It's a program after all. It seeks just that, the self-destruction of the subject. Just look at youtube to see how many people end up deteriorating because of the vegan diet.

Now the argument I shared earlier has a point. I had said that it would cause a BSOD in their minds:

Ah-hah! I didn't recognize the acronym BSOD but the concept is certainly familiar. Pic related.

I suspect all of the programs installed by STS contain logical flaws that can be exploited in this fashion. e.g. with the Branch Covidians, pointing out that the lockdown will kill more (healthy) people than the virus. Since STS manipulation is based on lies and distorted truths, there is always broken logic somewhere in the program which, if the programee can be made to see it, causes a Does Not Compute error.

Of course in most cases this just results in angry NPC noises.

Exactly. That was the point. But there's more to it than that, because one wonders, how do these programs work so, so well?

The nature of the universe is cyclic, which means that time is cyclic. A 4D inhabitant where for him time is not defined by a straight line - linear time - knows that in the case of the earth's ecosystem there is a cycle of life and death in perfect balance that repeats itself. STS, by definition, seeks to appropriate the mechanism but in a single direction by absorbing everything. So here is the key and why the C's have repeated so much that time does not exist. All these programs work and they only work if the core of the system is based on a linear progression of time. That is, entropy.

Linear time = Linear thinking.

Linear Thinking

The traditional way of thinking is known as linear thinking (or vertical thinking), that is, the one that is generally developed during the school years and where logic is applied in a direct and progressive way. The left hemisphere of the human brain is responsible for reasoning in a sequential (which follows a fixed scheme)* and temporal manner, allowing us to reach conclusions without having to evaluate the possible strategies for solving certain problems. This type of thinking follows a straight direction (hence the term linear or vertical), and is usually employed in technical and scientific matters, and to a lesser extent in everyday situations.

Lateral Thinking

On the contrary, the so-called lateral thinking or divergent thinking develops in the right hemisphere of the brain, it is analogical, timeless and not sequential, that is, it uses different schemes to reach the solution of a difficulty or problem. This type of thinking is essential for the development of creativity and ingenuity, therefore it is of great importance that it is stimulated through games or artistic activities.

As others have mentioned, I hope I am not making noise, but I think it is related to the issues discussed here. Because as I have said in other posts, if the STO strain is changing the neural wiring to receive STO-type information, this would imply that little by little that change opens the door to incorporate a non-linear/time way of thinking.

*All the socio-cultural programming we're used to since our birth.
Exactly. That was the point. But there's more to it than that, because one wonders, how do these programs work so, so well?

The nature of the universe is cyclic, which means that time is cyclic. A 4D inhabitant where for him time is not defined by a straight line - linear time - knows that in the case of the earth's ecosystem there is a cycle of life and death in perfect balance that repeats itself. STS, by definition, seeks to appropriate the mechanism but in a single direction by absorbing everything. So here is the key and why the C's have repeated so much that time does not exist. All these programs work and they only work if the core of the system is based on a linear progression of time. That is, entropy.

Linear time = Linear thinking.

As others have mentioned, I hope I am not making noise, but I think it is related to the issues discussed here. Because as I have said in other posts, if the STO strain is changing the neural wiring to receive STO-type information, this would imply that little by little that change opens the door to incorporate a non-linear/time way of thinking.

*All the socio-cultural programming we're used to since our birth.

No, this is quite helpful, at least to me. The thing about "linear thinking" especially. I wonder how much of what our ancestors knew and put forward upon their progeny as "truth" was really based on such linear, "3D" thinking? And how much of that they bought into as real because of the Hegelian Dialectic wherein our "leaders" have gotten us to believe in their versions of "truth" by forcing it upon us by presenting THEIR "truth" in place of what really IS, especially since they have controlled all media all along?

I just came across this image that contrasts "3D" Hegelian Dialectic - influenced thinking, as contrasted against "5D" informed thinking, and I thought it worth sharing (after meditating on it and taking several deep meaningful breaths before acting!):


So: in "5D" thinking as presented above, awakened people with pre-cognitive abilities are able to anticipate problems that the elites will force upon us and their reactions; and thus so informed, they are then able to share their views with those open to the information and, working en masse, then anticipate and REJECT the proposed solutions put forward by the elites. They then will work together towards a solution that benefits all.

I'm seeing evidence of this kind of thinking occurring on these forums and others at this time. And I hope it continues!

(BTW, I got that illustration from Laura Walker's "Oracle Report" website. She's an astrologer who works with the Sabian Symbols. The "Triangle with Wings" she posts above is the overriding Sabian Symbol for the current astrological year.)
Exactly. That was the point. But there's more to it than that, because one wonders, how do these programs work so, so well?

The nature of the universe is cyclic, which means that time is cyclic. A 4D inhabitant where for him time is not defined by a straight line - linear time - knows that in the case of the earth's ecosystem there is a cycle of life and death in perfect balance that repeats itself. STS, by definition, seeks to appropriate the mechanism but in a single direction by absorbing everything. So here is the key and why the C's have repeated so much that time does not exist. All these programs work and they only work if the core of the system is based on a linear progression of time. That is, entropy.

Linear time = Linear thinking.

As others have mentioned, I hope I am not making noise, but I think it is related to the issues discussed here. Because as I have said in other posts, if the STO strain is changing the neural wiring to receive STO-type information, this would imply that little by little that change opens the door to incorporate a non-linear/time way of thinking.

*All the socio-cultural programming we're used to since our birth.

That could be why my thinking is so out of touch with reality lately. A stroke that I had in 2005 left me paralyzed on my right side. It is known that the left side of the body works using the right side of the brain. It was necessary for me to retrain my body to use the right side of my brain to operate the right limbs, including writing. I still have to think about every step when I use the right leg. If not, my walking always veers to the right if done without thinking. Currently the use of right side limbs are easily interchangeable with left side ones.

I also tend to go into a semi wake state where dreams are prevalent. That has always been a state of mind in which I have found myself quite often. But lately it is much more frequent and intense.

Thanks for posting this information.
From: A construction zone where a slow man is working.
I'm telling you guys.... The legion of the ruled is going to be unleashed against us in a way that'll make nazi Germany look like a minor playground spat. It's terrifying.

These people are so self righteous. They aren't some super villain caricatures from a comic book... They are people who think they are doing some real good.
Definitely reminds me of the saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Got a mail from my dentist.

Dear patients,

We are happy to help you!

That is why we are pleased that, in accordance with the RIVM guideline, the dental practices are opening up again for regular oral care.


Oral care makes an important contribution to the "quality of life" and must prevent problems that can affect the general health of the patients.

To guarantee your and our safety, we work under certain restrictions and we have added a number of things to the prevention measures.

Why are you safe in our practice?

As you have always been accustomed to from us, we adhere above average to the strict prevention guidelines of the Nza and the health care inspection. This is reflected in our hygiene protocols.
We strictly adhere to all guidelines that RIVM has imposed. This is immediately noticeable for you when you enter in the form of disinfecting the hands and rinsing the mouth before treatment.
Extensive triage takes place by our desk assistants upon entry and when making an appointment. This is a selection at the gate to minimize the risk of admitting a patient who may be infected.
The 1.5 meter boundary is is held throughout the practice for patients and staff. For that reason, visit as much as possible only to practice.
Only one patient is allowed in the treatment room. Supervisors and parents should wait outside as much as possible. Only with small children one parent / supervisor is allowed in the treatment room.
Our entire instrumentation is cleaned in the thermodisinfector before every treatment and if necessary in the autoclave to make it sterile.
We have an extensive air cleaning system. This means that the air is sucked out, cleaned and blown back from practice 4x per hour. This means that there is little to no aerosol in the air in our practice.

How do they want to treat you 1.5 meters away :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I tried to use the manipulation form problem - reaction - solution for some thinking models. Also the continuation of problem - reaction - temporary solution - solution.
In healthcare, and I see this problem fairly globally for European countries, there is an overall problem - one wish - one solution in several respects.
The shift in the revenue pool towards pharmaceuticals is obvious since all offers on the political level have been paving the way for years. Prevention is the plan: being faster than the disease, i.e. how do I convey to people that there is a possibility of no longer developing a disease and that the risk to life can be eliminated by taking previous measures.
It is interesting how the prevention model was developed and how it is sold to people as useful. Be faster than the illness.

You used to live your life, get sick and go to the doctor and get treatment. People didn't need gyms, they worked hard. The psychic body was in shape, the mind was concerned with survival and for the soul one had faith and religion. A very simple model that worked extremely well. Medicines played a subordinate role here and there were no precautions. Man had no information for the medicals.
Today we live in the prevention model that has become a lucrative business for the pharmaceutical industry. This gave rise to countless prevention options. This was introduced in some cases in children. Then there were vaccinations for the children, then for all adults.Then expanded to individual diagnoses. Today there is comprehensive cancer prevention. We have a lot of models in Germany and they are sold to people as desirable. The main beneficiary is the market with the required equipment. The dietary supplement market is a huge business. Likewise, all aids for everyday life were given the addition: It is good for health.

The people in the system serve the repair and healing. They cause costs that are not desired. My profession is involved in the prevention model with sports on health insurance. The remuneration is ridiculous.
The question would be: How can I save costs here to strengthen the prevention model = market? How do I get rid of the human cost factor in this system?
Here is a separate note. As a very young person, I had visions and images of probabilities in my head. So I thought that at some point there would be a kind of passport photo machine that would take over the tasks of medicine. Instead of the passport picture, your body is scanned like under an MRI to read you. Then you put your finger in a hole where a drop of blood is taken. All information goes to a huge database, where your state of health is calculated. After 2 minutes you will receive a note with your values, the pharmacy will receive a notification about the medication and will deliver free of charge. If you need to go to a clinic, there is precise instructions here, as clinic capacities are also stored in the database. Orthopedic problems are taught with exercise plans and television programs.

The virus is used to implement these plans - a health system without a doctor and therapist. I saw telemedicine in England years ago and was pretty scared. And today? It is our future. This week I received a message that we can now conduct therapy online in the event of a virus. We got a billing number. The doctors too. I realized that the virus is being used as an opportunity to ruin care providers, decimate hospitals and move them into the field of media therapy. It is sold to people as comfortable, safe and there is no danger from external effects.

Ordinary people see the advantages in this: always available, no waiting, from home, better results through networking, no infection. You will also have no worries about undressing your body, standing in front of a camera and presenting the anal fistula to an unknown person on the other side of the line. Women and children will show their most intimate parts of the body without knowing that the system will also be used by other people - not just for prevention and healing. I had this conversation with a wife of a Parkinson's patient, who is completely stiff in a kind of vigil. I asked her if she was ready to hold the cell phone in front of her husband's nose so that he can follow my instructions when I use the smartphone to treat him. The poor woman did not want to believe that such therapies are even allowed. That is the future - the vigil coma patient treats himself according to my instructions on the cell phone while I am lying on the couch at home.
The thinking person wonders how diagnostics work without visual findings, tactile findings, and movement findings.
My friend is a psychologist and she says that it is good in her area for acute cases, since patients in emergency situations can often be helped with a short conversation. But for all other cases you need personal contact because it is essential for therapy.

Well - why did our health care system need this virus? Under the guise of the virus, what is planned is implemented and what could never be presented to humans as useful without the virus. A future without a doctor, therapist and practice. A reduction in hospitals because the fear of infection will increase in the future, which causes people to stop visiting a clinic. Another indication for me is the constant communication about the danger of hospital germs. A hospital will be a place to be avoided. A practice is treated in the same sense - the risk of infection lurks there, which means that the mortality rate has to increase because of late admissions or no admissions. The only one who benefits here is phama and capital. Man has already lost and does not know.

Today I am often scared of how close I was to the probable future.

Reading Haffner's Defying Hitler at the moment (highly recommended especially these days!), it's interesting to note that even on the surface of things there are some parallels between 1933 and today: Hitler's seizure of power happened in March/April 1933, and it was a beautiful spring with fantastic weather (which very much played into Hitler's hands). I think this parallel alone is very symbolic. There is an eerie synchronicity between the Corona timeline and the timeline of Hitler's coup. But there are so many more deeper parallels that Haffner, as the extremely fine-tuned and insightful observer that he was, makes apparent.
This is slightly off topic but it's also covid related.

I was sent this for the crime of eating steak :umm:

I had no idea the vegetarian agenda could fit into the pandemic but I was clearly wrong.

Hmm, I thought about this being part of the agenda yesterday. I noticed in the grocery store where I often shop, they have created a new, large section for the fake meat products. During the mad rush to stock up on food it was mentioned here how these products where mainly the only items left in the meat section, so by nature not appealing to most people. I also thought of this “agenda” when the stories began appearing of the meat packing plants shutting down due to Covid. The veggie program was kicked off big time a few years ago and being a part of the overall plan why not bring it in now as well. Fits in with the Extenction Rebellion stuff. Less pollution from cars etc. during the lockdown plays well into this also. Seeing this as an attempt to restructure society in every aspect, it covers all areas of our lives. But, I feel I’m only stating the obvious here.🥩🌭🥓🍕🍸:umm:
The study showing how cholesterol was protective in Wuhan was also shared on social media, but can't recall seeing it in this thread. And it's supremely important! Careful with the vegetable oils and sugars, they can literally wreck your health!
This is not directly related to the situation in Wuhan, but It's about the protective role of cholesterol, in this case against Coronavirus.
In one of my favorite podcast, "The Fat Emperor" by Ivor Cummins, he inteviewed Dr. Paul Mason, and It is all about this subject.
After 17 min of talk, they start talking specifically about HLD and LDL.

1a) Yes, that's an absolute concern, however, it doesn't make COVID-19 a hoax
No it's not a hoax. However, the response is orders of magnitude worse than the original problem. The response, (known as medical martial law) provides a platform for nefarious actors to role out any agenda they like.
1b) Because while we have the social distancing that controls the problem, in the meantime we might find a cure and/or an inoculation
You still have something that's potentially far more damaging than the original issue. Meanwhile, medical staff and scientists have discovered many positive and effective treatments for the virus. They have not been promoted (and have even been censored) because they do not make pharma any money, nor do they provide some less than virtuous folks with a path to power, or some people with the attention they crave.
2) I have to say that nurses with bruised and lined faces, crying in to the tv is pretty compelling
So are planes flying into buildings that magically collapse into their own footprint, along with another building which was not impacted by anything at all. It's amazing what riling up the emotions of the public can accomplish for those with an agenda. How about a war, or a total global lock down? Any takers? Looks like it's already happened.
Oh good lord.. 500 pages does not make right. Not one person in this entire discussion offered one cogent argument that couldn't be equally attributed to an actual pandemic, and an actual response to a pandemic - and that was my entire point. If I have 500 pages of reason at my disposal that I'm expected to reference, then so do they.

On that note, I'm out.
When you start building something on the wrong foundations, no matter how strong and advanced it is it will collapse sooner or later.
So, all this belief system that you have now is built on the false narrative that there is any kind of a pandemic.
You will have to understand that first.

Do not try to belive what anybody is saying here on this forum. Use their posts as a motivation to research.
If you didn't found enough data from which you can make a logical conclusion if there is a real pandemic or a false flag psychological operation then you still have a lot of "work" to do on yourself, as we all have in our learning path.

If you think that all these people posting in this thread are making up things and you are the only one who can see the real situation, then you really have a problem.

Only In the last few pages I have seen a lot of arguments that go against your narrative. So in the entire thread of 500+ pages, you will find a lot more. If you cant see the real data even it is in front of your eyes, then it is not about false data, it is about you unable to see it, and process it the right way.
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