Session 25 April 2010

Thanks a lot for this new session. It was a good decision not to go to Amsterdam and a good lesson learned without getting in trouble. Valuable tips are given about travel and dream work. Thanks again.
Marcus-Aurelius said:
Thanks for the session!

Aragorn said:
The "cut off" point gave me the chills too. Need to pick up the pace with the work, hope it's not too late...!
Yes, I have always feared something like that and this thought has become more present lately.

I like the dream work too. Should be trying it soon.

Thanks again for the session

I got to try it too - in a similar scientific fashion , it happens so often that I think of things before bed and I end up dreaming all knight about it, wakening up tired.

Thank you for the session, and the participants as well.
Thanks for the great session. I am so sorry that Laura is not going to be present at the conference, the people have no idea what they will be missing. When I read at first that Laura was going to make a speech in Amsterdam I immediately wished to win a lottery. I would have definitely have made it, even if there was a 99% chance that a comet would hit the plane. But, maybe we should just wait a while until the chaos in the sky calms down, and then Laura you can make a trip here to Calgary. You can stay at my place for free, and I will cook for you gluten free meals. I am still not perfect at it but the food is edible, especially the brown rice bread and bagels that I buy (I am confessing now) at a local natural health food store. So, the invitation will always be open. I am planning on moving to Kelowna later this year, which is a very beautiful small city surrounded with orchards, and you are invited there as well. The people are very open minded there, definitely much more than in Calgary. :D

Thanks for the session again. And I will definitely try to approach dreaming differently. I have been struggling with my past life; but I need to verify if what I assume has happened in my past life actually did happen. And Laura I mean it, you are always welcome at my place, if you find yourself needing to travel to Calgary, and later to Kelowna.
Michael Martin said:
Ellipse said:
Beware, there is a "cutoff" point past which there are no further opportunities in this life.
Sure but, as I see thinks, the difficulty is to discern "good" and "bad" opportunities. To be open and at the same time to avoid distractions.

My impression of that particular part of the session was that "opportunity knocks" only a few times in your life and if you don't respond to the opportunities, they won't come anymore and you'll be "locked out" (or "locked in" depending on your point of view) until your next cycle.
I was under the impression that "opportunities" meant "good" ones (good, in so far as to work on the self).

Missing opportunities, ohh god! , it scares me to think of that. How many times have I seen opportunity pass by me and did nothing, and still do.
It seems to be a lot of mud in my life, how do you shake hands with opportunity if you constantly get dirty ...

[Mod's note: fixed quotation box]
Thanks Laura and the château team for another great session. :) Lots to think about as usual.
logos5x5 said:
You know, this made me remember an event that took place 6 years ago or so, when I came in contact with the Cass material, I was devouring all the information, I couldn't stop, even in my work place I read when it was possible and used to take note of observations and so on, one day I arrived too early to the office and I was the only one in there, so I took out my notes and one of the first chapters of the Wave series and started to read, and all of a sudden I felt like a huge vibration, - like goosebumps but not exactly - all over my body, the surroundings were "filled" with a bright white glare and I felt that the top of my head, the crown, opened up very wide, I get a "refreshing" feeling, and then I "hear" a voice that told me: "Don't close the Conduit" and a few seconds later everything just faded out, this event left me very surprised and with a big question mark in my mind, what was all that about?! and also I didn't knew what was a Conduit, so I kind of sweep it under the rug for a time, until I found out further in the Wave series the meaning of developing a conduit through Knowledge, that was a shocking and was a strong motivation in some way to continue with the data gathering. Now I feel that I've spoiled very useful opportunities to learn and network, I feel that I've wasted too much time and energy with useless stuff and relationships, the DCM has been very generous and I feel ashamed and very sorry because I've been arrogant and I've felt like I deserve all the best just because for all that happened in the past, and just because I'm here, I don't exactly know what happened inside me with this session, it removed a lot of emotional stuff, this event came to my mind, it made me cry, I need to deepen into my feelings an thoughts to discover what's happening, again thanks.

Also, I used to keep notes from everything that I read, I wrote down observations, insights, so on and so forth, and I left that behind a few years ago, it was very helpful, and also helped me as a reminder. Gosh!! I feel like theres a lot to do and so little time, i feel that there's hope but hope comes with pragmatism isn't it? So maybe is time to prioritize and Do, non stop.
Indeed, thanks for this session!
I've had a similar experience with the material, a teenager staying maybe in uncomfortable positions past his bedtime, reading from a GPS PDA trying to understand, so hungry for the knowledge that was the answer to my prayers and almost every aspect of it matches me, to the the very things that my being needs in order to advance, and I've got you guys and all this precise knowledge and guidance, syncronicities keeping me out trouble. And I've got Dwellings by Fulcanelli - I feel so much potential in the true material Laura has found. This is the beautiful part. The nasty part is that I constantly need to kick myself and shock myself, I constantly fall asleep. Now, recently I was thinking exactly on that matter with Ark and Henry Tracol, like a few days or a week prior to that session and remembered the part of the Wave that dealt with the excerpts of Ark's journal and I ask you guys, and ofcourse Ark, how do you think Ark got this conscious shock and how can one have a priceless, deeper than usual moments of awakening , so one can get behind and help oneself destroy all the "crust" (and not miss the golden opportunity)? And ofcourse, do point out if i am mistaken somewhere. Sorry that this is a post for the Work section but ..dunno.. it naturally came here.
Gimpy said:
A main concern? Are you guys all right at the chateau? Did this cause a lot of upheaval and hardship for you? Need anything?

Thanks for asking. As is always the case, being attacked for standing up for what I perceive as right is not a pleasant experience. It's also always disappointing to realize that people are not as they present themselves to be. We received an email from Duncan Roads last night/this morning as follows:


After years of reading Laura's work and research, I find myself now parting company with my respect for Laura personally and with SOTT as an information source. I notice from reading comments on your website that I am not alone.

I don't know what role you have in the organisation, but as a long-time lurker, I can tell you right now, that your integrity and honesty leaves a lot to be desired, and your actions are already reflecting badly on the reputation of Laura and SOTT.

Keep this up, and SOTT will go the way of Project Camelot - ie 'no more'.

You see, at the end of the day, the number of blind followers you can delude is way smaller than the bulk of discerning and self-deciding information seekers amongst your visitors. Just as they abandoned Camelot, so they will abandon you.

You were a gutless coward when you called Nexus Magazine a cointelpro operation in public - and I hope one day Laura wakes up to herself enough to see what sort of person you really are.

Or maybe she already knows and doesn't care.


PS: Leave the SOTT Focus page up as long as you like. Joe Quinn, SOTT and Laura are the ones coming out of it as the overall credibility losers. The fact that you even think MMS, Jim Humble and Nexus are losing face or credibility in your bizarre article is just more evidence of how out-of-touch you are out of touch with reality.

Duncan M. Roads, Editor, NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia.
Tel: 07 5442 9280; Fax: 07 5442 9381

"The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means. On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
(Aldous Huxley)

Calling Joe a "gutless coward" for standing up for me, for what is right, for seeing through that Jim Humble scam, is just paramoralistic. It's especially bizarre when you consider that Roads went after ME first with a whole slew of nastinesses. Reminds me of this:

Political Ponerology said:
Paranoid character disorders: It is characteristic of paranoid behavior for people to be capable of relatively correct reasoning and discussion as long as the conversation involves minor differences of opinion. This stops abruptly when the partner’s arguments begin to undermine their overvalued ideas, crush their long-held stereotypes of reasoning, or forces them to accept a conclusion they had subconsciously rejected before. Such a stimulus unleashes upon the partner a torrent of pseudo-logical, largely paramoralistic, often insulting utterances which always contain some degree of suggestion.
Must say what a nasty email! Now i know in what way someone can be lurker of forum and he forget that i am not blind follower i follow this forum because it present truth and courage in this cruel world. He is angry because Laura and team didn't fall in trap he planed. I wonder who is coward in this email.

Thanks Laura for posting this email.
Thanks for posting the session so quickly :)

The dream work discussion sounds very interesting. Just recently I had started to concentrate on certain things before I went into my meditations and just one time so far I did have a dream which seemed to open up a few ideas about the way I view myself. Quite enlightening for me. I will have to keep at this for sure.

Laura said:
Beware, there is a "cutoff" point past which there are no further opportunities in this life.
This is something I think of often. :/

Overall I am very glad that the team spotted this and you chose wisely in the matter. You are all truly vigilant. From the email and other reactions I can't believe you were almost gonna be a part of this thing! Quick question though, do you think the travel comment was just in reference to 'guest' or just generally anyone at this present time?
Very very insightful, thank you! I was doing some dreamwork before but not with problems/thoughts focused in my mind. Mainly just trying to improve my recall and all that. It seems it can be very beneficial and will give it a go again, except this time try to include some focus.

Laura said:
A: One note to Guest: A key to observing the self is to turn the attention simultaneously towards others to notice their true reactions to what you think you are doing or how you think you are being perceived.

That's one thing I need to try to do more. It's hard enough observing oneself but this seems to me like a key component in developing one's being.
Laura said:
Calling Joe a "gutless coward" for standing up for me, for what is right, for seeing through that Jim Humble scam, is just paramoralistic. It's especially bizarre when you consider that Roads went after ME first with a whole slew of nastinesses. Reminds me of this:

Political Ponerology said:
Paranoid character disorders: It is characteristic of paranoid behavior for people to be capable of relatively correct reasoning and discussion as long as the conversation involves minor differences of opinion. This stops abruptly when the partner’s arguments begin to undermine their overvalued ideas, crush their long-held stereotypes of reasoning, or forces them to accept a conclusion they had subconsciously rejected before. Such a stimulus unleashes upon the partner a torrent of pseudo-logical, largely paramoralistic, often insulting utterances which always contain some degree of suggestion.
Well it didn't take much for him to unleash most despicable ad hominem attack both on you and Joe which he hastily deleted from FB, but not soon enough to hide his true colors. It speaks volumes about his values and forces that drive him.
I hope you are not taking his words to the heart, remember sticks and stones....
Indeed you are the most wonderful human being which has given so much to so many people around the globe that is all that matters, and as for Mr. Roads ...well:

' Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the world will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the 'past.' People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the 'Future.'
andi said:
Michael Martin said:
Ellipse said:
Beware, there is a "cutoff" point past which there are no further opportunities in this life.
Sure but, as I see thinks, the difficulty is to discern "good" and "bad" opportunities. To be open and at the same time to avoid distractions.

My impression of that particular part of the session was that "opportunity knocks" only a few times in your life and if you don't respond to the opportunities, they won't come anymore and you'll be "locked out" (or "locked in" depending on your point of view) until your next cycle.
I was under the impression that "opportunities" meant "good" ones (good, in so far as to work on the self).

Missing opportunities, ohh god! , it scares me to think of that. How many times have I seen opportunity pass by me and did nothing, and still do.
It seems to be a lot of mud in my life, how do you shake hands with opportunity if you constantly get dirty ...

[Mod's note: fixed quotation box]

Yes but how do you recognize "good" opportunities ? :)
Like you, I think that I seen opportunity pass by me and did nothing because I was on alert or suspicious and perhaps, finally, it was a good choice. Ultimately, if I understand the C's correctly, there's certainly no "good" or "bad" choices, only lessons. The differences seem to be the amount of energy/pain to learn the lesson and to progress. As for me I think I struggle between the intuition part and the rational part of my mind. What I try to do is to be open and disengage or fix the limit when it's turning bad but it's very hard.

But here the C's certainly hint about the wave and the work and to concentrate on this. To reorganize our life to concentrate on this.
Laura said:
Gimpy said:
A main concern? Are you guys all right at the chateau? Did this cause a lot of upheaval and hardship for you? Need anything?

Thanks for asking. As is always the case, being attacked for standing up for what I perceive as right is not a pleasant experience. It's also always disappointing to realize that people are not as they present themselves to be. We received an email from Duncan Roads last night/this morning as follows:


After years of reading Laura's work and research, I find myself now parting company with my respect for Laura personally and with SOTT as an information source. I notice from reading comments on your website that I am not alone.

I don't know what role you have in the organisation, but as a long-time lurker, I can tell you right now, that your integrity and honesty leaves a lot to be desired, and your actions are already reflecting badly on the reputation of Laura and SOTT.

Keep this up, and SOTT will go the way of Project Camelot - ie 'no more'.

You see, at the end of the day, the number of blind followers you can delude is way smaller than the bulk of discerning and self-deciding information seekers amongst your visitors. Just as they abandoned Camelot, so they will abandon you.

You were a gutless coward when you called Nexus Magazine a cointelpro operation in public - and I hope one day Laura wakes up to herself enough to see what sort of person you really are.

Or maybe she already knows and doesn't care.


PS: Leave the SOTT Focus page up as long as you like. Joe Quinn, SOTT and Laura are the ones coming out of it as the overall credibility losers. The fact that you even think MMS, Jim Humble and Nexus are losing face or credibility in your bizarre article is just more evidence of how out-of-touch you are out of touch with reality.

Duncan M. Roads, Editor, NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia.
Tel: 07 5442 9280; Fax: 07 5442 9381

"The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means. On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
(Aldous Huxley)

Calling Joe a "gutless coward" for standing up for me, for what is right, for seeing through that Jim Humble scam, is just paramoralistic. It's especially bizarre when you consider that Roads went after ME first with a whole slew of nastinesses. Reminds me of this:

Political Ponerology said:
Paranoid character disorders: It is characteristic of paranoid behavior for people to be capable of relatively correct reasoning and discussion as long as the conversation involves minor differences of opinion. This stops abruptly when the partner’s arguments begin to undermine their overvalued ideas, crush their long-held stereotypes of reasoning, or forces them to accept a conclusion they had subconsciously rejected before. Such a stimulus unleashes upon the partner a torrent of pseudo-logical, largely paramoralistic, often insulting utterances which always contain some degree of suggestion.

In my opinion, this entire email just seems downright immature. It's a nasty message with very bitter overtones.

As 'a long time lurker' we can only assume that he has considerable interest and respect for the material and has just thrown his toys out of the pram when the spotlight's been shined on his organisation.

As for SOTT being 'no more', this individual clearly lives in a fantasy world. Oh well....
Thank's Laura and all the team for sharing this with us.
I sometimes have the feeling that what I read is destined to me because I recognise myself in the description of an attitude or a way of being or thinking.
The more a (re)read the c's transcripts the more I feel uncomfortable because they put the finger on things I'd like to put aside.
So I suppose I'm on the right track when things jostle me and force me to ponder on the meaning of it.

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