Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Hi Gaby & everyone :-)
Do you know if you can give specific amounts of iodine for babies- toddlers?
looking through websites, just I find in an australian site ( the follows amounts
How much iodine people need
The Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand recommend the following daily intake of iodine:
  • Young babies aged 0-6 months need 90 μg per day.
  • Older babies aged 7-12 months need 110 μg per day.
  • Children aged 1-8 years need 90 μg per day.
  • Children aged 9-13 years need 120 μg per day.
  • Teenagers aged 14-18 years and adults who are neither pregnant nor breastfeeding need 150 μg per day.
  • Pregnant women and women trying to get pregnant need 220 μg per day.
  • Breastfeeding women need 270 μg per day.

and I wondering if you can give the baby just in a specific dilution or exist an specific bottle from some store?

Is really interesting how bad and tricky most of companies promote baby food products using palm oil, soy, fake vitamins, etc... even in the organic infant formulas.....seems like the first welcome or conditioning to the babys into the junk food.
If you cannot avoid a 100% , just I wondering if somebody knows if you can starts to give to the babys really low amounts of iodine just as supplement ??
thanks : )
Hi everyone!


I stopped taking the iodine 1 month ago.The last time I took 8 drops of 10% Lugol, 100 µg Selenium, 3-4g Vitamin C, and 3mg melatonin. During the breakfast I took 4 drops of 10% Lugol with 50 µg Selenium,I'll take 4 x 500mg Vitamin C and 3mg melatonin.:-)
Hi everyone!


I stopped taking the iodine 1 month ago.The last time I took 8 drops of 10% Lugol, 100 µg Selenium, 3-4g Vitamin C, and 3mg melatonin. During the breakfast I took 4 drops of 10% Lugol with 50 µg Selenium,I'll take 4 x 500mg Vitamin C and 3mg melatonin.:-)

Hey sToRmR1dR, is there any particular reason why you stopped taking it? Personally I've been taking iodine continuously since December 2016 with no adverse effect - on the contrary - and it feels like it's still doing 'something'.

I hope you're feeling OK! I started on a very high dose of 12 drops and my body was gradually pushing me to lower it. I'm now on 2 drops of 12% Lugol per day, apart from times when a 'nuking' dose is needed and I go up to 8 drops to kill a cold bug.

I hope the discontinuation wasn't due to any negative symptoms you've developed! If it was, maybe it's time to lower the dosage?

Just a thought, I hope you're doing well :-)
Hey sToRmR1dR, is there any particular reason why you stopped taking it? Personally I've been taking iodine continuously since December 2016 with no adverse effect - on the contrary - and it feels like it's still doing 'something'.

I hope you're feeling OK! I started on a very high dose of 12 drops and my body was gradually pushing me to lower it. I'm now on 2 drops of 12% Lugol per day, apart from times when a 'nuking' dose is needed and I go up to 8 drops to kill a cold bug.

I hope the discontinuation wasn't due to any negative symptoms you've developed! If it was, maybe it's time to lower the dosage?

Just a thought, I hope you're doing well :-)

No particular reason, and it wasn't about any negative symptoms,but just experimenting.Due to discontinuation I was drinking distilled water and didn't stop taking melatonin.I'm doing fine, thanks for asking.:-)
Hi all, I restarted the iodine protocol recently, as I started to read the entire thread and discovered things as i moved along the posts.

I have a number of issues and had previously experimented with iodine, and read part of the book when it was originally discussed, and part of the thread. Because I didn't feel much effects coming from the iodine and my focus was geared at different things at the time I would stop and come back from time to time. The reason this time was a gamble at my own risk at a mayor problem that i have been dealing with for some time:

Nutshell: Physchological instability, insomnia, anxiety/irritability , loss of concentration, loos of appetite, toenail fungus , scally feet, , viral blister outbreaks, lethargy, finger wart, back problems , neck problems, eye buggers, and others. the first one being the priority.

As a result of again, a number of physiological and psychological problems that still have no diagnosis for, and and because of specific reasons related to psychological instability, I started the protocol on relatively high doses of 6 drops of 5% lugol. As I moved along reading the entire thread i would get all the cofactors and introduce them

Fist week was Iodine 5%, selenium and salt water.

-Sharp boost of energy (read 80 pages of this thread in two days)
-incresinglly itchy skin
-iodine protocol related dizziness
-better dreams
-more congruent emotions when focused.

Second week, i gradually hiked the dose from 6 drops to 18 drops. selenium, salt water, cholrela/zeloilte alternations

-increasing itchiness
-craving for iodine
-neck pain (worsen as dose increased)
-better attention
-strong blister outbreak

18 drops
-shortness of breathing
-panic attack
[I used magnesium 400mg, vitamin C, 1 tsp of baking soda, lemon juice, and controlled breathing and it resoled fully by the morning 3 days off iodine ]

I have been aware of the potential side effects and detox symptoms as well as the emotional changes , but in my case it was a gamble led mainly by desperation and for the most part the negative effects were relatively minor and clouded compared to the piled up issues.

I stopped for 3 days and started again:

Third week, 6 drops, selenium, salt water, chlorela/zeolite, niancimide, Vitamines B, vitamin C, magnesium 400mg, zinc, borax, milk thistle , 1 egg ,coffee enema

-Less itching
-less cramping
-runny nose
-considerable reduced tension in kidney , bladder and urinary track areas (which improved reduction of stress almost instantly)
-blister outbreak again
-mild depression

Fourth week, 6 - 18 drops, selenium, salt water, chlorela/zeolite, niancimide, Vitamines B, vitamin C, magnesium 400mg, zinc, borax, milk thistle , 1 egg
-irritability (but i do not attribute this to the protocol in itself, rather a combination of various sets of symptoms and circumstances)
-Full blown depression (though this is a good symptom considering what I am trying to address, I.e congruent emotions were threading again)
-neck pain and cramping
-constipation (delaaaaaayed movements 7-8 days)
-runny nose
-a bruise like stain on my thigh

18 drop mark, once again, shortness of breath, this time with what feels like a bump inside my throat that could be felt when swallowing food.

Stopped the protocol altogether to start the heavy metal rounds , the delay is mainly circumstantial.

-throat swelling, thyroid swelling eventually reduced
-residual emotional clarity/fogginess
-lethargy lessened

In this period of time, i advanced to the discussion on candida, and heavy metal toxicity, so I have ordered ALA, EDTA, Phosphatidyl choline, fulvic acid, will get organic cilantro, liposolmal glutatione, iodoral, S. boulardi, magnesium oil, inositol, and neem oil among others.
I caught up with the discussion finally today after delay and interruption, and picked on the updates on different cofactors and methods, although I may miss things here and there.
I ordered the least recommended form of magnesium for instance and didnt get nearly enough EDTA and DMSA for a full approach.


-The initial boost of energy and probably what I think is related to endocrine and endorphin issues were improved, and "stabilized" my physical issues improved considerably. Psychologically and emotionally, I am simply "taking a breather" from the problem not healed, is more complex and apologies for not providing an adequate context, if required let me know. (didn't want to make this such a long post suffice to say I would not have been able to write any of this or think about any of this) but an overall positive improvement

-Zeolite two full scoops before bed, really helped, I have had issues in my blader and certain "perpetual" tension in the kidney area for years now, I can't really recall if forever, but I noticed the close coorelation between the use of zeolite in good amounts, with this issue, as i stopped so did the effect slowly faded, but I do feel like it is about correcting certain imbalances in the system for more lasting results.

-Borax , zinc, magnesium, I felt they did help with the cramping, back problems.

-Mill thistle, for whatever reason, i felt like it upset my stomach, the times i drank it, (drops), but would need more experimentation(maybe because I was feeling constipated at the time, not sure)

-Seems it has helped to stabilize certain psychological patterns and smooth others, stress responses are less destructive, and have had a longer timespan of stability between thinking sequences and therefore overall. I am more relaxed
I don't think I have the adecuate dose to deal with, the wart, toe nail fungus, blister outbreaks (all persisting and chronic) but attempting a higher dose than 18 drops causes this asthma-like reaction. So i want to try metal detox before hiking above 18 drops to nuke them.

I may have missed some thing here and there but that is about what i did. thanks for reading.
@Phill4 Increasing the dosage from 6 to 18 drops within a week is NOT gradual. I would go with 1 drop increase every 1-2 weeks but only of you don't have any negative symptoms. Before you start heavy metal detox I'd first do heavy metal test to know what you actually want to detox. You may want to check this thread Toxic Heavy Metals Urine Test - Micro Trace Minerals.

-constipation (delaaaaaayed movements 7-8 days)
I think, it's extremely dangerous. You don't want to be constipated during heavy metal detox. Doing coffee enemas can help as well.

Phill4, just go slowly since you easily can do more harm than good to your body.
My jaw dropped a few times reading your account, Phill4. You don't seem to be listening to your body at all. I'm no expert, but you may be causing damage to your thyroid and endocrine system, generating way more problems than you already have. Some of those sides effects can be signs that you've gone over the limit, IMO (e.g shortness of breath, panic). And taking big amounts of iodine for a prolonged period of time seems very irresponsible. Plus, with a cocktail of so many things, how are you going to know what is working?

Did you have any tests done BEFORE deciding on this "protocol", or are you doing it as blindly as it seems? Did you stay on a non-inflammatory diet for a decent amount of time before? Is your lifestyle in general healthy? (Sunlight, activity, work, etc.) You seem to have gone on quite an unjustified supplement frenzy.
@Phill4 Increasing the dosage from 6 to 18 drops within a week is NOT gradual. I would go with 1 drop increase every 1-2 weeks but only of you don't have any negative symptoms. Before you start heavy metal detox I'd first do heavy metal test to know what you actually want to detox. You may want to check this thread Toxic Heavy Metals Urine Test - Micro Trace Minerals.

I think, it's extremely dangerous. You don't want to be constipated during heavy metal detox. Doing coffee enemas can help as well.

Phill4, just go slowly since you easily can do more harm than good to your body.
Yep, you could do some serious damage messing around with chelating agents without a thorough knowledge of what you are actually doing. It is not as simple as just taking some supplements.

Its an art which needs to be approached with much caution. Not only do you want to be going for a bowel movement at least once, preferably twice per day, but you also need to make sure your liver and kidneys are in a proper state to deal with the extreme burden they would inevitably be placed under. I would advise that you hold off on the metal detox. Based on your symptoms, I would say get your full thyroid panel checked asap - TSH, T3, FT4, and RT3 - at least.

I would really want to see a DUTCH panel as well to be honest, because you seem to have some hormonal issues going on. Take care Felipe! Dont rush into this stuff. It can do more harm than good!
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