I tried to use the manipulation form problem - reaction - solution for some thinking models. Also the continuation of problem - reaction - temporary solution - solution.
In healthcare, and I see this problem fairly globally for European countries, there is an overall problem - one wish - one solution in several respects.
The shift in the revenue pool towards pharmaceuticals is obvious since all offers on the political level have been paving the way for years. Prevention is the plan: being faster than the disease, i.e. how do I convey to people that there is a possibility of no longer developing a disease and that the risk to life can be eliminated by taking previous measures.
It is interesting how the prevention model was developed and how it is sold to people as useful. Be faster than the illness.
You used to live your life, get sick and go to the doctor and get treatment. People didn't need gyms, they worked hard. The psychic body was in shape, the mind was concerned with survival and for the soul one had faith and religion. A very simple model that worked extremely well. Medicines played a subordinate role here and there were no precautions. Man had no information for the medicals.
Today we live in the prevention model that has become a lucrative business for the pharmaceutical industry. This gave rise to countless prevention options. This was introduced in some cases in children. Then there were vaccinations for the children, then for all adults.Then expanded to individual diagnoses. Today there is comprehensive cancer prevention. We have a lot of models in Germany and they are sold to people as desirable. The main beneficiary is the market with the required equipment. The dietary supplement market is a huge business. Likewise, all aids for everyday life were given the addition: It is good for health.
The people in the system serve the repair and healing. They cause costs that are not desired. My profession is involved in the prevention model with sports on health insurance. The remuneration is ridiculous.
The question would be: How can I save costs here to strengthen the prevention model = market? How do I get rid of the human cost factor in this system?
Here is a separate note. As a very young person, I had visions and images of probabilities in my head. So I thought that at some point there would be a kind of passport photo machine that would take over the tasks of medicine. Instead of the passport picture, your body is scanned like under an MRI to read you. Then you put your finger in a hole where a drop of blood is taken. All information goes to a huge database, where your state of health is calculated. After 2 minutes you will receive a note with your values, the pharmacy will receive a notification about the medication and will deliver free of charge. If you need to go to a clinic, there is precise instructions here, as clinic capacities are also stored in the database. Orthopedic problems are taught with exercise plans and television programs.
The virus is used to implement these plans - a health system without a doctor and therapist. I saw telemedicine in England years ago and was pretty scared. And today? It is our future. This week I received a message that we can now conduct therapy online in the event of a virus. We got a billing number. The doctors too. I realized that the virus is being used as an opportunity to ruin care providers, decimate hospitals and move them into the field of media therapy. It is sold to people as comfortable, safe and there is no danger from external effects.
Ordinary people see the advantages in this: always available, no waiting, from home, better results through networking, no infection. You will also have no worries about undressing your body, standing in front of a camera and presenting the anal fistula to an unknown person on the other side of the line. Women and children will show their most intimate parts of the body without knowing that the system will also be used by other people - not just for prevention and healing. I had this conversation with a wife of a Parkinson's patient, who is completely stiff in a kind of vigil. I asked her if she was ready to hold the cell phone in front of her husband's nose so that he can follow my instructions when I use the smartphone to treat him. The poor woman did not want to believe that such therapies are even allowed. That is the future - the vigil coma patient treats himself according to my instructions on the cell phone while I am lying on the couch at home.
The thinking person wonders how diagnostics work without visual findings, tactile findings, and movement findings.
My friend is a psychologist and she says that it is good in her area for acute cases, since patients in emergency situations can often be helped with a short conversation. But for all other cases you need personal contact because it is essential for therapy.
Well - why did our health care system need this virus? Under the guise of the virus, what is planned is implemented and what could never be presented to humans as useful without the virus. A future without a doctor, therapist and practice. A reduction in hospitals because the fear of infection will increase in the future, which causes people to stop visiting a clinic. Another indication for me is the constant communication about the danger of hospital germs. A hospital will be a place to be avoided. A practice is treated in the same sense - the risk of infection lurks there, which means that the mortality rate has to increase because of late admissions or no admissions. The only one who benefits here is phama and capital. Man has already lost and does not know.
Today I am often scared of how close I was to the probable future.
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