(Pierre) I'm trying to reconcile the AD timeline of history and the BP timeline, ice cores and dendrochronology. There seems to be one matching marker at 536 AD - a year without summer, very cold, very bad weather - seemingly matching the 1500 BP mark with a converging cooling all over the planet revealed by ice cores and tree rings. So my question is: Is it a real match?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) In a previous session you mentioned about 470 years added between us and Julius Caesar. If it matches, it means these 470 years were added before 536 AD?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) It means Caesar died about 70 years before this 536 event?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Wow. It means there's no late or middle Roman Empire!
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Everything is collapsing. Yes, yes, yes. It's all gone. That's what we thought.
(L) And documents were faked to fill in the gap.
(Niall) Fake emperors and stuff.
(Joe) If there's a kind of rough mirror in this go-round, first Caesar and then a Dark Ages and collapse... And then in our era, a close match might be JFK as this era's Caesar. 1963. Plus 70 years is 2033.
(Pierre) Oh, I see what you mean.
(Niall) So 70 years after Caesar's death. So it's 44 BC. What's 44 + 70? So it's right after the fall, kaboom, it's gone. In fact, Paul didn't live very long.
(Pierre) Kaboom, and you transition to the Justinian plague.
(L) So in other words, Paul was right: the end of the world WAS coming?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) And the 2 or 3 missing centuries after the Justinian plague, they were not made up. They were there, but there was nothing going on because everybody was dead!
(L) Yeah, 90% death rate in the archaeology around Rome.
(Joe) Does that mean that JFK and Laura are this era's Caesar and Paul? [laughter]
(L) Oh, stop it! [laughter]
(Joe) Well, answer the question!
A: Silly!
Q: (Joe) Silly? That means yes.
(Niall) But when was the Jewish War then? And Josephus? That would have to be AFTER the collapse...
(Joe) Where's your Jewish War, Laura?
(L) I don't think there was a Jewish War.
(Joe) Somebody could have just been writing a fairytale...
(L) There was stuff going on at that time, like rebellion, but... Sorting out that MESS would be a labor of Hercules. I mean, Hercules was asked to clean the Augean stables. He was not asked to refill them. [laughter]
(Joe) All those events can be... I mean, you take events that happened in our recent history and you imagine someone chronicling that, you could expand that out over a long period of time. The amount of stuff that has happened if you took discrete events over the past 20 years, you could expand those out over a long period of time if you want.
(L) Sure. You could just write stuff and make some editorial changes, add stuff, re-use stories, and... I mean, look what I found that happened with Gregory of Tours vs. the Eastern Empire records. The whole history of Gregory of Tours fits into a slot that is completely blank in the records of the Eastern Empire. It's as though they stole that material and used it to write his history. God, how many times did they do that... Alright, anybody else have any questions? I'm getting depressed. [laughter]
(Chu) I have a related one. With all this fudging of history, is it true that there was never any vulgar Latin, and the chronology as it's depicted is wrong?
A: Yes
Q: (L) It affects everything - EVERYTHING. It's like a falling domino. It's enough to make you want to run out of the house screaming!