Just a quick update and little discovery...
I've been taking Lugol's solution since early 2016 and after about half a year, got up to 5 drops a day. I have remained at that dosage until the present. It was just my normal routine, and I've felt pretty great during that whole time, clear head, good energy.
I'd still get head aches from time to time, but those were more posture related than anything else I think. They trailed off in frequency as I have made adjustments to my work desk and chair arrangements to the point where I might only have a head ache once every month or two. A big change from the weekly head-crackers I used to get a couple of years ago.
Anyway, the New Thing I wanted to report was this...
I've always taken the iodine in conjunction with a couple of Brazil nuts, (for the selenium). They sell the nuts in little bags down at the local health food store, and each bag can easily last me a month or two. This past Christmas, however, proved to be a heavy sales time for nuts. It's the big "Nut Holiday". They were sold out just as my own supply ran empty.
Rather than switch over to a selenium supplement pill, I figured I'd just wait until they got more in, and that "Any day now" meant "Probably tomorrow!"
I decided to hold off with the iodine until then. (I was picturing mercury floating around my system without any selenium to bind with it, and didn't like the idea.) Well, "Any day now" stretched into three weeks and counting, by far the longest interruption in my iodine intake for the past two years. Finally, I felt that enough was enough. I bought a bottle of selenium tablets and in lieu of Brazil nuts, took one tablet and later my regular 5 drops of iodine with water in the evening.
It punched me. Over the next 18 hours a terrible head ache formed and I felt body aches, and near the height of the symptoms, found myself congested and nauseous. It was thoroughly horrid.
These symptoms slowly subsided and I returned to normal. -Better than normal, actually. I felt pretty great!
I was really taken aback at how only 3 weeks away from my regular iodine treatment had disrupted the de-tox systems in my body to such a degree that re-starting should create such powerful symptoms. (I can only make educated guesses as to the actual mechanism, but the effects were certainly strong!)
Anyway.., 24 hours later, I nervously took another selenium tablet and measured out my iodine (only 4 drops this time), and knocked it back. And waited. -Bracing for another de-tox body slam.
But 8 hours later, I feel relatively okay. -Maybe a bit weird and achy, but otherwise okay. Phew! I hope I'm back to normal.
Anyway, I thought that was an interesting enough bit of experiential data to warrant a note here.
Cheers, everybody!