Session 27 April 2024

Let the Cassiopaeans comment on this:
Welcome to our forum, @findhome. We are an English-speaking forum, so could you please use a translator like Yandex? We do have foreign languages subsections, but other than that, we write in English.

Also, could you please introduce yourself in our newbies section, so we can get to know you a bit better? You could tell us how you found us, whether you are reading Russian SOTT, Laura's work and so on. Have a look at other newbies' posts if you don't know what to write. :welcome:
I had a near-miss with my last car last year - I was picking up some panelling and whilst at a red light it slipped off the dash so I was rearranging it as my light turned green, and delayed setting off. When I did set off “late”, someone ran a red light to my right at about 50mph. If I’d not been rearranging my cargo, she’d have taken me out. Then, someone broke into mine and TC’s house and my car was stolen. After all this, I was kindly sent a ‘car crystal’ as well as a personal crystal - Both of which I had on me on Sunday. Both driver and cyclist escaped quite miraculously with only very minor scrapes. Who knows, perhaps the wall took the damage so I didn’t 🙃
I'm glad all of you were all right, KSee. We really have to keep our eyes and ears open at all times. :hug2:
Great, thank you all by the efforts for making and sharing another dear Session.

Could be that some DNA change demands more physical resting for some harmonization between body, mind and spirit?!!

And maybe could be asked to the C's, if could be taken measures during or before the Sessions for improving vitality and the physical well-being of those while at the board doing the channeling?​
—this Session: on April 27th 2024—

(Altair) Was the Nordic covenant made on the 3D Earth?
A: No.

Q: (L) If so, where? Well, that's irrelevant. It was not made on the 3D Earth. Where was it made?
A: 4D.

Q: (Altair) Are there any traces of the Nordic covenant in German/Norse mythology?
A: The whole mythos is permeated with it.
Something peculiar about mythos is that they look like symbolic and at the same time literal. The usual difficult of people to interpret such symbolism seems because most of us, a 3D earth people, lost the ability to realize the presence of the sentient life, who supposedly not only permeates the creation, but also is itself the greatest structural parts of the universe, and sometimes also the tiniest ones.

We tend to see structures and forms like being material, inert, cold parts of a building, and yet, if you remember for example ―as well as in most of the mythologies― the tales of Castaneda, then one is taken to notice life everywhere and in everything, truly a whole animistic world. Then one could ask, "If the symbols are real why they differ from a tale to other?" Well, maybe is like the C's stated in this Session, "what attracts the window-faller is the consciousness of the people.”​
—this Session: on April 27th 2024—

(Ryan) Why do 3D window-fallers fall through one window but not another? For example, why haven't there been reports of chupacabras in Europe? What relates the consciousness of a window-faller to a specific locator?
A: The consciousnesses of those located at the locator.

See, every mythology may be accurate in its “metaphors,” since they resonate the "profile" of the learner. Perhaps the difference between the many cultural versions of a tale, is where is supposed to be the attention, ...if there or over there. Around this line, i.e. structures, also were originated another posts, such as for example one on the Japanese scroll.

Hyakkiyagyo emaki ―“parade of one hundred objects
Moreover we could remember some other C's hints, i.e. something like, "we never left our point of origin." Thus, when they say now that the Norse covenant was made not at 3D earth, but at 4D, this may not mean necessarily another "location." So, again we could use some info from the C's lessons like: "The densities permeate each other;" or, "1D and 2D creatures do not share with us this 3D earth?!!!" There are many references in the transcripts for these 3 emphases, for example here regarding “permeation.”​

Mount Ararat
Anyway, there is a popular tale on a group of people fleeing from the Deluge, who at last stuck on a Caucasian mountain called Mount Ararat. Yet Ararat has had many names ―such as Nizir, Masis, Nimush, etc seen in the Sumerian tablets and other sources― and perhaps its symbolism can merge with that of another mount, in particular the not so far Mount Hermon between Syria and Lebanon.

Notice that these notes try to contemplate third density on what the C’s call “perfectly synchronous meanings” as well as duplicity.” Okay, resuming: Over there, on the summit of the latter, was discovered a rectangular shrine of stone, called as Qasr Antar. There was a stele ―today in the British Museum― Greek inscribed with an ancient event where usually reads, "According to the command of the greatest and Holy God, those who take an oath (proceed) from here" ― Κατά κέλευσιν θεού μεγίστου κ[αι] άγιου οι ομνύοντες εντεύθεν. Or, also "According to the command of the great bull god Batios, those swearing an oath in this place go forth."​
Hermon stele.jpg
Mount Hermon stele

See, the cited "god" used to be claimed the 14th century BC Canaanite Baal, after all Hermon also is known as Baal-Hermon, though “Batios” more recently has being considered the god Enlil. Now notice, Baal also spells and mirrors like the Chaldean Bel, in turn commonly seen in Babylonian-Sumerian myths. As to the inscription, it is speculated as the oath taken by the fallen angelsEnoch 1, 6:6 bound by a curse, in order to take human wives. However, here is not proposed that Watchers and Nordics are the same thing, but rather it suggests a close involvement between those parties.

Mount Hermon, 1857 CW Meredith vd Velde
At any rate, Hermon was then known as "the mountain of oath." See, an oath, is a covenant, and Hermon, Ararat, etc. may be just sparse memories, in spite of "real" physical 3D remains, of events occurred at "another place" and under a deeper state of awareness, which today happen to be a blurry and confused register to mankind.

Furthermore, speaking of “blur” and somehow relating it to the famous “enjoy the show:” Well, saying from own experience and faith: along the years we have being exposed to the “dots” ―and some ones for sure have been found out― as well as to directions to pursue knowledge. Thus, all we need to do is to continue connecting these pieces while abandoning the dice?!! And could this be the true observation, that is, really watching to the point of a critical transcendental awareness?!!​
April 13th 2024 Session

A: Knowledge protects.

Q: (L) And who do we have with us?
A: Ginueaeil of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) Okay. Well, why did you open with, "knowledge protects"? Is there some particular knowledge we need to acquire?
A: Much.

August 16, 1997 Session
A: All who observe, learn.


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Q: (irjO) They mentioned also that we are approaching one of those cosmic environment changes soon. Will that change of the environment be the same or close to the one we used to have in that period in the past?

A: Different.
Different changes in the cosmic environment to those happened at that time? I remember the C's mentioned tht cosmos is going to clean house.

Session 22 July 2012

Q: (L) You seem to be a little bit excited about something.

A: We are!

Q: (L) What are you excited about?

A: Peace will come!

Q: (L) And when will this peace come? Well, maybe "when" isn't the right question. How is peace going to come?

A: The cosmos is going to clean house!!!

Q: (Perceval) Doesn't sound very peaceful. (L) Yeah, that doesn't sound very peaceful to me!

A: Believe us it will be after!

Thank you Emet-Selch.
This connection you made is very interesting to me.
To add what I've been thinking, I'll expand the context a bit.
Q: (irjO) The C's mentioned that lizard beings could live among us in the past because the cosmic environment was different back then. They also mentioned that they built Angkor Wat around 3100 years ago. When was the last time/year in our known timeline when they were present among people?

A: 2300 BC

Q: (irjO) They mentioned also that we are approaching one of those cosmic environment changes soon. Will that change of the environment be the same or close to the one we used to have in that period in the past?

A: Different.

Q: (irjO) In our timeline, besides the construction of the Coral Castle, when was the last time the "sound focusing wave" technique was regularly used as a building method?

A: 1100 BC

Q: (irjO) Why did we stop using it?

A: Tech lost due to cataclysms. Also genetic component watered down and weakened. It emerges anomalously now and then. Witness: Leedskalnin.

Good questions irjO.
What I more or less reasoned about it is the following:
In this exchange there is an important detail, which is the fact that the different periods to which irjO alludes in his questions, although they have had differences among themselves, in terms of cosmic environment, which explains that in a certain epoch this or that was possible, things that later are not possible but other things are, etc., all these epochs or stages specified in the questions, all are within and are part, of the "Major Cycle".

According to Cas' answer, the coming changes in terms of cosmic environment, will be "a different one".
Let's remember that we are living the end of the "Great Cycle", very close to a new one.

I find it very interesting that in this context, Emet-Selch the Cas phrase was mentioned: , "The cosmos is going to clean house!!!".

I find much related here.
If we keep in mind that these endings/beginnings of "Major Cycles",these are also times of "harvest", there is much involved.

We know that somehow, some 2D entities will move to 3D, that some 3D that are ready will move to 4D, and I guess 4D SAO will also have its corresponding upward movements.
But what will happen with 4D STS?
In: "Cosmos is going to clean house", will be included the end of a few 4D STS entities, i.e. black hole for many of them?

If so, the result would be a cleaner cosmic environment for the beginning of a new "Great Cycle".
I hope it makes sense.

Translated with (free version)
We know that somehow, some 2D entities will move to 3D, that some 3D that are ready will move to 4D, and I guess 4D SAO will also have its corresponding upward movements.
But what will happen with 4D STS?
In: "Cosmos is going to clean house", will be included the end of a few 4D STS entities, i.e. black hole for many of them?
Yes, but I think we are talking about 2 different subjects here, on one had as you said, there will be the end of one grand cycle which results in graduation for a number of beings to the next density level wherever they are.

However, the change of cosmic environment seems to be a different type of cycle that is measure by the movement of the solar system through the galaxy.
The Cs elude that gravity is somehow different in different sectors of the galaxy and that type of cosmic environment change can have effects on beings in the same density we are living in today, for example; ancient people as you saw in the questions, had genes with the ability to levitate heavy objects, others could even teleport according to one of the sessions, it was an environment easier for giants to live. There was a water canopy surrounding the earth, Lizzie’s could even stay for a long period of time among us, etc.
So they are 2 separated events it seems.
Let the Cassiopaeans comment on this:
From what I can gather, you are talking about the incident of the UFO in Las Vegas that was on the news in June 2023. Is that correct?

If so, the Cs did talk comment on it. From session June, 24, 2023
Q: (Joe) At the same time as you were talking about reading this book about DeSouza and talking about it, there was the event a couple weeks ago in Las Vegas, which seems to have produced a bit of a... not a flap, but an opening up of discussion about UFOs including among politicians and Congress and stuff. Is that part of a planned process?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it planned by humans or hyperdimensional beings?

A: The latter in kahoots with the former.

Q: (Joe) So did something actually land in that Hispanic family's backyard on that night?

A: Partly

Q: (L) What do you mean partly?

A: Hyperdimensionally and momentarily.

Q: (Joe) Was it kinda like a window faller type event?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) There was what we believed to be a fireball around the same time. Was that an actual fireball that was seen in the sky?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Was it in any way related to the opening of the window?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So the fireball fell, the window was opened, and something was seen momentarily?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Is that something that happens frequently with fireball sightings, or is it a less frequent phenomenon?

A: Rather often.

Q: (L) All right.

(Andromeda) They open windows, or they come through windows that are already open?

(L) The fireball blows the window open and then something comes through.
If that's not what you are referring to, maybe you could give a bit more information on what it is you are wanting a comment on.

Approaching infinitum said: in reply 157.

Nope, but if you follow the link, it's available online.


I asked you that because of the word ''artificial''. I thought you had read it, and the book would deal with a very interesting issue that is not talked about much, which is globular objects / UFOs that have appeared in various places around the world. .

The Globular Beings. Two cases:

Experience that Don Wood and Eddie Marks had in the summer of 1973 when they were taking a plane ride through the desert of Nevada, United States.

On a plain, an object in the shape of a hemispherical globe about two meters in diameter slowly descended to the ground. It looked like a living being. It breathed rhythmically and visibly. Once on the ground, it began to move with clumsy movements. It seemed injured. The two friends They approached and upon sensing the proximity, the being began to tremble frantically and give off a faint luminosity. It tried to float but could only rise a few centimeters from the ground; After trying to flee, another similar being floated up to the first, took it with four suction cup-like appendages and they rose together until they disappeared into the heights.

Researchers: Ricardo Rubio Ruiz, Amador Guillen Peña, Rodolfo Garrido Gotham

Another such case took place in the Mojave Desert, California on August 25, 1957 by hikers Trevor James Constable and Jim Nichols who filmed a roll of color film at the location.

Everything seemed normal but when the roll was developed, a sequence of the film showed some very strange objects that they could not classify because they were not developing defects or something similar; They were floating glowing globes hovering over Trevor that looked like UFOs and changed shape, looking like animals or amoebas that were examining him.

The filming was done with a completely normal Ektacolor 160 roll with an 18-a filter adapted to the camera that is sensitive to infrared rays, that is, to heat, and those beings/objects were invisible but gave off heat.

Researchers: Patricia Olvera, Erwin Moller, Luis de Medina

I don't know if anyone on the forum has already heard about it.
Here is an excerpt from the 1996 session I was referring to:

Thank you very much for asking all these questions! :wizard:
All this talk about replacements and walk-in's makes me think of the various 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' movies, which started with the original sci-fi movie of that name in 1956.. Was that movie the result of some kind of bleed through or another example of Thor's Pantheum (the army of subterranean psychic projectors) at work? See: Invasion of the Body Snatchers - Wikipedia for a synopsis. Great movie by the way, as was its 1978 sequel. Should we start calling these walk-in's the "pod people"?

Just thinking here, but they have also said we are even now starting to shift into 4D. Could the coming "environmental change" and going into 4D be a one in the same event?

Q: (irjO) They mentioned also that we are approaching one of those cosmic environment changes soon. Will that change of the environment be the same or close to the one we used to have in that period in the past?

A: Different.

These super abilities sound kind of 4D-ish to me.

Something that just occurred to me is, once in 4D, can I assume one will see and have to deal with the STS denizens face to face? (at least partially material)

Thanks to all involved
Exactly, it seems that 4D, according to the Cs, has this capacity to allow us to take into account the inside and the outside at the same time. This is not the case in purely external 3D. In fact, it's this fact that, for me, translates into the emergence of physical variability from 4D : the fact of being able to simultaneously consider the inside and the outside makes us change our spatial reference point as to what we consider static or not in physical reality. This is what will enable us to go beyond current physics and make it "alive"... on the way to integrating, little by little, the presence of Consciousness within it.

The fact that entry into 4D translates into an awakening of the DNA is, for me, linked to what you call new capacities or abilities. I wouldn't be surprised if the chaos we're seeing in the terrestrial sphere is linked to the awakening of the inner part of humans and humanity. This inner part being something we have to learn to take into account and there's nothing more difficult than apprehending something that's unknown to us or that we no longer know!

As we enter 4D, we become aware that nothing is separate anymore, as in 3D, where everything is individualized. There is the beginning of an awareness that beyond apparent individuality exists a connection at a level other than physical 3D. This is perhaps what physicists are beginning to discover through the notion of entanglement at the quantum level. These are, perhaps, the first beginnings of what we call consciousness and which we find so hard to accept as crucial in the approach to quantum mechanics.

Bearing in mind the presence of this connection, our responsibility becomes more important as we approach a reality where we can no longer say we are not responsable. We all share a common reality as living beings (and therefore conscious on some level), and we can no longer look upon "the other" as something different from ourselves, as in 3D. From 4D onwards, the "other" is revealed as an aspect of ourselves, another facet, a reflection. My feeling is that accepting this reality could help generate less chaos around us or in our environment, because the outside world, the environment, from 4D onwards, is no longer to be considered in isolation. And it's the fact of considering the inside and the outside, at the same time, that makes us perceive what we consider 3D space differently.

We are no longer led to focus on the outside, on what is different from us, but on the relationship, on what links inside and outside, considering them simultaneously... the 4th dimension of space. Then, perhaps, what we think of as the 4th dimension of space, the nature of which we're so keen to know, will turn out to be a frequency characterizing a reality of its own, an individuality linked to the Whole. Then we'll no longer be in a fixed, abstract, external 3D but in a 3D animated by life, a living 3D in which all forms and realities are but an expression, in the moment, of a more living global reality...

I don't know if what I'm saying is clear enough? When my feelings are clearer, I'll come back to this point :)​
About Green skin.

Laura said: Sessión page 1.

Q: (L) Okay, here we go: The Green Children of Woolpit. [Green children of Woolpit - Wikipedia] Two children of unusual skin color who reportedly appeared in the village of Woolpit in Suffolk, England. In the 12th century, children found to be brother and sister, of generally normal appearance, except the green color of their skin. They spoke an unknown language and would eat only raw, broad beans. Eventually they learned to eat other food, etc. and lost their green color. Well, while we are on it, did the Green Children really happen?

A: Yes

A Mexican historian editorialist claims that the Olmecs had green skin and visited a station / city located on the moon called Olman, from which the word Olmec is derived.

The Olmecs and the Mayans had exact maps of the Moon and its hidden side but no one knows where they are currently, someone probably wished they were lost / misplaced like so many documents from ancient Mexico.

Thanks for the session, many interesting topics to comment on later.
Do you have a link to the historian or any of his material?I'd be interested in seeing what he says.
Please forgive me if I've missed this in prior posts regarding the latest information regarding "walk-ins" as I observed that when the C's defined walk-ins previously, they specifically said that they were explaining someone else's definition of a "walk-in." The rough 20% of persons of power and influence being some form of likely nefarious "walk-in" is beyond significant. How does this process of replacing persons with walk-ins work, and how is our world controlled and affected by this process? What happens to the soul of the individual who controls a body prior to being taken over? I'm sure that there are many other relevant questions regarding this process. There is this quote from the 26 February 2022 session that seems very appropriate to this question:
(Pierre) And the struggle for the portal is indicative of 4D STS wanting to use this portal?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Why do they want to use the portal?

A: Downloading is taking place there.

(L) Downloading of what?

(Joe) Information.

(L) Do I really want to know? [laughter]

(Pierre) The naughty side of the information field is being downloaded there.

(L) So the STS bad guys download themselves via a portal into the people there?


(Pierre) Wow.

(Niall) But there are psychopaths all over the world.

(Joe) Maybe it's easier that way.

(Pierre) But psychopath doesn't mean possessed. To be downloaded into means to be possessed.

(Niall) Oh, right. So there's a particular type that's concentrated in Ukraine that is more susceptible to possession by 4D STS.

(Andromeda) Wow.
I don't know if what I'm saying is clear enough? When my feelings are clearer, I'll come back to this point :)​
What you’ve said is a great series of complex interrelationships. Like a door opened and you stuck your head through, looked around and saw stuff as through the looking glass. I love it.

Celtic saying: Go Within or Go Without.

Well, both. And at the same time too.
A: In reality, there is no time. Perception is what gives the illusion.
In reality... where are we then?
Autistic people, people with down syndrome, epileptics, and shamans and psychics come to my mind. The first ones seem to be stuck in a state of “there”, the latter ones can utilize two states, “here” and “there”. All of them are considered strange, foolish, unpredictable, insane, and untrustworthy by society.
The sequential personal computer also comes to mind, and the quantum computer, capable not of wasting time on sequential calculations, but of “drawing the right card from the deck”, of giving the right decision at once.
What if our perception is just a limited, sequential way of describing a real feeling? Like if we touch water, and instead of feeling the temperature, we get the sequence 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1?
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