Thanks Keyhole, it's interesting, especially the "getting worse" and "doesn't work anymore". I had similar experiences. At first taking Vitamin B1 seemed to do wonders, like a miracle.
(My main problems are brainfog, sluggishness of though etc.)
Here are some points i wrote down at the time (~2019-09):
- less cold (hand, feet etc.)
- need less sleep
- smoking isn't as draining for me as it is normally
- better concentration, cognitive improvements (speed of thinking and focus for example)
- less anxiety, less rumination, more relaxed, better mood (to the point of being positively 'wired', this was nice but weird at the same time, also difficult to get to bed in the evening because full of energy, sometimes i was laughing/giggling instead of falling asleep

, maybe that was the B6)
- it stablilized after aprox. 1 month (I think this referred mostly to the weird energy and mood patterns as well as to increased dreaming)
- better tolerance of carbs (my usual diet is 95% beef)
- reduced acne skin problems (probably due to further giving up diary from milky coffee)
- no herx (not sure what this point is. I probably read somewhere that vitamin B1 supplementation could come with a herx reaction, but in my case everything just got better in the beginning)
some other points for context:
- since around 2018-10 I took a simple vitamin B complex (B1 is thiaminnitrate 15mg)
- since 2019-02 I took it more regularly and I added a second B1/B6 complex (B1 is thiaminchloridhydrochlorid 100mg, B6 is pyridoxinhydrochlorid 100mg)
- 2019-09: One week before my allithiamine arrived I took more or more regularly of the second higher dosed complex, which brought already some improvements (energy/mood/focus). Also noticed more energy during sleep (if that makes sense) like a lot of vivid dreams, probalby due to the B6.
- 2019-09: started with allithiamine, moslty 50mg/day. Around the same time I started to take iodine again, and I had the impression that the vitamin B and iodine work better together, because before i never felt much with iodine but now I have this energy boost that other people reported having from iodine, so I thought maybe it's the iodine that now actually works because of B1)
- then I got worse again (2019-11):
--- I got ill (flu like, but heavier than usual for me, I noticed the unusual shortness of breath / pressure on chest at the time and now in retrospective I think it was this shiny new covy

. It took many weeks to slowly shake it of)
---- my allithiamine was empty (exactly when i got ill, so no causation here)
---- I also tried higher doses of iodine at that time / before (10-30 drops of 5% lugols), this might have triggered something as well. Then I reduced and stopped iodine because it all felt like a mess and to reset.
- Later (after some gradual recovery, beginning of 2019-12) also slightly higher doses of allithiamine didn't improve anything as it did before when I started (I had brainfog again, difficulty to focus, no energy boosts), also not when adding another thiamine supplement (B1 thiaminchloridhydrochlorid but without the B6) which was quicker to get when my allithiamine was empty. Slightly higher doses means between 50 and 250mg allithiamine + between 100 and 1000mg thiaminchloridhydrochlorid.
- around 2020-01 I got better from that 'flu'. Started to take some zinc and copper and regularly iodine 10 drops/day (of 5% lugols)
- I took Magnesium and vitamin C pretty much all the time, more C when ill (up to 6g), usually 1 or 2g, now mostly 2g/day, sometimes more. Magnesium probably something like between 800 and 2000mg trimagnesiumcitrat
- since 2020-02 I also take sodium bicarbonate and ginko biloba.
Sorry for all the details. The main point is that I found allithiamine/B1 to be a miracle when I started to take it, but that was only for some time and I could not repeat that experience. So I thought it was only by luck and that it had other reasons. But now I will rethink that, and maybe try different doses again, though I can't afford really high doses for longer periods.
BTW, the last time I ordered allithiamine I could find a 250 capsule bottle that ships to germany, which where difficult to find when this thread started IIRC.
(*) just now I see for 1000g that's actually just 150g of actual Magnesium >_<, I have to rethink that dose. How much trimagnesiumcitrat can/should I take to get a proper dose Mg?