Last one for today, did search before on this thread about "Caputo" and find nothing.
It's a french article from "Time of Israel", short one, and I put the link to auto-traduction - it's about the nomination by Trump of the spokesman of the US department of health.

It made me laugh , at least a good news, a new much interresting move from Trump vs BigPharma I would say, take the time to read it and read the responses of Caputo, it's :wow: !

French link :

Auto-traduced link to english

Note: thanks for the french site E&R who reposted the french article here.

Can't help to quote one sentence
On March 17, in response to David Rothschild, an economist who often criticizes Trump and accuses him of "wanting to murder" people to stay in power, Michael Caputo said that Rothschild "is an innate elitist sphincter whose family is thirsty for control. This is one of the reasons he constantly lies about President Trump. "

Trump's new best friend ? At least, it seems that Trump played here a strong card, let's see how it'll evolve (get pop corns ^^)
Here's another example of dealing with the other side

So I was busy eating my dinner - don't judge me but I was having steak. I do live with a vegetarian. She's quite amicable and used to respect other people's food choices - yes we'd have debates about healthy eating but we respected each others choices.

Today however, she waltzes into the kitchen, sees me eating steak and gives me a huge look of disapproval. I look at her and ask what the matter is... She says it's because of meat eaters we have Covid-19... That any animal related pandemic comes from meat eaters. She says that she now thinks everyone should be a vegetarian. She says animals are disgusting and that by eating them, we're making ourselves disgusting as well.

I try and counter but all I hear coming back at me is 'pandemic' 'pandemic'.... I say people have eaten beef since forever... She says pandemic.... I say people should respect each others wishes, she says pandemic.

I'm telling you guys.... The legion of the ruled is going to be unleashed against us in a way that'll make nazi Germany look like a minor playground spat. It's terrifying.

These people are so self righteous. They aren't some super villain caricatures from a comic book... They are people who think they are doing some real good.
This is why the kind of people you are talking about is said to be psychopaths.
No, they are not necessarily psychopaths and I doubt that most of they are. BUT they are the willing arms and legs who walk in legions as good authoritarian followers to the orders put forth by psychopaths. The online book by Bob Altemeyer on authoritarians is a good read and so is Milton Mayer's book: They thought they were Free: The Germans, 1933-1945.

The last book describes how ordinary Germans from a small village became the willing participants of the Nazi regime, being good authoritarians.

As has been discussed in the threads on Ponerology and as mentioned by Lobaczewski, then the cases of pathological deviants is around 6% in a population, though there according to the C's are big variations. Adding to the 6% is another 12% who are normal people who have grown up with close relationships to pathological deviants and thus have suffered a stunted psychological, moral and ethical development. The authoritarian followers are for the most part not psychopaths, but are inclined to black and white thinking and therefore easily fall prey to spellbinders and enticing ideologies.

Here is an excerpts from an interview with Laura from 2008, where the topic was about psychopaths. The title is in itself informative:

One of the main factors to consider in terms of how a society can be taken over by a group of pathological deviants is that the only limitation is that of the participation of susceptible individuals within that given society. Łobaczewski gives an average figure for the most active deviants of approximately 6% of a given population. Of course, this figure will vary from country to country depending on many variables. Western society has a broad selection of susceptible individuals.

The essential psychopath is at the center of the web. The other psychopathies and characteropathies described by Łobaczewski and others form the first tier of the Pathological Control System and it should be noted that they are far more numerous than the essential psychopaths. So, this group is about 6% of a given population. (1% essential psychopath and up to 5% other psychopathies and characteropathies.)

The next tier of such a system is composed of individuals who were born normal, but are either already warped by long-term exposure to psychopathic material via familial or social influences, or who, through psychic weakness have chosen to meet the demands of psychopathy for their own selfish ends. Numerically, according to Łobaczewski, this group is about 12% of a given population under normal conditions. It is difficult, as Łobaczewski points out, to draw a distinct boundary between these latter types and the genetic deviants without the input of genuine, non-psychopathic, science. At this point, the distinctions can only be descriptive.

So it is that approximately 18% of any given population is active in the creation and imposition of a Pathocracy (or the attempt to create and impose same). The 6% group constitute the Pathocratic nobility and the 12% group forms the new bourgeoisie, whose economic situation is the most advantageous.

Once set up, the elitist psychopathic system corrodes the entire social organism, wasting its skills and power. Once a Pathocracy has been established, it follows a certain course and has certain "attractive" powers. In a Pathocracy, the socioeconomic system arises from the social structure which is created by the system of political power, which is a product of the particular elitist world view of pathological deviants. Thus it is that a Pathocracy is more a macrosocial disease process created by human pathogens, and it can come to affect an entire nation to a degree that is equivalent to a cancer metastasizing. And just as the process of cancer in a body follows a characteristic pathodynamic process, so does the macrosocial disease of Pathocracy.
These people are so self righteous. They aren't some super villain caricatures from a comic book... They are people who think they are doing some real good.

Like Gurdijeff said nobody does things for the evil sake but for the sake of "good" and the same thing was in Nazi Germany, but nobody questions what good really is but what it thinks it is and wishes it to be that can be whole world from good but because it feels for them that way and responds to them in that way because of their core it makes it so, and some get gain from it in some material way, so you see these are two totally different minds in here....
Been trying to keep up on all that is developing. Things are really moving! FWIW, around my parts you’d think nothing was going on except for the masquerade inside every store you go in and little petty tyrants letting you know your mask has slipped below your nose. My mask tends to fog up my glasses so I can’t see with or without them now >.<

Since April 17th there’s been a mandate to wear masks inside buildings and when near people other than family. On SnitchDoor people discuss how the runners and bikers around town aren’t wearing masks. They should stick to policing themselves, but they just can’t help it. Glad people are out and about and exercising in the sun. In the meantime I’ve been crafting letters to our county supervisors (plus lots of gardening) in hopes to shed some light on the situation or confirm that idiocracy has taken over.

So far the best way I’ve had any luck “breaking the spell” (or at least getting chuckle from people) is by introducing a little hyperbola - matching absurdity with absurdity. Such as suggesting that maybe we should have our water checked for asinine. Although, I’m probably destined to be the village idiot and I’m ok with that.

Also, if your county (US) is enforcing “mandatory recommendations” to wear a mask I found these neck warmers on this site (EMF Shielding Garments and Clothing) that also block 5G/EMF radiation. They’re a little pricey ($40) but at least they have 3 uses - a warm neck, block harmful waves, and no boogie-viruses!
No, they are not necessarily psychopaths and I doubt that most of they are. BUT they are the willing arms and legs who walk in legions as good authoritarian followers to the orders put forth by psychopaths. The online book by Bob Altemeyer on authoritarians is a good read and so is Milton Mayer's book: They thought they were Free: The Germans, 1933-1945.

Thanks for having clarified this point since you're right. Yes, it was too fast answering and using the wrong term whereas semantic is very important. As you said, many people are "good followers" and true psychopaths are not so numerous according to this material.

Thanks for this reminder ;-)
Like Gurdijeff said nobody does things for the evil sake but for the sake of "good" and the same thing was in Nazi Germany, but nobody questions what good really is but what it thinks it is and wishes it to be that can be whole world from good but because it feels for them that way and responds to them in that way because of their core it makes it so, and some get gain from it in some material way, so you see these are two totally different minds in here....

Good example. Also reminds me of the topic of paramoralisms from Political Ponerolgy. Paramoralism: The belief that it is acceptable to violate moral values under certain circumstances derived from mostly subconscious rejection and repression from the voice of conscience.

It seems everyday we're seeing more and more people falling into paramoralistic behaviors. It's been building for years, but now it seems we're heading into full on ponerization of culture. Somethings gotta give either way though... :cuckoo:
Brilliant. I love it and am stealing this.

Another one: if we all went vegan, then there'd be no more need for livestock, and indeed we'd need the land currently used to grow livestock feed to cultivate vegetables. Therefore the livestock would have to be culled.

In the name of saving the animals, vegans would commit the greatest slaughter of animals in history ... and probably cause the extinction of every domesticated species.

Ha! This made think - Is veganism macro-social suicide? I believe it is... :D
Here's a screenshot from my Instagram, and a photo from the tv yesterday. Still feeling the disconnect from tptb projected reality..

If anyone is interested, the tech I am working on should be able to destroy rfid chips... lols. Crazy. I think I will end up living out bush in a cave if this continues for another couple of decades...

You never know which is truth, it might be both.
I am suspicious about this incident, maybe this is 4th density STS trying to do next stage.
From this information give to the public, so people think that the vaccine is safe and it will be like a almost death but It will be helpful to take, so most will believe that lies.
But then, most of them replace by 4th density soulless robots or them.

A: All it takes is a “hospital visit “.
But then we never know, Laura should ask about it next session.
Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

I'm not sure what the "goals" were of the "news site" that posted this lie, but I do find it very interesting how fast this spread once it hit the 'net. When I did a search to see how many articles there were that supported Inquorate's first post, I found four right away including a British reporter along with that Facebook post which supported it. What I failed to do was look to see that all of them were quoting that first article.

Just goes to show how fast messages can spread these days and how easy it is to dupe a large number of people, including those who should know better (raises hand).

But in an effort to try to post less noise in the future, I learned several things about myself from this:

- I suffer from "pattern recognition gone amok". I had read several articles where people, including a prominent doctor in a story on SOTT last year, died from complications of a vaccine. So, I immediately assumed the same here.

- I have allowed myself to become identified with my beliefs, other than to use rational thinking at all times to try to determine what the truth is in that moment. It doesn't matter how well centered one is in truth if you immediately assume something is "true" based on past associations without verifying them first.

- I definitely have an emotional component that was running me as soon as I read that article. Once again, had I taken a minute to just breath and think first instead of running with my emotions, I probably wouldn't have posted anything.

I apologize for the noise.

But I do wonder if there will be further fall-out from this event; if it was done to bring the emotional anti-vaxxer's out of the shadows so as to show how rabid and "wrong" they are in their response, so as to further discredit them in the future. I certainly didn't help in that regard.
Ha! This made think - Is veganism macro-social suicide? I believe it is... :D

sorry for the noise probably, but it reminds me of something that keeps making me laugh (and it's always good to laugh !) It was about those extremist ecologists saying humanity is a cancer and all will be better if all humans could die. And someone just answered, well if those extremists could just apply it for themselves and commit suicide, at least it would give holidays for all the others ! :lol2:
Digging which quite clearly you're not prepared to do. If you're so sure the evidence is there, why not just provide the evidence instead of condescension? I'm a reasonable chap with no horse in this race

The evidence is not there as, as you've pointed out, the world has reacted to this in a different way to the way it reacts to flu - thus you can't compare stats as being like for like, and the stats at this point are total chaos anyway, as society is struggling to even get a shape on this virus.

There is no stated motivation for the malignant intent you describe - and in fact, I'm struggling to even think of one. Who benefits from the rubble of a once thriving society? How does STS that lives in that society, even benefit more from that, than the alternative of letting the society thrive and feed off the happy, willing participants?

Don't misunderstand me - I understand their point of view.. I'm arguing with it. Me doing that does not excuse invective laden responses. I'm being polite and reasoned

Oh good lord.. 500 pages does not make right. Not one person in this entire discussion offered one cogent argument that couldn't be equally attributed to an actual pandemic, and an actual response to a pandemic - and that was my entire point. If I have 500 pages of reason at my disposal that I'm expected to reference, then so do they.

On that note, I'm out.

This is slightly off topic but it's also covid related.

I was sent this for the crime of eating steak :umm:

I had no idea the vegetarian agenda could fit into the pandemic but I was clearly wrong.
There's two kinds of arguments: (To be very black & white about it).

1. Clever spin you tell yourself to keep your personal hero narrative going. (This is one reason Twitter is beloved; there's no room to expand beyond witty catechisms and over-simplified rhetorical statements, which feel good in the moment but do little to seek actual truth. On Twitter, anything can be made to sound true, and the platform is weighted heavily toward consensus and against analysis.)

2. Those trying to isolate Truth. You need energy, time and space to do this. -And a healthy physical and mental foundation. It takes Work. You won't see this happening a lot on Twitter, simply because the architecture of the platform is not actively designed to encourage it.

Instagram, (where this bit of type 1 spin was posted), is very much like Twitter, except it is focused around images and short clips.

Although, interestingly, this is changing. It used to be that you could only post very short video clips on the platform; but there appears now to be the ability to post up to 60 minutes. I wonder if this little example of vegetarian propaganda will find itself countered with a solid counter argument.

Instagram still carries the overwhelming feeling that it is primarily an appeal to the Twitter-minded. It is run on childish flare, promoting the collection of "Likes" and "Hearts" and group consensus and lots of short bits of emotional validation, (you can only type short messages on a phone). A great place to virtue signal and act like a bedazzled baby.

Long form video may be their undoing in this regard. But we'll see. It's hard to watch and pay attention to anything for more than a few minutes when you're not seated comfortably at a computer terminal. Mobile devices seem most often used by people when they are twitchy, looking for a quick dopamine fix while moving around in their lives. -To stay connected to the school of fish.

Personally, I find Twitter and Instagram nauseating and repellent. I've taken a lot of guff over the years from ill-informed sheep, and I instinctively feel aversion to anything built specifically for them. (Like this video.)
Ha! This made think - Is veganism macro-social suicide? I believe it is... :D

It's a program after all. It seeks just that, the self-destruction of the subject. Just look at youtube to see how many people end up deteriorating because of the vegan diet.

Now the argument I shared earlier has a point. I had said that it would cause a BSOD in their minds:

A stop error, commonly called the blue screen of death, blue screen, or BSoD, is an error screen displayed on a Windows computer system following a fatal system error. It indicates a system crash, in which the operating system has reached a condition where it can no longer operate safely.

And here the key: These errors are the product - in many cases - of an infinite loop:

Infinite loop in programming is an error that consists in performing a cycle that repeats itself indefinitely since its condition to finish is never met.

By definition a loop must contain conditions that establish when it starts and when it ends, so that, as long as the conditions are met, it executes a sequence of code in a repetitive manner. In the case of an infinite loop, since the end condition is not met, the loop continues to execute the code segment indefinitely.

The infinite loop error is a logical flaw in the program. In the case of veganism when the vegan is exposed to the logical series of the argument, their programs enter into contradiction, because the condition where veganism saves the animals/world is not met, because to reach total veganism, animals and people will die.

I don't think the programmers are as smart as they want us to believe...
On the road to my mother's house I stopped during 2h to meet a cousin. She was here with her husband, her daugther and his boyfriend + a couple of friends with 2 young children, all around a table outside the house, all much relaxed. The husband of the couple of friends is in the insurances. I take care to all what I said, just sending some seeds when I can, or open questions when needed. Nothing special to relate here except one thing I do not remember having read it yet, thus here it is :
At a moment, I made a small recap, I said that starting in 2001, they declared the war against terrorism. And now, it's a new war which starts, the war against viruses, followed by some example of president who clearly stated that. He then pointed out the following : it's normal that they call it "a war", it's for "legal" reasons. I do not remember what he then said but in summary i understood the following : when there's a war it's often a situation which is not taken into account in insurance's contracts, thus, allowing insurance corporations to avoid to pay. We changed then subject. Now that i'm back to think about this, how the hell could an insurance declare that as it's a state of war (which are just words, but in reality there's NO war) they would not pay back what they should normally pay ? I mean, even if what he said seems ... possible, I've hard to believe that insurers will use this kind of argument to avoid to pay back when it's needed ? But why not, when it's about money, you an expect anything.

Maybe keep an eye on that side, and if any here is an experienced insurors, do not hesitate to comment.
Some of my insurance policies specifically state no coverage for acts of war or acts of terrorism.
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