Guys, you just flashbacked me with your pets.
That experiment still makes me LOL and simultaneously ironic how not far away humanity went from 2d. Just a nature

Perfectly shows how simply PTB can manipulate herd.
Experiment on the introduction of "labor" relations in a flock of capuchins
Two scientists from Yale University (an economist and a psychologist) decided to teach monkeys how to use money.
And they did it.
The idea of money, as it turned out, can be assimilated by creatures with tiny brains and needs limited to food, sleep and sex.
The capuchins on which the experiment was conducted are considered by zoologists to be one of the stupidest primates.
"At first glance, and in truth it may seem that they don't need anything else in life. You can feed them sweets all day and they will go and come, go and come for them constantly. It may seem that capuchins are walking stomachs," scientists say.
American ethologists conducted an experiment on the introduction of "labor" relations in a flock of capuchins.
They came up with a "job" and a "universal equivalent" in the aviary – money.
The job was to pull the lever with an effort of 8 kilograms.
Significant effort for small monkeys
This is a real unpleasant coward for them.
For each swing of the lever, the monkey began to receive a branch of grapes.
As soon as the Capuchins learned the simple rule "work = reward", they were immediately introduced an intermediate agent – colorful plastic circles.
Instead of grapes, they began to receive tokens of different "denominations".
For a white token, you could buy one branch of grapes from people, two for a blue one, a glass of soda for a red one, and so on.
Soon the monkey society was stratified.
The same types of behavior emerged in it as in the human community.
There were workaholics and loafers, bandits and hoarders.
One monkey managed to lift the lever 185 times in 10 minutes!
She really wanted to earn money.
Someone preferred racketeering to work and took away from others.
But the main thing that the experimenters noted was that the monkeys showed those character traits that had not been noticeable before – greed, cruelty and rage in defending their money, suspicion of each other.
In continuation of the study of economic behavior, the monkeys were given other "money" in the form of silver disks with a hole in the middle.
After a few weeks, the Capuchins learned that you can get food for these coins.
The experimenter, who was fond of Marxism in his youth, did not check whether labor really turns a monkey into a man.
He just gave the monkeys these coins and taught them how to use them to buy fruit.
Before that, we found out who likes what in order to set their own preference scale for each of the monkeys.
At first, the fee was the same – for a sour apple and a brush of sweet grapes, they asked for the same amount of coins.
Naturally, apples were not a success, and grape stocks were melting.
But the picture changed dramatically when the price of apples halved.
After quite a long time of confusion, the monkeys decided to spend almost all of their coins on apples.
And only occasionally allowed themselves to eat grapes.
One day, when all the experimental animals in the common cage already knew that some items were more expensive and others cheaper, one of the monkeys got into the compartment where the communal cash register was stored and appropriated all the coins to herself, fighting off people who tried to take away her metal prey.
The young male gave a coin to the female.
Scientists thought he fell in love and made a gift.
But no, the "girl" entered into sexual intercourse with the gentleman for money, and then went to the window, behind which the scientists were on duty, and bought some grapes from them.
Everyone was satisfied: both monkeys and scientists
Monkeys have mastered liberal–capitalist relations, and scientists have defended their doctoral degree.
matveychev_oleg. 2021 - 07 - 20 18:00:00. Двое учёных из Йельского университета (экономист и психолог) решили научить обезьян пользоваться деньгами. И у них получилось. Идею денег, как оказалось, могут усваивать существа с крохотным мозгом и потребностями, ограничивающимися едой, сном и...