This is my 2nd time 'committing' to the EE program and even though early on still (just over a mnth of practicing it twice a week) thanks to far more effort in practicing and understanding all aspects this time around, I feel the start of profound improvements in my life. It doesn't surprise me as, intuitively and from a quote of the C's on breathing said something along the lines of it being 'the rythm of our interaction with creation'. What I've noticed in the last few yrs, apart from my old habit of shallow breathing, is that as life has served me with more lessons to learn and corresponding suffering, I have gone through some looong regresses into shallow breathing AND holding my breath. It's a little shocking to observe my (very apparent once I start paying attention) inability to breathe properly; something that happens outside of stressful situations.. when I get in my head etc
I'm not yet experiencing the breakthroughs that I've read through the last few pages of this thread but nonetheless I can feel something substantial building up in terms of benefits. And thinking about it it makes sense I'm not experiencing emotional out pours as I am guarded and don't let my emotions come through or myself to experience them fully.
So, in that respect, not only is EE giving me doses of serenity but also helping me better understand my inner-self, my progress (or lack of) with getting in touch with, understanding, fully experiencing my emotions. And that may mean I can follow up this work with aiding it in 'breaking through the prison of emotions' to borrow @Steph_rivers expression (thank you for sharing your painful lesson btw). This program, the opportunity to share and network with 'cleansed hearts' in this forum is mighty therapeutic. I know I thrive on honest, true connection. I'm very thankful of Laura and co's beautiful endeavour.
Anyway, I should have kept this short as I don't have a lot to share yet, but I do want to add that, likely, group practicing of the EE is what I need to aim for. Just a matter of me now making time to join the weekly online workshops. Also, love practicing portions of the program daily i.e. Pipe breath for stimulating the vagus nerve when inner-state calls for it, round breathing as I'm walking the dog, and bio-energetic before a cold dip.
Thank you all for sharing.
I'm not yet experiencing the breakthroughs that I've read through the last few pages of this thread but nonetheless I can feel something substantial building up in terms of benefits. And thinking about it it makes sense I'm not experiencing emotional out pours as I am guarded and don't let my emotions come through or myself to experience them fully.
So, in that respect, not only is EE giving me doses of serenity but also helping me better understand my inner-self, my progress (or lack of) with getting in touch with, understanding, fully experiencing my emotions. And that may mean I can follow up this work with aiding it in 'breaking through the prison of emotions' to borrow @Steph_rivers expression (thank you for sharing your painful lesson btw). This program, the opportunity to share and network with 'cleansed hearts' in this forum is mighty therapeutic. I know I thrive on honest, true connection. I'm very thankful of Laura and co's beautiful endeavour.
Anyway, I should have kept this short as I don't have a lot to share yet, but I do want to add that, likely, group practicing of the EE is what I need to aim for. Just a matter of me now making time to join the weekly online workshops. Also, love practicing portions of the program daily i.e. Pipe breath for stimulating the vagus nerve when inner-state calls for it, round breathing as I'm walking the dog, and bio-energetic before a cold dip.
Thank you all for sharing.
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