Session 8 April 2023

Laura said:
Q: (L) If races are engineered on earth to be "best suited," what factors are being drawn from or considered regarding the Semitic race?

A: They are not engineered on earth, but in Orion lab as all others. They were "Planted" in the Middle East.

By "Orion lab", the C's may not necessarily mean a laboratory based somewhere in the Orion constellation. It could just mean an Orion spaceship. Given that numerous abductees have spoken about invasive experiments being carried out on them by grey aliens (Orions), we may perhaps assume that the process of harvesting DNA for use in further hybridisation is still a continuing one. The C's have in fact provided confirmation of this here:
Session 14 October 1995:

(L) I want to ask about one thing from the Matrix material. I want to know who and what are the "Esseseni?"

A: Hybrids, new.

Q: (L) They are new hybrids? And what are they a hybridization of? What are the sources of the material for the hybridization?

A: Humans and grays.

Q: (L) Are the Esseseni positively oriented beings, as has been suggested by some?

A: Split.

Q: (T): Some STS, some STO?

A: Yes.

It is curious that the name of these new hybrids is the "Esseni", since that is remarkably close to the name "Essenes", a group who have appeared in the transcripts on numerous occasions. Although in modern times they are linked with the Jewish Essenes at places like Qumran in Palestine, they seem to have a much older provenance than this:​

Q: (L) Who did Hermes betray?

A: Himself; was power hungry.

Q: (L) What acts did he do?

A: Broke covenant; he inspired divisions within ranks of Egyptians, Essenes, Aryans, and Persians et cetera.

And here:

A: Visitors yes, but the Masonic creed is intertwined with ancient order of Essenes, arising out of ancient Egypt, from the secret knowledge stored at the base of the Sphinx, as left there by "Atlantean" survivors.

Perhaps the "Essenes" were a distinctive tribal group themselves, although they seem to have shared a common origin with the Celts judging from comments the C's made here:​

Q: Okay, I will keep digging. How can I find if there is going to be a connection between the Aryan/Jewish bloodline of Jesus and the Merovingian/Plantagenet bloodline? Does it exist?

A: Only to the extent of the shared origins of the Essenes and the Celts.

I would assume here that the "Aryan/Jewish bloodline" is linked to the Essenes and the "Merovingian/Plantagenet bloodline" is linked to the Celts. This Aryan link evidently can be traced back to Kantek.

The Essenes would also seem to be closely linked with the Jewish Kaballah:

Q: What about the Essenes and the Dead Sea Scrolls?

A: Kaballah.
[the origins of which, according to the C's, were channelled truths given to early pre-Mosaic Jews. Were these the Essenes?]

and to a group called the "White Sect":

Session 6 June 1998:

(Laura) Aryans are not precisely known as a sect, but what sect is there among Aryans that you were referring to; what is it called?

A: White sect.

Q: So, they call it the White Sect. Is it like the White Brotherhood?

A: Those of fair complexion who wear white robes.

Q: (T) We call them KKK here! (L) Similar to the Templars? Is there, for example, a name that they call themselves?

A: White Sect.

Q: And when they call themselves this, in what language did they create this moniker?

A: Aramaic.

Q: So, we need to know what it is in Aramaic. What kind of teachings did they follow?

A: Similar to the monks of orthodox Christianity.

Q: Is it true that the Essene community that was attempting to prepare a vessel for the coming of the messiah, that this was their whole plan, their work?

A: No.

Q: This sect existed... where was this monastery or group located?

A: Near today's Haifa.

As to Laura's question, the author and researcher Laurence Gardner noted the title “Essene” likely derived from the Aramaic word “Assaya”, meaning “physician,” which corresponded to the Greek word “Essenoi” [again very close to "Esseni"].

This is turn may create link to an Egyptian group of physicians or healers, who also wore white, called the Therapeutae:

The Therapeutae were a religious sect which existed in Alexandria and other parts of the ancient Greek world. The primary source concerning the Therapeutae is the De vita contemplativa ("The Contemplative Life"), traditionally ascribed to the Jewish philosopher Philo of Alexandria (c. 20 BCE – 50 CE). The author appears to have been personally acquainted with them. The author describes the Therapeutae as "philosophers" (cf. I.2) and mentions a group that lived on a low hill by the Lake Mareotis close to Alexandria.

The term Therapeutae (plural) is Latin, from Philo's Greek plural Therapeutai (Θεραπευταί). The term "therapeutes" means one who is attendant to the gods, although the term, and the related adjective therapeutiko carry in later texts the meaning of attending to heal, or treating in a spiritual or medical sense.

The 3rd-century Christian writer Eusebius of Caesarea (c. 263–339), in his Ecclesiastical History, identified Philo's Therapeutae as the first Christian monks, identifying their renunciation of property, chastity, fasting, and solitary lives with the cenobitic ideal of the Christian monks.

Eusebius's description of the Therapeutae as being like Christian monks may tie-in to the C's comments about the White Sect being similar to the monks of orthodox Christianity. This fact can be seen from the following description of their way of life:

According to Philo, the members, both men and women, devoted their time to prayer and study. They prayed twice every day, at dawn and at evening, the interval between being spent entirely on spiritual exercise. They read the Holy Scriptures, from which they sought wisdom by treating them as allegorical, believing that the words of the literal text were symbols of something hidden. Attendance to bodily needs, such as food, was entirely relegated to the hours of darkness.

Members of the community lived near one another in separate and scattered houses. Each house contained a chamber, or sanctuary, consecrated to study and prayer. The Therapeutae had, in addition to the Old Testament, books composed by the founders of their sect on the allegorical method of interpreting Scripture. Philo’s account refers to the composition of “new psalms” to God in a variety of metres and melodies. For six days a week, members lived apart, seeking wisdom in solitude. On the Sabbath they met in the common sanctuary, where they listened to a discourse by the member most skilled in their doctrines and then ate a common meal of coarse bread and a drink of spring water. The sect revered the number 7 and its square, but the most sacred of numbers was 50. Thus, on the eve of the 50th day they observed an all-night festival, with a discourse, hymn singing, and a meal, followed by a sacred vigil.
"The entire interval from dawn to evening is given up by them to spiritual exercises. For they read the holy scriptures and draw out in thought and allegory their ancestral philosophy, since they regard the literal meanings as symbols of an inner and hidden nature revealing itself in covert ideas."

— De Vita Contemplativa, para. 28

The main distinction between the Therapeutae and the Essenes is that the latter were anti-intellectual, while “wisdom,” Philo says, was the main objective of the Therapeutae. However, the Therapeutae shared with the Essenes a dualistic view of body and soul.

The Essenes formed a Gnostic community of pious Jews who were clearly distinguishable from their compatriots. They differed by the great purity of their way of life.

They approved of marriage, necessary for the preservation of mankind, but did not follow the voluptuousness of the flesh. They condemned the act of swearing, the owning of property, feeding with any kind of meat and loathed lies.

They lived in complete detachment from passions, ordinary human conflicts as well as from earthly goods. They were also called ‘Therapeutae’ because they cured the sick. That community of the ‘pure’ presented itself as the guardian of the real Hebrew priesthood.

The fact that they were vegetarian may provide a link with both the Egyptian Therapeutae and Buddhism. Some scholars think the word "Therapeutae" may have been adapted from the Indian Pali word for traditional Buddhists, Theravada. Analysis by religious scholar Ullrich R. Kleinhempel indicates that the most likely religion the Therapeutae practiced was Buddhism. This should come as no surprise since there had been a long history of intellectual and philosophic interaction between the Indian subcontinent and the Middle East stretching back thousands of years, particularly with Persia and Mesopotamia (the Sumerians).

It would be interesting to know how the Matrix material came by the name "Esseni" for these new human/grey hybrids. Does anyone know? This group may also be the same group of hybrids that David M Jacobs referred to in his excellent book The Threat. These hybrids were virtually indistinguishable from humans but they seemed more intelligent and, more worryingly for us, highly manipulative (perhaps betraying in-built psychopathic traits). See: The Threat: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda: Jacobs, David M.: 9780684848136: Books

As the blurb says:

In a direct, authoritative challenge to researchers who believe the abduction phenomenon is essentially benevolent and spiritually uplifting, Professor David M. Jacobs proves that there is a far more disturbing and potentially dangerous plan underway, with possible alien domination at its core.

I have belatedly discovered an exchange in the transcripts relating to Jacob's book, which I am happy to add here:

Q: (L) I read the new book by Dr. David Jacobs, professor of History at Temple University, concerning his extensive research into the alien abduction phenomenon. [Dr. Jacobs wrote his Ph.D. thesis on the history of the UFOs.] Dr. Jacobs says that now, after all of these years of somewhat rigorous research, that he KNOWS what the aliens are here for and he is afraid. David Jacobs says that producing offspring is the primary objective behind the abduction phenomenon. Is this, in fact, the case?
A: Part, but not "the whole thing."
Q: (L) Is there another dominant reason?
A: Replacement.
Q: (L) Replacement of what?
A: You.
Q: (L) How do you mean? Creating a race to replace human beings, or abducting specific humans to replace them with a clone or whatever?
A: Mainly the former. You see, if one desires to create a new race, what better way than to mass hybridize, then mass reincarnate. Especially when the host species is so forever ignorant, controlled, and anthropocentric. What a lovely environment for total destruction and
conquest and replacement... see?
Q: (L) Well, that answered my other question about the objective. Well, here in the book, Dr. Jacobs says that there is ongoing abductions through particular families. I quote:

'Beyond protecting the fetus, there are other reasons for secrecy. If abductions are, as all the evidence clearly indicates, an intergenerational phenomenon in which the children of abductees are themselves abductees, then one of the aliens' goals is the generation of more abductees. Are all children of abductees incorporated into the phenomenon? The evidence suggests that the answer is yes. If an abductee has children with a non-abductee, the chances are that all their descendants will be abductees. This means that through normal population increase, divorce, remarriage and so on, the abductee population will increase quickly throughout the generations. When those children grow and marry and have children of their own, all of their children, whether they marry an abductee or non-abductee, will be abductees. To protect the intergenerational nature of the breeding program, it must be kept secret from the abductees so that they will continue to have children. If the abductees KNEW that the program was intergenerational, they might elect not to have children. This would bring a critical part of the program to a halt, which the aliens cannot allow. The final reason for secrecy is to expand the breeding program, to integrate laterally in society, the aliens must make sure that abductees mate with non-abductees and produce abductee children.'

Now, this seems to suggest that there is a particular bloodline that is susceptible to...
A: We have told you before: the Nazi experience was a "trial run," and by now you see the similarities, do you not?
Q: (L) Yes, I do see...
Laura said:
Q: (L) If races are engineered on earth to be "best suited," what factors are being drawn from or considered regarding the Semitic race?

A: They are not engineered on earth, but in Orion lab as all others. They were "Planted" in the Middle East.

By "Orion lab", the C's may not necessarily mean a laboratory based somewhere in the Orion constellation. It could just mean an Orion spaceship. Given that numerous abductees have spoken about invasive experiments being carried out on them by grey aliens (Orions), we may perhaps assume that the process of harvesting DNA for use in further hybridisation is still a continuing one. The C's have in fact provided confirmation of this here:
Session 14 October 1995:

(L) I want to ask about one thing from the Matrix material. I want to know who and what are the "Esseseni?"

A: Hybrids, new.

Q: (L) They are new hybrids? And what are they a hybridization of? What are the sources of the material for the hybridization?

A: Humans and grays.

Q: (L) Are the Esseseni positively oriented beings, as has been suggested by some?

A: Split.

Q: (T): Some STS, some STO?

A: Yes.

It is curious that the name of these new hybrids is the "Esseni", since that is remarkably close to the name "Essenes", a group who have appeared in the transcripts on numerous occasions. Although in modern times they are linked with the Jewish Essenes at places like Qumran in Palestine, they seem to have a much older provenance than this:​

Q: (L) Who did Hermes betray?

A: Himself; was power hungry.

Q: (L) What acts did he do?

A: Broke covenant; he inspired divisions within ranks of Egyptians, Essenes, Aryans, and Persians et cetera.

And here:

A: Visitors yes, but the Masonic creed is intertwined with ancient order of Essenes, arising out of ancient Egypt, from the secret knowledge stored at the base of the Sphinx, as left there by "Atlantean" survivors.

Perhaps the "Essenes" were a distinctive tribal group themselves, although they seem to have shared a common origin with the Celts judging from comments the C's made here:​

Q: Okay, I will keep digging. How can I find if there is going to be a connection between the Aryan/Jewish bloodline of Jesus and the Merovingian/Plantagenet bloodline? Does it exist?

A: Only to the extent of the shared origins of the Essenes and the Celts.

I would assume here that the "Aryan/Jewish bloodline" is linked to the Essenes and the "Merovingian/Plantagenet bloodline" is linked to the Celts. This Aryan link evidently can be traced back to Kantek.

The Essenes would also seem to be closely linked with the Jewish Kaballah:

Q: What about the Essenes and the Dead Sea Scrolls?

A: Kaballah.
[the origins of which, according to the C's, were channelled truths given to early pre-Mosaic Jews. Were these the Essenes?]

and to a group called the "White Sect":

Session 6 June 1998:

(Laura) Aryans are not precisely known as a sect, but what sect is there among Aryans that you were referring to; what is it called?

A: White sect.

Q: So, they call it the White Sect. Is it like the White Brotherhood?

A: Those of fair complexion who wear white robes.

Q: (T) We call them KKK here! (L) Similar to the Templars? Is there, for example, a name that they call themselves?

A: White Sect.

Q: And when they call themselves this, in what language did they create this moniker?

A: Aramaic.

Q: So, we need to know what it is in Aramaic. What kind of teachings did they follow?

A: Similar to the monks of orthodox Christianity.

Q: Is it true that the Essene community that was attempting to prepare a vessel for the coming of the messiah, that this was their whole plan, their work?

A: No.

Q: This sect existed... where was this monastery or group located?

A: Near today's Haifa.

As to Laura's question, the author and researcher Laurence Gardner noted the title “Essene” likely derived from the Aramaic word “Assaya”, meaning “physician,” which corresponded to the Greek word “Essenoi” [again very close to "Esseni"].

This is turn may create link to an Egyptian group of physicians or healers, who also wore white, called the Therapeutae:

The Therapeutae were a religious sect which existed in Alexandria and other parts of the ancient Greek world. The primary source concerning the Therapeutae is the De vita contemplativa ("The Contemplative Life"), traditionally ascribed to the Jewish philosopher Philo of Alexandria (c. 20 BCE – 50 CE). The author appears to have been personally acquainted with them. The author describes the Therapeutae as "philosophers" (cf. I.2) and mentions a group that lived on a low hill by the Lake Mareotis close to Alexandria.

The term Therapeutae (plural) is Latin, from Philo's Greek plural Therapeutai (Θεραπευταί). The term "therapeutes" means one who is attendant to the gods, although the term, and the related adjective therapeutiko carry in later texts the meaning of attending to heal, or treating in a spiritual or medical sense.

The 3rd-century Christian writer Eusebius of Caesarea (c. 263–339), in his Ecclesiastical History, identified Philo's Therapeutae as the first Christian monks, identifying their renunciation of property, chastity, fasting, and solitary lives with the cenobitic ideal of the Christian monks.

Eusebius's description of the Therapeutae as being like Christian monks may tie-in to the C's comments about the White Sect being similar to the monks of orthodox Christianity. This fact can be seen from the following description of their way of life:

According to Philo, the members, both men and women, devoted their time to prayer and study. They prayed twice every day, at dawn and at evening, the interval between being spent entirely on spiritual exercise. They read the Holy Scriptures, from which they sought wisdom by treating them as allegorical, believing that the words of the literal text were symbols of something hidden. Attendance to bodily needs, such as food, was entirely relegated to the hours of darkness.

Members of the community lived near one another in separate and scattered houses. Each house contained a chamber, or sanctuary, consecrated to study and prayer. The Therapeutae had, in addition to the Old Testament, books composed by the founders of their sect on the allegorical method of interpreting Scripture. Philo’s account refers to the composition of “new psalms” to God in a variety of metres and melodies. For six days a week, members lived apart, seeking wisdom in solitude. On the Sabbath they met in the common sanctuary, where they listened to a discourse by the member most skilled in their doctrines and then ate a common meal of coarse bread and a drink of spring water. The sect revered the number 7 and its square, but the most sacred of numbers was 50. Thus, on the eve of the 50th day they observed an all-night festival, with a discourse, hymn singing, and a meal, followed by a sacred vigil.
"The entire interval from dawn to evening is given up by them to spiritual exercises. For they read the holy scriptures and draw out in thought and allegory their ancestral philosophy, since they regard the literal meanings as symbols of an inner and hidden nature revealing itself in covert ideas."

— De Vita Contemplativa, para. 28

The main distinction between the Therapeutae and the Essenes is that the latter were anti-intellectual, while “wisdom,” Philo says, was the main objective of the Therapeutae. However, the Therapeutae shared with the Essenes a dualistic view of body and soul.

The Essenes formed a Gnostic community of pious Jews who were clearly distinguishable from their compatriots. They differed by the great purity of their way of life.

They approved of marriage, necessary for the preservation of mankind, but did not follow the voluptuousness of the flesh. They condemned the act of swearing, the owning of property, feeding with any kind of meat and loathed lies.

They lived in complete detachment from passions, ordinary human conflicts as well as from earthly goods. They were also called ‘Therapeutae’ because they cured the sick. That community of the ‘pure’ presented itself as the guardian of the real Hebrew priesthood.

The fact that they were vegetarian may provide a link with both the Egyptian Therapeutae and Buddhism. Some scholars think the word "Therapeutae" may have been adapted from the Indian Pali word for traditional Buddhists, Theravada. Analysis by religious scholar Ullrich R. Kleinhempel indicates that the most likely religion the Therapeutae practiced was Buddhism. This should come as no surprise since there had been a long history of intellectual and philosophic interaction between the Indian subcontinent and the Middle East stretching back thousands of years, particularly with Persia and Mesopotamia (the Sumerians).

It would be interesting to know how the Matrix material came by the name "Esseni" for these new human/grey hybrids. Does anyone know? This group may also be the same group of hybrids that David M Jacobs referred to in his excellent book The Threat. These hybrids were virtually indistinguishable from humans but they seemed more intelligent and, more worryingly for us, highly manipulative (perhaps betraying in-built psychopathic traits). See: The Threat: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda: Jacobs, David M.: 9780684848136: Books

As the blurb says:

In a direct, authoritative challenge to researchers who believe the abduction phenomenon is essentially benevolent and spiritually uplifting, Professor David M. Jacobs proves that there is a far more disturbing and potentially dangerous plan underway, with possible alien domination at its core.

I belatedly found the following exchange on David Jacob's book in the transcripts and post it here for people's benefit:

Session 25 July 1998:

Q: (L) I read the new book by Dr. David Jacobs, professor of History at Temple University, concerning his extensive research into the alien abduction phenomenon. [Dr. Jacobs wrote his Ph.D. thesis on the history of the UFOs.] Dr. Jacobs says that now, after all of these years of somewhat rigorous research, that he KNOWS what the aliens are here for and he is afraid. David Jacobs says that producing offspring is the primary objective behind the abduction phenomenon. Is this, in fact, the case?
A: Part, but not "the whole thing."
Q: (L) Is there another dominant reason?
A: Replacement.
Q: (L) Replacement of what?
A: You.
Q: (L) How do you mean? Creating a race to replace human beings, or abducting specific humans to replace them with a clone or whatever?
A: Mainly the former. You see, if one desires to create a new race, what better way than to mass hybridize, then mass reincarnate. Especially when the host species is so forever ignorant, controlled, and anthropocentric. What a lovely environment for total destruction and
conquest and replacement... see?
Q: (L) Well, that answered my other question about the objective. Well, here in the book, Dr. Jacobs says that there is ongoing abductions through particular families. I quote:

'Beyond protecting the fetus, there are other reasons for secrecy. If abductions are, as all the evidence clearly indicates, an intergenerational phenomenon in which the children of abductees are themselves abductees, then one of the aliens' goals is the generation of more abductees. Are all children of abductees incorporated into the phenomenon? The evidence suggests that the answer is yes. If an abductee has children with a non-abductee, the chances are that all their descendants will be abductees. This means that through normal population increase, divorce, remarriage and so on, the abductee population will increase quickly throughout the generations. When those children grow and marry and have children of their own, all of their children, whether they marry an abductee or non-abductee, will be abductees. To protect the intergenerational nature of the breeding program, it must be kept secret from the abductees so that they will continue to have children. If the abductees KNEW that the program was intergenerational, they might elect not to have children. This would bring a critical part of the program to a halt, which the aliens cannot allow. The final reason for secrecy is to expand the breeding program, to integrate laterally in society, the aliens must make sure that abductees mate with non-abductees and produce abductee children.'

Now, this seems to suggest that there is a particular bloodline that is susceptible to...

A: We have told you before: the Nazi experience was a "trial run," and by now you see the similarities, do you not?
Q: (L) Yes, I do see...
Q: (Adobe) How accurate are David DuByne of ADAPT 2030 most recent estimates of our future earth changes?

(L) What are his estimates of our future Earth changes? And have you talked about it on the forum? Where is Adobe?

(Adobe) Well, one is that in August of this year, there is a change of the ozone that will cause the sun to be more intense. I believe the next one is in, I forget the month, of 2024 where there's electromagnetic changes. And then he says in 2025, and I believe it's March, April and May of 2025 - he uses the solar system and he shows it opened up to bolide bombardment. So we've got sun change, electromagnetic change, and bolide bombardment. And he pretty much has dates to them and works it through in one of the videos. And I did post it on the forum.

(L) Hmm. What's his track record like?

(Adobe) So far pretty good, I think. I think you've spoken with him before, haven't you? From Adapt 2030.

(Niall) You and Pierre, about your book...

(Pierre) Years ago.

(Adobe) And a more specific point would be if he's right about March, April, and May of 2025 being wide open to bolides, that would kind of concur with comets coming in April.

(L) So, how accurate?

A: He is often close, but there are still some surprises.

Q: (Joe) That was a kind of a sneaky way of trying to get a dated prediction. [laughter] Good effort!

(Adobe) Yeah, but at least it would be using our harder data. So it'd be taking the 10% and trying to match it with the 90% and using David DuByne's work.

(Joe) I salute your effort because we have tried often in the past to do that as well, but... We get "no dice".

I was hearing the latest Adapt 2030 video today during a car trip. David is fixated on a specific period of time, around April (our drop dead April?) 2025, when gas giants will be forming a very specific alignment:

Zrzut ekranu 2023-07-23 o 17.23.40.png
Zrzut ekranu 2023-07-23 o 17.24.31.png
Zrzut ekranu 2023-07-23 o 17.29.23.png

His points are that this alignment will cause cosmic debris to pull onto Earth, which will result in bombardment for a few months that will essentially bring us back a few hundred years of technical advancement as a civilization. It could also mean some electromagnetic phenomena will manifest, since there will be nothing between (and behind) Earth and the Sun. They were talking about how this could be perceived as a positive spiritual experience, but there's so much negativity currently worldwide and people are so unprepared, that this will cause hubris and insanity. David remembered how, during the Desert Storm operation, the USA was performing their "shock and awe" tactic and bombarding Iraqis for a month straight. It was unbearable for the population to endure such madness, so they surrendered. Imagine the same thing happening for six months... David also mentions SOTT as his news source.
BTW I followed up with @Puma who does great work here on the form especially in relation to the sun, and he confirmed the usefulness of the tool that DD uses. The main point I think the C’s were making about DD's work is that there will be more and unexpected issues than he is aware of. Personally, I don’t think he would disagree with that.

If you had a time-frame for something, and put it on a bell curve you would say “there” at the top of the bell is the most likely time for this event to happen, but that wouldn’t mean that at any time within that bell curve it could happen. I’m also thinking the mechanical part (the bell curve) works together with the soul harvesting part, that works with the experimenters’ machinations.

No point in trying to nail down a date that we could tell people about so we can all run to the caves with our survival gear. A) that would be silly, and B) the future and time don’t work that way. But…

I do think it is our position to do the homework, the 90% sweat and mechanics as to have enough situational awareness to navigate what’s coming, gain knowledge and so forth. That is to say Tally Hoe! to DD and Puma and the many others who work hard at this.

Playing two games:

Game 1:

In two years, nothing will be like it is now, and “the” survivors or “us” survivors will have to sort things out from the debris of what was and is no more. So, prep for impact now, and pay little attention to long term goals. I.e., cash in the 401k’s move out of the city etc.

Game 2:

For the last decade or two I have been convinced but wrong about the timing of coming events, and I could-be / probably-am wrong now. We could possibly flip, flap, flang, and kaboing, our way through and find ourselves in 2026 or 28 or 2030 and pretty much still be experiencing a slow-motion train wreck that just hasn’t finished yet. Thus, I must prepare by finding more financial resources, contacts, and long-term relationship, study for the next exam and so forth to survive in the future which will be a much more expensive world to live in.

Kind of like a suffer coming down the wave. Break right? Break left? I don’t know yet! Steady-on, and keep options open.
Thank you for a wonderful session.

Regarding the sun and light from creative universe to expanding earth lets try to ground it in electrical modalities.

Ok so take a peace of fabric, like my t-shirt on mey pudgy stomach, and stretching it vertical is conjugated with the horizontal tightening

So lets say the North to South eliptic is to cones’ South (North) vortex of acceleration and decrease in force, and north(south pole) is is spinning vortex of deceleration and and increase in force. This dielectric field is dominant and follows the right hand rule.

They converge at point source of space\counterspace, the timelessness of being, because nature abhors a vacuum. That’s what gravity is.

Now from this space/counterspace is a discharge as the inverterse of the dielectric into the (circular) magnetic field of becoming-not the centripetal n-s convergence and attraction of space counter space that some confuse as magnetism.

` Its the discharge amperage into the toroidal ether of becoming—connected with the ecliptic to the convergence of being; and in that toroidal field there is a plane of inertia, matter, a hologram of the kingdom of heaven.

Well it gets tighter as the voltage increases. And the magnetic field decreases as well.

I thought the earth was expanding too-but then I thought, well why is the magnetic field decreasing.

We know the core is heating up. We know that true light is not illumination (attribute)-but rather the speed of light is the measure of induction of ether, which relates to the illumination of matter and impedance in medium.

That there is an increase in plasma and molten lava means there is an increase in the voltage (dialectric).

The thing I am confused about (besides the gusts and bolts of hologram comment, is that in the toroidal magnetic donut, probably a maple donut, is that in its cross-section you can see it also has a sort of space/counterspace area. But this is ruled by God at the centripetal dielectric convergence of space/counterspace.

So lets tentitavily call it abyss. Never-the-lesss this is where I feel the hyper dimensional STS operate from.

See if you were to tighten the donut smaller and smaller, perhaps there is a point it would flip—like a shining star!

This is not the same as whaat the baddies are doing-they are trying to make mini-gods if you will, by increasing the force vectors in the toriod, ignoring the dielectric as primary, thus cosmic mind point of Space/Counterspace.

The confusion was well, they are very into scalar math, which is descriptive of the vortex, and also point-source technology as a source of energy control and to an extent propulsion. Like an LED is point source tech—5 amps of a laser is much more impressive than 5 amps of unfocused incandescent.

One final thought on souls and the centrifugal divergence and discharge into the toroidal magnetic.

The discharge from timelessness is dendritic, like lightning. It branches across dynamic etheric field lines in the congnigate of the dielectric and magnetic and across space. It is incommensurable in matter, but specific to the conditions.

The conditions relate of course to the dynamic fight between the dielectric and magnetic.

Each dendritic stretch across holds in it the timeless cosmic mind of awareness and understanding—

So there is, in minds alignment with the convergence, a becoming, there is also an awareness of being.

People on the forum talk about this all the time, describe it too: The dissolution of boundaries, yet also the awareness of separation—even alienation, maybe Ill use the word aloneness instead. And people here, thank goodness for you, you understand that far more than I do.

But anyway, on afterlife, without the short cycle of learning, it is more difficult to develop alignment of mind with cosmic mind. I reckon its because the ego has a chance to balance And settle to the free will of love.

And so it can be hell going round and round the donut , or -worse , a parasitic discharge into space. Torture as the plain of inertia tightens to the ecliptic, which is a good thing but painful Hence the serpentine coercion “Relax Relax Relax, just a little pin prick, good. There will been more ahhhh a ahhh ahhh but you may fell a little abyssss”.

continuing the earlier thoughts Thats the relation of point-source to antigrav. (have to figure it out-vacuum)

As there is acceleration and decrease in force say in the south(north pole) —ok wait, lets go deceleration and increase in force in the North (south pole) then somehow there can be a place of little gravity.

Then following the right hand rule—zoom- 90%.

Apologies I am still researching this and trying to figure this out. I was studying Ken Wheeler for this.

On artificial intelligence lets remember that the programs art necessarily intelligent, though based on scaler algorithms, they are programmed by people.

Its nice to hear that Russia uses the technology to facilitate communication rather than to control people and harvest energy like in the West.
In this session, there was:
A supernova explosion in a hyperdimensional sense represents the opening of a portal
Q: (Farmies) What does a supernova explosion represent in hyperdimensional sense?

A: Opening of portal.
Below are a few excerpts about portals.

A relation between energy and portals is also evident from a discussion regarding unusual observations in Aleppo, Syria, in 2020, and two years later in Volnovakha, Donetsk People's Republic, since September 30, 2022, part of the Russian Federation.

Portal opens, energies come through
Session 27 August 2022
(Keit) What was the wave that people in Donetsk area (Volnovakha) saw in the sky today?

[See: Videos in Session 22 February 2020 thread]

A: A portal activated!

Q: (Joe) Was something coming through it?

A: Preparing.

Q: (Gaby) It looked like the same thing as in Aleppo.

(Artemis) Well, what's gonna come through when it opens? Can we have a hint?

A: Energies!

Q: (L) Okay.
Another relation between a portal and energy is evident in the following excerpt:
A portal can be closed by withdrawing energy
Session 22 October 2022
Q: (loreta) Can a portal be closed?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) How?

(L) How do you close a portal?

(Ark) Withdrawing energy.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Take the energy away from it.

(Joe) So you'd have to do battle. Can we close portals with an electromagnetic beam weapon?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) How do we get one of those? [laughter]

A: Build one!
An electromagnetic beam weapon uses energy, so how could it be used to withdraw energy from the system? A guess is that it is possible to disrupt an energy pattern consisting of electromagnetic waves through destructive wave interference from a different source. To do that in the case of a portal, one would need a sufficiently precise map of the electromagnetic energy configuration that makes up the portal. If one has this, one should be able to create a situation where the energy weapon creates pulses or beams with wavelengths that can interfere destructively with the waves already present.

Wave interference itself is a common phenomenon. From the Wiki, there is this explanation:
In physics, interference is a phenomenon in which two coherent waves are combined by adding their intensities or displacements with due consideration for their phase difference. The resultant wave may have greater intensity (constructive interference) or lower amplitude (destructive interference) if the two waves are in phase or out of phase, respectively. Interference effects can be observed with all types of waves, for example, light, radio, acoustic, surface water waves, gravity waves, or matter waves as well as in loudspeakers as electrical waves.
The interference of two waves. When in phase, the two lower waves create constructive interference (left), resulting in a wave of added amplitude. When 180° out of phase, they create destructive interference (right), resulting in a wave of zero amplitude.
To withdraw energy and deactivate a large natural portal, would very likely require more energy than deactivating a small artificial one, assuming the same type of technology is used. However, it is possible one would be able to limit or disrupt the function of a portal by even disrupting the patterns to some degree, just as a piece of technology will often cease to function if even a minor part is not working.

On the planet, there are a number of natural portals
Session 26 February 2022
A: Exciting times no doubt! Hollenoaea of Cassiopaea here! Ukraine is ancient site of landing of Kantekkians. It is highly coveted by 4D STS! Putin is doing service to all by attempting to remove psychopathic elements there. Unfortunately, the resistance of the power elite may lead to deaths of many innocent people.

Q: (Artemis) What is it about it that's so coveted?

(Joe) Because it's an ancient site of the landing of the Kantekkians? Why does that make it highly coveted? Some element of the population? But...

A: The geological profile complemented the energy profile making it ideal for transference.

Q: (L) Is that suggesting that the landing happened via some means other than just getting on a spaceship and flying and plopping down?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, it was some kind of transference that involved some kind of technology that we may not understand?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) Like a portal?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, there's a portal in Ukraine?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And you once said there's a portal in the Middle East, didn't you?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay.

(Joe) So, they said that unfortunately the resistance of power elite may lead to the deaths of many innocent people. Does that refer to the fact that the Ukrainian elites will essentially sacrifice the people of Kiev in particular? In a sense, they'll create conditions where people are killed because of the Russian military advance on that city?

A: Yes
(Ryu) Does Putin knows about Ukraine having a portal? And does he know about Kantekkians?

A: No
Q: (Andrian) Is it possible to know where the portal is located exactly? Western or Eastern, North, South Ukraine?

A: Near Kiev.

Q: (Juba) Is that the reason why Khazaria was the same as today's Ukraine. Portal, STS energy...

A: Partly.
(Pierre) And the struggle for the portal is indicative of 4D STS wanting to use this portal?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Why do they want to use the portal?

A: Downloading is taking place there.

Q: (L) Downloading of what?

(Joe) Information.

(L) Do I really want to know? [laughter]

(Pierre) The naughty side of the information field is being downloaded there.

(L) So the STS bad guys download themselves via a portal into the people there?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Wow.

(Niall) But there are psychopaths all over the world.

(Joe) Maybe it's easier that way.

(Pierre) But psychopath doesn't mean possessed. To be downloaded into means to be possessed.

(Niall) Oh, right. So there's a particular type that's concentrated in Ukraine that is more susceptible to possession by 4D STS.

(Andromeda) Wow.
(Lukasz) How many percent of people in Ukraine are affected by downloading by STS in percent?

A: 17%

Q: (L) That's close to your standard figure for psychopaths and their hangers-on.

(Alejo) Are there any other such download portals on the planet?

(L) Yes, we already discussed that. There's one in Israel. Are there any others besides Israel and Ukraine?

A: China, North America, South America.

Q: (Artemis) Is the North America one in Canada or…?

A: Canada.

Q: (Artemis) I knew it!

(L) You knew it? Yes! [laughter]

(Artemis) Yukon.

(L) Oooh, you're right! The Yukon! CREEPY stuff happens in the Yukon. [laughter] It's true.

(Andromeda) Oh, yeah!

(L) Look it up. Look up "The Valley of the Headless Men"!! I read about it years ago, and it gave me the absolute total creeps!

A: Yes

Q: (L) Ooo! And what about in South America?

A: Desert.

Q: (L) The desert where they have all those figures?

A: Yes

Q: (L) What is it called?

(Niall) Atacama.

A: Yes

Q: (L) What about China?

A: Northeast region. Study map and myths.

Q: (Laura scans through questions on Zoom meeting) (Chu) Be selective because there are 70 new messages after this!

(Luis) So the Middle East portal is the same? For downloading? And also, if 4D STS do not have total control of the Ukrainian portal, they can only download within certain limits or constrictions?

A: Yes
While on the subject of portals, there was also:
Session 10 December 2022
Q: (RedFox) Is the Ukraine portal, and war part of the elites plan for better communication?

A: No.
Q: (Ellipse) Is a portal existing at the Vatican?

A: No
But of course there are some that can use portals:

Nephalim can use portals already present on the planet, but not necessary
Session 29 July 2023
Q: (thorbiorn) These Nephalim on the way, will they use some of these portals like in Ukraine, Middle East, et cetera, as their preferred landing spots?

A: Yes

Q: [Laura senses something.] There's something about that. What is it?

A: But not necessary.

Q: (L) So it's not necessary for them to use those portals?

A: Yes

Q: (L) They come in anyways, in other ways.

A: Yes
So far the excepts have been about natural portals, but in this session, there was also a note and question relating to Organic Portals.
(Adobe via Zoom) Am I still on? We've been discussing that on the Near Death Experience or Afterlife thread, and in reading through the books, we're going, "Hey, where's all the baddies?" You know, when you hear the near death experience and the karmic stuff, you always hear these great, wonderful stories. If someone dies and it's all wonderful and they come back and it's all wonderful and it's like, "Hey, is there any bad over there?" Where are the service to self people that are putting together a program for their next life where they're gonna do real bad stuff? They're coming down here to learn how to be baddies. So there's no stories of that. So why is the negative side of the other dimensions and densities unrepresented when we go to read about near death and karmic stuff? Well, some of the stuff does, like the recent movie, and I forget the name of it, the 'Astral City' and also Wicklands '30 years among Dead'. They do represent some negativity, but it's generally lost souls not far from us. So let's get back to the question. Okay. Why is the negativity less represented in the truth at 5D?

A: 5th density does not work that way. Negative entities are intensely entropic and sort of gravitationally enclosed so as to give them the opportunity to reflect on their choices. They may then decide to try again but it is rare for the truly negative to reincarnate. They are subsumed.

Q: (PoB) So why there are not less and less of them on the earth?

(L) Well, I think it's because the negativity draws from... I mean so many what we call negative individuals are like psychopaths, which is like a defective OP. They don't really have a reincarnating soul anyway. They're just a portal for negative 4D STS energies to enter into the world. And there's plenty of OPs. Plus the fact that the normal soul - and you use "normal" kind of loosely - is always subjected to the pool of STS by virtue of being in the body and being subjected to all of the temptations and the vicissitudes of life in a more-or-less unfriendly environment. Earth is really kind of not a really friendly place with all of its things that just happen, but naturally. So I think that there's plenty of opportunity for negativity. And I also think that sometimes what we might consider to be a negative individual or negative entity or negative events from a larger cosmic perspective may not be that at all.

(Joe) Well, there's the idea of 4th density STS and being able to graduate, so you assume it's someone who was incarnated in 3D repeatedly over and over again and entrench themselves in an STS way of being to the point that they are eligible to take a place.

(L) I think what happens is that there are just OPs and they get utilized, they get downloaded. Is that it? I mean, when we're thinking about really negative individuals on earth, are we talking about basically OPs that get downloaded by 4D STS, which can't go any higher than 4D?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So it's a different economy altogether than that which operates for souls recycling and so forth?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So how are 4D STS beings... How do they get to be there then if they haven't gone through, you know what I mean? I mean the natural progression for non-STS or not fully STS beings?

A: Different process. And they must achieve a high percentage of negativity in a single lifetime. And, yes, some of the extremely negative types do go directly to 4D STS.

Q: (Andromeda) Maybe they don't go to the contemplation zone. Like if some soul has a destiny, they can pass that energy... just goes into another body, but they don't need to contemplate, do they?

(Joe) It just seems to be a lot of those types. They're quite negative and supposedly there's an equal number of 4D STS and 4D STO, right? I'm just wondering, where do they all come from? How do you get an equal number?

(PoB) And they are coming in, in bigger numbers because it seems that the percentage is kind of constant through generations, let's say this 6% or whatever...

(L) Well, if you think about it, when you read Lobaczewski and he talks about the influence of pathological types on the human population and the percentage of the really negative psychopathic types and then the larger percentage of the other different pathologies that surround them, and then the even larger circle of those who are wounded or damaged in some way, who then are attracted to that sort of pathology. You see, kind of a similar thing is what's going on in 5D? They're only a few really negative ones and they might go directly to 4D because they achieved that level in a lifetime. But the others go and they experience what's described in all of the literature and they reincarnate and they have another chance and another chance. And maybe it takes a number of lifetimes of them going through this and experiencing that to choose right. To really choose. And then they may choose to go totally negative and then finally just go to a 4D as an STS. Is that close to what we're talking about here?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So you may see on the surface there's an awful lot of negativity, but the core of it is a small number of essential psychopaths and then the ever widening circles of lesser and lesser pathologies and then out to normal people. How many normal people do and have done and will do and are driven to or inspired to, or drawn into doing very, very bad things even though they're maybe not essentially evil, right?

(Joe) They can go and make amends and they learn through a lot. They're just saying that most people aren't that way inclined. That's why, in answer to the question, that's why you don't, in the literarature, you don't see much in the way of negative entities or beings or demons, whatever, hanging out in 5D, cuz that's not what 5D is for essentially.

(L) The essential nature of the negative entity is not to be sharing, right? So they're having an experience, they would be in their own zone. And that zone is kind of...

(Joe) Closed off, segregated.

(L) Is that also close to the way it is?

A: Yes
Going back to the Session 26 February 2022, it became evident that a natural portal facilitates the downloading into Organic Portals, or defective Organic Portals, psychopaths.
Natural portal in Ukraine is highly coveted by 4D STS!
A: Exciting times no doubt! Hollenoaea of Cassiopaea here! Ukraine is ancient site of landing of Kantekkians. It is highly coveted by 4D STS! Putin is doing service to all by attempting to remove psychopathic elements there. Unfortunately, the resistance of the power elite may lead to deaths of many innocent people.

Q: (Artemis) What is it about it that's so coveted?

(Joe) Because it's an ancient site of the landing of the Kantekkians? Why does that make it highly coveted? Some element of the population? But...

A: The geological profile complemented the energy profile making it ideal for transference.
(L) So the STS bad guys download themselves via a portal into the people there?

A: Yes
(Lukasz) How many percent of people in Ukraine are affected by downloading by STS in percent?

A: 17%
Recently, on October 7, 2023, the focus of attention for the political discussion shifted from Ukraine to Israel and the Middle East where another large natural portal is found. One may wonder how many of the people there are affected by downloading by STS. To know the percentage may be irrelevant, but judging from the parallel situation, some probably are.
Recently, on October 7, 2023, the focus of attention for the political discussion shifted from Ukraine to Israel and the Middle East where another large natural portal is found. One may wonder how many of the people there are affected by downloading by STS. To know the percentage may be irrelevant, but judging from the parallel situation, some probably are.

Some, I would say more thorbion, if I remember correctly, the Middle Easter one is bigger and under the control of the 4 density sts. So what ever energy coming trough, may be entirely to negative end. Hope I'm wrong.
Some, I would say more thorbion, if I remember correctly, the Middle Easter one is bigger and under the control of the 4 density sts. So what ever energy coming trough, may be entirely to negative end. Hope I'm wrong.
In the following session, the Cs comment on the characteristics of the Middle East portal given by RA saying: "Statements made in publication are close, but not absolute." This can be taken in different ways; it may be that the size is not exactly as mentioned, or that the portal is not as fixed as described. Perhaps it varies based on the activity below the surface, or above, as in cosmic space or perhaps other densities. It can also be a comment on the whole publication. At any rate, there is much we do not know about the function and structure of these apparently natural portals.

Session 4 October 1997
Q: Obviously this is a big one... it relates directly to the crossed shin bones, the skull, the shoulder blades, knees, elbows and a lot of other symbology... the exposed breast of the Masonic initiate. In the Bible where it says that Jesus was scourged, it is actually a word that usually means the pressing and squeezing that cause milk to express from the breast. On page 33 of 'Bringers of the Dawn,' Barbara Marciniak writes: 'there have been different portals on earth that have allowed different species, creator gods from space, to insert themselves. One of the huge portals that presently being fought over is the portal of the Middle East. If you think back over the history of the Earth, you will realize how many dramas of religion and civilization have been introduced in that portal. It's a huge portal with a radius of 1,000 miles or so. This is why there is so much activity in the Middle East. This is the portal that the Lizzies use.' Could you comment on that information. Are there other portals that are that large which are used by positive entities?

A: Portal is dual.

Q: So any can use it. Is it correct that this is a large portal over the Middle East?

A: Statements made in publication are close, but not absolute.

Q: Is this idea of portals extremely significant. Are they fought over?

A: Yes, but you do not need to explore these truths, until you have learned more.
Portal is dual, can be taken to mean that it is not only used by, or controlled by STS.

Some clarification on the topic of portals has come since 1997, as mentioned in the previous post, including the use of the portal in Ukraine by STS forces for downloading purposes. In this respect, some people in Israel could certainly have a benefit of their location, assuming the portal effect includes this area. And if it does, members of more than one group of people could be within this influence.
42 percent
Session 30 January 2010
(Belibaste) We wanted to know the percentage of psychopaths geographically speaking, like in the US, Israel, UK.

(L) Alright, let's take them one at a time.

(Belibaste) USA?

A: 23 percent.

Q: (Belibaste) United Kingdom?

A: 14 percent.

Q: (L) That's because they all went to America. (laughter)

(Ailén) Israel?

A: 42 percent.

Q: (Belibaste) France?

A: 10 percent.

Q: (Burma Jones) Russia?

A: 17

Q: (Belibaste) What about some poor country like Ethiopia?

A: 3

Q: (Joe) That's 75 million people in the US.

(Burma Jones) That's a lot of psychopaths.

(Ottershrew) What's the country that's the lowest?

A: Samoa

Q: (Belibaste) What's the percentage in Samoa?

A: 0.6

Q: (Belibaste) In Samoa there's quite a strong ethnical specificity.

(L) I don't know anything about Samoa.

(Joe) I think they're the same as the Maori.

(PoB) Just in case, is there any country with a bigger percentage than Israel?

A: Not at present

Q: (Burma Jones) So Israel is the worst at present.

(Belibaste) In the past, was there a country with a higher percentage?

A: Low Countries.

Q: (Andromeda) What about Spain?

A: 2.6

Q: (Ailén) China?

A: 0.9

Q: (Ailén) Well, there are so many people in China...

(Joe) When they said the low countries, did they all leave the low countries and go to England?

A: USA and South Africa

Q: (Ailén) What about Holland?

(L) That's the low countries.

(Ailén) But that was in the past...

(L) Oh, you mean at present?

A: Still high

Q: (L) Are you going to give us a number on that?

A: 13
One may ask if Ukraine and Israel would play the roles they do if not for their proximity to portals? Part of a consideration may be to review what the transcripts have to say about Israel, which seems to be the more important centre of influence. A turning point in the discussions was 9/11. The first excerpt is from a session that took place just five days later.

Who was behind this attack?- Israel
Session 14 September 2001
Q: We have a series of questions about this recent event. Was the attack on the World Trade Center undertaken by Moslem Terrorists?
A: No.
Q: Who was behind this attack?
A: Israel.

Q: Is it going to become known that it was Israel? Will they be exposed?
A: Yes.
Q: Is this the event that is going to lead to the destruction of Israel?
A: Yes.
Q: Is the god worshipped in Judaism, Yahwah, really Howah, the Pig God?
A: Yes.
Q: Are there going to be further terrorist attacks in the US next week as others have been predicting?
A: No.
Q: Are there going to be further terrorist attacks of this kind at any time in the near future in the U.S.?
A: No.
Q: Is this the beginning of WW III?
A: No.
Q: Is the US. Going to bomb Afghanistan?
A: Possible in future.
Q: Well, you say there aren't going to be any further attacks; can we believe you?
A: Up to you.
Q: (A) You say that Israel will be exposed; in what time perspective?
A: Month {before first hints emerge.}
Q: Expose Israel? How?
A: Yes, open. Perhaps sooner.
Q: (A) What mistake did they make?
A: Infiltrated.
Q: (A) They seem to be so smart with their god behind them, and they did such a big thing, only to make a mistake. (L) I guess we can only wait to see how it turns out. It's a spooky idea. What do countries do when something like that is discovered and they have had a long-term diplomatic relationship? They talk to each other, they pat each other on the back. What do they do? It's like having to get a divorce when everybody thought you had such a happy marriage. And when it's like this? It's like having to get a divorce after discovering that your partner has murdered your children and buried them in the back yard. (A) Yeah, but it's not so clear, because when you say "Israel," it's not one thing. There are different parties, different factions, they are fighting. We don't know.
A: Gore is pushing buttons on Capitol Hill.
Q: What does Gore have to do with anything? He lost the election. Well... (A) He had this Lieberman as his running mate. He was in bed with Jews. What kind of buttons? Huh. (L) Is he pushing buttons to expose?
A: To suppress.
Q: Well, that's the damnedest thing I ever heard. Did the U.S. Government shoot down the fourth plane as some people are suggesting?
A: Yes.
Q: Did the United States know about this attack at any time in advance of it? Did any of our people in any position to do anything, know?
A: No.
Q: Were they blindsided?
A: No. But not expecting.
Q: (A) So, they knew it was going to happen, but they didn't know when and what exactly? Is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: Is it truly a "failure of intelligence?"
A: Yes.
Q: So, the infiltrator must have learned something, but wasn't in on the whole thing?
A: Close.
Q: (A) What is the most probable scenario. There were infiltrators, they had some knowledge, and they communicated this knowledge to some part of Intelligence, but this part of Intelligence did not press to communicate it to the higher parties?
A: Yes. And it was not known plan.
Q: So the infiltrator did not know the specific plan. So, they overstepped. Hubris. (A) Which part of Israel government was behind it? (L) Probably some deep level orthodox bunch like Kochav.
A: Yes.

Q: (A) But they killed a lot of Jews. (L) They don't care. Jews killed a lot of Jews in WW II. Hubris.
A: Greed.
Ten days later, the site and the topic of the WTC was still hot.
Manufacturing evidence that Osama Bin Laden and company are behind it
Session 24 September 2001
Q: (L) You said last time that Israel was behind the attack on the WTC. They are collecting evidence that Osama Bin Laden and company are behind it. Are they manufacturing this evidence?
A: Yes.
Herding of population to much finer order of control - Preparation for war in Palestine
Q: (L) Well we plan to. What is going to happen with the Middle-eastern situation; this Afghanistan or whatever?
A: Herding of population to much finer order of control.
Q: (L) What is the purpose of this control; this increasing control.
A: Preparation for war in Palestine.
Q: (L) But nobody has said anything about having a war in Palestine. They're all talking about having a war in Afghanistan. How does Palestine fit in here?
A: It is the ultimate objective of Israel.
Q: (L) Why would they want to have war in their own country? Well, aside from the fact that they've been having a war in their own country for a long time. I guess they want to bring it to a final conclusion. What is going to be the result of this plan?
A: Destruction of Jews.

Q: (L) Well obviously this is not what THEY are planning, is it?
A: No.
Q:(L) They are planning destruction of Palestinians, right?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) It seems that through out history whenever the Jews have plotted and planned to destroy somebody, they are the ones who have ended up being destroyed themselves. Or am I misreading my history here?
A: No.
Four years later, the war in Afghanistan was at year five, the conflict in Iraq was at year three. By then, the US had decided to build a large base in Israel. The US and Israel each had their own interests, but there was more:
Is there another, third reason, that neither are aware of? - Of course.
Session 19 November 2005
Q: [...] (Perceval) What is the purpose of the new US base in Israel, the 25 square mile US base in Israel?

A: It depends on who you ask: Israel or the US.

Q: (Perceval) If we asked Israel, what would they say?

A: To protect interests.

Q: (Perceval) And if we asked the US, what would they say?

A: To protect interests.

Q: (General laughter) (L) I knew that was coming. (Galahad) And if we asked YOU, what would you say? (L) But stop. Think about what they just said. “To protect interests.” (Perceval) Obviously, America’s interests are not Israel’s interests. Is there another, third reason, that neither are aware of?

A: Of course.

Q: (Perceval) And what might that be?

A: You don’t want to know.

Q: (Perceval) Yes, I do!!! [Laughter] I always want to know these things.

A: Use your imagination, and keep it in the house.
Fast-forward more than five years, but keeping the "42 percent" from Session 30 January 2010, in mind, one finds:
Global revolution is desired by them exactly as Reed described.
Session 13 February 2011
Q: [...] (L) What's next? (Andromeda) Were the protests in Egypt orchestrated by the US and Israel?

A: No, but once started they certainly put their team in position. Global revolution is desired by them exactly as Reed described.

Q: (L) Douglas Reed? As in “The Controversy of Zion”?

A: Yes.

Q: (Andromeda) So that leads to the next question: How close are the Zionists to fulfilling their biblical end time scenario?

A: They expect things to ripen within two years.

Q: (Perceval) Is it possible that it's a preparation for a war of some description in the Middle East with Israel vs. the Arabs?

A: Possible but not likely as you imagine it.

Q: (L) I think he's imagining that they're really adversarial. The people are being made to be adversarial, but I think the powers in control even in the Arab world are all in cahoots. (Perceval) I was thinking in terms of basically where there would be a major conflagration in the Middle East and the Jews and the Palestinians and everybody would be destroyed. They would set scene where there would be a sort of pan-Arab nationalism that would turn against Israel... (L) Yeah, I think that's really possible, but they think they're going to be able to do a controlled burn and I think it's going to get out of control in ways they don't suspect.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Israel is a country that's full of the most concentrated bunch of psychopaths probably on the entire planet, and they certainly don't want to destroy their own kind. But they do want to destroy the Arabs. (Perceval) And in their hubris, they may end up destroying themselves. (L) Well, that's usually what they do. Lobaczewski said that the germ doesn't understand that it's going to be killed and destroyed and burned along with the death of the body it's infecting. And I also think that they don't take into account real earth changes. It's not that they can't think about preparing for some of these things, because obviously some of them do and they are preparing. But they don't seem to have this ability to really understand... they're able to plan for something that's going to happen, like if scientists tell them there's going to be some kind of comet or whatever, they can build some seed bank. Okay, so they can do that. But they're not ABLE to understand the implications and outcome of an action they're taking right now as an immediate response to something that they think is going to turn a certain way. They think that what they're going to do is totally rational - it's like game theory. They've found that game theory doesn't work on everybody! I think it's like Lobaczewski said: they're trying to fish out all of these people who are going to respond the way they think they are, and then they are repeatedly disappointed that so few actually do when push comes to shove. In real human beings, something responds in them. (Perceval) So, they can't imagine how normal human beings could react when their backs are against the wall and they're in a real state of chaos. (Ailen) Or if there's a real food shortage. (Perceval) They've never been there really, what they're planning for.
The above session was one month before the beginning of the civil war in Syria, one month before the NATO intervention in Libya. It was about three years before the Maidan coup in Ukraine, which began with protests in November 2013. As for "They expect things to ripen within two years" it would seem that Ukraine makes the closest fit. Whether this choice is correct or not, the next few excerpts actually do connect Israel with Ukraine directly or indirectly.

There has long been survival of Nazi ideology in various places. It has been encouraged by similar forces in the USA and Israel.
Session 17 May 2014
(Horseofadifferentcolor) I was kind of curious about Ukraine: the Cs once said in the past that Nazi Germany was a test run for everything that is happening today. Since the Nazis are kind of back in action over there, I was wondering if this is a continuation of what that was, or if it's just the US and their greed and their normal games? Or if there was something different about this Ukraine issue?

A: A combination. There has long been survival of Nazi ideology in various places. It has been encouraged by similar forces in the USA and Israel.
On July 17, 2014, there was Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 Crashes in Ukraine. The discussion of the event identified a link between what happened in Ukraine and the steps Israel took in Gaza.
Was it also to distract from what's happening in Palestine? - Absolutely!
Session 19 July 2014
Q: (L) Okay. We're going to change topics here. As you know, we just had this plane fall out of the sky over the Ukraine. Immediately the US blamed Russia, and then it started blaming the Russian-aided freedom fighters in East Ukraine. Meanwhile, the Russians say it was clearly the Ukrainians in conjunction with US/NATO/UK/Whoever. So, I guess the first thing we ought to ask is: What brought the plane down?

A: [Spiraling] Bomb on the plane placed there prior to departure.

Q: (Pierre) Schiphol airport, again! The famous Underwear Bomber place! So, MOSSAD?

(L) Who was involved?

A: Note change in altitude for "signature".

Q: (Perceval) From 35 to 33...

(L) 33. Is 33 the clue?

A: Yes. Consortium. And who is at the top of this STS pyramid??

Q: (Perceval) Figures.

(L) Who is at the top of this pyramid? And who is at the top?

(Perceval) MOSSAD.

(L) MOSSAD? The Israelis?

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) It seems the goal was to further demonize Putin and Russia. But was it also to distract from what's happening in Palestine?

A: Absolutely!

Q: (Pierre) Is it only coincidence... before MH 17, there was MH 370, this plane that disappeared from the same company. Is it just coincidence that the two incidents involve the same airline company?

A: Another "signature".

Q: (Data) Why did the plane deviate from its usual course?

A: Instructed by ATC.

Q: (Perceval) Air traffic control at Schiphol?

A: Kiev.

Q: (Perceval) So, some agent...

(L) There was some control by MOSSAD in Kiev, and that whole Nazi business going on there...

(Kniall) They've been there for DECADES!

A: Yes!

Q: (L) I think that was answering Kniall there.

(Data) Why was it necessary to change the course with a bomb on board?

(L) So it would fall where it did. They had to change the course to put it in the middle of the war zone.

(Ark) The Russians were saying that the timing was a little bit miscalculated because it was supposed to come down closer to the Russian territory so that it would be easier to blame Russia.

A: Yes.

Q: (Pierre) It exploded too early.

(L) Yeah, they're so lazy, they never get anything perfect.

(Chu) Or too impatient.

A: But most people are so gullible it doesn't matter.

Q: (Perceval) You can say that again.

(Kniall) Another signature. That suggests some planning at a level behind the first Malaysian plane...

(L) No it doesn't. It's just like answering back to what happened to that first one.

(Pierre) It's like, "They removed the 370, so we'll bring down the 17!"

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Which is really screwed up when you think about it. The signal is strong, ya know? Okay, we make MH 370 disappear. And the only answer they have instead of behaving better is, "Okay, we bring down MH 17, and we increase even more the lies and suffering!"

(Perceval) So these signatures are used for what? Just for fun? For whose benefit?

A: Pride, hubris, warnings to those who know.

Q: (Chu) On the session when we talked about the interpreters and stuff, the plane {that disappeared, Flight 370}, if I understood correctly, was a message...

(L) It was a warning...

(Chu) To not go too far.

(L) And they've basically answered by saying, "Up yours!"

A: Yes.

Q: (Chu) So would that mean that there really is a "law" that can prevent them from really going full-blown and starting a war?

(L) There's no law that can prevent them, no.

(Chu) They can go to war if they want to. It's just not in their interest to go too far.

(L) I don't think they think about what's in their interest. I think they're too far gone.

(Perceval) Well, hang on... The original idea was that it was some kind of bleedthrough. So, it was a natural thing. It wasn't necessarily a warning from anybody. They just interpreted it that way. They didn't see it as something was telling them, "Don't you dare!"

(L) Yeah, they don't see it that way. But it SHOULD have been a warning IF they had been paying attention.

(Perceval) As in a cause and effect kind of way. If you keep going like this, you're gonna...

(Chu) But the effect would have been that they would have seen it as, "You can't go too far here..."

(L) IF they had understood it. If they had understood that the conditions that were causing bleedthroughs and so on and so forth were a result of their actions and their behaviors globally speaking... If they had understood that, they would have said, "Hmm, weird things are happening. Let's rethink what's going on and what we're doing!" But instead, they interpreted it...

(Pierre) And they did the opposite, and they're raising the ante. They're worsening the situation.

(Perceval) What I was thinking earlier on was that, if the original idea was that they couldn't go too far, as in spark a major war with Russia by sending NATO into the Ukraine or whatever, they backed off from that because of their interpretation of the {disappearance of Flight 370}... As in, a plane went missing, it's a bit dodgy, we don't know what's going on, let's just cool it a bit...

(L) Somebody backed off...

(Perceval) Somebody backed off. So if that's true in that sense, shooting down a plane was like a Plan B or a second option that wasn't the full-scale kind of war {they may have been planning; it was on the level of mass emotional manipulation; an information war as opposed to an actual war. Because it's an all-out information war going on now because of this.
The following is quite long, since I included the discussion preceding the comment on Gaza. An important point is:
The killing will continue until even the "silent majority" find their voice
Session 23 August 2014
(Menrva) I wanted to ask about Ferguson, Missouri. We wanted to know if the events there were a marker?

A: Not a marker per se, it was an opportunity.

Q: (Perceval) It was an opportunity for people to wake up, see what's going on, and take action. But they didn't. It was a missed opportunity by the people.

(L) Yeah.

A: The killing will continue until even the "silent majority" find their voice. They were silent at the exposure of Ferguson and many previous incidents. But notice that the anger is still building and psychopaths always miscalculate.

Q: (Pierre) That's a message of hope. There will be a reaction eventually.

(Perceval) They'll miscalculate in that they'll allow the killing to continue, and they don't realize that there's a breaking point where there's a string of murders, just killing people gratuitously in the street, and that will trigger large percentage of people...

(Andromeda) Something will break...

(Perceval) And that's what they can't budget for because they're psychopaths. All of these shootings by cops are the result of the ponerization of America and the influx of psychopaths into society and into positions of power; more ordinary psychopaths, the only place they can get power is the police force; so, they flood the police forces because they're not smart enough to be politicians. Then they get guns and start shooting people. That's not part of their plan. I mean, I don't think they're trying to incite revolution by killing people. It's just a function of psychopaths in the police force doing what they do. It's going to be a war between them and ordinary people.

(Andromeda) It'll be like in V for Vendetta.

A: Psychopaths see these events as reasons to impose more controls, but that only results in more pressure and more anger which will reach a global tipping point.

Q: (Pierre) Doesn't it mean national or international revolt?

A: "Tipping points" can be other than human initiated actions.

Q: (Pierre) Cosmic reactions.

(L) Yeah.

(Perceval) Earth changes.

(Pierre) It would have been better that humans react. {Note: if humans don’t take care of their problems, the cosmos will.}

(Chu) But that makes sense like with dictatorships where people were oppressed and killed in front of other people, and still the people submitted. If it's not a cosmic type of reaction, people won't react now. They just don't have it in them.

(L) Yeah, I think the big key to what's going on here is the global nature of the repression, the killing, the suppression, you know?

(Perceval) It's linked because they say, okay, the effect of psychopaths can cause people to rise up and have a revolution. But other than that, it would be nature. It reminds me of that 2004 tsunami when they said...

(L) “If you can't create within, you create without”. When people's creativity is suppressed...

(Perceval) …it manifests externally. It was a wave of creativity that was being suppressed, and it was a wave that came in and destroyed everything, you know what I mean?

(L) Yeah.

(Pierre) There's a circle, or negative feedback loop described with the dynastic cycle {in “Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection}...

(L) That's a positive feedback loop of negative events.

(Pierre) Yeah, you're right. More earth events, more desperation, more control, more anger, and it keeps feeding itself.

(L) Okay, next question?

(KJN) Will Israel get its comeuppance and the Gaza atrocities abate?

A: Israel will certainly "pay the piper", but perhaps not soon enough.

Q: (L) I just keep wanting a comet to just come down on Tel Aviv. There was a session years ago where the C's warned us not to go to Tel Aviv. We were invited to a conference, and they suggested that we not go because they could see something really big coming for Tel Aviv at some point in the future. Now, that was years ago, but you know how time is for the Cs; it's irrelevant. So, I suspect that there IS something really big coming for Tel Aviv.

(Pierre) Something of cosmic origin?

(L) Possibly, we don't know.

(Perceval) One of the depressing things I was thinking about was that the world needs - in a strange way - Israel and the Zionists to do what they're doing, i.e. massacring civilians, to provide an opportunity for the people of the world to wake up and make a choice; a last opportunity to make a choice between yes and no, good and evil, etc. In that sense, they serve a purpose. So that kind of stuff will continue on until the very last.

(L) So it's like in the Book of Revelation: the Palestinians are the saints.

(Perceval) By dying for humanity, in a certain sense...

(Pierre) What is the nature of the big event coming to Tel Aviv?

(L) You know they're not gonna tell you that! They would have told me that way back then. Wait and see!

A: Yes.

Q: (Kniall) Read Pierre's book. [laughter]

(L) Alright, next?
Wishful thinking exposes the man behind the curtain
Session 26 October 2015
(Perceval) I have a question about Israel. Is the Israeli government/Zionists/people in control of Israel planning some kind of imminent "final solution" for Palestinians?

A: Wishful thinking exposes the man behind the curtain.

Q: (L) So, they may be planning. And they may try something. But they may dig a pit for someone else and fall into it. That's kind of what the US did.

(Perceval) Yeah, what Russia is doing in Syria and Iraq now is changing the political allegiances and stuff in the Middle East. If Israel is thinking it can do stuff now like what they've been doing for so long with impunity, that might now bring the long held-back wrath of Arab nations on its head.

(L) Okay, any other questions?

(Ennio) Getting back to knowledge and communication... Is there any particular area of knowledge that people should be focusing on?

A: Self knowledge and ones own weaknesses.

Q: (L) I think being really really aware of hyperdimensional forces, as above so below, and how all of those interact, etc. I think that we've done enough for this evening. I'm tired.

A: Help is on the way! Goodbye.
Downing of Metrojet Flight 9268 over the northern Sinai Peninsular on October 31, 2015 --- Energy weapons, Kabbalists
Session 7 November 2015
(Perceval) What caused the downing of the Russian plane in the Sinai?

A: External, think Mossad and energy weapons.

Q: (Andromeda) That was my first guess.

(Perceval) That was my first guess, as well.

(Approaching Infinity) Did it have anything to do with the US/Israel wargames happening then?

A: Cover for same.

Q: (L) What was that flight that went down over the Atlantic way back when? The C's talked about it.

(Perceval) TWA Flight 800?

(L) Yeah, Flight 800.

A: Yes. Similar system.

Q: (Niall) Did that incident have anything to do with the cyclone that was going toward Yemen?

A: Utilized energy.

Q: (Perceval) Utilized energy in the 3D sense, or in the sense that weather can be associated with 4D?

A: Charged atmosphere enhances the effect.

Q: (Pierre) During 9/11, there was a similar high-energy weapon in conjunction with an unexpected cyclone...

A: Yes

Q: (L) So they're just experimenting with this kind of stuff. They're playing with it.

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Deadly games.

(Perceval) So, it was intentional, right?

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) Similar to that... Hurricane Rita on 9/11?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And it's funny: Everybody forgets about the fact that there was this hurricane there at that time.

(Pierre) Going straight to Manhattan, and then it turns!

(Niall) The one that hit Yemen was the first one ever to hit there.

(Perceval) Yeah, the first one to make landfall.

(Chu) So, that could mean they had some help from the 4D quarters.

A: Yes. We told you that the battles would be disguised as weather.

Q: (L) And that means the 4D battles.

(Perceval) That's what they said at the time, that 4D battles represent as weather. And Mossad is close...

(L) It's getting close to interfacing...

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) And it's being disguised as weather, like a microburst.

(Scottie) Didn't our tornado here happen after the Katrina thing, but obviously before the past several weeks?

(Chu) On the 31st of August.

(Scottie) So, maybe we need to pay close attention when 16 trees fall.

A: Indeed!

Q: (Approaching Infinity) But 16 trees... Aren't there 16 people between both houses here?

(L) Pattern recognition run amok! [laughter]

(Perceval) Calm down, Approaching Infinity! [laughter] So, when they say "Mossad" as an answer to a lot of these questions, we're not really talking about the overt Israeli government here, right?

A: No. Kabbalists.

Q: (Perceval) Does the Russian government have any idea that that's who shot the plane down?

A: Oh indeed!

Q: (L) That's why they've taken the path of accepting the ISIS explanation, because that gives them time to...

(Perceval) They haven't really accepted that yet. They're telling everybody to just calm down until the investigation is over.

(PoB) Can it be discovered by the investigation?

A: This kind of weapon does not leave the usual traces. But it does have a "signature".

Q: (Perceval) There are a couple of strange things. One of them was the 3-year-old girl who was a victim was found 34 kilometers away from the crash site. It was just one girl that was found that far away.

(Andromeda) So, part of the plane broke apart, like there was a hole... Even if it didn't break apart, she could have...

(Perceval) Maybe. Or maybe it was high-energy, or a bleedthrough or distortion of spacetime...

A: Yes

Q: (L) Spacetime distortion.

(Niall) Like the Philadelphia Experiment.

(Perceval) There was another strange thing. The front of the plane right up to the cockpit and the wings was all lying in more or less one piece, but completely burned. The picture from above showed two perfectly black wings attached to the body, but it looked like it was spontaneously combusted or something. This was after it supposedly hit the ground! Very strange. It looked like somebody had set fire to it on the ground.

A: Effects of the energy.

Q: (Atreides) Remember during 9/11 how all that stuff was burnt, but only on one half?

(L) Yeah, in a strange pattern.

(Atreides) And all the iron was removed, but the aluminum was left intact.

(Niall) I think I also saw a photo where a whole section of the actual carriage was intact. So, from the ground...

(L) And, there were pictures of the luggage that was all intact, so it couldn't have been a bomb in the hold.

(Perceval) It was almost like a case of spontaneous human combustion.

(L) It was like some things in a certain space were incinerated, but other things were intact...

(Perceval) Or made of a certain material. And there are no reports of being burned, but a lot of bodies were dismembered.

(L) Yeah, that's some kind of hellacious weapon, huh?

A: Indeed. Russia has equivalents.

Q: (Perceval) So, they know.

(Chu) How often have these weapons been used? We already know of three cases.

A: More often than you think though often on a smaller scale.

Q: (Perceval) Remember a few years ago that town in Italy where the water pipes would burn? They said that was target practice.

(L) Jesus. All that stuff that's now coming together... Alright, let's quickly do what we've gotta do. I'm tired.

(Galatea) Ya know the story about Elisa Lam, the girl in the elevator who was hiding from something. Then she went out to talk to it, and she started waving her hands weirdly. So, I wanted to ask what did she see or what was she running from?

[ Elisa Lam Elevator footage

A: Golem!

Q: (Galatea) It looked like Gollum?

(L) It's a Jewish monster.

(Pierre) Made from mud.

(Galatea) It was actually a mud monster?

A: Close.

Q: (Galatea) Must freak you out to see that!

(Perceval) Did she herself climb into the water tank?

A: No

Q: (Perceval) How did she get into that water tank?

A: Spacetime distortion.

Q: (Atreides) But a golem is an instrument of revenge created by someone to kill or protect somebody else. So, if it's a golem, who sent it and why was it targeting a Canadian Chinese girl in Los Angeles?

A: Target practice.
There is a reason that Galatea thought of it at this moment.

Q: (L) So, we're talking about some kind of thing that blows open realm curtains?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And things come through?

A: Yes

Q: (Atreides) So nobody sent the golem after her?

A: Not specifically.

Q: (L) So, it's just kinda like mothman or something.

(Approaching Infinity) A golem is this Jewish myth kind of thing, and they said target practice...

(L) Don't get stuck on the Jewish myth thing.

(Approaching Infinity) Yeah, but we've talked about energy weapons, and target practice. And Mossad...

(L) Golem, Kabbalists...

(Chu) And two girls missing due to spacetime distortion...

(Andromeda) And funny enough, me and Perceval just watched an episode of the X-Files about a golem a few nights ago.

(L) Oh my god!

(Andromeda) And last night it was about an airplane crash due to alien interference!

(L) Okay, creeped out now... Well, we're gonna...

(Galatea) Wait, when Elisa Lam was moving her hands in this really bizarre way in the elevator video, why was she moving her hands like that?

A: Trying to persuade the creature to leave her alone.

Q: (Perceval) Is something that only she could see?

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) So, it kind of like created some kind of alternate reality around her, or she was transported into a parallel...

A: Partly.

Q: (Galatea) It was attuned to her specifically.

(Perceval) A bleedthrough, yeah.

(Atreides) So, what did the golem that's not a golem want from her?

A: Energy.

Q: (Galatea) Does that golem live in that specific place, or was that a one-time thing?

A: The location has useful energy patterns for such purposes.

[ Information on the hotel Elisa Lam stayed at: _ ]

Q: (L) So basically, there are just people who have these things and who like sit in their little control booths or something, and... I mean like all these missing people in this Missing 411 book... Somebody is just frickin' playing with the human race!

A: Yes

Q: (Approaching Infinity) In this latest book, they're going after the best and brightest: athletes, young men that seemed to have promising futures, etc.

A: So, with all of this kind of knowledge, why do you not stay aware of what can be turned against you?

Q: (Perceval) I guess we will!

(L) I guess.

(Perceval) It's time to get hyper-paranoid. Scottie, lead us all in the hyper-paranoid way... that's not really hyper-paranoid! [laughter]

A: Stay aware! Goodbye.
In early November 2016, Donald Trump was elected President of the United States.
Trump - He knows what he is up against!
Session 12 November 2016
Q: (Pierre) Ya know, there's been a recurring pattern lately. These mistakes they made with allowing Putin to be elected in Russia, the mistakes with Brexit, and now the mistakes they made with Trump... This series of mistakes, what is it due to?

A: Wishful thinking.

Q: (Pierre) It seems to be happening more lately. Is it the coming Wave, or...?

A: Pressure and desperation makes for haste and carelessness.

Q: (L) Well, I guess the only question is: Will Trump make any kind of decent president considering he's so loaded with ego?

A: Wait and see!

Q: (L) Well he's already picking some people that I consider to be quite questionable. His attitude towards Israel and the Palestinians is completely delusional.

A: Yes... It seems...

Q: (Galatea) He's playing everybody, I think. My impression is that everything he's been doing has just been an act, and he's secretly, covertly doing some good things. He's just being evil to be good.

A: Close. He knows what he is up against!

Q: (Joe) You don't just walk into a system like that that's very entrenched and start knocking things over and throwing people around the place and cutting ties. If you wanna do anything, you have to ingratiate yourself and make like you're part of the team, ya know? And THEN gather your forces...

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) When you've gathered your forces, then you can do something.

(Pierre) That's a smart move. I mean he's not even president and now he can't go against Israel full blown. It's too powerful. Apparently, he has plans in his head but he cannot disclose it because he knows it's too early. So there is hope.

(Data) He learned all that doing business.

(Pierre) Yeah. You don't disclose your information.

(Joe) Even though he's a businessman, he's been in political circles as well. He would know the way Washington works.

(Pierre) You know in this video about Trump over the past 30 years, what keeps coming back is this guy has been sticking to his ideas. He seems to...

A: Keep in mind that he is not a "green horn".

Q: (Pierre) In those videos, he keeps coming back to talking about ordinary people suffering, about Americans losing their jobs. Is the man - despite his success and money - really driven by empathy or a deep desire to make the life of Americans better?

A: He sees the waste of human resources as bad business.

Q: (Joe) He's just practical about it. The level of evil and corruption that exists in the current political elite is so bad that at this point, you wouldn't need a holy saint or do-gooder to make things better. You'd just need a relatively normal human being.

(L) You need a relatively normal human being who is relatively decent. He's got a past like everybody else. He's made mistakes like everybody else, and he knows it. He's admitted it.

(Joe) Someone who sees the waste of human resources as bad business, well, it IS bad business. Any normal person could see that. You don't have to be a saint to see that. It's just bad business. But the ones in power right now are just...

(L) They're in SUCH a bubble...

(Joe) They're off the leash. They waste money, resources, everything willingly. They don't give a crap.
In the same session:
Watch closely for events that will reveal the "man behind the curtain."
Q: (Joe) Is one of the main reasons that Trump and every other president who comes into power immediately goes and makes nice with Israel, has that got a lot to do with this Epstein guy and others like him who blackmail everybody? Essentially, does Israel control by blackmailing? It's not so much that Israel's our best friend, but...

A: Close. Watch closely for events that will reveal the "man behind the curtain."

Q: (L) And that is in the context of Jeffrey Epstein and Israel blackmailing people in power - literally everybody.

(Joe) Do they have anything on Trump?

A: Not much.

Q: (Joe) That gives him some leverage.
The Syrian Civil War had its beginning in 2011 and by 2016, the West had tried much to change the internal politics, in part by financing, training and supporting armed groups, that fought the forces of the Syrian Government. It is on this background that the following discussion took place, where also Israel is mentioned. I have included the passage with the discussion that followed the answer from the Cs.
Session 10 December 2016
Q: (L) Okay, so onto the political questions... I noticed the other day there was an article about the senator from Hawaii, Tulsi Gabbard, introducing a bill to ban the sale or delivery of weapons or aid to terrorists. Does anybody else remember reading it?

(Pierre) Yes. It wanted to limit the sale of weapons to the "moderate rebels".

(L) Yeah, ban or limit. And as soon as she did that, Obama waives any restrictions on the sales and delivery of arms and other things to terrorists, basically! They call them "non-state actors". Did he do that deliberately to sidestep this bill she was introducing?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are they doing that to try to salvage what they can from the situation in Syria because it looks like Russia is pretty much doing a mop-up operation? Is it that trying to salvage their terrorist army?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And Lavrov of course says that what they're doing is not going to make any difference. I kind of got the feeling that what he was saying was, "You can give them all the weapons you want, but we're gonna wipe them out!"

(Pierre) It's too little, too late.

(L) Yeah. I mean, what is WRONG with these people?

A: They are driven by a lust for money which equals power in your world. Plus the drivers of 4D STS agency to establish total control before changes of a cosmic nature.

Q: (L) Obviously the idea of all that money is dangled in front of them and that gets them to do part of what they do, but it's just freaking crazy! I never imagined I would see something like what's going on nowadays! The level of the lies they tell... And almost everybody knows they're lying! But they say it anyway as though saying it can make it true. It's crazy!

(Pierre) Wishful thinking.

(L) So, what's the ultimate outcome?

A: We have discussed this in the past.

Q: (L) So they want war with Iran. They want to take over Iran?

A: Just hang on and observe what happens in the next 40 or so days. It will give you chills up your spine.

Q: (Joe) Why do you think Iran?

(L) Well, Israel wants Iran. Israel wants to destroy Iran and institute their god knows what... I dunno what they want!

(Joe) I think Iran's off the table at this point.

(L) But some of them are trying to put it back. Even Trump. The thing was that years ago, we asked what was going to be the ultimate outcome, and they said the destruction of Israel. All of this manipulating and maneuvering that Israel is doing, they will only end up destroying themselves.

(Joe) Iran is... With Russia's intervention, they couldn't even get close to what they wanted in Syria with 26 million people. Iran is like 80 million people and much more powerful.

(L) Yeah, but that doesn't stop them from wanting it. I think they figured if they could get Syria, then they could go for Iran.

(Joe) But they haven't gotten Syria.

(L) Yeah, but they still think they're gonna get it! That's why Obama is sending these 200 people, Turkey is sending these 300 people, they've released funds and ammunition...

(Andromeda) They’re cra-cra!

(PoB) They want to question the nuclear treaty with Iran.

(L) It's just insane. So... Alright.

(Andromeda) 40 days??

(Chu) That coincides with Trump actually getting into power.

(Data) It also coincides with the "after Christmas" remark they once said.

(Joe) 40 days is right up until before Trump becomes inaugurated. That's in line with what the Obama gang have done with this weapons to terrorists business. Sounds like they're gonna continue...

(L) Yeah, like they've got 40 days in which to play in the playground, so they're gonna give it all they've got!

(Pierre) They're desperate, so they're going to try to do everything in 40 days.

(Joe) What you do is you create such a mess, you set a fire just before you leave, and then leave Trump to deal with it.

(L) Yeah...

(Joe) And it's not something he can deal with. It sounds more like with sending the weapons like MANPADs to the jihadi nutjobs, if they start shooting down Russian and Syrian planes... If they did that, well then...

(L) All bets on what Russia will do are off.
To be continued...
Continuation of the last post

The next excerpt concerns the Skripal case. In the exchange, there is a question, with an interesting answer from the Cs:
Is there anything that can stop this madness? - No there isn't nor would you want to stop it!
Session 14 April 2018
Q: (Joe) Were those Skripal people poisoned with some kind of nerve agent?

A: Yes. But not as advertised and ineptly done!

Q: (Joe) So who did it?

A: Your favorite spies!

Q: (Joe) Figures. The Israelis, yes?

(L) Probably.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Did the Israelis do it without the cooperation of the British spy organizations?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And they set it up to make look like Russia did it just to create all of this hostility?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) The organizations and officials in the UK, they believe it. They're not in the plan.

(Joe) That's the best way to do it. You just drop it in their laps, and they just react the way they're told to react.

(Chu) And that explains why they're still alive because if they had wanted to make them shut up easily, they would be dead somehow. But they're not.

(L) Yeah, if they had done it, they would have killed them in the hospital.

(Joe) That's the Israelis. They're stirring the pot against Russia behind the scenes, but directly with Russia they're all smiles and, "Russia's our friend!"

(L) Was there a gas attack in Douma?

A: Only on video.

Q: (Joe) They're just making stuff up and running with it. The problem is the media. The problem is that the media just carries the stories.

(L) I was reading stuff today, and it occurred to me that the way they're pushing to clamp down... And this goes back to, "getting desperate as the changes approach". It occurs to me that the clampdown on sharing of information via shadow banning on Facebook, deciding who is or is not an acceptable source of information, banning RT from Washington, DC, and several other things... All of this tends to suggest that they are tightening up the propaganda mechanism because they - somebody - is planning to put everything on a war footing. I mean, I can see no other reason for this need to control what people think. They plan to do things that they don't want people to share information about. It's not just ordinary things like what's going on. They don't care about being embarrassed. They don't care about being exposed. For cryin' all night, this guy McCabe! He lied under oath three times. That's the same thing that they arrested Paul Manafort for, what they got Flynn for: for lying to the FBI in an interview! Hillary Clinton: There's so much evidence on that woman that she should be behind bars for the rest of her life. But it's obvious that being exposed or being revealed as swamp creatures doesn't result in any kind of consequences. So it can't be that that they're afraid of.

(Joe) They're afraid of Russia, basically.

(L) They want to DO things, they plan to do things that they don't want people to know. They want people to be behind them, to blacken Russia to the nth degree so that everyone in the country will get behind them. It's important for them to have the agreement of the people behind them when they go to war or when they do something.

(Joe) I don't think it's necessarily that they want to "do" something, but they want to stop something from happening.

(L) What?

(Joe) They want to stop people's minds from being affected by something close to the truth.

(L) But it doesn't make any difference. They don't change their actions...

(Joe) I think there's a nonlinear effect.

(L) Well, I dunno... I mean, look at this John Bolton and Mike Pompeo. They're Neocon war hawks!

(Joe) Yeah, and they’re in there to ramp up the attacks on Russia.

(L) I think they actually think they're going to have a war!

(Joe) Russia is too smart for them. They can have a World War III with nukes, and everyone is dead. But short of that, they're going to have to accept the new reality.

(Ark) They can have a war to destroy Iran.

(L) That's what Israel wants.

(Ark) That's what they're preparing for. That will be the next one.

(L) Didn't the C's say years ago that that was the ultimate objective?

(Joe) Well, Iran, Iraq, Libya...

(L) The ultimate objective was Iran, but it would result in the destruction of Israel.

(Joe) They may be trying to go in that direction, but it's very foolish.

(L) Is there anything... I guess it's a stupid question to ask, but: Is there anything that can stop this madness?

A: No there isn't nor would you want to stop it!

Q: (L) Why wouldn't I want to stop it?

A: Cleansing.

Q: (L) It's a cleansing. In other words, these people...

(Pierre) You're going to end up with the destruction of the bad guys.

(Joe) Because the bad guys are going to get it in the neck. The problem is in the Middle East. That's where they're desperate, and Israel is desperate. And they see a major change in global power coming, and they'll be sidelined along with America. That's what they want to stop. If it's centered in the Middle East, then they're going to have to have a war in the Middle East, including with Iran. Russia's been quietly selling all sorts of weapons...

(L) I think Russia and Iran have been quietly arming themselves. One of the reasons they've been so patient is that not only does it exhibit their Zen consciousness, but it also gives them time to arm themselves to the teeth!

(Joe) Right. And the Chinese...

(L) They're building weapons and super-weapons like crazy while America and much of the West is piddling around.

(Pierre) That's why the US war hawks are desperate. They know that every day that passes, the gap between Russia, China, and the USA is widening. The US is lagging behind more and more. The more you wait for a war, the more you are likely to lose. But they've really passed the point of no return, I think. Today, if they wage war, they're going to lose.

(Joe) The gap is getting smaller.

(Pierre) To me, they're already past the point.

(L) That's why they passed that gargantuan military spending bill. Problem is, the US doesn't have the infrastructure or skilled workers for it anymore.

(Joe) If what the Russians said last night in Syria is true, all of America's fancy nice, new, and smart weapons were shot down with 1960's era anti-missile systems.

(L) In other words, the US smart missiles weren't so smart.

A: Just you wait! It is going to get VERY interesting very soon!

Q: (L) Well, shouldn't you be telling us some more information like besides that, "it's going to get very interesting"?

A: You are doing well enough! To know more would not be healthy.

Q: (L) So you're saying that the knowledge that we have and that the use of our own faculties to analyze things is sufficient?

A: Yes

(Artemis) Why wouldn't it be healthy? Whatchoo talkin' ‘bout? Knowledge protects, man! [laughter]

(Joe) We'd talk about it on Facebook, and then we'd get hit by a Tomahawk cruise missile.

(Pierre) If it reached its destination...
Commenting on the above, something interesting certainly has happened since April 2018, wouldn't you agree? We have had COVID with lockdowns and mask requirement in many countries, beginning in early 2020, then the Trump reelection effort was sidelined by the totalitarian trend among the US establishment at the end of the year, followed by mass COVID vaccinations in 2021, followed by Russia reacting to NATO in Ukraine in 2022, and now in October 2023, we have witnessed conflict in Israel with Gaza being a focal point so far. Another significant event, could be the fire at Notre Dame de Paris on April 15, 2019. A month later there was this discussion:
The fire at Notre Dame de Paris
Destruction of symbol: Our Lady Mother, i.e. Earth.
Session 18 May 2019
(Pierre) I wanted to ask about Notre Dame de Paris. Was it an accident?

A: No

Q: (Pierre) Now, a lot of conspiracy theories are about this massive real estate project, making money, etc. What was the fundamental motive of this arson at Notre Dame?

A: Destruction of symbol: Our Lady Mother, i.e. Earth.

Q: (Pierre) I noticed often in those false flag operations they have prepared in advance a conspiracy theory for the mass audience. Here the conspiracy theory is money. It's about getting oil, getting fancy buildings. But really, behind that, the real perpetrators are working on deeper things like symbols, ideologies, feelings.

(L) Symbols are so important. It's like the movie V for Vendetta. He was talking about Parliament as a symbol.

(Chu) It's the collective unconscious. And how did they do it? Was it thermite or what?

A: Normal fire elements. It didn't take more than that.

Q: (L) Accelerant of some sort. And then it's in such a place that it's hard to get any firefighters in there, and there were delays. So, is it possible that STS forces were controlling the minds and hearts of the people involved setting the fire and dealing with the fire?

A: Yes!!

Q: (L) Okay, any other questions?

(Pierre) But it was not a normal citizen thinking...

(L) No, it was controlled individuals.

(Pierre) Isolated individuals, or intelligence group organized?

(L) I would say it's probably what we call the crypto-geographic thing working on a lot of people.

(Pierre) Not Mossad?

(L) I don't think it has to be Mossad all the time.

(Pierre) It feels very cabalistic here. Christianity is the old time enemy.

(Joe) If it's social engineering, if it's an attempt to affect the mass mind by destroying one of the symbols, that would play into the...

(Pierre) Let's ask: Who did it?

A: Not one entity. Fire was set by manipulated Muslim group.

Q: (L) And who was manipulating the group?

A: Your favorite STS intel agency.

Q: (Joe) Mossad?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Yeah.

(Joe) It was basically a terror attack.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) It's the same modus operandi: a bunch of manipulated Muslims.

(Pierre) But this time, unlike similar scenarios, the media didn't point the finger immediately to some Muslim terrorists. It would have been a perfect opportunity to further demonize the Muslims and push up the clash of civilizations. Why didn't they offer to the public audience a Muslim patsy?

(L) Well, in case you haven't noticed, they haven't been doing that so much lately After the last couple of Muslim incidents like the Charlie Hebdo and Muhammed Merah, everything got turned around! Now Muslims are the oppressed! They are a protected species!

(Joe) The agenda over the past number of years has been to create in the minds of Western Christians the idea that Muslims are evil terrorists. And then whenever the programmed people rise up and say, "Muslims are evil! We don't want them here!" the manipulators tell them that they're evil racists and they should shut up. So, people have already kind of assumed that it was Muslims...

(L) They put them in this situation because it's cognitive dissonance.

(Pierre) So they are so programmed into thinking these thought patterns that you don't have to give the patsy.

(Joe) There were so many other events around the ND fire about other Christian churches with fires or attacks. There was a lot of suggestion that Muslims were doing it.

(L) They have manipulated things around now to the point where Christianity can be basically demonized and destroyed after they'd already manipulated Christians to think that Muslims are terrorists. So now, they're the bad guys for thinking what they've been manipulated to think. They've essentially put themselves in the position of being subject to destruction.

(Chu) It's like a super-evil way of gaslighting people.

(L) It's insidious. As far as I can see, Islam and Judaism as they are practiced today based on what Israel Shahak wrote, those are the closest things to materialistic Satanism that I've ever seen. And I'm not whitewashing Christianity either, but there are some foundational things about it that were truly good and benevolent.

A: Yes

Q: (L) If people could get back to the original Paleochristianity then the world would be a different place. But you're certainly not going to get there by materialistic Darwinism.

(Pierre) But when you look at history with a lot of distance, the feeling I get is that the most fundamental dynamic is that: the destruction of Christianity. And all we see today is...

A: How do you propose that they could make it possible to destroy Christianity?

Q: (L) Well, exactly what they're doing. Set up an opposition and then defend the opponent as a downtrodden minority.

(Joe) The point is that... I mean, you have in your head that there's going to be some kind of clash of civilizations, but that doesn't seem to be the point. If you look at social media today, they've gotten to the point where Christians are denounced as basically atavistic racist backward nutjobs. When they...

(Artemis) I think they want to speak...

A: It was the plan all along. Beware! It is coming to fruition and only those who stay awake and aware can navigate. The STS forces are determined to quash awareness and the possibility of seeding a new reality.

Q: (L) So you're saying that - and I guess you've said it before - that the importance of tuning the antennae of a group of people, the importance of staying awake and aware, is because you then become a receiver for creative energies?

A: Yes yes yes!!!

Q: (Joe) Is it that people who have a certain awareness which is equivalent to information or ideas or conception of the world in their mind, that this contributes building blocks for a new reality?

A: It is not that those who endure to the end will be saved, but that those who endure to the end shall save others. It is your choice to be among those who choose to be a part of the vanguard of the new reality!!!


(L) So that is basically being addressed to anybody who reads this session.

(Andromeda) It's not just surviving or enduring that's the point.

(L) It's to survive and serve others!

The assassination of an Iranian general
At the beginning of 2020, a leading Iranian general in the IRGC and commander of the Quds forces, Qasem Soleimani, was assassinated. Around the same time, a Ukrainian passenger plane was downed. What was going on?
Back room deal
Session 22 February 2020
(L) I have some questions about this Soleimani thing. I was really, REALLY upset with Trump about this Soleimani assassination. I mean, that guy seemed like such a nice guy! He looked like a nice guy!

(Joe) He had a funny eye.

(L) Didn't he?

(Joe) But was he?

(L) Well, the question is was he a really nice guy? I guess that's not a question I should ask. That's a value judgment. Uh...

(PoB) Nice for friends, not nice for enemies.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. So, the thing that I thought about it because of Iran's really lukewarm response to the whole thing... I mean, that's the kind of thing that starts freaking wars! Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination started World War I!! Anyway... So here we get this guy assassinated and we didn't get WW III already. So, that made me suspicious. And then they had this little response that was like milquetoast.

(Pierre) It was scripted all along.

(L) Yeah, like it was scripted...

A: Back room deal.

Q: (L) So are you saying that Trump and the Iranians had a backroom deal to take out this guy Soleimani because the Iranians may have actually wanted him gone?

A: Yes

Q: (PoB) Which Iranians?

(Joe) Rouhani and the Ayatollah.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So was it decided upon from Trump's perspective as a kind of gift to keep the Israelis happy?

(L) He got to make a grand gesture for his warmongering Deep State and appease Israel, and Iran got rid of somebody that they were getting more and more afraid of.

A: Yes

Q: (L) But still, I don't think the Ayatollahs were the good guys. So maybe he was a good guy. I mean, come on! Those people (Muslims) make women wear...

(Joe) Well... Not the ayatollahs, but...

A: Now now! Don't judge a book...

Q: [laughter] (Joe) Why was the Ukrainian plane shot down? Was it actually a mistake?

A: No

Q: (Joe) Was it something along the lines that we theorized? The missile system was fooled?

A: The systems were co-opted by nefarious agents.

Q: (Joe) And would that be Mossad?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Our favorite spy group.

(Niall) Does that mean then that the same elements in the Iranian regime that made a deal to take out Soleimani helped to cover it up?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Right. They didn't want a big to-do about it. The point wasn't to start any kind of conflict.

(L) Was anybody important on that plane?

(Joe) Not really.

(PoB) Was there anything hiding behind the plane?

A: No
Moving forward to 2023, there was a long session discussion about the influences on human affairs from 4D STS. One question from a Forum member was: Who or what is making Netanyahu push Israel to the brink? To which Laura answered:
I think we have that answer! [laughter] Already answered there!
Session 29 July 2023
(Ze Germans) Are there any conflicting 4D STS groups or races operating on the Earth at the moment or all of them are more or less cooperating with each other?

A: Not cooperating with each other. That is the wrong concept. They operate under the control of an hierarchical system with an overlord pulling the strings or levers as the case may be.

Q: (L) So they don't play nicely with each other unless they're overseen by a dictatorial being who commands their obedience. Is that it more or less?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And who's the overlord?

(L) Who's the overlord? Oh...

(Andromeda) Slip that one in...

A: You don't want to know!

Q: (Possibility of Being) I want to know.

(Joe) I don't want to know, but PoB does. [laughter]

(L) You think that's gonna fly?

(Joe) I'll cover my ears...

A: Science fiction is often inspired. Think of someone similar to the emperor, but far more virile.

Q: (Andromeda) Palpatine. From Star Wars.

(Joe) But not as old and decrepit. Does this person say "Mwahaha!" quite a lot? [laughter]

(L) I'm not gonna...

(Joe) I'm joking. I’m just gonna assume he does.

(L) Far more virile.

(Andromeda) I guess he sucks a lot of energy, huh?

(L) Sucks a lot of energy. Yeah. 'cause that emperor looks like he's starving. I mean, ugh... Okay.

(Ze Germans) How many humans/humanoids from the underground civilization are on the surface of the Earth at the moment?

(L) Who asked this question?

(Chu) The Germans.

(L) Germans. They ask weird stuff like that. How many humans/humanoids from the underground? So, how many?

A: Varies with circumstances, but average is about 2 to 2.5 million.

Q: (Andromeda) Walking around up top.

(Joe) And do these people know who they are? I mean...

A: Of course!

Q: (Joe) Okay. And do they have a mission that they're aware of? Do they know why they're walking around?

A: Indeed. Usually acting as "handlers" or agents provocateur.

Q: (Joe) So from our perspective, their mission, it would be nefarious?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are there any of them running that show over there in Ukraine?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are there any of them handling members of the US government?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Handling high-level members of other governments?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Handling leaders of different types of, like, media or whatever, like influencers and such?

A: Yes yes yes

Q: (Joe) Are any of them on YouTube?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) With large-follower channels?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Give us one name. [laughter]

A: No

Q: (Joe) Please. [laughter] Is part of their mission or agenda to prepare the global population for revelation of aliens?

A: Partly, but also involved with depopulation agenda.

Q: (Joe) So these people were born underground?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) And raised underground?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And then appeared as adults on the surface, got a job...

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And who made them?

A: Lizards in cahoots with STS Orions.

Q: (Joe) So these are human beings. They're functionally the same, as human as other human beings? Like biologically the same as other human beings, or not?

A: Some genetic tweaks. Most were harvested from human mothers and incubated.

Q: (Gaby) So this is part of the hybridization program that some experiencers or abductees recall?

A: Yes

Q: (Possibility of Being) Do they know good and evil the same way as we would understand it?

A: No

Q: (Joe) Are they - from our perspective - very much like mind-controlled beings in that sense? They don't have much free will?

A: Yes. And much like very efficient psychopaths.

Q: (L) Well.

(Joe) 2.5 million. They pop up and down.

(L) That's friendly.

(Joe) Where do they live normally when they're not on the surface? Where did they grow up and stuff?

A: Underground bases.

Q: (L) And they've described those.

(Ursus Minor) Who or what is making Netanyahu push Israel to the brink?

(L) I think we have that answer! [laughter] Already answered there! Is that something along the line of what these underground handlers would be doing?

A: Yes and also mind manipulation.

Q: (L) Well, some of these people, I swear, you know, I mean, I listen to some of these people, these crazy lefties or these governments, like the Schwab and Trudeau and Al Gore and John Kerry and all of these other people, you know, talking... And if they believe what they're saying, then they don't have enough intelligence to come in out of the rain. If they know that what they're saying is bullshit, then they are super, super evil.

(Andromeda) They're either super evil and lying, or super stupid and mind controlled.

(Joe) How long have these underground psychos been interfering with human affairs in this way?

A: Thousands of years.

Q: (L) That reminds me, remember when I asked the question about Sargon of Akkad? And they called him a deep level punctuator. Is that what a deep level punctuator is? Somebody who comes up and does stuff?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, I mean, 'does stuff' is pretty vague, but you... [laughter]

(Joe) Makes an impact.

(L) Yeah. Makes an impact on human society stuff.

(Niall) Did someone like him, Sargon of Akkad, thousands of years ago, emerge from a high-tech base and play a consciously evil role on the surface where he pretended to be an ancient?

A: They would be educated and trained in congruence with the society of the time. Memory wipe before implantation of mission. However, in earlier times the tech was not adequate so that the outcome was not always certain.

Q: (L) So you're saying that when they would take people and they would have them in underground bases or whatever, they would behave and dress and converse and everything, and the environment was matched to the environment on the surface more or less?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And before they would send somebody out and in some situations they would wipe their memories or, I mean... Are we talking about something that they would do when they were children and then send them to be raised in some way?

A: Some

Q: (L) And then you say that the outcome wasn't always certain because the tech wasn't adequate. You mean the manipulation tech, the hybridization tech?

A: Yes

Q: (L) The controlling of them kind of tech?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Why was that tech not adequate? I suppose maybe you had to have a certain infrastructure on the planet of technology in order to control them on the planet...

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. And then there's the other thing... Was it also partly because the bloodline had not been purified enough?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And you say the outcome wasn't certain. What do you mean by the outcome of their plan? What do you mean that it wasn't always certain?

A: Some of the subjects were not sufficiently "evil".

Q: (L) So in other words, they would maybe turn good and turn on their creators and masters?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Influenced by normal human society.

(L) Maybe they fell in love. [laughter] Romance novel!

(Niall) The vampire really was saved! [laughter]

(L) Oh, it could have happened, right?

(Joe) "Seven nights in a humanoid's bed." [laughter]

(Niall) So you're saying there's a chance... [laughter]
A happy ending?
The ending of the last excerpt was referring to a couple of romance novels, which as have a happy ending. Looking for a "happy ending" to this and the previous post, I will quote the passage from Session 18 April 2018: from the beginning of this post, again.
(L) Is there anything... I guess it's a stupid question to ask, but: Is there anything that can stop this madness?

A: No there isn't nor would you want to stop it!

Q: (L) Why wouldn't I want to stop it?

A: Cleansing.
It gives hope that all will turn out well, eventually,
Correction: The characteristics of the Middle East portal were from Bringers of the Dawn by Barbara Marciniak, and not from RA.
Extract from Bringers of the Dawn --->"There have been different portals on Earth that have allowed different species, creator gods from space,
to insert themselves. One of the huge portals that presently is being fought over is the portal of the
Middle East. If you think back over the history of Earth, you will recognize how many dramas of
religion and civilization have been introduced in that portal. It's a huge portal-with a radius of a
thousand miles or so. This is why there is so much activity in the Middle East. This is the portal that the
Lizzies use.
To some extent, the Lizzies have controlled this portal. They have used this area to create their
underground bases and caverns, from which they operate. The ancient civilization of Mesopotamia,
between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, was a space colony where a certain civilization was introduced.
Kuwait sits at the mouth of this territory. This is a portal that involves manipulation of the human
population to serve the needs of others.
Within the Lizzie population, there are those who are benevolent and those who are malevolent. Why
are we telling you all this? Why do you need to know it? You need to know it because the Lizzie reality
is reentering and merging with your dimension. Part of your evolutionary leap in consciousness is not
simply to go into love and light and eat ice cream sundaes every day. You must comprehend how
complex reality is, how many different forms of reality there are, and how they are all you. You must
make peace with them and merge with them to create an implosion of the collection of your soul. In this
way, you can come back to Prime Creator.
You are going to be faced with many opportunities to judge many things and label them as bad. But,
when you judge and label, you will not experience and feel the new realities. Always remember that this
is a free-will zone and that there is a Divine Plan, which is going to be the last plan, the last card to be
played. You all must remember that this last card is going to be an ace.
The nature of the drama on this planet is quite interesting. Whenever there is a frequency modulation of
an existing system, there is a certain magnetism that moves out from that system. This magnetism draws
every energy that was ever involved with that system back to the system so that it can be part of the
evolution or process. You are magnetizing everything to yourself that you have ever experienced so that
you can feel everything you need to feel about it.
The creator gods of ancient times are being drawn back here at this time because of the Divine Plan.
They must participate in it and understand that their frequencies are going to be changed. They are
resisting this, just like many humans are resisting. Yet, they create their own realities. These creator
gods of the last 300,000 years have forgotten who created them! They have forgotten their gods.
As members of the Family of Light, you have not forgotten. Your task is comprehension: to pull
comprehension and understanding onto the planet, which will stabilize the energy and generate the
power to create. Light is underestimated on this planet, and these creator gods underestimate you. Even
in their own brilliance, they have blind spots. They are so enamored of power that they fight amongst
The creator gods gave up a portion of themselves and became ensconced, enamored with their own
project. You are linked to these beings because you are extensions or operable forces of them. You are
here to affect reality not simply from the outside but from the inside. It is this that you are intending to
The creator gods are coming back to raid you again because they don't want to starve. They understand
that there is "systems busting" going on through you, so they are here to create greater havoc and fear, to
fight once again for this territory. Their food source is important to them. They are losing control of the
planet, so they are going back to their prime portal in the Middle East, where their nest is located
underneath the ground, to create fear and chaos.
The Original Planners wish to bring freedom of choice with respect to frequency back to this planet. The
gods who have been in charge here for this last period of evolution use frequency modulation and do not
allow freedom of choice. They rob your psychic energy by giving you a false picture of reality in every
way that you could possibly imagine. We are not saying these gods are bad. We are simply informing
you of events that take place and of how innocently you become involved in these events. You do not
realize that these situations are setups to get you to think or feel a certain way and to vibrate with a
certain consciousness.
We play the same game. If you look back to see what we have done, have we not purposely set up a plan
of frequency modulation for you? Have we not entrapped you, enticed you, convinced you of your free
will so that you could choose to vibrate at a certain frequency? We have done the same thing the
builders have done.
You had best, all of you, give up your old definitions of Santa Claus. In the same way that you
discovered the truth about the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, you are going to
discover that there is a cover-up, a story, an idealized version around many of these energies that you
have worshiped as gods.
The predominant energy on this planet siphons your belief systems according to its own will. It directs
incredible flows of energy outward, and this energy is alive. You have been told that all of your thoughts
make a world: they are real-they go someplace. There are five and a half billion people thinking right
now. That much energy is alive on Earth. What is the predominant feeling within that energy, and what
can this energy be convinced or coerced to exhibit?''

Q: (Joe) Which is, was in response to you saying dollar deflation or de-dollarization, wheelbarrows full of money, that kind of stuff.

(L) So it's not gonna be that bad that soon.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. Well then y'all calm down and just ignore me. Okay, questions?

A: Long time before the complete collapse.

Q: (L) Well, when you say "long time", I'm wondering if you're just… time is as distorted as when you say "short time"?

A: Probably.

Layoffs are coming, warns DoubleLine CEO Jeffrey Gundlach
November 1, 2023
Josh Brown, Ritholtz Wealth, and Jeffrey Gundlach, DoubleLine CEO, join 'Closing Bell' with a reaction to today's Fed meeting and the market reaction to Fed Chair Powell.


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I see that the Incubator Babies exhibited during the Fairs all across USA and Europe back in the 19th century were mentioned here, I would like to post it here.

Here is the film from Youtbube.

What the hack was that all about? How come they had incubators back in the middle of 19th century and where did these babies come from?

What do you guys think?

Here is also a great video about the new evidence of Tartaria. Well worth the watch.
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