convergence of interests: US Navy, Secret Government, Esteemed physicists.

Q: Did they actually, even accidentally, discover through this work something about time travel?

A: Yes, but it was more an accident for the Navy than for others involved.

Q: Okay, was the accident and following fiasco fairly accurately represented in the various books about it?

A: Fairly.

It should also be noted that during the 1950's, Townsend Brown was heavily invested in the UFO phenomenon and helped to found the UFO organisation National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena (NICAP). For more on Townsend Brown see my post: Session 31 July 1999
And according to Ra, 3rd density is only plane forgetting past life memories. So that means that if we go to 4th density, then we will remember all the memories from previous life experiences? Just wondering.
I believe that it is possible for you to have access to those experiences from other lives when you need it.

Like when in the movie Matrix they load a martial art program or how to drive a helicopter.

In fact, it is quite likely that the fourth density candidates present in this forum already experience something similar.

Is something that is difficult for others easy for you?

You see that something is logical and natural to do in a certain way, while another person needs an instruction book.

A variation of the phrase "they see you when they think of you."
A lot of these clues have evolved (for lack of a better word) over time and there are many nuances. The pyramid/pyramidal clue became "Pyramid, Pyrenees, Pyr..." "Frequency of light...". Also when the Session responses use the word dimension(s) it is often because there is a lack of a word in our terminology and the C's do not really mean what we think of as dimension. Also when the C's use the word anti-matter or antimatter, they seem to mean different things in different contexts. Sometimes they mean antimatter as we use the term, physical particulate antimatter. Other times they use the word antimatter in a context of non-matter not-matter conscious energy.

prism, spectrum, pyramidal, pyr were all clues about frequency of light relating to the added spatial reference and it at least sounds as if Ark is on to that now since the August 27, 2022 session.
A Tetrahedron is also considered a type of Pyramid

Very interesting indeed
Two points here. The reason ‘you’ chose it was because you had not had such experiences, and so lacked knowledge.

What gives one the ability to actually choose anything is knowledge, which increases free will, and which only comes from experience.

But the main thing is that it was not ‘you’ who chose it. By you, I mean the personality that you have in this current incarnation of yours. This wasn’t an individual choice for any of us. It was a group choice. As far as I can grasp it, we weren’t even really ‘individuals’ as we understand the term when we made the choice.

And, finally, what we were sold wasn’t as advertised either. We didn’t know all the details that were involved in the deal we made.

I’m sure there isn’t a human alive who hasn’t thought along the lines of, “If I’d have known what I was getting myself into, I wouldn’t have done it”, but the bottom line is, we didn’t know, and we did do it.

So, we need to have a little faith that there’s a grand purpose for it, and think about all the things we’ve learned and are continuing to learn and experience, and take a step back and think, “yes, of course it was worth it”.
I agree there was purpose in that choice, but now my intention is to go forward.

All being lessons I was stating for me one reason why I choose (in my mind) to proceed to learn next level lessons (intention - when "time" will be appropriate).
The other day I read the following session from 2015. The mention of energy weapons, plane incidents in conjunction with severe weather, and the strange fires in a town in Italy brought to mind what has been discussed so far about the Maui fires in this thread.
(Perceval) What caused the downing of the Russian plane in the Sinai?

A: External, think Mossad and energy weapons.

Q: (Andromeda) That was my first guess.

(Perceval) That was my first guess, as well.

(Approaching Infinity) Did it have anything to do with the US/Israel wargames happening then?

A: Cover for same.

Q: (L) What was that flight that went down over the Atlantic way back when? The C's talked about it.

(Perceval) TWA Flight 800?

(L) Yeah, Flight 800.

A: Yes. Similar system.

Q: (Niall) Did that incident have anything to do with the cyclone that was going toward Yemen?

A: Utilized energy.

Q: (Perceval) Utilized energy in the 3D sense, or in the sense that weather can be associated with 4D?

A: Charged atmosphere enhances the effect.

Q: (Pierre) During 9/11, there was a similar high-energy weapon in conjunction with an unexpected cyclone...

A: Yes

Q: (L) So they're just experimenting with this kind of stuff. They're playing with it.

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Deadly games.

(Perceval) So, it was intentional, right?

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) Similar to that... Hurricane Rita on 9/11?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And it's funny: Everybody forgets about the fact that there was this hurricane there at that time.

(Pierre) Going straight to Manhattan, and then it turns!

(Niall) The one that hit Yemen was the first one ever to hit there.

(Perceval) Yeah, the first one to make landfall.

(Chu) So, that could mean they had some help from the 4D quarters.

A: Yes. We told you that the battles would be disguised as weather.

Q: (L) And that means the 4D battles.

(Perceval) That's what they said at the time, that 4D battles represent as weather. And Mossad is close...

(L) It's getting close to interfacing...

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) And it's being disguised as weather, like a microburst.

(Scottie) Didn't our tornado here happen after the Katrina thing, but obviously before the past several weeks?

(Chu) On the 31st of August.

(Scottie) So, maybe we need to pay close attention when 16 trees fall.

A: Indeed!

Q: (Approaching Infinity) But 16 trees... Aren't there 16 people between both houses here?

(L) Pattern recognition run amok! [laughter]

(Perceval) Calm down, Approaching Infinity! [laughter] So, when they say "Mossad" as an answer to a lot of these questions, we're not really talking about the overt Israeli government here, right?

A: No. Kabbalists.

Q: (Perceval) Does the Russian government have any idea that that's who shot the plane down?

A: Oh indeed!

Q: (L) That's why they've taken the path of accepting the ISIS explanation, because that gives them time to...

(Perceval) They haven't really accepted that yet. They're telling everybody to just calm down until the investigation is over.

(PoB) Can it be discovered by the investigation?

A: This kind of weapon does not leave the usual traces. But it does have a "signature".

Q: (Perceval) There are a couple of strange things. One of them was the 3-year-old girl who was a victim was found 34 kilometers away from the crash site. It was just one girl that was found that far away.

(Andromeda) So, part of the plane broke apart, like there was a hole... Even if it didn't break apart, she could have...

(Perceval) Maybe. Or maybe it was high-energy, or a bleedthrough or distortion of spacetime...

A: Yes

Q: (L) Spacetime distortion.

(Niall) Like the Philadelphia Experiment.

(Perceval) There was another strange thing. The front of the plane right up to the cockpit and the wings was all lying in more or less one piece, but completely burned. The picture from above showed two perfectly black wings attached to the body, but it looked like it was spontaneously combusted or something. This was after it supposedly hit the ground! Very strange. It looked like somebody had set fire to it on the ground.

A: Effects of the energy.

Q: (Atreides) Remember during 9/11 how all that stuff was burnt, but only on one half?

(L) Yeah, in a strange pattern.

(Atreides) And all the iron was removed, but the aluminum was left intact.

(Niall) I think I also saw a photo where a whole section of the actual carriage was intact. So, from the ground...

(L) And, there were pictures of the luggage that was all intact, so it couldn't have been a bomb in the hold.

(Perceval) It was almost like a case of spontaneous human combustion.

(L) It was like some things in a certain space were incinerated, but other things were intact...

(Perceval) Or made of a certain material. And there are no reports of being burned, but a lot of bodies were dismembered.

(L) Yeah, that's some kind of hellacious weapon, huh?

A: Indeed. Russia has equivalents.

Q: (Perceval) So, they know.

(Chu) How often have these weapons been used? We already know of three cases.

A: More often than you think though often on a smaller scale.

Q: (Perceval) Remember a few years ago that town in Italy where the water pipes would burn? They said that was target practice.

(L) Jesus. All that stuff that's now coming together... Alright, let's quickly do what we've gotta do. I'm tired.
You make some very good points. However, I wanted to bring to people's attention the possible link with music as developed by the work of people like Ernest G McClain since it creates interesting possibilities when noting that light and sound are both wave form manifestations. Plato (who would not have known of light's particle-wave nature) was very much responsible for producing the modern musical scale, which suggests that through his study of Pythagorean science he was aware of a connection between music and the underlying nature of creation, as it would seem the Vedic scholars also were, whose knowledge we know through the C's was inherited from the Atlantean race of the Paranthas:
Q: Were the Vedas written by the Paranthas or written by the Celts?
A: Descendants of Paranthas, as per "Divine guidance."
I agree with you it is very interesting how all waves, light, sound, ... somehow connect and the possibilities that open up with that.

I have always wondered about the "the answers are there for you already in the texts"

A: Elaboration is not needed because the answers are there for you already in the texts, as with so much else. One needs only listen to the "music to your ears."

And also,

Session 18 July 1998
A: Well, the Unified Field Theory unlocks the door completely to the higher densities.
Q: (T) But there are parts of this that have yet to be discovered by the general research books because it is being kept secret?
A: No.

It seems that maybe much of the information is already out there. It may be a matter paying attention to the fine details.

Anyway, it is my greatest hope that someday humanity is presented with a new Cosmology that includes consciousness in its rightful place and it is backed up by the mathematics, maybe a new mathematics. Since the C's mentioned that humanity would have one last chance I have thought that perhaps such a thing happening would be that one last chance. Would humanity embrace it or reject it?
True, but let us see how this develops. Don't forget the law of unintentional consequences. Afterall, a Grand Duke was shot in Bosnia-Herzegovina and we got the First World War.​
I had forgotten when I posted the above what I had said in my post of 27th September on this thread:

"You mention that a jubilee is a particular anniversary of an event, usually denoting the 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th, and the 70th anniversary. Well there is a notable 50th anniversary coming up in Israel next month that has a particular resonance for Zionists and that is the anniversary of the Yom Kippur War in 1973 otherwise known as the 'October War' - see Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia."

However, watching reports coming out of Israel on the news, they mentioned that the Jewish people in Israel had just been celebrating the festival of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, which is the most sacred day of the year in Judaism. Hence, it seems that Hamas wanted to mark the 50th Anniversary (Jubilee) of that war with a spectacular attack.

Could this be the reason why Jubilee of Cassiopaea chose that name for this session?​
How much power would you need to generate a signal of that frequency and strength. Perhaps a clue was given by the C's here when discussing time travel:​
Q: But, you said before that one has to generate an electromagnetic field, a la Tesla coils, do you have to have massive amounts of power in order to change channels and time travel?

A: That is the pathway accessible from 3rd density.

Q: How much power do you have to have?

A: Let us just say that GIGAWATT is the term of choice.

That is a huge amount of power.

Already the scientists working at Skinwalker ranch are hypothesising that they may be seeing portals between dimensions (densities) being opened up whenever they see this frequency occurring on their monitors.​
I am no scientist or mathematician but it would be interesting to get feedback on these ideas from those Forum members who are.

Whenever I read that amount of energy needed for time travel... sometimes I wonder if it's real what they said or if Doc Brown was really right! Besides, that of changing channels... from there to consider time as a flow...

But we do know this, and that is that climatological electrical phenomena such as lightning can easily reach 1 gigawatt. For something the C's said that where there are climatic changes like storms there is an interaction with the 4th density. The question would be to determine what frequencies a lightning strike of 1 gigawatt or more can reach.
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