Session 24 June 2022

Any idea where the girls are today?
I think they all emigrated to the United States. One of them, Mari-Loli Lafleur, a former resident of Boston, is now dead. She left an interesting prophetic warning about Russia though that may be in the process of being fulfilled - who knows - shock and awe maybe?​

"When Russia will unexpectedly and suddenly overrun and overwhelm a great part of the free world. God does not want this to happen so quickly. In any case the Warning will come when you will see that Holy Mass cannot be celebrated freely anymore; then it will be that the world will most need the intervention of God.

In fairness to the Catholic Church, Church authorities both in Spain and the Vatican have never given any formal approval to the series of apparitions that occurred at Garabandal in the 1960's. They have left it to the piety of the faithful whether or not they wish to believe in them. Indeed, there were many aspects about the apparitions which might give rise to a red flag warning, given some of the strange things that occurred during the visions - see comments in the attached commentary below on this:​

Whatever the nature of the apparitions, I would not doubt the integrity and sincerity of the four seers though for they clearly had an unworldly experience that left an indelible mark on them.

My brother visited Garabandal back in the late 1990's with a friend who knew the area well and had good contacts in the village. Through his friend, he was able to meet with Jacinta, one of the seers, who was visiting the village at the time, although by then she had long been based in the States. He didn't discuss the apparitions with her but found her to be a genuine and nice person. Interestingly, one venerable person who did believe in the authenticity of the apparitions was the Capuchin Friar, mystic and now canonised saint, Padre Pio.


Although people tend to associate Marian Visions with European Catholic countries like France and Spain, there is a strong tradition of them occurring in the Ukraine as well, the most famous being that at the village of Hrushiv three years before the more celebrated apparition at Fatima in Portugal in 1917. See:

For those not aware, although the Ukraine is predominantly an Orthodox Christian country, there is a large Catholic population based there that has suffered widespread persecution both under the dominant Orthodox Communion and under the Soviet communist regime of the 20th Century. One group came in for particular persecution and that was the Uniats, who were Ukrainian Orthodox Christians who had come back into union with Rome (hence their name). Josef Stalin, who had been raised as an Orthodox Christian and was at heart a nationalist, had a particular dislike for the Uniats and encouraged their persecution - presumably viewing them as traitors to Orthodox tradition. Given what is happening in the Ukraine today, I guess it adds yet one further twist to the story.​
About the W sign:

To my knowledge no one has cracked the code on how to interpret crop circles. The C’s have told us they are messages. But why send a message that no one can interpret? I’m looking at the W and trying to figure out how does that say, level playing field coming soon? We’ve been told that the CC are messages, even warnings sent most specifically to England. So, I’m wondering does someone somewhere know how to interpret them?

Ok, let’s see this orchestral band. That above, as the C's reminded us in this Session, is a message connected with the root of our DNA that is to say the sequence ‘353535' —yes, there is a thread on that. Now, I don't think the C's would make these “circle depictions” too much complicated, but instead they may have created these signs with even more than one way for either decoding them, or simply understanding them under some contemplation or meditation. With that said, I suspect that the uncomplicated method chosen by me in spite being for sure preliminary and thus potentially incomplete, still it nails some significant truth and without great mistakes …hopefully.

Anyway, here it is: 1- Informatics terms each byte as a carrier of a number that is a set composed of 8 key points that in turn can be “black or white.” 2- So, a byte somewhat likens to a major or minor musical scale, which by definition is made up of eight tones. 3- Furthermore, then the “353535 DNA” cyphers also as much: “3 plus 5 that equals 8”. Amazing triad of this 3D world, no?!!

Now, using as rule this ‘3-5’ DNA arrangement first from right to left —regarding that the DNA is an antenna connecting the Universal Field of Information with our etheric-physical bodies, though possibly also mental and spiritual— I just took up those binary numbers seen in that crop-circle like a sequence of “ruled bytes” and translated them to the decimal system. Thus came up the numbers: 519, 48,(416) 49,(409) and 426. Meanwhile the backwards direction gives us 225, 417, 9, and 613. Right, but what can we make with these numbers?

Well, into this moment I’m allowed to just elaborate on “9” and “613.” See, there is only one prime number —i.e. “613” — which hints that I must have made some bit of correct calculation despite other probable mistakes in this simple analysis, …so, hopefully we can still weed some good fruits from some of these numbers. Thus, quoting just as funny and true can be:
June 27, 1998 Session

Q: (L) Should I follow that direction?
A: All directions lead to lessons.

December 14, 1996 Session

A: Prime numbers are the dwellings of the mystics.

Q: (L) What do you mean, “prime numbers are the dwellings of the mystics?”
A: Self-explanatory, if you use the tools given you.

(L) Oh, ok, I get it. So, mystics... the mystics, the mystical secrets... dwell in the prime numbers if used as a code.
A: Name the primary mystical organizations for key to clue system.

Q: (L) ...key to clue system?
A: Yes.

[We named: Catholicism, Christianity, Judaism, Cabalism, Sufism, The Koran, Mysteries. Laura realized that she had just set aside the book “Understanding Mysticism,” it was next to a book on Caballah on the bookcase in the room. Jesuits, Masons, Knights Templar,Rosicrucians]
Q: (L) All right. With our little list that we’re making, are we on to something, or are we completely off track?
A: Yes, now check out those crop circles photos... any prime number combos there?

Q: (L) Do you mean in terms of dimension, or do you mean in composition?
A: Composition and dimensions... anything you can find.

October 31, 1998 Session

Q: Now, the other night, in front of the psychomantium, I did not exactly have a vision, but something came into my head, and the idea was that prime numbers are important because, the principle that they are only divisible by themselves and by one is indicative of the fact that they are direct links, channels, or conduits to seventh density, or first density, or something...
A: How about all densities?

Q: Okay, that is sort of what I mean, that they are, in a sense, gateways - would that be a good term?
A: Close.

Q: How does one utilize the energies inherent in prime numbers in this respect? Do they represent frequencies or frequency relationships?
A: Verities.

Right, now anyone here can analyze these numbers, or fix them if necessary, and look for, expand on interpretations as better may be. I already did some of that, of course, using the means provided by the esoteric sciences —such as Gematria-like?— and certainly, as usual, a little of channeling. So… next follows fairly my subjectivity also.

So, a brief allowance follows to that given number “9” and its surroundings. How interesting that it features a low numerical value when compared to the other specified numbers, no?!!! Well…in the other side we have the prime number “613,” which adding its digits it amounts to “10.” So, quite near of 9, right?!! See the verity? What else? Well, perhaps that my travelled road as illustrated in another thread may help us to trigger some sparks? Anyway, in this point should we remind of the 10 insights that the C’s mentioned to us?!! Moreover, it’s humorous I would say, because such number “9” (among other things) signifies the “motion force”, i.e. kinetic. Now we can recall that the C’s explained to us that the Wave is “feeling” (e-motion?) and “kinetic:”
December 3, 1994 Session

Q: (L) What does this wave consist of in terms of energy?
A: Feeling.

Q: (L) This wave is feeling? It is a wave of emotion?
A: Hyperkinetic sensate.

Very well, this crop-circle of the stars of Cassiopeia —she who is associated to an ancient Perseid myth from the start of an earlier Great Cycle?— has not the symbol of a “W,” or else when seen on the other side, a “M”?!! Perhaps a “W” like that of the Wave, which implies the end of a cycle for some, and restart for others. And what on the “M”? Well how about “Motion” like kinetic?

What Movement is that? Well, this may involve the issue on optional paths during a transitional period —as the C’s repeatedly alluded to us in this and other sessions. For some, maybe those who at first, like Alice in the Wonderland, are too much confused on their "density status," such “standing still” may induce the permanence in 3rd density for a "while" when one path is chosen instead of another.

Now remember, the C's stated, “…planets and stars are windows.” But are all they “adequate” paths? Probably not so much, I would say. Look, I have before emphasized the word “side” to indicate the possible existence of more than one door. So, many of us may have a choice and movement to make at that transitory event, and possibly some of us will be in flesh and bones, while others will be 5D. But, be into physical or ethereal state, still, I suppose, the capital thing for that occasion is the choice that will be made as a unique consciousness or else linked to a group of souls.
December 3, 1994 Session

A: Convention is because of realm border crossing.
Q: (L) And why is there a convention attending this realm border crossing? I mean, is it just a "reely big shew!"

A: It is an opportunity.

July 10, 1999 session

A: Be careful of the quotemarks, they bring you to the crossroads. As in: “you take the high road, I’ll take the low road, and I’ll be in Scotland before ye.”
A: Look folks, we cannot just spill the secrets of all existence all over this board, but we sure can open the doorways, yeah.​

Also on that latter Celtic notice:​
April 15, 2000 Session

A: ……Stones were once utilized to provide for all needs, as the energies transmitted connected directly with the pituitary gland to connect spiritual realities with the material realms of 3rd and 4th densities. So you see, the “stone” was viewed as Matriarchal indeed!

Q: (L) Were the beings involved in this type of activity 3rd density, 4th density or bi-density?
A: Originally 4th when home was in other locators.

Q: (L) Could it be said that the pituitary gland itself is the body’s own “mother stone?”
A: If you prefer. We suggest a new path now.

(Andromeda) Was there anything to the idea of the coded message?
A: Close

Q: (Andromeda) In what language?
(Scottie) It said 'love' in ASCII.
(Andromeda) What's that?
(Scottie) It's like numbers and letters and punctuation in 8-bit chunks.
A: Compare to DNA.

Q: (L) The coding in DNA.
(Scottie) Oh!​

Before I myself kind of had interpreted this crop-circle, I had read already 2022 cropcircle thread where that cropcircle was first talked. Over there we can see a first interpretation built over the very basic features that are conventions (like ascii and hexadecimal relations) and exclusive of IT (Information Technology). Thus, as seen over there, using then this IT structure set up of protocols, the apparent cropcircle binary numbers when transposed in the ASCII code devised by IT, give us the inspiring word “love.”

However, it’s notable, as I see, that the C’s do not confine their messages but rather they carry a holographic load. That’s to say not only are messages imbedded within messages, but the C’s always prevent to “imprison knowledge”. So, of course a binary number can be converted to any numerical system and associated to a number of connections as we can already notice in this thread.
October 18, 1994 Session

A: …They (Adam and Eve) were free. The symbolic story of Adam and Eve was a story of enticement to false knowledge. The tree of knowledge of good and evil was focused, imprisoned knowledge.

December 28, 1994 Session

(V)…... okay, when you say the universe is an infinite illusion, then why not close the eyes, lights out and the illusion is over?
A: Stop focusing so narrowly and rigidly.
A: Blast your mind open.

June 7, 1997 Session

Q: Well, is there going to be any chance of checking out any crop circles in person?
A: If you wish, but not necessary, and may hinder purpose.

Q: Okay, I will drop it. No crop circles for me!
A: If you want to, then by all means, do it! But, let not your focus be exclusive.

June 27, 1998 Session

Q: (L) Should I follow that direction?
A: All directions lead to lessons.

Ok, I should tell that, as I see, “zeros” represent “emptiness”. Thus the little empty circles (“black bits”) seen in the cropcircle, or should I say, “transparent circles” may represent zeros. Therefore, the little circles colored with plants tumbled down (“white bits”) may represent “ones.” Furthermore, using that “3-5 DNA” rule for “number identification”, doesn’t matter if the image is flipped or not (like W or M) because, amazing, the numbers remain the same ones in any way.

Now, I must confess that I missed a “zero” when first reading that cropcircle. I should have revised before posting the set of numbers. Sorry for that. Hence, 2 numbers need to be amended. Well, rigorously speaking the only wrong number was “48” that should be “416” where the last “zero” I missed in the earlier post.

Moreover, then I noticed also that if I considered a untaken “zero” placed at the left of another binary number, then its conversion, in which I made a juxtaposition to compose the numbers, brings instead of “49”, the number “409.” Well, remarkable enough, now we have another prime number, that is, “409” which still can be reduced to our earlier “49” (so, it is correct somehow), and afterwards reduced to “13” (another significant mythical number).

What else? I wondered, “could another prime numbers to be hidden somewhere here?” Yes… this new figure, the “416” can be reduced to “11,” which is another prime number very commented in the transcripts, and not to miss it in the myths of the Eddas.
February 9, 1995 Session

Q: (L) Anything we need to know at this time?
A: Not tonight. Ask on the eleventh.

November 11, 1995

A: As usual, we do not just give you the answers, we help you to teach yourself!! Now, take 11 and contemplate...

Q: (L) Well, three times eleven is thirty-three.
A: Yes, but what about 11?

Q: (L) Well, eleven is supposed to be one of the prime, or divine power numbers. In Kaballah, 11 is the power number...
A: Yes...

Q: (L) Eleven is 10 plus 1; it is divisible only by itself and by 1. I can’t think of anything else. In numerology, I am a an 11 in numerology... I am also a 22. What else is there to the number 11?
A: Astrology.

Q: (L) Well, in astrology, the eleventh sign is Aquarius, my name is an eleven, my birthday is a 22 which is twice eleven, and I am an Aquarian. The eleventh house is friends, hopes, dreams and wishes, and also adopted children. Aquarius the Waterbearer, the dispenser of knowledge. Does 11 have something to do with dispensing of knowledge?
A: Now, 3rd house.

Q: (L) Gemini. Okay. Gemini and Aquarius. Third house is how the mind works, communication, relations with neighbors and siblings, education, local travel, how one speaks. Gemini is known as the “consummate man.” Somewhat shallow and interested in the things of material life. It is also the divine number of creation. So, what’s the connection here?
A: Matrix.

Q: (L) This IS a matrix. The third house and the eleventh house create a matrix?
A: Foundation.

Q: (L) Okay. This is not about us. I am just trying to relate it. Gemini is in June, Aquarius is in February. Gemini is the physical man, and Aquarius is the spiritual man?
A: Yin Yang.​
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Hmmm, the above emphasis on the “time-locks” is really a great observation.

Now, well, I wouldn’t trust much that stuff (Emerald tablets…) as really from “Hermetic” origin. To the ancient Greeks, the Egyptian Thoth was one and the same as the Greek god Hermes that corresponds to the Roman Mercury. See, traditionally the thieves used to worship Mercury, their god.

I understand the comments you are making. I am not sure whether the C's were aiming their sarcasm more at Tarot cards here rather than at the Emerald Tablets, which are linked through the Hermetica more to Hermes Trismegistus than Thoth or the Greek god Hermes, who the C's said was a traitor to Pharaoh Rana and broke the covenant of the Aryan peoples of the Middle East. The Hermetica is certainly an important treatise, whatever its derivation, as it clearly helped to kick-start the Renaissance in Europe.

Another name for the Emerald Tablets is the Tabula Smaragdina (i.e., the "table of green stone") on which was written the "secret of Hermes", or the secrets of creation. The reference to "table" here may link in with a number of references the C's have made to the importance of a certain table, e.g., session dated 12 July 1997:​

Q: What was the Eleusian mystery? Is this what we are supposed to be tracking back to? I mean, this is sort of where I have ended up?

A: One leg of the table.

If you are interested, I attach a response I wrote to thisplacerocks speculating on what the Emerald Tablet(s) may have been. See: Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians.

My comments reflect what Joseph Farrell has said about the hidden science embedded in myths and ancient texts such as the Hermetica. Instead of reading them in a religious light as many do, one should look at them from a scientific viewpoint instead.

Incidentally, I meant to add the following quotation to my last post but couldn't find it at the time but, as it relates to Manly P Hall, a Freemason and expert on esoterica, it should be borne in mind:

"Manly P Hall also claimed that 42 volumes of Thoth-Hermes' works were removed from the Library of Alexandria prior to it burning and secreted with "initiates" who buried them in the desert for safekeeping."

By "initiates", I don't know whether he had the Therapeutae of Alexandria in mind here who had links to the Jewish Essenes.​
Talking about a good use of time travel (perhaps the ultimate STO use) reminds me of what was said during that strange session of 5 July 2001, which Laura did under hypnosis with Vincent Bridges. Since what was revealed was done under hypnosis performed by an STS orientated person, one wonders whether or not it should all be discounted. However, the session does mention a time machine and the risk of a large cometary impact to the Earth, so is relevant to what has been discussed on this thread to date. I have highlighted the most relevant bits for these purposes:

VB: I would like for Laura to see the time machine and describe it to us.
Laura: It seems to be an object about the size of a very large breadbox. It emanates a field, or a glowing beam. I'm not sure if you only have to be in contact with it, or stand in the beam, or if you just stand near it. It's clear that one does not get "inside" it, like in the movies. The field it produces is the important thing. The beam is like in the movie where they shine the beams up in the sky and wave them around; it's like that, only it has a shape. It's not long, straight and tubular, it's more cone shaped. So yes, there it is, it's...
VB: [Interrupts] Now I want you to stay focused...
Laura [Ignoring the interruption] has angles to it, metal plates, and the structure itself is like some sort of geometric tubing...
VB: Will Laura be able to remember and draw it?
Laura: Actually, in a funny sort of way, it's similar to the shape of the static tree of life on it's side, doubled and inverted like having a mobius twist...
VB: Is this the Ark?
Laura: Yeah... it...
VB: Ark. Noah's Ark. The Ark of the covenant... the Ark of Time...
Laura: The object of which you speak, goes inside... it's the field...
VB: Now, keep looking, and stay outside the mirror; could you show Laura, so she can describe it for us, where, in time, this machine originates?
Laura: Ah! That's odd. The answer comes as 10,000 BC.
VB: Where is it in our immediate future?
Laura: Yes.
VB: Can you show Laura where it is in the immediate future?
Laura: In the immediate future.
VB: Can you show her where on the planet it is, when it enters our future?
Laura: At the appropriate time.
VB: Why is this not the appropriate time?
Laura: Because there would be danger.
VB: Stay on your side... 10,000 BC. Where has it been between then and the immediate future?
Laura: It's been found and used numerous times. It was used for very negative purposes, and it was deemed appropriate to retrieve it and... [
MJF: Possibly by the Knights Templar in the Holy Land.]
VB: [Interrupts] Now don't get pulled in the mirror... stay on this side!
Laura: [Inaudible remarks]
VB: Can you show Laura so she can describe to us, the catastrophic situation in our future, our near future?
Laura: It seems as though it will be a progression. Like the beginning of rain, when the first few big, cold drops fall; and then a pause followed by a few more drops; and then, a downpour.
VB: Describe what you are seeing?
Laura: I see rocks - but they aren't very large. They are like the size of your fist. Just a few. And they make something of a stir. An uproar. People will be excited... very upset. It looks like just two - two small rocks. And then nothing else happens for awhile, and then they forget about it. It all dies down. And then, a third, a fourth, a fifth and a sixth - and maybe even a seventh... isolated events, or so it seems. Still small. And then, a big one. All this will go on over a period of months.
VB: Take a deep breath, stay on this side of the mirror... looking through. Keep looking; look through the mirror. Would you show Laura, so that she can describe for us, the situation concerning Percival, Percival Three.
Laura: The previously mentioned time machine, placed precisely at a specific location - and it's not exactly clear whether the action - there's a choice at that point in time, you know...
VB: What kind of choice?
Laura: A group can leave with the machine, or a group can bond their awareness, and utilize the device to shift the earth out of the path of destruction. It's not a shift in material terms, it's a shift in time.
VB: So that the comet will hit where the earth isn't anymore?
Laura: Right.
VB: How, much of a jump does this require?
Laura: Oh! Well, in terms of time, a miss is as good as a mile!
VB: How much of a jump in time is required?
Laura: A day.
VB: The space that the earth travels during one revolution on its axis, is enough to avoid a direct hit?
Laura: Yes.
VB: What would the effects be of moving the planet and everyone on it back or forward a day?
Laura: If you can do it, most people, after the shift, will forget that there was ever a danger.
VB: Is that a good thing?
Laura: [Sighs]

This shift in time of the Earth would be akin to the time shift the USS Eldridge experienced but on another scale altogether. Although I have highlighted the reference to the Ark of the Covenant, in a later session the C's confirmed that it was in fact the Holy Grail or Merkhaba (Matriarch) Stone Laura had seen, which thousands of years before had helped a group of Kentakkians to escape the planet Kentak before it exploded, bringing them to Earth.
Session 26 February 2002:

Q: (L) Jay Weidner says that there is something in the south of France that is very, very evil. Is correct in this assessment?

A: Not really. But those guarding the secrets* might be termed as such. Also they wish to make others think thus. Machiavelli!

[*MJF: the Rosicrucians or the Illuminati?]


Q: (L) Well it works. Is the place of safety at the end of time to be found in Peru?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is the place of safety a physical location on the planet?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is the place of safety a hyperdimensional state of being?

A: Yes.
[MJF: 4th Density entered through the 'White House']


Q: (L) We were making some theories about this object that Vincent Bridges was looking for - the Ark of the Covenant, or the Holy Grail. I believe that we understand that this is an object that is of great usefulness, some kind of lensing device. Is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is this something that the STS groups - yeah, we know everybody on earth is STS, but I mean the heavy duty ones - had at one time and then lost, or lost control of?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) How did they lose it?

A: It was not so much "lost" as it was "retrieved" and put away for safe keeping.

Q: (R & L) Who retrieved it?

A: 4th density STO mission.

Q: (L) Who is it that is looking for it? Is it 3rd density STS or 4th density?

A: Both.

Q: (L) If it is a 3rd density device why do 4th density critters want it?

A: It is a trans-density device.

Q: (L) Well if 4th density STS are so technically advanced how come they can't just make another one?

A: This item is tuned by consciousness. It is of such a frequency that STS gifts are not capable of such precision. The range includes multiple possibility vectors. STS operates within a narrow range.

Q: (R) So they can't make it, but they can use it. So they have to find one that is already created. (L) Is that possible? (A) Operated by consciousness. (L) They said tuned not operated. First of all we want to ask whether they mean tuned as in tuned when it was created or as tuned as in using. (A) There is this scenario that they will wait until the STO guy will find it and tune it, and still only then they will jump on 'em. (L) Right. Do you mean tuned as in the tuning of the creation or the tuning of the operation?

A: Creation.

Q: (A) Okay. Once it is tuned, it is tuned, right? (R) Yeah. And if it was similar to our simulation then tuning is done by exposing it to similar frequencies. (L) Or maybe assembling it by virtue of frequencies that are produced. But it still needs to be established whether or not they can see it. So we have theorized that the reason they can't find it, the only reason we can see for why they can't find it, is because for some reason it is protected by frequency or something and that they don't know where it is either. Is this correct?

A: Mostly. They have a general idea.

Q: What specifically prevents them from isolating the exact spot and getting it?

A: Occlusion.

Q: (A) What is occlusion? (R) I think that's similar to ...

A: Frequency fence.

Q: (R) Which is similar to what we've been talking about. If you don't have the same frequency it's ... (L) Or they can set a frequency around it that these guys can't tune to and can't penetrate. (R) It becomes invisible in some sense. (L) But they can still in some way detect a region or something. But it can be like noise or something maybe; so much noise that they can't isolate the signal. Is this the reason these people keep coming after us, because they want us to help them find this thing? Is this the reason?

A: More or less. Though not the only one.

Q: (R) Well I guess another major reason is just to disrupt in general. So more or less yes, but there are other reasons. Well Jay Weidner said that they now think that Frank is going to help them find it, that he is a channel for Set. (A) We don't know if this is true. What Jay Weidner says about their hopes about Frank. If that were true they would already have Frank they would be busy with Frank and they would be leaving us alone. So, I don't think it is so important. (L) I don't either. It was just bait tossed out by Jay Weidner. (R) I was wondering about the possible positive uses of the device?

A: Multiple. In ancient times this object was called the Gift of God. It was used to aid in the manifestation of all things needful for existence.

Q: (A) Manifestation? (R) That sounds like Merkabah. The Matriarch Stone. The Mother Stone. (A) So it can do all kinds of things ... (R) Is this the Merkabah?

A: Mother Stone, yes.

Q: (R) So that's it! This is the real meaning of the Merkabah. Pretty neat. And there is only one of these available. This puts a very strange aspect on all this. (L) Where was it created?

A: Kantek.

Q: Was this what was used to help transport the Kantekkians to Earth at the time of the destruction of their planet?

A: Some of them. Others transported by Lizards.

Q: (L) Well that puts a different slant on that. Alright, we notice that when we ask details about it - location, etc - the answers come very slow, details about where it is and all those things. Let's move on.

There is evidently great danger involved for the individual finding the Grail and it may only be found at the time of great chaos Laura spoke of in the earlier session. However, if what Laura saw under hypnosis is correct, then for humanity and the Earth's sake, I guess it is important that it is found and then used by STO forces in the nick of time. However, the C's also made another indirect reference to this frequency fence, when likening it to the Arthurian legend of drawing the 'Sword from the Stone'.

Session dated 18 January 2002:​

Q: Why is it that we have attracted so much interest from the "spy vs. spy" types? After all, if there is something out there they are after, why do they need us?

A: They cannot "see" or "draw the sword from the stone

I appreciate that the concept of a frequency fence has been spoken about before on the Forum. I wonder, however, whether the Grail is hidden by means of some sort of phase shift, which places it in a dimension parallel to or alongside our reality. The whereabouts of the Grail also seems to be tied up with the C's clue of "Buried in Galle".

When researching this issue, I came across a real sword in the stone, which defies scientific explanation and seems to have been the basis for the Arthurian sword in the stone myth that was added to the Grail legends in the late 12th or early 13th Century.

See: Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

This legend concerns a real sword in the stone and an Italian man called Galgano, which is a development of the medieval personal name 'Galvano', an equivalent of the Celtic Gawain (Old French Gauvain).


However, it is also the discovery of some mummified hands that I wish to draw to people's attention here since there is a mystery surrounding them as well. As I quoted in my earlier post:

By visiting the Montesiepi Chapel, you will not only experience the site of Tuscany’s Arthurian-like medieval legend, you will also discover some funny anecdotes regarding those who attempted to remove the sword from the stone or cause harm to Saint Galgano. Evidence to this is a pair of mummified hands, carbon-dated to the 12th century. It is said they belong to an assassin disguised as a monk who attempted to attack Saint Galgano only to suffer the wrath of wolves the saint had befriended.

Nobody to date has come up with a satisfactory solution as to how the sword and, indeed, the mummified hands got into the stone. In my own conjecture on the matter, I drew a possible link to the USS Eldridge and the Philadelphia Experiment:

"When you create a fast spinning vortex, you automatically seem to encounter hyperdimensional energies. This fact can be seen with natural vortices such as tornadoes, which have been known to produce strange effects and anomalies, including the teleporting of people and objects (the C’s have confirmed this in the transcripts). Tornados have been known to produce other strange physical effects as well such as driving pieces of straw through solid wood four inches thick, a feat that would ordinarily be impossible. This would suggest that changes must occur at the atomic level to allow a soft material like straw to penetrate solid wood. Presumably this happens under the hyperdimensional energy states that occur within a powerful tornado. I am not suggesting that the sword here became stuck in the stone when St Galgano plunged it in because he happened to be inside a tornado at the time (although not impossible). Rather, I would propose that some high energy source enabled an iron sword to pass through the stone as if it was plunged into butter. Perhaps it might be instructive to consider the fate of some of the poor US sailors on the USS Eldridge whose bodies became melded with the superstructure of the ship to gain more of an idea of how the sword became embedded in the stone (the two mummified arms might also bear testimony to this). Therefore, short of a miracle, I believe that someone must have been playing with high energy physics to have accomplished this feat."

Again, I would ask whether the sword could have been embedded by means of a phase shift or teleportation, as experienced by the sailors on the USS Eldridge?​
Last few weeks I had problems with connection to the some of topics in the forum. Sometimes it freezes or crashes or disappeared, then saying that “cannot open the page because the server cannot be found “. It happened few times days.
Then I finally figured out the problem, it happened every time when I opened some topics that related to ‘other country‘, or something happening to the people’. So, now I don’t open few topics.
Anyway Cs said that “Nothing last forever,” so, I have to be patient and waiting for “Playing field will be leveled soon”.
Last few weeks I had problems with connection to the some of topics in the forum. Sometimes it freezes or crashes or disappeared, then saying that “cannot open the page because the server cannot be found “. It happened few times days.
Then I finally figured out the problem, it happened every time when I opened some topics that related to ‘other country‘, or something happening to the people’. So, now I don’t open few topics.
Anyway Cs said that “Nothing last forever,” so, I have to be patient and waiting for “Playing field will be leveled soon”.

I’ve been having the same issues with the Putin Donbass thread for several days. It keeps reloading (but never completely) and then freezes the browser and says unavailable, no matter which browser I try. I sent a message to Scottie about it a little while ago. Your post provides some interesting food for thought!
Last few weeks I had problems with connection to the some of topics in the forum. Sometimes it freezes or crashes or disappeared, then saying that “cannot open the page because the server cannot be found “. It happened few times days.
Then I finally figured out the problem, it happened every time when I opened some topics that related to ‘other country‘, or something happening to the people’. So, now I don’t open few topics.
Anyway Cs said that “Nothing last forever,” so, I have to be patient and waiting for “Playing field will be leveled soon”.
I've had the exact same problem but only on my iphone. So now I can only access the forum on my computer.
Thank you for posting this session! As always a lot to consider, just getting around to sharing some of my thoughts…

Q: (L) Okay, so was this crop circle that appeared that looked like it was shaped kind of like the Cassiopaea star formation, was it genuine or was it man-made?

A: Genuine! It was us sending message. Playing field will be leveled soon.

Amazing and belated congrats! This could be an allusion to the triple bad day upcoming? Definitely getting the feeling of multiple collapses on the horizon - financial, empirical, and emotional. The Empire’s day of reckoning is coming…

I’ve often thought how balance could be described as seeing three sides to a coin - heads, tails and the third being the edge of the coin (similar to the third story). You can only view both sides by standing the coin on its side, but your vantage point allows more perspective or awareness.

I guess my point being, without going too far down the rabbit hole, is that perhaps this group may act as that third side needed to provide the STO/STS balance - I don’t think it’s balance as even 50/50, but weighted based on awareness and FRV at a macro social level… not sure what ratio would be ideal though, maybe 80/20?


A: It depends on your perspective and purpose.

Q: (Pierre) Yes.

(Scottie) OH! [Makes 2 V's with fingers, shifts head to one side while looking at them] It does! That's interesting.

(Pierre) It depends on...

(Chu) Where you look at it from.

(Pierre) Depending on your vantage point, you get a different geometry.

(Anna) Right.

(Pierre) It looks like a Cassiopaea W to us because we are on Earth.

(Scottie) So we could calculate where they were when they saw it! [laughter]

That would be cool to know! What came to mind for me was a technique called “Camera Angle Projection” that I was studying which is used in layout/set design for film production design that allows you to build compositions based on various lenses and some basic geometry.

Basically you can take an overhead projection and build an accurate 2 point perspective image from it. It can also be reversed when looking at photographs to distinguish placement, time of day and altitude using angles and lighting direction.

I have planned to make a post on it because last I checked there weren’t any tutorials online explaining further and seems like useful skills - especially for confirming or debunking photos/videos…

(Anna) Was there anything to the idea of the coded message?

A: Close

Q: (Anna) In what language?

(Scottie) It said 'love' in ASCII.

(Anna) What's that?

(Scottie) It's like numbers and letters and punctuation in 8-bit chunks.

A: Compare to DNA.

Q: (L) The coding in DNA.

(Scottie) Oh!

This comparison to DNA is interesting. Besides the 0s and 1s involved, but maybe ascii could be used to create a low res and small sized visual reference library based off the typographical arrangement of the letter and symbols but via the information field…

Also, I wondered if this lack of “polish from a certain POV” was because it was future Scottie and Chu’s first crop circle - just a thought! 😄


Q: (Ark) Can one prevent somehow STS to misuse or to use such technology?

A: No.

I wonder if STS could be “inspired” or “moved” to create a new branch or dimension through a series chess-like maneuvers so as to continue their misuse - meanwhile STO is helping, inspiring people to anchor a more balanced “origin” reality or timeline as what we’re observing currently…


Q: (Joe) Here's the problem: In 4D or some other reality there are some that might have that kind of intent or a more pure STO intent who could use it, but like they said at the beginning, the reason that you'd use it would be to change the trajectory of history on many scales so as to eliminate extreme suffering. But then you've got a problem with are you going to decide that you should eliminate the suffering of people on a planet or anywhere because what if that suffering was necessary? So who's gonna make the decision to stop someone from experiencing something? How much knowledge would you have to have about the broad implications of stopping someone from having an experience? What would that lead to? What are the knock-on effects?

If the suffering is in volition of another freewill, and if someone recognizes their freewill being violated and asks for help - then it’s determined whether STO or STS forces should answer the call and be dealt with in a manner of severity. Something came to mind; that for some “walk-ins” a fate worse than death is life.

Which lead me to think about the Cs mentioning lizzies manipulating people to allow them to enter and essentially posses the person for a certain about of time to “experience” 3D - (think of also MetaVerse) - what happens if their line back to 4D is cut?

I would expect they are now stuck in the body of the person with no way to return to 4D. This could be pretty agonizing. Its never really mention (afaik) how long a lizzie generally desires to use the body of another 3D souled being…Q for Cs?


(Ark) You can imagine a completely passive time machine. When you go, and see the past, see the history. You want to go to Jesus' time or whatever. Another thing completely is a different scale to be able to change something without killing yourself.

This is sort of how I imagine it from an STO perspective — small scale observation and advanced remote viewing along with ones own knowledge and awareness of an uncorrupted view of how events transpired.

(Joe) But the next is: Do you need a time machine say in 4D to view past events? Or is that available to you as a function of that reality?

I believe they have said there is no time in 4D, although maybe time is a sorta “machine” that provides an access point into the past or future (a portal?) which can be accessed by STO if intent is noble and based ones inner polarity…

(Ark) But just to travel into the past just to see...

(L) A psychomantium would be a passive time machine.

I should read up again on setting up a psychomantium. We sleep in a very dark room and I only realized that based on the position of our mirror on the other side of the room positioned left of where I sleep, just enough light sorta cascades from the door on to the mirror. If I recall this could pass as a kinda psychomantium, but maybe it’s just a tuned for better sleep and dream processing…

This would explain some of the strange dreams and revelations I’ve had and “visitations” over the last 7+ years.

Q: (Joe) So then the past you've viewed, is that what happened or just a possibility?

(Ark) I mean, how can there be a past that's an alternative to me being born in 1943??

A: You are here now as the result of following specific branching events that manifest as a result of choices.

Q: (Anna) So if you tried to go back physically or even to just communicate with yourself in the past...

Perhaps the cardinal rule is “you are not allowed to visit yourself, you could tear a hole in the “brane” along your timeline and affect the path’s of others - freewill unbridged.

Another way to define it could be as a kinda Universal Cosmic Law: You can go back in time, but not to help yourself or you’ll get the “golden handcuffs” - trapped by way of too much self aggrandizement.

If the “fabric of time” or true potential becomes compromised and too many life paths are interfered with an opportunity to intervene may be granted to those with the right intent or faith. STO forces may then access a time “machine” to find the best possible future with as little affect on life’s grand soul path as possible…

(Ark) What prevented us from successful using of psychomantium?

A: Lack of application.

Q: (Anna) Didn't practice.
(Arielle) It didn't get used - that's what happened! [laughter]

(Pierre) The warning at the end of the last session two months ago, is it still going on?

A: Yes. Beware of quiet spells!

Indeed! I’ve already noted people at work, on the radio using the “quiet period” or lull metaphor in discussions. It’s like auto-response most likely from their programming in the MSM “narrative field”. On that note, it’s starting to get energetic over on the West coast of California.
We decided to sage our temp apartment a couple weeks ago. I don’t feel like I have a good enough “dispel” mantra as it seemed to help calm my son and wife but right after I put some orthodox hymn music on for about a half and then noted I began getting a very tight knot in my neck and slight headache.

We both noted that I may have absorbed something, or moved through me - feeling better now, but sleep has been a little restless… any guidance in this area would be helpful.

Well, all for now. So much suspense, making it difficult to focus! :umm:
Indeed! I’ve already noted people at work, on the radio using the “quiet period” or lull metaphor in discussions. It’s like auto-response most likely from their programming in the MSM “narrative field”. On that note, it’s starting to get energetic over on the West coast of California.
We decided to sage our temp apartment a couple weeks ago. I don’t feel like I have a good enough “dispel” mantra as it seemed to help calm my son and wife but right after I put some orthodox hymn music on for about a half and then noted I began getting a very tight knot in my neck and slight headache.

We both noted that I may have absorbed something, or moved through me - feeling better now, but sleep has been a little restless… any guidance in this area would be helpful.

Well, all for now. So much suspense, making it difficult to focus! :umm:
That's really weird because I read the word "spells" as "incantations". And that would mean some must be quiet and others noisy..? Guess that's just my imagination running riot. Anyway, it made me think of Shakespear's Macbeth... and rattling chains and dungeons - for the not so quiet spells, anyway.

If you don't like the energy of a place you live in, have you considered moving? Some people are, if they can - or if they're allowed to move.

From my interest in astrology, it looks like the energy is scaling up for a big bang at the end of the month and at the begining of next month. Mars, Uranus and the North Node all conjunct at 18 deg Taurus. That could be one angry and unexpectedly behaving bull... :scared:
I've had the exact same problem but only on my iphone. So now I can only access the forum on my computer.
Similar here. When I try to access the Coronavirus thread and the Russia Donbass thread on my iphone, the page freezes. So far, I've only noticed this happen with those two threads and only on my iphone. I can view threads like normal on my computer.
(Pierre) The warning at the end of the last session two months ago, is it still going on?

A: Yes. Beware of quiet spells!
Last night’s dream I concluded that Cs warning is the what’s happening to me and other members that they also couldn’t accessed some of topic. Maybe it will get more intensify? I don’t know, but we all know the final outcome so, don’t force anything.

Last few weeks I had problems with connection to the some of topics in the forum. Sometimes it freezes or crashes or disappeared, then saying that “cannot open the page because the server cannot be found “. It happened few times days.
Then I finally figured out the problem, it happened every time when I opened some topics that related to ‘other country‘, or something happening to the people’. So, now I don’t open few topics.
Anyway Cs said that “Nothing last forever,” so, I have to be patient and waiting for “Playing field will be leveled soon”.
That's really weird because I read the word "spells" as "incantations". And that would mean some must be quiet and others noisy..? Guess that's just my imagination running riot. Anyway, it made me think of Shakespear's Macbeth... and rattling chains and dungeons - for the not so quiet spells, anyway.


Just for the record, for a brief few seconds I had that weird thought too of "spells" as "incantations".
Q: (L) Okay, so was this crop circle that appeared that looked like it was shaped kind of like the Cassiopaea star formation, was it genuine or was it man-made?

A: Genuine! It was us sending message. Playing field will be leveled soon.

Q: (L) Well, I dunno if that's a good thing or a bad thing!

(Chu) Well, it's very uneven right now, no?

(Artemis) Do what you've gotta do before it's too late!

A: Nothing lasts forever.

Q: (L) Hmm.

(Joe) Why was it not the proper Cassiopaea symbol? What did 'W' mean? It was a straight up W, not the Cassiopaea symbol.

(L) It was very close. I looked at it.

(Joe) All the lines were of equal length.

(L) No, they weren't. I even counted the number of circles.

(Joe) So did I.

(L) And they were different. Yes they were! Betcha! [laughter]

(Barb) Ask them!

(Joe) It didn't look to me like a Cassiopaea symbol, so was it the 'W' representative of something else?

(L) Somebody go get the image and print it!


(Scottie) Well, the real Cassiopaea is a wide 'V' and a narrow 'V'. This one WAS more symmetrical, but... It wasn't 'perfect', which is kind of odd...

A: It depends on your perspective and purpose.

Q: (Pierre) Yes.

(Scottie) OH! [Makes 2 V's with fingers, shifts head to one side while looking at them] It does! That's interesting.

(Pierre) It depends on...

(Chu) Where you look at it from.

(Pierre) Depending on your vantage point, you get a different geometry.

(Andromeda) Right.

(Pierre) It looks like a Cassiopaea W to us because we are on Earth.

(Scottie) So we could calculate where they were when they saw it! [laughter]


(Andromeda) Was there anything to the idea of the coded message?

A: Close

Q: (Andromeda) In what language?

(Scottie) It said 'love' in ASCII.

(Andromeda) What's that?

(Scottie) It's like numbers and letters and punctuation in 8-bit chunks.

A: Compare to DNA.
The dash on one of the trailing legs reminds me of the discussions about Rigel supernova and DNA splice. Rigel supernova would certainly be a sign for the whole world. It would be really fun to see how the liars of the world spin that one.
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