Bad Boys

The heat has finally broken here in Oregon and it's a great day to tackle my solar panel set up, but, obviously things need to be addressed here. Not sure I will get to everything but here is a start.

Awesome! See? Errr...

There is value here, like so many other train wrecks that turn into learning lessons. It was only a matter of time. Verbal/mental intimacy is both revealing and can be hugely triggering when on overt display.

Some background: I have two other LONG time friends, both males, who I have this type of relationship with. It’s rare, and amazing and wonderful. I also have this with 1 of my 4 kids where the space of open communication is bidirectional and disarming honesty prevails. There are different ways to look at it and I’m glad it’s coming out here now in this thread.

It is possible to discover and create relationships that are both honest and have nothing to do with sex even if they sound like they might. The listening of the observer is as much in play as what might really be going on. I could sense the discomfort building and that is why I wrote what I did about external consideration to preemptively address the issue a few posts back. Jacygirl didn't really have a chance to respond before the chorus began.

The last thing I want or need (especially at age 74 after a recent heart attack) is a romantic relationship with another female. Lord, do I appear THAT crazy?? I don't need another hole in my head or my heart. But, being able to honestly share with another and receive back in kind with a background of acceptance, and investigative exploration, irrespective of gender, is a rare treasure. Furthermore, my wife has had, over the years, similar types of relationships with others than me, some of the male gender. At first this was a big challenge to my level of trust as well as personal insecurity. But it is true that not any one person is going to 100% have the ability to relate and provide all of the feedback needed for growth, even our spouse. (or our kids) They need other mentors and perspective. It is necessary to let go a bit in order to nurture the bond. You don’t develop real trust in a relationship without those challenges to vulnerability and ego at some point. At least, that is my experience. To truly develop trust, I needed that catalyst of letting her go, a bit.

(Sidebar addendum: I have always been a cutie (their words, not mine) and had plenty of temptations mince past my door after marriage including some of my wife's "friends". I refused them all even when no one was there but the opportunity. I am not that type to mess around. It became an aim of my life to be true and loyal unto death, as the vows state, given that there was a history in my family. My dad was born out of wedlock from an adulterous affair, for example. So I took it on (personally karmically as well) to heal that aspect of my family tree. You don't know that, (I have not shared it) but the judgements are inevitable.

I am not going to deeply address the tendency to judge. It probably deserves a thread of its own. (and I am not immune either, of course) A few words are in order, though. Everybody tends to convince themselves they see rightly and truly. If it looks and smells to you like something is "X" - that does not necessarily mean it IS X, in spite of the "If it walks and talks like a Duck, etc" memes. It only seems to be suggestive that it walks and talks like a duck and places that thought in the mind. IOW, I am saying this interaction is not what you think you are seeing and you can believe me or not. You can say I am deluded. Fine. I get it. It is up to you. (and the level of commitment to being "right" that you might have.) Should I be honest with y'all? I can't say I enjoy the "get a room" type comments, but I do appreciate them. There are counters to that but it would be counterproductive.

All that said, all options are on the table. Just shut that “bad boy” down; continue in a confined limited way; or get tossed out. Or something else. Bottom line, this IS what networking is about. I am open and as I said earlier, I do not want to be a problem. I want to respect everyones sensibilities up to, but not including, absolute self-suppression. On the other hand, there is a LOT beginning to play out here and I think it should be allowed: both all the comments and whatever Jacygirl and I might make of it. It should be a valuable lesson.

On a certain level Jacygirl and I represent 2 firing neurons of the cosmic soul disturbing some adjacent neurons. Is it dysfunctional or negative and an STS based thing? Maybe. Are the negative comments dysfunctional and negative and STS? Maybe. Or are both vectors reflective of a 4D STO inclination? Mayyybeee. Who is really engaging in the drainage? It is debatable. I want to believe there is the space for all of it. Now, given the way this is playing out, I doubt very much Jacygirl and I will continue to interact in the exact same manner. (BTW, I have not DM'd her or said any more than what you see.) I am not sure how it will go. All your objections and impressions are duly noted and will be taken into consideration by my Department of External Consideration. Thank you.

Super, Jacygirl. Yeah a Sense of Humor is SO important. The world tends to be very self-serious and significant and the emperor never likes being ridiculed for his big boy undies. In my family this idea should be on the Coat of Arms. Basically,

If you can't Laugh, you are Screwed, Excelsior!

Or some other clever iteration. Maybe Laughter is the Best Medicine. There are a bunch. Same with grief. IF you can laugh it is like a pressure relief valve finally releasing the pent up negative steam. It took me a while to laugh after my Dad passed. Same as with my dog. So it was a kind of barometer, too. Never saw Thou Shalt Not Laugh in the commandments unless that was one of the 5 on the tablet that broke.

Some people need tea and sympathy. Some need laughter. And so it goes. (Vonnegut reference - He always restores my faith in humanity through his absurd irreverent inane humor. But that doesn't always play out well in real life. Not everyone gets it.)
Thank you for that! I'm not going to dissect it, I don't have to. I agree with everything you said. You use my expressions "walks like a duck, etc." and we are very alike in many ways. Almost identical views on marriage and children. My kids' father cheated and left us all for 'her' and did SO much damage to our kids. I have always been the woman who would never do that to another woman. I too got a lot of attention and much of it inappropriate. Friends of my husband, etc. and I never took it as a compliment. I was rather insulted that they thought I was a cheating floozy. Not this girl.

I finally put this 'attention' into perspective and even managed to find something rather humorous. (Yes, I learned a lot...a lot.) But there is a subtle irony here that's killing me! In this thread about 'Bad Boys' have been basically called out and labelled as a "Bad Boy". A married man flirting publicly with a single woman. (who is also old and half dead and done with relationships...and just fine with that)
Perception is everything. Were we annoying? Apparently. Were we flirting? Nope. Not either of our's intention or motive whatsoever.

The best friend I just lost was my almost constant companion after meeting 7 years ago in the local abused women's shelter. We connected. We had the deep conversations about everything. She was hilarious and we made each other laugh. Am I missing that? Yep, like crazy. Did you and I (for a short while) recreate that good feeling for me? Without a doubt. Do I regret it now? Nope.
No Regrets.

Just read your last post. Edit to add: "And so it goes. (Vonnegut reference..."
I always say "and so it goes". I don't always credit Vonnegut with the line. True confessions, eh?
Oh, and I do believe that now that you are officially the thread mascot for "Bad Boy" that you stop being so kind and logical.
I'm going out for a smoke, lol. :cool2:
Just to leave couple thoughts here....

After reading more from @BHelmet and @jacygirl here just recently, i am not entirely convinced that i was right on the money with my comment directed at @Beau (perceiving their interaction here as inappropriate flirting of a single woman with a married man and vice versa).
I'll be going with my former "I believe we are witnessing a birth of a wonderful new friendship" (yeah i know, i "modified it a bit 😁)...

And if my post is considered as nothing more but noise, please, by all means, dearest moderators, feel free to delete it.
After all, *your house, your rules*.
I feel utmost respect for all of you here, and i don't think that will ever change. ❤️

Wishing you all a wonderful day! 😉
Just to leave couple thoughts here....

After reading more from @BHelmet and @jacygirl here just recently, i am not entirely convinced that i was right on the money with my comment directed at @Beau (perceiving their interaction here as inappropriate flirting of a single woman with a married man and vice versa).
I'll be going with my former "I believe we are witnessing a birth of a wonderful new friendship" (yeah i know, i "modified it a bit 😁)...

And if my post is considered as nothing more but noise, please, by all means, dearest moderators, feel free to delete it.
After all, *your house, your rules*.
I feel utmost respect for all of you here, and i don't think that will ever change. ❤️

Wishing you all a wonderful day! 😉
Thank you Denis! I really appreciate your words (and they ain't noise to me). May I respond to a sentence of yours?

"I believe we are witnessing a birth of a wonderful new friendship"
Well to be honest, births are rather traumatic to witness. All that blood, snot and tears. So, awesome description of what has been witnessed, lol.

I believe that respect is earned. You have most definitely got mine.
Here's to better days ahead for all!!
Thank you Denis! I really appreciate your words (and they ain't noise to me). May I respond to a sentence of yours?

"I believe we are witnessing a birth of a wonderful new friendship"
Well to be honest, births are rather traumatic to witness. All that blood, snot and tears. So, awesome description of what has been witnessed, lol.

I believe that respect is earned. You have most definitely got mine.
Here's to better days ahead for all!!
Well, this "birth" word was the first thing that popped into my mind then. I'm sure that there is always a better way to describe what i saw there.
In my defense, i will say that not all "births" have to be traumatic, like the one that's happened between you and @BHelmet. I think it's quite the opposite, warm, friendly and goofy! 😊

Thank you for your kind words! I feel the same towards you! 😊
Well, this "birth" word was the first thing that popped into my mind then. I'm sure that there is always a better way to describe what i saw there.
In my defense, i will say that not all "births" have to be traumatic, like the one that's happened between you and @BHelmet. I think it's quite the opposite, warm, friendly and goofy! 😊

Thank you for your kind words! I feel the same towards you! 😊
Well the 'birth' might not have been traumatic but the fallout afterwards was....messy. (almost like having twins, lol)

I was thinking again (I'm trying to quit, I swear)...and I thought that Helmet is like the male me. I'm afraid to ask what his zodiac sign is at this point. Now I would never try to get with another me because I annoy myself no end, would I really want another one around?

So, if I was the last single old bird in a nursing home...and the only single old dude was another me...I would run/stomp/stagger away, pushing my walker and muttering, "I gotta tolerate me, but I don't gotta tolerate you..."
Being older is more fun than I imagined, hehe.
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