When someone 'awakens' it seems the first program encountered is 'tell everyone!' we all know where that goes, and thus the lessons start. Here is a clip from my recent journaling that I hope it fits in, in this discussion:
Preaching to ourselves:
I recently watched a video where two alternative news speakers were discussing that the majority of their listeners were already of the same mind and they had seen the light, been converted…had ‘awakened’ They concluded that they were preaching to the choir, and further concluded that they do ‘what do’ for themselves (selfishly) because it does something for ‘them’. I have to say, hats off to them for their observation and candor. They are edifying themselves and those of like mindedness. And there is very little converting the masses going on. We don’t save or change anyone that appears to be impossible…..and that’s ok!
Gurdjieff had once said there was a limited amount of knowledge that could be disseminated, and I think he was on to something. Observing history and watching the present unfold I have to agree. There are a limited amount of persons that will seek knowledge and those who seek it must be ‘good soil” for it to germinate in, then of course comes the struggle, the suffering, and the will to endure. What is left is a small percentage of humanity. A small percentage that can ‘see’ objectively and have the strength to follow the work.
The majority of the humans perform quite literally as a herd, they are easily swayed, and that can be dangerous. If Gandhi shows up and says “hey lets go save people today” they will follow providing there something in it for them. Hitler can show up the next day and says “hey lets go imprison people today” and as long as there is something in it for them their happy to comply. They’re not leaders, they’re not controllers they are followers, so the critical point is ‘who’ is leading them. Today, obviously the Borg has captured them and herding them into a very bad place, and anyone ‘not like them’ is in jeopardy. Recently I’ve read it this way; there are psychopaths (small percentage) empaths (small percentage) and apaths (the herd).
By vibrating or stimulating each other we vibrate higher and with more volume into our environment? Once we’ve made enough commotion a few in the herd become attracted, and some who already have a propensity to the vibrations start to join or are pulled in by the vibe…?
I don’t think we are preaching to the masses, but more like we are preaching ‘into’ the masses to reach ourselves and those of like mind, and as iron sharpens iron as is said, we can reproduce our paradigm not by ‘trying to’ but by ‘being it’ being what we are. Not by trying to make ‘others’ what we think ‘we’ should be.
Imagine a Christmas party where the group in the kitchen is on a roll about “their” subject. They are not trying to proselytize others on the patio, just really getting into their gig, others in time join as they are attracted to the camaraderie. So long lost cousins in spirit will be awakened and become part, others fence setters may join also just to be part of a happening, (the apaths are going to be swayed anyway)
It is the way of the human race that the core group holds the values of the tribe, and the herd follows. I’m assuming this goes all the back to the hunter gathers. It’s clear that at present the core has rotted and the herd is clearly on the dark side and it’s time for the balances to be reset. Let’s face it, most people are not going to waken, clearly that’s not how it works. Be and ‘do’ what you are and seek those of like mind. Easy