Transcripts relating to pets


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
In the Cassiopaean sessions, pets like cats and dogs appear occasionally. Topics cover a wide range:
- dog barking, and cat purring
- the Cs and pets
- pets for 3D and 4D STS
- the health of pets and their owners
- second density perception and communication
- pets and the Wave
- the pet - caretaker relationship,
- about the choice of a suitable dog
- instances and effects of extra sensory perception among cats and dogs
- what may happen after a pet dies?
- the cat, dog etc used as symbols or metaphors
- was the dog created or did it evolve?

Different subjects often appear together, therefore it is hard to make a series of entries, each sticking to just one topic. The selection of excerpts in the following posts are like pieces of an open mosaic, where the elements can be linked with others to give different meanings, or a different emphasis.

As many people do not have pets, there first is an:

Introduction to the subject of pets with some statistics
The Cambridge dictionary explains a pet as "an animal that is kept in the home as a companion and treated kindly".

In the past dogs were kept in farms for protecting the house, herding, hunting. Similarly, cats were helpful to keep the population of mice down thus protecting the larder and scare rats away, even if small dogs were probably were more up to the job. Were these dogs and cats also companions? Sometimes, but that was not always the case. Perhaps they were like pets when they were young, like kittens, puppies, piglets, calves and foals, especially for children, but later they became ordinary farm cats catching mice, or straying, watchdogs protecting the yard, livestock cattle grazing fields and walking the feedlot until the appointed time, or work horses. The following statistics reveal that many dogs and cats in the world are not considered pets:
How Many Pets Are in the World & US in 2023? (Statistics)
JUNE 30, 2023
Key Statistics
  • The number of dogs worldwide is over 900 million. About 471 million of them are pets.
  • The number of cats worldwide reached 600 million, and around 373 million are cat pets.
  • In 2023, the estimated number of pets in the United States, particularly dogs and cats, exceeded 191 million.
  • The expected population of pet dogs in the US will increase from 85 million to more than 100 million after a decade.
  • In 2023, approximately 65.1 million households in the US have a dog, and 46.5 million have a cat.
  • More than 11 million US households own freshwater fish, and about 6 million own a reptile.
  • 70% of Vermont households own a pet.
  • The expenditure on pets, products, and services in the US exceeded $136 billion in 2022.
Let’s take a look at the estimated population of pets in different countries worldwide:
  • There were 85 million pet dogs and 65 million pet cats in the US
  • There were 74 million pet dogs and 67 million pet cats in China
  • There were 92 million pet dogs and 113 million pet cats in the EU
  • There were 54.2 million pet dogs and 23.9 million pet cats in Brazil
  • There were 13 million pet dogs and 12 million pet cats in the UK
  • There were 8.5 million pet dogs and 9.6 million pet cats in Japan
  • There were 6.3 million pet dogs and 4.9 million pet cats in Australia

Here are the most popular pets in the US in 2023:
  • Dog – about 65.1 million US households own at least one dog
  • Cat – about 46.5 million US households own at least one cat
  • Freshwater Fish – about 11.1 million US households own at least one freshwater fish
  • Bird – about 6.1 million US households own at least one bird
  • Small Animal (mouse, hamster, rabbit, gerbil, chinchilla, and ferret) – about 6.7 million US households own at least one small animal
  • Reptile – about 6.0 million US households own at least one reptile
  • Horse – about 2.2 million US households own at least one horse
  • Saltwater Fish – about 2.2 million US households own at least one saltwater fish
In Taiwan, both cats and dogs are listed as invasive species according to this article, Feral Dogs and Cats: The Most Favored Invasive Species.

One site,, gives details about the number of pet dogs in different European countries:
Pet Dog Populations: World, United States, and more
Written by Austin S.
Updated: May 12, 2023
Germany has one of the highest pet dog populations in Europe, and recent statistics put it at about 10.7 million. The Germans see dogs as an essential part of their daily life; hence they treat their pet dogs with respect.

In the United Kingdom, a sizable quarter of the households have at least one dog. Therefore, it is understandable that there are about 13 million pet dogs in the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom has also established numerous legislation relating to pet ownership.

France has approximately 8.8 million pet dogs. This nation is among one of the most dog-friendly ones in Europe. France is also a common destination for tourists traveling with their dogs.

Italy has about 7.5 million pet dogs. The Italians prefer dogs as their pets. At least 55% of pet owners in Italy have at least one dog in their homes.

Likewise, the population of pet dogs in Poland is around 7.5 million. However, Poland has hard-and-fast rules on the types of dogs that are acceptable in the country.

Spain is known for its rising pet dog population. The current population of pet dogs in Spain is about 6.27 million. In the past five years, the population of pet dogs in Spain has risen by 40% because more Spaniards now live alone.

Romania, a country in the Balkans, has a pet dog population of 1.5 million. The country has attempted to cull the population of dogs, but the strategy has been futile.

In Portugal, there’s a high regard for pet dogs. Furthermore, the Portuguese see their pets as living things with emotions and should be protected. Portugal currently has about 2.1 million pet dogs.

The people of the Czech Republic are known for their dog-loving habits. Supposedly, there are about 2 million pet dogs in the Czech Republic. A recent survey shows that two in every five households in the country have dogs. Interestingly, 40% of dog owners In the Czech Republic allow their pets into their beds.

The Netherlands currently has a population of about 1.52 million dogs. Additionally, issues related to animal welfare are prioritized by the Dutch government.

Russia has the highest pet dog population in eastern Europe, with a population of about 12 million pet dogs.
The restrictions for dogs vary wildly from country to country, see List of banned dog breeds by countries, but it does not all match Top most dangerous dogs in the world, besides Appearance is deceptive: top most aggressive dog breeds
One site with many figures, especially for the US, is Simply Insurance pet statistics
Here are some:
  • Only 17–24% of dogs live as pets in developed countries
  • The world's most balanced pet population is in Romania, 45% of their households own dogs and 45% owns cats.
  • The fastest growing dog population in the world can be found in India.
  • The highest number of small dogs per capita goes to Brazil
  • Saudi Arabia is the winner in regards to big dogs with 70% of their dog population belonging to larger breeds.
The Indian population of dogs may be the fastest growing, but there are still only 10.2 million dogs, or about 6- 7 times less than in the US.

Some dog breeds bark, a few are less vocal, but why the barkers bark can vary, and some like the following are ordinary.
Dogs barking - someone in alley
Session 12 November 1994
Q: (L) What are the dogs barking at?
A: Someone in alley.
Q: (L) What are they doing in the alley?
A: Passing.

Dog barks - alley activity .... [Dog still barking]
Session 28 July 2001
Q: {Dog begins barking in the background.} Why is the dog barking?A: Alley activity.
Q: {Dog begins barking in the background.} Why is the dog barking?
A: Alley activity.
Q: What should we do about Vincent?
A: Til money comes, no deal.
Q: Well, the trouble is, we need money right now. We need to know what to do. I mean, we are going daily into debt thanks to his advice. Can you give us any pointers in the proper direction?
A: Hosting.
Q: Hosting?! Hosting what?
A: Soon will come an offer.
Q: What kind of an offer will it be?
A: To host.
Q: To host what?
A: TV show.
Q: That's the craziest thing I ever heard in my life! [laughter] To host a TV show? That's the craziest damned thing I ever heard. {Laughter} Well let me ask you this: Am I right to be so upset with Vincent and his damned ritual magic stuff?
A: Yes.
Q: Am I right in my thinking that even if he is not conscious of it, he was sent as an agent to extract information from me?
A: Yes.
Q: Are the Cassiopaeans the ones that got in contact with him in his childhood and then when he was older {as he claims}?
A: No.
Q: Is he consciously working as an agent?
A: No.
Q: (L) Well, what can we think of to ask, just to warm up [the connection]? (A) What about this TV show? I mean, should we do something? (L) I don't think I'd get excited about it.
A: Look smart. Ugly doesn't get it. [Laughter. Dog still barking.]
Q: Well, that doesn't make sense. Nice to know you have a sense of humor at our expense.
A: Right on!

Dogs barking, - lurkers in the apples - young and silly
Session 14 March 2015
{Dogs start barking outside}
Q: (L) Why are the dogs barking? {Asking Data.}
A: Hello!
Q: (L) Who do we have with us? What's your name?
A: Johkola of Cassiopaea.
Q: (L) Okay, I guess I should turn on the tape recorder. Today is March 14th 2015. Me, Galatea, Andromeda and Data. Why are the dogs barking?
A: Lurkers in the apples. { Perceval arrives.}
Q: (L) What kind of lurkers?
A: Young and silly. {Scottie arrives}

Barking dog, hungry cat, and the learning capacity of a dog compared to a robotoid human.
Session 29 November 2001
Q: (L) Is he planning to escalate his attacks?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Would it be better if we just allowed him to escalate with no response at all?
A: Mostly. If nothing works publishing comes out.
Q: (L) I would just like to know what will be the ultimate outcome of this whole situation because I am just tired of it; I am sick of it; I would just like for this guy to disappear from the face of the earth. I would like to know how to make him go away. Tell me how to make him just shut up and go away. Let him say and do what he wants all his life, but never speak our names again. We just want him to leave us alone. How can we do that?
A: He has his free will.
Q: (L) Well, I just want to know what is going to be the outcome. (A) Honey, you should not ask that. The outcome will depend on what we will do. It depends on us. (L) Look! {Cat suddenly jumps into the middle of the table, dog begins to bark.} (A) Cassiopaeans! He hears Cassiopaeans! (L) Does kitty want out?
A: Food.Q: {Laughter. Stop to feed cat.} (L) My next question is, of course, what is wrong with Vincent? What is driving him?
A: He is a robotoid.
Q: (L) Who did his programming?
A: 4th density STS.
Q: (L) Doesn't that contradict him having his free will?
A: No. Even robots have minimal consciousness.
Q: (L) So, all his whining and all his "poor pitiful me" stuff is just a program?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) That explains, I guess, why he doesn't seem to learn from anything. Even a dog would have figured it out by now.
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Whine on no matter what! (L) That means that there is no hope of anything stopping his vicious, mindless lies and attacks. He will go on and on like a robot, right to his own destruction? (A) Yes, there is a hope of stopping him. (L) Yeah, when his circuits burn out. (A) No, no, no. You have a robot; it is working; robots work on a current. When it is working, it gets energy. If the program no longer works, the energy is stopped, then he must look for some other energy source. So, if nobody feeds him, sooner or later another program will switch on that says "look for new energy source." But looking for a new energy source implies being hungry for the period until you find another. So, its not so easy to switch that program. (L) Is there any trick to divert the intention of the robot?
A: Give it a little time.
There is sporadic barking in later posts, but less concentrated. Next:

Why do cats purr? Self stimulation of the vagus nerve or the cat equivalent
Session 22 February 2010
(Bubbles) Okay, this is a very mundane question and you're all going to laugh at me, but has anybody ever figured out why cats purr?
A: Self stimulation of the vagus nerve or the cat equivalent.
Are the C's able to perceive cuteness?
Session 2 May 2015
(Galatea) I have one more. Are the C's able to perceive cuteness? If not, that's okay. But are you? Do you see us as cute?
Q: (Galatea) I was wondering because we think dogs are cute, and cats. But are we cute? Do they see cuteness?
A: Yes
Q: (Galatea) Are we a little bit cute?
A: Yes
Q: (Galatea) So we're like little dogs to them. [laughter]
(Perceval) Oh, one peed on the carpet! Isn't that cute! [laughter]
(L) Okay, I think we're ready to shut down unless there's something we need to talk about.
A: Goodbye.
While a little cute dog can be a pet, the situation appears different with humans and higher density STO. In an early session, there is:

Do the Cassiopaeans have pets? - Not exactly
The question was preceded by:
Session 29 October 1994
Q: (L) According to shamanistic teachings, one can have animal spirits or guides. Is this correct?
A: Partly. You have them if you believe you have them.
Q: (L) If believing in them makes it so, is this belief beneficial?
A: All belief is beneficial at some level.
Q: (L) Did Jesus of Nazareth believe in animal spirits or totems?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is it just New Age revival of superstition?
A: Shamanism is subjective and limits. Lizard inspired.
Q: (L) This book that is being promoted, M.A.P., what is the inspiration behind that book?
A: Not good
Q: (L) Just for fun, If I had an animal spirit what would it be?
A: Peacock.
Q: (L) Frank?
A: Deer.
Q: (L) V__?
A: Cat.
And then came
Q: (L) Do the Cassiopaens have pets?
A: Not exactly.

Q: (L) What do you guys do for fun?
A: All is fun when perceived correctly.
To be continued:
Among 3-4 D STS, pets are common,
According to the transcritps not only humans have pets, the reptilians can be pets of the Orions, the Bigfoot can be pets of the reptilians.

The reptilians are owned by the Orion STS as slaves, and, in some cases, pets!!!
Session 24 September 1995
A: In this part of your 3rd and 4th density universe, specifically your "galaxy" it is the region known as Orion that is the one and only indigenous home of human type beings... reflect on this! Indigenous home base, not sole locator. What you are most in need of review of is the accurate profile of "alien" data.
Q: (RC) I thought that humans originated in Lyra and then a war broke out there and they ended up in Orion.
A: Lyra is not inhabited. There have been homes in all places, but some were/are transitory, and some are not. Pay attention to Orion! This is your ancestral home, and your eventual destination. Here is the absolutely accurately accurate profile of Orion to follow: This is the most heavily populated region of your Milky Way galaxy! This is a region that extends across 3rd and 4th density space for a distance as vast as the distance between your locator and it. There are 3,444 inhabited "worlds" in this region. Some are planets as you know them. Some are artificially constructed planetoids. Some are floating space barges. And some are "satellites." There are primary homes, travelling stations and incubator laboratories all in 2nd, 3rd and 4th densities. There are overseer zones in 5th and 6th densities. Approximately one half is STO and one half is STS. Together, along with many other colonies, located elsewhere, this is called, in translation, Orion Federation. Orions created grays in 5 varieties, as cyber-genetic beings, and installed them on Zeta Reticuli 1, 2, 3, and 4, as well as on 2 planets orbiting Barnard's Star. The Reptilians also inhabit 6 planets in the Orion region in 4th density, and are owned by the Orion STS as slaves, and, in some cases, pets!!! The name "Orion" is the actual native name, and was brought to earth directly. Study the legend of the "god" of Orion for parallels.
Q: (L) Are the Orion STS the infamous red-headed Nordic aliens?
A: Yes, and all other humanoid combinations.

Sasquatch or Bigfoot are the slaves and "pets" of the Lizard Beings
Session 9 October 1994
Q: (L) Was Mars ever inhabited?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) By whom?
A: By those you now know as Sasquatch or Bigfoot.
Q: (L) Do they now live on this planet as a result of being brought here by other beings?
A: They are transitory. Do not inhabit on a permanent basis.
Q: (L) Well, how do they come and go?
A: They are the slaves and "pets" of the Lizard Beings.
Q: (L) How did the Sasquatch get here from Mars?
A: Brought by Lizard Beings but they do not inhabit earth.
Q: (L) Why have Sasquatch been seen in remote places throughout history?
A: Put there for menial slave tasks.
Q: (L) Does that mean that whenever Sasquatch have been seen that there is a Lizard nearby?
A: No.
Q: (L) What menial tasks might they be doing?
A: Collecting samples.
Q: (L) Why has everyone who has ever come in contact with Sasquatch commented on the awful odor of them? Why do they stink?
A: Organic functions.
Q: (L) What is it about their organic functions that makes them stink?
A: Sweat.

Human race genetically engineered to be slaves
It is not explained if some humans are pets for 4D STS, or if that is planned after 4 D transitioning. As it is being engineered to be a slave race is bad enough.
Session 30 September 1994
Q: (L) Was the human race genetically engineered to be slaves?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And who were the genetic engineers of this slavehood?
A: Lizard beings.21
Q: (L) Where do they come from: earth or another planet?
A: Other.
Q: (L) What planet from?
A: Qaddeera.22
Q: (L) What star system is that in?
A: Zeta Reticuli.23
Q: (L) Are the little gray beings from Zeta Reticuli also?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are the little gray beings...
A: Cybergenetic.24
Q: (L) Are they created by the lizards?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Do they have souls?
A: They are Decoys.
Q: (L) Are the Lizzies currently with us?
A: Near.
Q: (L) Are the Lizzies planning to take over our planet?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are they planning on landing and doing this openly?
A: Close.25
Q: (L) Do they utilize such things as possession by dark energy forms to effect their control?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What other groups are they in cahoots with?
A: Orions.
Q: (L) How many members are there in the Orion/Lizzie group?
A: 16.
Q: (L) Who are the good guys? You say the Cassiopaeans are the good guys. Who else?
A: Pleiadeans and many others.
Q: (L) How many?
A: 16.26
Q: (L) Are the sides equally balanced?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Do the good guys abduct people?
A: No. They may contact and voluntarily transport.

21 Charles Fort, an obsessive collector of anomalous events, once remarked that the only conclusions he could draw from all his research, was that Earth was "owned" by some beings who we could neither see nor comprehend. Barbara Marciniak's Pleiadians say, in Bringers of the Dawn:

"During Earth's early history, there were wars in space for ownership of this planet. ...Skirmishes took place, and Earth became a place of duality. ...When this skirmish occurred, a certain group of entities fought in space and won the territory of Earth. These new owners did not want the native Earth species - the humans - to be informed of what took place. Uninformed, the species would be easier to control. This is why light is information and darkness is lack of information. ... These new owners who came here 300,000 years ago are the magnificent beings spoken of in your Bible, in the Babylonian and Sumerian tablets, and in texts all over the world. ...Who were these gods from ancient times? They were beings who were able to move reality and to command the spirits of nature to bend to their will. ...The creator gods who have been ruling this planet have the ability to become physical, though mostly they exist in other dimensions. They keep Earth in a certain vibrational frequency while they create emotional trauma to nourish themselves. ...In order to have you believe they were Gods with a big G, they rearranged you genetically. ...The gods who did this are magnificent space creatures. They can do many kinds of manipulations and work with realities in many different ways. ...Some of these creator gods married and merged their line... The creator gods would mix one kind with another to see what they could create. Remember, they understood genetics, and all things were created by manifesting and using the life force and understanding how the life force works. ...Who are these beings... the Dark T-shirts? Be kind when you speak of the forces of darkness. Do not speak as if they are bad. Simply understand that they are uninformed, and they create systems that are uninformed because that is how they believe they must operate. They fought at one time and separated themselves from knowledge, so now they desperately hold onto their existing knowledge and onto life as they have evolved it into being. It is life based on fear, life that does not honor other life, life that uses other life. Who are these beings? They are the reptiles. These space beings are part human and part reptilian. We call them Lizzies because we like to make things a little less emotional and a little humorous so that you don't take them so seriously and get so upset. We are not here to frighten you - we are here to inform you....Creator gods take many forms, and they are not all Lizzies. There are creator gods who are insectlike. We Pleiadians are associated with the creator gods that are birdlike and reptilian. ...At one time, the birds and the reptiles worked together, and at other times they fought."

The Cassiopaean perspective is slightly different from the Pleiadian perspective as the reader will soon see. However, there are many terms and concepts that are similar, if not identical.

From The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop, which is a rant against Catholicism, which, in the process of demolishing he also manages to demolish Christianity altogether, though that was not his intent, we find the following:

"Baal-abirin signified The Winged One. ...Now, the understanding of this equivocal sense of Baal-aberin can alone explain the remarkable statement of Aristophanes, that at the beginning of the world, 'the birds were first created, and then after their creation, came the race of the blessed immortal gods. ...Let it only be borne in mind that 'the birds' - that is, the 'winged ones,' - symbolized 'the Lords of the mighty ones.' In the Polynesian story the heavens and earth are said to have been 'bound together with cords,' and the 'severing' of these cords is said to have been effected by myriads of 'dragon-flies,' which, with their 'wings,' bore an important share in the great work. The deified 'mighty ones' were often represented as winged serpents.... There is hardly a people or kindred on earth in whose mythology the overcoming of a vile, serpentine oppressor is not shadowed forth. The Greeks represented their great god Apollo as slaying the serpent Pytho, and Hercules as strangling serpents while yet in his cradle. In Egypt, in India, in Scandinavia, in Mexico, we find clear allusions to the same great truth. The evil genius of the adversaries of the Egyptian god Horus is frequently figured under the form of a snake, whose head he is seen piercing with a spear."

All over the world, from time immemorial, gods have been represented with scales. Most analysts have interpreted this to be a symbolic representation of the "powers" of the gods. Or the "wisdom" of the serpent. But why a serpent would acquire any kind of cachet as wise simply does not compute in any way, shape or form. How do we explain the ubiquitous presence of a serpent race on earth? Perhaps it is because at one time, or at various times, and even still, they are present in our realm, but as hyperdimensional beings; the secret Control System that owns Earth.

22 I have never found anything that relates to this name.

23 A binary star system that is roughly 37 light years away from Earth. The aliens that abducted Betty and Barney Hill (See: "The Interrupted Journey" by Raymond Fowler) were calculated to come from a planet in this system, and Bob Lazar claimed that the nine UFOs he saw in S-4 came from one of the planets in the Zeta Reticuli star system.

24 Cyber - from a Greek word that means "to steer, navigate, direct," and "genetic," or creation. In other words, genetically engineered.

25 Remember that "close" gets no cigar. It took us awhile to learn this and to go back to questions that had been answered this way to try and pin down exactly how close we were or were not!

26 This does not refer to individuals, but to distinct "groups" or "types" of "aliens." It seems to me that there may be some "mystical" significance to this number 16. It is, in fact, the exact number of pieces on a chess board, and the chess board has been the symbol of mystical reality for millennia. And the game of chess is played on a board with 64 squares which is 4 times 16. Broken down in another way, on the chessboard there are 8 "dominant" pieces and 8 pawns to each side and the number 8 will be seen to figure significantly as we go along. Keep spiders and scorpions in mind, for example.
Some dogs, cats, fish, insects, amphibians and reptiles are pets, some are treated well, others? Even if a pet is treated with care, according to whose standard is it? These thoughts brought to mind the following excerpt:

To the fishes and the cockroaches, et al, "you is de bad guys."
Session 25 September 1996
Q: When you say that we should "lighten up," that you are referring to our frequencies?
A: Well, it is important not to worry over that which is not changeable, and which is trivial in the really big picture. If the surface 3rd density realm of your locator is soon to be rent asunder, why does it matter to you, or more to the point, why does it frighten you so? You are supposed to be moving beyond this 3rd density STS thinking.
Q: What's the point of even talking to you guys, then?
A: Do you expect to stop talking to us after you transition?
Q: Well, I guess it depends on where I transition to. Are we going to make the big transition to 5th density...
A: Wherever you go, the communication will be more succinct. Now, even if "nothing happens," how long do you expect to remain in your present state? Can you remember "35 years ago?" Well??
Q: I am thinking! I was just a kid then. Yes, I can remember.
A: How long "back" does it seem?
Q: Sometimes it seems like forever...
A: No.
Q: In another way, it seems like yesterday.
A: Yes.
Q: It just depends on what mood I am in.
A: Not long, eh?
Q: Well, you are NOT improving my mood! I don't want to tell people things like that, that they have to see themselves as only souls and that the physical body is just a garment to be worn out and tossed aside. They can't handle it when they are faced with imminent possible suffering. They will get hysterical!
A: Maybe they will. And maybe they need to. Maybe they need to learn something. Nothing lasts forever, and thank goodness for that!
Q: You have talked about space battles and cosmic struggles and individuals and beings and races of beings coming from one direction or another to act in this cosmic drama...
A: It is part and parcel of the energy that maintains all existence, as are you all.
Q: You also once said that there were "good guys" and "bad guys."
A: From a chosen perspective.
Q: Does that mean that the "good guys" and "bad guys" CHOOSE to undertake these roles for the sake of this Cosmic Drama?
A: Yes, to some extent. It also means that to the fishes and the cockroaches, et al, "you is de bad guys." Subjectivity reigns in STS!
Q: Would you care to name these groups? You have said that there is the Orion Federation and the Orion Union. The Federation is supposed to be STO, and the Union is supposed to be STS. Is there also a group called the "Markab Confederation," as one person asked?
A: This stage is so huge that there is every "group" you can imagine! And, if you imagine them, they are there.
To be continued...
Cases relating to dog and cat health
Below are a few excerpts, each is specific to a particular situation.

Dog: Heart condition
Session 9 November 1994
Q: (L) What did my dog Dannyboy die from?
A: Heart condition.

Cat: Vitamins A, D, E and a solution of Goldenseal root to be placed in food
Session 13 January 1996
A: Busy with many projects. You must contact him because we see his desk topped with mounds of "stuff." He is interested, but just not for some period. {short pause} Isis has uterine or cervical abrasion from birth process.
{Isis was L's dog which had given birth to 5 puppies, 2 of which died a short time after birth because Isis was unable to care for them. It had been several days, and Isis had been moved into the kitchen for warmth, but had been "down" for several days. This comment was volunteered with no question asked.}
Q: What can I do to help her?
A: Vitamins A, D, E and a solution of Goldenseal root to be placed in food. {These instructions were carried out and Isis recovered completely within 10 days, with definite improvement noted after 2 days.}

Asthmatic allergic reaction aggravated by airborne canine hair
Session 26 July 1997
Q: Before we get started on all our other stuff, is there anything you would like to address to Ark in the present situation?
A: First of all, this is for you: your son's asthmatic allergic reaction is being seriously aggravated by airborne canine hair particulate matter at this time!
Q: Thank you very much. We will take care of it.
A: Good, and you are welcome. We suggest you limit his contact with the dog for the next 8 days.
Q: Well, Percy is in the kitchen because he gets so hysterical when there is thunder. Why does he get so frantic?
A: Sensitive to ozone.
Q: That brings up another thought: in several cases of the flying boomerangs, collies were involved. And, subsequent to my own sighting, I lost my collie within 3 months. He just started wasting away and died and nothing we did helped. What is the connection, if any?
A: Genetic biological manufacturing defect leaves open absorption of unusually high levels of collateral radiation.
Q: But why is it that so many people who have seen these boomerangs seem to have collies?
A: That is not always the case.
Q: Well, but a significant number! I wonder if there is something genetic in the people who prefer collies. Remember, collies are a Celtic dog!
A: Indeed!!

Dog: Colloidal silver and probiotics
Session 30 August 2009
30 May 2009
Q: [...] (L) Anybody else got any questio30 (DD) Yeah, would a cervical correction help Laura?
A: Possibly. But the main problem is inflammation. Anything that eases the physical is helpful, though.
Q: (D) Would the nanosilver solutions help the inflammation?
A: Yes
Q: (DD) (inaudible) Along those lines, I began giving the silver to my dog beginning yesterday after a hiatus... Will that help her inflammation and yet not cause her digestive problems?
A: Lower the dose slightly and give probiotics. But remember you can only do so much. She is looking forward to graduation and you should not hold her back too tightly.
Q: (DD) Okay, good. I lowered the dose to 1.5 CCs this time, is that still too high?
A: Should be OK

Cat: Supplement added to food was not the cause
Session 22 July 2012
Q: (L) [....] Okay, C___ had this terrible incident happening with this kitty cat. I want to know was it because C___ put calcium and magnesium in the cat's food that it caused the cat to die by having crystals?
A: No, crystals would not form that quickly.
Q: (L) So there was something wrong with the kitty to begin with?
A: Yes.

Cat: Temporary indigestion
Session 26 April 2014
Q: (L) [...] Alright, well I will ask a question. Let's see... Do we want world events, do we want house events, do we want... Oh, what's wrong with our kitty? Our kitty is sick! Is kitty gonna be okay?
A: Very likely tomorrow.
Q: (L) Alright, that's enough about the cat. (Mr. Scott) Indigestion. (L) Yeah. [...]

Ageing dogs: Health also affected by changes in Earth frequency
Session 4 July 2020
(Artemis) I have a question. Other than things that we can assume like old age and weather, what's wrong with our doggies? Why are they all getting sick one after another?
A: Age mostly. Plus changes in Earth frequency. Keep close watch.
To be continued:
More on health and diseases among pets, beginning with a couple of excerpt about ordinary health issues, before moving on to parasite like infections and infestations, a distressing subject considering the magnitude and seriousness, but also important and not only for pets, but also for humans.

Dog suffering from EM pollution and genetic susceptibility.
Session 9 May 2020
Q: (Andromeda) Elvis. Well, what do we want to know?
(Chu) Anything else we can do for him?
A: Not much.
Q: (Gaby) Is he in pain?
A: Little.
Q: (L) Why Elvie? He's so sweet.
A: EM pollution and genetic susceptibility.
Q: (Pierre) But there's not much EM pollution around here.
(Scottie) Well, there's plenty. We have less than most people, but we've got a tower back there, and tower in front. You can get a 4G connection if you stand in the front yard. If you stand in the right spot in the yard, you can pick up a weak WiFi signal from some of the neighbors. Fortunately, inside the house it's good, but outside in the yard... You never get away from it entirely.

Hunger on and off is normal for an old kitty
(L) Anything else that needs to be covered?
(Artemis) What about Penelope? Why is she acting so different? Is it just old age?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) She's just an old lady. Her hunger goes on and off and I'm wondering if that's normal for an old kitty.
A: Yes

Ehrlichiosis affecting dog did not show up in blood test
Session 30 August 2014
Q: (Alada) Another Ebola question: Are the false test results that were being given, is that because the virus is mutating so quickly?
A: It doesn't always show up as they would like. That is actually typical for many conditions, however modern medical practitioners are rather attached to their tech and gadgets.
Q: (L) Well yeah, we know that. Remember when Sebastian had ehrlichiosis and they didn't find it in his blood test?
(Theseus) A lot of this is profit-related.
(Alada) It's so prominent, and in the news all the time. Is it all for profit?
(L) Just think of V for Vendetta. In the movie, they created the disease, used it to terrify people, and then they got wealthy on providing the cure, were able to impose a totalitarian regime, over the world, ... It's almost word for word the same scenario. Look at all those pharmaceutical companies... And I bet they'll come out with diets where the people will be encouraged to eat more grains and sugar and take their pills.
(Andromeda) They can be quarantined.
(L) Look at all the gadgets they're going to have to buy. Look at all the supplies they'll have to lay in to survive this. It's a bonanza!
About Ehrlichiosis:
Ehrlichiosis is a tick-borne[3] bacterial infection,[4] caused by bacteria of the family Anaplasmataceae, genera Ehrlichia and Anaplasma. These obligate intracellular bacteria infect and kill white blood cells.

The average reported annual incidence is on the order of 2.3 cases per million people.[5]
The Wiki says under dogs:
Dogs infected with Ehrlichia often show lameness, lethargy, enlarged lymph nodes, and loss of appetite during the acute phase, which is one to three weeks after infection. Other symptoms include cough, diarrhea, vomiting, abnormal bruising and/or bleeding, fever, and loss of balance.[16]

Brain and upper throat of dog infected by rabbit
Session 9 May 2020
(Andromeda) Did we miss anything? Coronavirus, vaccinations, Bill Gates...I was going to ask about Noko. What was it that happened to Noko the other night? Did she actually have an aneurysm, was it her inner ear, or something else?
A: Infection in brain.
Q: (Andromeda) So is it the infection in her upper throat that has spread to the brain?
A: Opposite.
Q: (Andromeda) And what kind of infection is it?
A: From rabbits.
Q: (Andromeda) From rabbits.
(L) From eating rabbits?
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) Is that parasitic... or bacterial?
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) Parasitic.
(Gaby) So iodine will help.
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) Is there anything else we can do to help? Anything else she should be taking?
A: Research, doxy to start.

Q: (L) Does doxycycline cross the blood-brain barrier?
(Gaby) I think so, yeah.
(Joe) Is she going to be okay?
A: Most likely.
To place the two previous excerpts in a larger context, here are other pages about pets and parasites also in relation to humans:
7 Parasites You Get From Your Pets, includes roundworm, whipworm, hookworm, tapeworm, Toxoplasma gondii/toxoplasmosis, giardia, scabies
Diseases People Can Catch from Dogs and Cats include MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus), cat-scratch disease, and leptospirosis
What diseases can we catch from our pets?, an article from BBC 2014, also mentions pets besides cats and dogs, and has hyperlinks that lead to more information.
30 Diseases Humans Can Get From Pets has a long list, easier to read if the ads are blocked.
9 Diseases Dogs Can Transfer to Humans lists heart worm, Dirofilaria immitis, a particular kind of round worm, transmittable by a mosquito bite, see also Heartworm In Dogs - Symptoms, Treatment And Prevention

The rabbits that infected the dog Noko were wild. If wild rabbits in sufficient number can be a pest, tame rabbits can also be pets, which does not mean the problems end. What Rabbit Diseases Are Spread to Humans? has a section about Rabbit diseases spread to cats or dogs where they mention the following of which those marked with a *, are also transmittable to humans.
rabbit parasites:
Toxoplasmosis*, Cheyletiellosis*, Thelaziosis, Leishmaniasis*, Giardiasis*.​
rabbit bacteria:
Campylobacteriosis*, Yersiniosis*, Tularemia*​
rabbit fungi:
Sporotrichosis*, Dermatophytosis or ringworm*​

Cats and dogs can also be infected by contact with rats. The list of 10 Rat Diseases Transferred to Humans included the above toxoplasmosis and tularemia.

The examples of parasitic infection can introduce a long excerpt with a discussion of the influence of parasites, including the example of toxoplasmosis for which there is a forum thread Toxoplasmosis - The Return of the Puppet Masters. See also: Forum search for parasites in the title.

Parasitic infestations preventing a "quantum leap in awareness."
Session 18 July 2015
A: We have been noting the questions on your forum and would like to make some small comments.
Q: (Galatea) Okay.
(L) Hang on! I see something long is coming, so let me get myself ready ... Alright, carry on!
A: Questions about "The Great Work" and "work on the self" and the preparations for "graduation" and so forth. Most of the clues and even direct answers have been given in the past, however we will summarize and give examples. All such aims concentrate, in essence, on or in awareness! Awareness is knowledge in action. Now, think of the concept you know as transmarginal inhibition.
Q: (L) Okay. Transmarginal inhibition is when an organism is stressed or pushed to the point where they break. It's like they become blank slates, and then they can be easily reprogrammed. Is that what we're getting at here?
A: Yes. Now think of the superimportant bit of data we sought to get through to you some years ago regarding parasitic infestations preventing a "quantum leap in awareness."
Q: (L) So you're saying that awareness is the key to the Great Work, work on the self, graduating to 4D, or whatever. Awareness involves knowledge, and quantum leaps in awareness can be prevented by parasitic infestations, which is somehow related to transmarginal inhibition.
(Pierre) How does it relate?
(Perceval) It makes people easy prey. Like toxoplasmosis in cats.
(L) So, okay... Continue.
A: The recent discoveries you have made in terms of the causation of chronic and other deadly diseases is the gathering together of the keys to the opening of a door to greater awareness!!!!
Q: (Andromeda) Huh.
(Perceval) So you don't have the key yet.
(L) When you made that remark, that was years ago... That was in 1997? That was in the context, if I remember correctly, of when I was following bloodlines. You diverted my direction by introducing this topic about quantum leaps in awareness and parasitic infestation. And then I think the topic then moved on to the discussion of an alien race wanting to take over the planet and how they would do that. Maybe we could go find that session...
[Break for finding session transcript from August 9, 1997]
(Andromeda) So we get rid of all of these bugs, all the right DNA turns on, and then we become more aware and get superpowers. That's what I'm getting from this.
(Pierre) So regarding these bloodlines, are they for example people who would graduate, but they have some weakness and they get infested by parasites that prevent them from graduation?
(L) Is it a weakness, or is it by design?
L reads from August 9, 1997 transcript:

Q: Next question: is there any relationship between the fact that Roger de Mortimer, the carrier of the last of the line of the Welsh kings, was the lover of Isabella of France, who was the daughter of Philip the Fair, the destroyer of the Templars, and the murder of Edward II, the first of the English Prince of Wales?
A: Templars are a setup, insofar as persecution is concerned. Remember your "historical records" can be distorted, in order to throw off future inquiries, such as your own.
Q: I know that. I have already figured that one out! But, it seems that no one else has made this connection. I mean, the bloodlines that converge in the Percys and the Mortimers are incredible!
A: You should know that these bloodlines become parasitically infected, harassed and tinkered with whenever a quantum leap of awareness is imminent.
Q: Whenever a quantum leap...
A: Such as "now."
Q: Did Isabella and Mortimer have a child while they were in hiding in France?
A: No. Here is something for you to digest: Why is it that your scientists have overlooked the obvious when they insist that alien beings cannot travel to earth from a distant system???
Q: And what is this obvious thing?
A: Even if speed of light travel, or "faster," were not possible, and it is, of course, there is no reason why an alien race could not construct a space "ark," living for many generations on it. They could travel great distances through time and space, looking for a suitable world for conquest. Upon finding such, they could then install this ark in a distant orbit, build bases upon various solid planes in that solar system, and proceed to patiently manipulate the chosen civilizations to develop a suitable technological infrastructure. And then, after the instituting of a long, slow, and grand mind programming project, simply step in and take it over once the situation was suitable.

(L) So... Are you suggesting that, for example, if there are people who get infectious diseases that cause atherosclerosis, heart disease, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, or any of these so-called autoimmune diseases, that these diseases are not genetically caused as they have been saying for the last 50 or 60 years, but that perhaps they were designed for people who carry certain genetic markers in their DNA, which then get labeled as the causative gene? Is that what we're getting at here?
A: Very close indeed. There is also the "tinkering" that can take place.
Q: (L) So in our particular reality and time and place, the so-called "Great Work", the alchemical self-transformation, must necessarily include work on diet and health issues and a vast increase in knowledge in those areas in order to cancel out the effects of transmarginal inhibition?
A: Yes
Q: (L) I don't know of any better way to put it. Anybody else?
(Pierre) There seems to be something else. The way they refer to parasites is that they are preventing not only the gaining of knowledge and growth of awareness, but also this quantum leap. Maybe if you have parasites, you can still increase your knowledge and awareness, but you'll reach a sort of glass ceiling that prevents you from graduating.
A: Yes
Q: (L) What's the tinkering there?
A: The parasites act as receivers.
Q: (Pierre) Yeah. The parasites act as receivers. So when you are full of parasites, you are more under the influence of bad waves, or waves sent by bad entities. You're more susceptible to those messages. There's a bad influence on you beyond the parasites.
A: Getting free of parasitic microorganisms is one of the first orders of business for transformation.
Q: (Galatea) Would you say that the closer somebody gets to graduating, the worse things get? Like they start to feel worse?
A: In many cases, yes.
Q: (L) If you get too smart, then something happens. I wonder if they even have something designed into the system that makes that happen?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) They have a back door.
(Perceval) When they said that the parasites act as receivers, receivers of what?
A: Waves of information.
Q: (Perceval) The reference to bloodlines becoming parasitically infected, does that refer to certain bloodlines that were particularly targeted for infestation?
A: Yes
Q: (Perceval) As in bloodlines or genetic profiles that were more likely to have an increase in awareness or to be more of a threat to the system?
A: Yes
Q: (L) That's pretty freaking depressing.
(Pierre) That's cunning.
(Perceval) What did they say about the tinkering?
(L) Okay, how is the tinkering done?
A: Most often via viruses.

Q: (L) Is the campaign to vaccinate everyone part of this project to make sure that everybody gets the viruses that are needed to stop them from progressing?
A: Yes
Q: (L) I know you said that the mark of the beast is something that relates to anybody who accepts torture and that sort of thing, but some of those old ideas about the mark of the beast, it's like DNA is code... So, maybe have these virally implanted genetic instructions could be considered as the mark of the beast.
A: It goes together!
Q: (L) So if they get these virally implanted DNA codons or something, that then makes them of the type of person who is accepting of the bad waves and the torture and so forth...
A: Yes
Q: (Perceval) Can we assume that most of the population of the planet is infected with these kinds of parasites?
A: Many, not most. Some have strong resistance. And also, some have compensatory counteractive codons.
Q: (L) So somehow, by virtue of natural selection I would imagine, some people manage to get lucky draws and get a set of genes that are highly resistant to this type of manipulation?
A: Yes. Or at least with compensation.
Q: (L) So, when you say "compensation", that would be similar to the example of somebody who has sickle-cell anemia, which also protects against malaria? So you could have something that makes you susceptible to a condition, but at the same time the way you are susceptible also makes you resistance to something else? Is that what we're getting at here?
A: Yes. Close.
Q: (Chu) But the fact that these people are immune sort of doesn't necessarily make them aware, right?
A: Yes
Q: (Chu) You need the knowledge, too.
(Perceval) This parasitic infestation to control people is over and above ponerization, psychopathology, media brainwashing, etc. People who don't have this parasitic infestation...
(L) And I'm sure there are lots of people who don't have the susceptibility who don't give a crap about knowledge or awareness or graduation or anything.
(Pierre) But is the opposite true? Can you have the great resistance, and the potential to graduate as well?
A: In some cases, yes.
Q: (Perceval) So it's basically wasted on a lot of people in a certain sense.
(Pierre) At least they're not sick.
(Perceval) No, the people who want to fight against the system and who care about the state of the world and the lies and all that stuff, they don't have the immunity. But the ones who do have it, they're not influenced by the waves but they don't care.
(Galatea) So is there positive information we can acquire somehow to combat the negative information?
A: We have given you the data and clues. Knowledge must be acquired via efforts so as to make proper connections and pathways in the brain.
Q: (L) Why is it so important to make connections and pathways in the brain?
A: That is, quite simply, building your receiver!!!
Q: (L) So, it is important to acquire knowledge, information, and to do it in a way that builds your brain power because that's your receiver. Your receiver receives...
(Galatea) Cosmic information.
A: Higher energies!
Q: (Chu) I would also think that the efforts are a key because that's like the enemy of a parasite. A parasite lives off other cells or other living organisms for free basically. But if you make an effort, you're actually using opposite information to what you're wired to do.
(L) Yeah, when you make efforts, you're putting information into the system. They make no efforts, so they are tending towards entropy and chaos.
(Pierre) What Chu means is that there is almost opposing philosophies.
(Chu) It's like a clash. If they feed from your life force, their mode of living is by not doing anything and having your body do it for them. With effort, it's like a clash opposite to how they function.
(Pierre) If you're parasitic, that might resonate with the parasites' energy, and they find a positive environment. If you have the opposite energy, if you're creative and make efforts, maybe your overall energy will be in opposition to the parasites' intrinsic entropic vibration.
(Data) The same with conscious suffering.
(Perceval) I think the point here is that in order to make these pathways in the brain, one of the things that stops that from happening are these parasites. So, physically, getting rid of the parasites is required to create this positive feedback loop.
(L) I think you can acquire knowledge to a certain point, but...
(Perceval) We're talking about a physical problem here in the sense of doxycycline or whatever is necessary to deal with a parasitic infestation. It's not that some way....
(L) Yeah, you're not going to ephemerally deal with it, no. It's like all of our researches into diet. In 2008 after I had that operation, my brain was fogged and I was so... I couldn't even sit at my desk for 5 minutes without my legs swelling so bad, I had to get back into bed. I would be dead now if we hadn't gone on the... Well, if I hadn't browbeaten everyone and said, "Hey, I'm gonna do this thing here, and ya'll gotta do it, too!" [laughter]
(Chu) What I'm trying to get at is that it's a double whammy. If you're a doctor, you acquire the knowledge about the parasites, but if you're not building that willpower, you may get rid of the parasites but not acquire awareness. But if you act against the nature of a parasite while you get rid of the physical parasites, that's different.
(Perceval) People who have an immunity naturally, they don't get infested, but they don't do anything with the capability they have.
(Chu) So that's why you need the superefforts.
(L) There's another problem. There are two things I've noticed from various people on the forum. There are the ones that are so horrified by the terror of the situation, like, "I don't belong to this world! I'm not part of this! I can't eat meat! I can't eat vegetables. I have to live on air and sunshine because it's so awful and horrible that I just can't stand it!" So, there's that reaction. And then there's the other one where when we have a session, ideas are promoted, people start to do things or try things before they themselves have done a little of the research, ya know? I think there are the people who don't want to learn anything, and then there are people who want to do and achieve, but they want an easy way.
(Pierre) For proper acquisition of knowledge, you need a sufficient amount of time and effort and... suffering, basically.
A: There is no free lunch except maybe for parasites!
Q: (L) And we're their lunch as long as we think there's a free lunch!
A: Yes!
Q: (Data) Is that the meaning of humanity being "food for the moon"?
A: Close, though Gurdjieff did not fully understand all the particulars.
Q: (L) Well, one of things I noticed from reading this book "Plague Time" that I just finished is that many of the most insidious of the long-term chronic disease parasites are what they would call sexually transmitted: by sex, kissing, close contact, etc. It seems to me that based on what I was reading in this book, some of the ancient ideas about extreme sexual morality were directed at preventing just these kinds of conditions. Am I reading too much into it?
A: No, the knowledge was passed down until the reasons were forgotten.
Q: (L) Now, it's the really ridiculous religious rules or whatever, and originally there were scientific reasons for it. It's like the pork thing. There was a reason. There was a reason about pork and a way to deal with pork, but somehow they lost it. Now you've got all these Muslims going around with woman covering themselves head to foot and all the purity rules of the Jews, and the "no dancing" of the fundies and all that. Most of what is in the Hebrew Bible in terms of laws came from the Pythagoreans. So that suggests that Pythagoras was a transmitter of really ancient knowledge.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Well, well, well...
Concerning the above "purity rules of the Jews", what about pets?
From a Jewish site:
Mitzvahs & Traditions More Mitzvahs & Traditions Judaism and Pet Ownership: 18 FAQs
May Jews own pets?
For a host of cultural reasons, anecdotal evidence suggests that Jewish homes did not often include pet dogs (although cats were more commonly kept, to keep mice at bay).

One reason for this may be that pets are generally non-kosher animals, and there is a preference for seeing kosher images to whatever degree possible.
However, there is no Jewish law or tradition precluding pet ownership per se.
Similarly, on my Jewish learning Judaism and Dogs though they provide more textual references, with examples, counter examples and references from the Torah, Talmud, Jewish mysticism and later commentary.
Jewish tradition does not expressly prohibit the keeping of dogs as pets, but biblical and rabbinic sources do include numerous references that associate dogs with violence and uncleanliness and frown on the practice of keeping them in one’s home.

In the previous excerpt, there was an explanation of transmarginal inhibition:
Transmarginal inhibition is when an organism is stressed or pushed to the point where they break. It's like they become blank slates, and then they can be easily reprogrammed.
This connects to the research of Pavlov and the next excerpt, meaningful both in relation to pets and to humans:

The effect of GMO on DNA? - Remember Pavlov? - Strong dogs can be broken if their health is broken first
Session 28 March 2010
(L) Okay, we've got some questions here that people have assembled. The first question is: "Do genetically modified foods affect human DNA?"
A: Yes! Very bad.
Q: (L) Okay. What are the consequences of this disruption in terms of awareness and spiritual growth?
A: Remember Pavlov?
Q: (L) Yeah... So what about Pavlov?
A: Strong dogs can be broken if their health is broken first.
Q: (L) So you're saying that these effects are primarily health-related?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So if your health is compromised, it makes it more difficult for you to achieve any kind of awareness or spiritual growth. Is that it?
A: Yes. Hasn't that always been the case?
To be continued:
In this post there are excerpt about the souls of humans and animals, second density perception and communication, the difficulties with the topic of time, and the relation between a dog and its owner.

Human souls and animal souls are different - All souls are advanced
Session 7 November 1994
Q: (L) Are there any other physical creatures on planet earth which have souls?
A: All do.
Q: (L) Is the human soul different from, say, animal souls?
A: Of course.

Q: (L) Are there any other physical creatures on the earth which have souls like human souls? On the same level, so to speak?
A: No.
Q: (L) Well, I have heard that dolphins, porpoises and whales have very advanced souls. Is that true?
A: All souls are advanced.
Q: (L) But are whales sentient, thinking, self-aware as humans are?
A: Apples and oranges.
Q: (L) Well, since whales are so big, do they have bigger souls?
A: Irrelevant.
In the next excerpt, the topic of souls comes up again in a discussion about the underlying causes for the flat earth belief.

Differences in 2nd and 3rd density perception of dimensions
Session 29 August 2015
Q: [...](Pierre) I had a question about the genesis of this Flat Earth movement was due to one guy pretty much. It has some stigmas of a deliberate, coordinated psyop. So, does this Flat Earth theory come from one mind, or is it a deliberate concerted enterprise?
A: Recall your intuition, Pierre!
Q: (Pierre) My intuition that it had all the stigmas, all the marks, of a deliberate and coordinated...
A: No! 2nd density perception.
Q: (Perceval) They were not talking about your intuition that it was a psyop, but your intuition about 2nd density perception.
(Pierre) Ah, okay.
(Perceval) Laura, you were talking about it being like a 2d...
(L) It was Pierre's idea. I just brought it up on the forum.
(Pierre) So, the intuition was that there is some analogy between density and dimensions. In 2nd density, things like horses and dogs can only see in 2 dimensions. In 3rd density, we human beings can perceive 3 dimensions. Organic portals recently graduated into 3rd density from 2nd density are only used to these 2d worlds, and they have difficulties to perceive or live with 3 dimensions. So the Flat Earth idea appeals to them.
(Perceval) Maybe it's not so much that they have "problems with 3d", but that there's a harking back to 2d.
(L) Well, that would mean they would have problems with this reality.
(Perceval) Yeah, but not in a strict sense like in terms of being able to navigate in 3 dimensions like a dog can. They have no problem walking around doors or whatever.
(Chu) But in a deeper, more abstract way...
(Perceval) Yeah. Maybe they're thinking would tend towards 2d.
(Chu) But why only OPs and not young souls?
A: Who said there was any such thing?
Q: (L) I think they once said that all souls were created at the same time, so there's no such thing as young souls.
(Chu) But they mentioned something before about old souls, no?
(L) Who says anything about old souls?
(Galatea) Can't someone grow a soul?
(L) Well, growing a soul is different from young vs. old soul.
(Galatea) Well, when you grow a soul, your soul is young.
(L) Well...
(Chu) No, I mean a soul that has been around and had many, many lives in 3d. But maybe it doesn't exist.
(L) Not in that context, I don't think....
A: No
Q: (L) I think people when they talk about young souls, they're probably really talking about OPs.
A: Yes

Q: (Ark) Maybe this Flat Earth theory is created to distract from the Hollow Earth theory?
(Pierre) It can be flat and hollow. [laughter]
A: No there is more "truth" to the "Hollow Earth" theory!
Q: (L) As in underground bases and 4th density planes of existence under the Earth?
A: Yes
Notes on the vision field among humans and animals.
According to the Wiki on Field of View explains the range of human vision, which clearly exceeds that of a cat and a horse:
For example, binocular vision, which is the basis for stereopsis and is important for depth perception, covers 114 degrees (horizontally) of the visual field in humans;[7] the remaining peripheral 40 degrees on each side have no binocular vision (because only one eye can see those parts of the visual field).
This shows that the binocular vision is very dominant among humans.
The opposite of binocular vision, common among predators, is monocular vision, common among those that are preyed upon.
Here is a rabbit:
They [Rabbits] can watch for movement from the top, sides and to some extent what's to the rear in "2D". They have a small blind spot in front of their nose, under their chin and directly behind them. This small blind spot prevents any real "3D" viewing of things that are close. They have depth perception a bit farther out (foward) helping them elude danger.
And horses:
[...] the horse can see in a near complete circle, only about 20% of that vision is binocular; the remaining 80% is monocular vision.
An image, that compares the visual field of a cat with a horse:
There are other differences, as in sharpness and colour range:
How does your dog see the world? Fascinating images show how your pets perceive their surroundings at home

Dolphins, whales, dogs, cats and snakes etc. etc communicate telepathically
Session 7 November 1994
Q: (L) Is there some way to communicate with whales or dolphins and can one find a way to translate the differences and have a reasonable, intelligent exchange with a whale or a dolphin or even an elephant?
A: You don't need conversation "with" when a higher telepathic level.
Q: (L) Dolphins and whales communicate telepathically?
A: Yes. So do dogs and cats and snakes etc. etc. only humans have learned the "superior" art of verbal communication.
Q: (L) But, at the same time, verbal communication can be quite limiting, is that correct?
A: That is the point.
Q: (L) So, you were being sarcastic with me, weren't you?
A: Humorous.
Some pet owners who feed their pets at regular hours, or farmers who feed their livestock, have noticed that some know quite well when the time is up for the next meal, but does this mean they have an idea of time similar to ours? The Cs did not include second density when asked if third density awareness was the only one with perception of time. In fact, they added

YOUR perception of it [time] is an illusion. Remember the example of the dogs and cats riding in a car?
Session 22 June 1996
Q: (L) Is 3rd density awareness the only density with perception of time?
A: No.
Q: (L) Well, what others?
A: 4,5,6,7.
Q: (L) But I thought that time perception was an illusion?
A: YOUR perception of it is an illusion. Remember the example of the dogs and cats riding in a car?
Q: (L) Yes. Ouspensky and the horse. So, time, as an essential thing, DOES exist?
A: But not as you know it. When we refer to "timelessness," we are speaking from the standpoint of your familiarity only.
Q: (L) Does time then exist, and does space have a limit?
A: You are getting confused because your inborn linear perception is clouding the image your efforts are trying to produce.
It is not explained in the transcript thread, or the Cassiopeaen transcript book, what "the example of the dogs and cats riding in a car" exactly refers to. "Ouspensky and the horse." is not elaborated. There is probably a reader who can explain the context. My impression is that we know as little about time as cats and dogs do about the locations they pass by when they are passengers in a car.
Articles about cats and dogs riding cars:

Driving with Pets: A Guide to Helping Your Dog & Cat Get Used to Car Rides
7 Reasons Why Cats Hate Car Rides (& How to Make Them Like It More)
How Do Dogs Know They Are Going To The Vet? (Answered By Trainer)
This of course does not explain how cats and dogs experience time, though I did find:
Animals can experience time very differently to humans. Here's why
Human time perception varies too:
People Emerge From Cave After Intense 40-Day 'Deep Time' Experiment

The previous excerpt ended with "your inborn linear perception is clouding the image your efforts are trying to produce." In another except, the Cs use the difference between second and third density to explain the difference between third and fourth density.

Can a dog grasp algebra? You got it.
Session 21 January 1995
Q: (L) What she means to ask is, if you're communicating telepathically... (D) On 4th density.. (L) And time doesn't exist, how do you communicate about events as one happens now, as opposed to later and the next thing happens, and the next thing happens... (J) How is it sequential?
A: Translate.
Q: (D) Translate? Okay, let me explain what I mean. I mean, we talk about 1907 something happened...
A: That is how it is done.
Q: (T) Translate is how it is done. You translate the experience?
A: From 4 to 3. And vice verse.
Q: (L) So, in other words, it's almost like making movies. (J) Are linear thought processes part of it? Is it being linear and non-linear?
A: Part of 3d illusion only.

Q: (L) So, in other words, if you're a 4th density being, everything is more or less happening, excuse the term happening, everything is simultaneous, and if you wish to discuss or communicate or have any focus upon any particular aspect of this unified dimension, then what you do is you kind of extract it out, project it into 3d...
A: Close.
Q: (L) ... like a movie.
A: But you will not understand fully until you get there
Q: (T) Okay, so it's a concept that we can't completely grasp in 3d at this point.
A: Can a dog grasp algebra? You got it.

Q: (L) In other words, we're in bad shape! And these guys are playing games with us, so to speak...
A: Subjective.
Q: (T) Subjective to whether we're in bad shape or not. A:Yes.
Q: (T) I was going to say that doesn't necessarily mean we're in bad shape... (L) Well, the situation we find ourselves in, is the only way of getting out of this time loop, so to speak, to move into another density, or is there a loop in the other density as well?
A: No.
Q: (L) No loop in the other density?
A: Yogis can do it.
Q: (L) Yogis can do it... (T) Transcend time. (L) Okay, let me ask this before we really start to go...
A: How they control their own physicality.
Leaving the topic of what distinguishes the time experience in 2D, 3D, and 4D, next is an excerpt about dogs and their experience of love. Well whales are mentioned too, but their experience of love appears to be different from that of dogs, which might be explained by them belonging to a different soul group and the whales having different genetics.
Dogs feel need as love
Session 7 November 1994
Q: (L) Do whales form long-lasting bonds and feel love?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Do dogs feel love?
A: Dogs feel need as love.
How does love between humans compare with "Dogs feel need as love."?
It would vary from situation to situation, and relation to relation. Here is an excerpt that discusses the topic of love.
Session 9 September 1995
Q: (L) So, you are saying that the path to illumination is knowledge and not love?

A: That is correct.

Q: (L) Is it also correct that emotion can be used to mislead, that is emotions that are twisted and generated strictly from the flesh or false programming?

A: Emotion that limits is an impediment to progress. Emotion is also necessary to make progress in 3rd density. It is natural. When you begin to separate limiting emotions based on assumptions from emotions that open one to unlimited possibilities, that means you are preparing for the next density.

Q: (L) What about Love?

A: What about it?

Q: (L) There are many teachings that are promulgated that Love is the key, the answer. They say that illumination and knowledge and what-not can all be achieved through love.

A: The problem is not the term "love," the problem is the interpretation of the term. Those on third density have a tendency to confuse the issue horribly. After all, they confuse many things as love. When the actual definition of love as you know it is not correct either. It is not necessarily a feeling that one has that can also be interpreted as an emotion, but rather, as we have told you before, the essence of light which is knowledge is love, and this has been corrupted when it is said that love leads to illumination. Love is Light is Knowledge. Love makes no sense when common definitions are used as they are in your environment. To love you must know. And to know is to have light. And to have light is to love. And to have knowledge is to love.

In the last excerpt of this post, two old dogs had to be put down, but apparently all was well, with the Cs commenting, "Right 5D for pets" and "One day she will have a dog that will return the favours." The Cs gave health advice for the owner, saying: "Getting well will be facilitated by focusing on others as the reason to get better", and explained a difference between dogs and a human:

Dogs are subjective and personal and a human can be objective in terms of what can be given to others
Session 30 May 2009
Q: (L) {First question} L*** A*** just had to have her two old sick doggies put down yesterday partly so she could start her new life, but also because there is simply no other choice considering the situation. {Note: The individual is moving to a new city where she has an offer to live and work, and the apartment does not accept dogs. Both of them were quite old and on various meds so not good candidates for adoption.} She's very upset and missing them. Is there anything I can say or anything you can say to give her any kind of pointer as to whether or not this was the right thing to do? The Cs explain one difference between a dog and a human as: "Dogs are subjective and personal and a human can be objective in terms of what can be given to others."
A: Right 5D for pets
Q: (L) Okay. Is there any particular goal for her to focus on at the present time?
A: Getting well will be facilitated by focusing on others as the reason to get better. Giving her life to dogs didn't give much to the world nor did it bring much return except subjective illusion. As Gurdjieff said, you get back what you give to life.
Q: (L) Well, for a long time she didn't have anything except the dogs, and now the dogs are gone. I think she's feeling pretty bereft. And you're saying the doggies went to doggie 5D so to speak...
A: One day she will have a dog that will return the favors.

Q: (L) She made the remark that since her dogs were old and sick and on medication, and she was sick and on medication, that maybe she wasn't worth keeping alive either.
A: Apples and oranges. Dogs are subjective and personal and a human can be objective in terms of what can be given to others.
Q: (L) So you're saying that keeping a dog alive {by extraordinary means} is just keeping alive something that's subjective and personal to you, while a human can be kept alive and give a great deal that's objectively beneficial to other people {depending on the individual, of course}. Is that it?
A: Yes
To be continued...
Next are a few excerpts, including one about two cats close to transition to 3rd density, the dog, Sebastian, that died but remained on another level, a cat that died but stayed around and even communicated with the cat left behind, and finally a dog Elvis that died but would soon return, "as he feels it is his job to guard his flock."

Two cats close to transition to 3rd level
Session 4 March 1995
Q: (J) Is there any significance to the fact that one of our cats has been looking like she is really trying to tell us something?
A: One of your cats, no, make that 2 of your cats, are close to transition to 3rd level.
Q: (T) Sabrina's moving up in the world, she's going to get a promotion. (J) What's going to happen to her when she hits third? She's going to be a human?
A: Yes.
Q: (J) Wow. (T) When she moves from cat to human, her cat body will die?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Is this going to happen some time in the near future as we measure it?
A: Not concept, we mean at next incarnation whenever that occurs. By the way, who gave her that name?
Q: (J) What name? (L) Sabrina? (S) The cat's name? (T) Two of our cats? (L) Maybe. (T) They are third density candidates. (J) What about the name?
A: Exactly.
Q: (L) Does that mean that when a person is a 4th density candidate that they have to leave their body to go to 4th density?
A: Yes unless they are in the body when the wave arrives.
Q: (J) What about the name? (T) Do you mean who gave the kitty the name?
A: No.
Q: (T) Oh, you mean why did I name that particular cat? It's not Sabrina?
A: ? There are 2 candidates.
Q: (T) So, you are not going to give us the name. (J) Is there any significance to the bahavior that the cat, Sabrina has been displaying?
A: Maybe.
Note; Sabrina is according to the Wiki derived from Proto-Celtic *Sabinā, alternatively from an unrelated Arabic name, صابرين ṣābrīn, from the root sabr "patience".

Owner of cat received thanks
Session 30 March 2002
Q: [laughter].[...] (V) Well it's stuff I want to ask, and then I have to think about it for awhile. I want to ask about the picture with Easter [V**'s cat who at the time the photo in question was made, was passing on of old age. V** had placed the symbol for Ohm over Easter's head to aid in the transition and directly following the application a Polaroid picture was taken revealing a point of light above V's head]. Was the point of light over my head a fault of the print or of the camera?
A: No. It was the light of consciousness of the companion soul. Given to you as thanks.

Sebastian died but stays around
Session 4 April 2015
(Chu) Can we ask about Booboo?
(L) Oh yes!
(Scottie) Yeah, we should ask about him.
{Our nearly 13 yr old Sheltie passed away of congestive heart failure on the day of the Germanwings crash which, interestingly, occurred at exactly the same time we were holding the funeral.}
(L) We've all kind of "seen" Sebastian, Scottie heard him barking, we all feel him around... So, is Sebastian still with us?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Is that a bad thing, or a good thing?
A: Loves all of you!
Q: (L) So, should we try to send him into the light?
A: Not in this case!
Q: (L) He'll go when he's ready?
A: Yes
Q: (Galatea) Speaking of pets, I wanted to ask if it's possible to take pets into 4D with you?
A: In some instances if there is sufficient bonding so as to increase the FRV of the 2D creature. In the case of Sebastian, being loved by so many, this is possible.

Q: (L) So you kind of piggyback him. So, you're saying that some creatures can skip 3D?
A: Rare, but possible.
Q: (Galatea) Well, 1D, 2D, and 3D all live together. So can't 4D and 2D live together?
(L) I guess. I guess if we go to 4D, Sebastian goes with us. But as long as we're still 3D, he stays with us here.
A: Yes

Sebastian protecting
Session 15 October 2016
(L) Thank god it wasn't chupacabras. And the night that I thought that my dog jumped up on my bed, was that Sebastian?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And what was he doing?
A: Protecting from ethereal stalkers.
Q: (L) And how come there were ethereal stalkers? Was that because of the energy around at the time?
A: Close.
Q: (L) So, there was something like you described before - an energy mismatch - and it opened a door to something?
A: Yes

Cat that passed on still around, dog that died soon to return
Session 4 July 2020
(Artemis) How is Penelope doing? [Penelope the cat passed away last month]
A: Still around and playing. She communicates with Pikabu.
Q: (Artemis) So it's true that cats see ghosts and spirits and otherworldly things?
A: Yes

(Joe) And what about Elvis? [Elvis the dog also passed away last month]
A: Elvis will soon return as he feels it is his job to guard his flock.
Q: (Andromeda) I really felt like I saw Penelope yesterday when I was changing her water dish.
(Artemis) I've been seeing her.
(L) Pikabu lays down in the center of the upstairs hall and watches the trunk where Penelope used to sleep all the time.
To be continued...
Two excerpts that could go with the previous post about pets that have passed on:

Kitty reincarnated?
Session 17 March 2001
Q: (L) Question for A******: is Sweetheart alright?
A: Yes.
Q: Is she in kitty kat heaven?
A: No.
Q: Has she been reincarnated?
A: K. Yes.
Kitty is now a guard
Session 30 January 2021
(Artemis) Oxajil wanted me to ask about her kitty. I was going to ask if there's anything you can say about her kitty that might help Oxajil?
A: Kitty is now a guard.
Q: (L) So her kitty has become a guard in the astral realms?
A: Yes.
To be continued...
Two dreams with dog motives
Dreams come in many varieties. None of the following turned out to be important, but how to know which dream is important and which not?

Dream: This one was not particularly pertinent
Session 16 November
Q: (L) I dreamed last night about a puppy belonging to my sister in law. As I was walking away in the dream, I turned back and saw a car run over the dog. It was quite graphic and I awoke very upset. What was the cause or purpose of this dream?
A: This one was not particularly pertinent.
Q: (L) Was it just a dream?
A: Yes.

Dream: Not of great significance in a psychic sense
Session 3 June 1995
(L) I have a question to ask about Tom. Tom had a dream that he shared with me, and I think he wouldn't mind sharing it with the group. Tom?
(TF) In the dream I am on an ocean liner. There are other people on board the ship, but I am not talking to them. I'm not with my friends or family. I am by myself. I among all these people, but I am not with them. It is a long journey. I walk back and forth on deck. Finally we come to a city, a major city, a seaport. I get off the ship; I walk through the city; I walk through the center of the city to the outskirts, into the countryside. The countryside is red; reddish all around. The streets are no longer paved; now they are dirt, red dirt. I come to a big house with a white picket fence under the shadow of a mountain. I know that I am supposed to be in this house. I go inside the house, there are other people there. Again, I am not talking with them when I first get there, and as the days begin to pass I do begin to talk to them and they begin to talk to me. I begin to feel better. Suddenly, in the dream, I realize that when I was first walking through the city toward the house, I was a dog; in the early days when I had first been in the house, I was being transformed into a human being, and that all the other people in the house were once animals; and that that was why we were at the house, to learn how to become a human being. It had something to do with the power of the mountain. (L) Now, the question I have is: is there some significance to this dream that you can comment on?
A: Not of great significance in a psychic sense, merely a reflection of the subject's awareness of metamorphosis within his own life path.
Q: (L) Well, that was Tom's interpretation and it blew my theory all to hell! (T) What was your theory? (L) Well, I was just sure he was an alien and he came to Earth on this big ship from the Dog Star, Sirius... (J) To Georgia!! [Laughter] I liked my interpretation better! (T) Make for a heck of a book! (SV) She's been watching too many of those UfO videos!
A: Active imagination!
Q: (L) Well, I got told! Now, our questions.
Inverting the meaning of the above answers, there should be dreams that are "particularly pertinent" and "of great significance in a psychic sense".

To be continued...
The cat as a symbol in Ancient Egypt

Why did the sphinx look like a feline human? - Symbolism of feline energy

Session 16 November 1994
Q: (L) Why did the sphinx look like a feline human?
A: Symbolism of feline energy.

Q: (L) Was this why the Egyptians worshipped cats or held cats in such high regard?
A: At root of this.
Q: (L) What was the origin of this feline god?
A: Atlantean tradition.
Q: (L) Where did the Atlantean tradition of the feline god originate?
A: Superstition.
Q: (L) What was the superstition about?
A: Not important.
Q: (L) Well, it is possibly important because such an enormous monument was built to honor this god and I am sure the world would like to know what is at the root of this.
A: What is at root of Statue of Liberty?
Q: (L) A principle. So, a feline principle is at the root of the sphinx?
A: Close.
Q: (L) It does not represent any alien beings, gods or goddesses?
A: No.
Q: (L) And what was this god's name?
A: Endurra.
Q: (L) Why did the worship of this god or goddess stop?
A: Fizzled out.
The Egyptian symbol of the cat, not really important
Session 4 March 1995
Q: [...] (L) In a previous session we talked about the feline principle as represented by the sphinx, and the fact that Egyptians worshipped cats. Is there anything more you can give us on this? Why was this so? Was the cat representative of some principle we need to learn or investigate?
A: This is not really important.

Q: (T) Is the cat and the cat symbol itself important in some way?
A: You are; up to the perceiver.
Q: (L) We talked about the scarab and why the scarab represented eternal life to the Egyptians, and then we went into the thing about the scarab rolling dung. What is there in the symbolism of the scarab that might be significant to us today?
A: Up to you.
Felines were thought to be psychic, thus the connection to the afterlife, which was revered in the Nile Basin.
Session 13 November 1999
Q: Okay, now I was reading in this book that told that many secrets were hidden in the mystery of the Egyptian cat worship. I looked it up and found that this first sacred cat, the goddess Bastet, appeared sitting under a "Persea Tree." What is this Persea Tree?
A: The tree refers to the afterlife, as envisioned by the Egyptians. Felines were thought to be psychic, thus the connection to the afterlife, which was revered in the Nile Basin.
To be continued...
The old saying, curiosity killed the cat
There are some things it's best not to know! Opens another door

This surrounding context is quite long, but overall, it is a great illustration and commentary on the old saying.
Session 11 January 1997
(M) He's telling me these things, and you try to be nice, and I'm not going to do any of these things with him, and I'm listening to him; 'Oh, yes, uhhuh, yeah', and I'm going through all that, but there's no way I would do any of the things like that. (Laura) Well, let's ask them. What does he want from her?
A: Why do you care?
Q: (Laura) Why do you care, if you know what he is and what he's doing, what does it matter what he wants? (M) Why? (Jan) So, does it matter? (M) It doesn't matter... (Terry) You're curious, and that's the first step to giving permission. Don't...
A: Yes.
Q: (Terry) It doesn't matter. I don't care what that guy in Vegas thought or wanted. He's gone. That's all I care about. (Laura) You're curious about the negative. Don't even be curious. (Terry) Don't care. We were out of that hotel so fast when he left... Well, he didn't leave, we left. He was still sitting there, and I got up and... I'm pulling her behind me, we're zig-zagging through the slot machines, through this whole casino, in and out of the rows, up and down, back and forth, going back towards the exit. I took her deep into the casino and back out again. I'm looking to make sure. And the first turn we made, I looked back, and he wasn't at the bar any more. He got up and left, or was gone like seconds after we got up and left. We hit that door, and I gave the doorman about ten bucks to get us a cab now, and get us the h**l out of here. I don't care what he wanted, anything like that. Don't... that's the first thing, curiosity... You know the old saying, curiosity killed the cat... (M) If you run them out, and you never know, ok, and say, 'They're gone!' you're still going to be curious why. You know you got rid of them, but you always wonder, in the back of your mind, why... I mean, I do! (Jan) Well, there are some things it's best not to know!
A: Opens another door.

Q: (Terry) All you've got to know... (Laura) We're talking about mental stuff... (Terry) All you've got to know when you've gotten rid of one of them is that they had a purpose, and that you stopped them,and then get outta there! (M) Mind blocks. What kind of mind blocks? (Laura) The first thing is awareness...
A: Specific.

Q: (Laura) Specific... in other words, specific to the person? (M) Yes! (Laura) Specific to the event? (M) Specific to the energy? (Laura) And, in other words, being aware, all the time, is this correct? Being aware at all times who is, and who is not being used against you?
A: Yes.
Q: (Laura) And, when somebody... Even if, even if...
A: Learn the signs.
Q: (Laura) Learn the signs... that people give off when they're being used as portals, or by 4th density. They may not be a 4th density being, but anybody can be a door... at any time. Anybody. And when you learn the signs, and when you learn the behaviors, and these are not like it's written in a book... They need to be specific to your life. (Terry) Go with... follow what your essence of who you are tells you to do. (M) So, most of the people that I'm around, not necessarily the people in this room, but, most of the people I'm around right now, are doors?
A: Well, learn the signs, and you don't have to ask that.
Q: (Laura) OK, what are the signs? We've kind of learned by hard experience, but could you kind of boil them down into... (Terry) That's probably how you learn, by hard experience... (Laura) Yes, because it's like... yes. OK, but go ahead... (Terry) You've got to... I don't think they're going to answer that one. (M) Is there any big, basic signs? Anything basic, or like a... (Laura) A commonality... (Terry) You just got a basic sign from this guy... you picked up strange energy. That's a biggie right there.
A: No, just realize that if it does not fit, do not wear it.
Q: (Terry) That's right. The signs can be anything. (M) Right... (Terry) My sign, the first sign with the guy with the Camaro, he popped the hood and there was no steam.
To be continued...
After widening the concept of pets, and discussing whether communication with rocks is possible, the third except moves onto how dogs came about.

Widening the concept of pets to include plants and stones
The dictionary entries on pets, typically mentions animals, but some keep plants, stones or rocks as pets.
For an explanation of how the concept can apply to plants, see Why Pet Plants Should Be Your New Best Friends or Greening Homes: The Popularity and Benefits of Pet Plants
As for stones, there is a Wiki for Pet Rock The short article explains how the trend was marketed in the 1970ies, but the idea probably has a much longer history.

The first excerpt reviews the concept of densities, where stones and plants belong to first density. Notice that the Cs did not ask what is 1st density, but who is 1st density:
Session 7 January 1995
A: [...] A review session follows: Who is 1st density?
Q: (L) Rocks and minerals, right?
A: And?
Q: (L) Plants?

A: Yes. Now, what awareness do you suppose they have of you?
Q: (L) What awareness do rocks and plants have of US?! Oh, dear God! (V) That's an interesting way to put it. An excellent example. (T) When we ask why higher beings have awareness of us but we are not aware of them, we need to ask what awareness beings lower than us have of us. (J) Obviously no more than we have of 4th density. (T) But when you play music to a plant, it has some awareness because it makes it grow better. (L) But music is not a being. (T) It's an energy wave. (J) Wait a minute... what they are saying is: they have no more awareness of us than we, as 3rd density beings, have of 4th density beings. (T) Does this mean that they interact with us the way we interact with plants?
A: Who is "on" 2nd level.
Q: (L) Animals. (T) Insects, lower life forms.
A: Now, think carefully, what level of awareness, and more importantly, understanding, do they have of you?
Q: (L) Well, I guess they are aware of us in some way, but they don't understand us... (T) Some do at some point... (T) They understand us to a certain extent... (Frank) But their understanding is entirely different from our understanding of them. In other words, they see these big hulking beings, but they don't know what's going on. (L) Was Ouspensky's explanation of how animals perceive humans very close to the truth?
A: Close. Now, what about 1st level understanding and perception of 2nd level?
Q: (L) Okay, 1st density, minerals and plants... now rocks and minerals combine with plants through growing actions, water dissolution, erosion, and so on, they have a real limited existence. And what happens is that mostly animals come along and eat them. (Frank) Bees pollinate flowers. (L) Different kinds of animals live in trees. (T) Some animals live in the ground and in caves. (T) So, rocks and minerals and plants have a really limited understanding of the animals above them which interact with them in various ways.
A: Yes, and you have a limited understanding of the densities above you.

Q: (L) Well, that is still begging the question, my question was... (T) As an example, today we all experienced something we call thunder, but we were all aware that it was something more. Something happened in 4th density that we experienced in a certain way, and it was a limited understanding of that level.
A: Laura, unblock, do rocks and plants "see" you?
Q: (J) Probably not. (D) We don't really know. (T) We see the 3rd density manifestations of 1st density objects. We don't see the 1st density perception of itself. So, how do we see the 4th density manifestations, they see us on a 4th density level... not necessarily as we perceive ourselves.
A: Tom, you are making rapid progress. Laura better watch her Butt! {laughter}
Q: (V) So, I am curious... what do rocks look like to each other? (L) Let's ask. What do rocks see when they look at each other?
A: They sense each other.
Q: (L) What example of our sensory apparatus would be close to an example of what a rock senses when it is aware of another rock?
A: That is a cross conceptualization and will not work.
Q: (L) So there is no way we can interpret what a rock senses. Well, another 1st density example is plants. We know that plants can react positively to certain persons and negatively to others. They have experimented with hooking them up to polygraph machines and measured these responses. (J) They also react to music... (T) Third density reactions...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) If plants interact with each other, do they feel, say, fondness for one another?
A: Something akin to that.
Q: (L) Does it hurt a plant when we eat it?
A: Does it hurt you when a "Lizzie" eats you?

Q: (T) Yes, you see, on 4th density... we are on 3rd density and we eat 1st and 2nd density, the 4th density eats us. (D) If we hurt plants by eating them like the Lizzies hurt us when they eat us, how are we to survive without eating?
A: When you no longer crave physicality, you no longer need to "eat."
Q: (L) So part of the "fall" into the physical existence and part of the Edenic story of the whole business, "you shall eat by the sweat of your brow," has to do with being physical and needing to eat?
A: Lucifer, "The fallen Angel." This is you.
Q: (L) So, "falling" means going into physical existence wherein you must feed on other life, other beings, is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) When plants feed on 1st level beings such as rocks and water and so forth, do the 1st density beings feel pain?
A: That is redundant. We have already covered this.
Q: (T) So when a plant absorbs nutrients.... (L) Well, a plant is the same density as minerals, so it is almost like... (T) Like two separate entities becoming one? (V) Like Jeffrey Dahmer... {laughter} (L) My bologne has a first name... (LM) Minerals dissolve in water and are then absorbed by the plant, what pain could there be in this?
A: Subjective, L__.
Q: (L) Maybe the dissolution of, say, phosphate in water, is a "death" to it...
A: Close.
You limit when you perceive on 3rd level only and think that your perception is all there is.
Q: (L) So, in other words, we should be able to perceive on 1st and 2nd as well as 3rd while working on 4th level understanding?
A: No. Work on 4th, 5th and 6th.
Q: (L) Is it not also beneficial to understand the 1st and 2nd density levels as well, just simply for the exercise in understanding that which is below us?
A: Strive always to rise.
Q: (V) Haven't we already done our 1st and 2nd level work as evolving souls?
A: Yes.
Q: (V) So there is no reason to step back. (T) Who eats the Lizzies on the 4th level?
A: No one. 4th is the last density for full manifestation of STS.
Q: (T) So, beings on the 5th and 6th level exist in pure energy?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) The 4th level is the last for full STS. Does that mean that the 5th level, which you have described as the "contemmplative" level... what is the state of existence of a STS being on the 5th level?
A: Souls of 1,2,3, and 4 go to 5th.
Q: (T) So 5th level is where they go to while waiting to go back to one of the 4 for their next incarnation?
A: Exactly.
Q: (T) That is why it's called the contemplation level. You go and think about what you have done. (T) What about souls on 6th density? (L) Are there 6th density STS beings?
A: No, when you get to 6th you no longer need to recycle.
Q: (L) But still, is there an STS experience at 6th density, like the 6th density Orions?
A: These are only reflections of individuals, not unified entities. These reflections exist for balance. They are not whole entities, just thought forms.
Q: (L) Are these 6th density beings what the Bible describes as a "gathering" of angels as in the story of Job where "Lucifer" came in before the Lord...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, there are STS and STO at 6th density which balance? And they are just there, they exist?
A: Reflection for balance.
Q: (L) Is there any kind of hierarchy to this thing? Do these beings come before some kind of "Grand Council" and make plans and discuss things, and make decisions and implement them?
A: No.
Q: (L) Well, how do things happen? Do things just sort of happen as a natural interaction of things and energies?
A: Yes.
In the case of an animal, it is clear that we can establish communication, but what about rocks?

Is anyone able to tune into the consciousness of rocks?
Session 10 July 1999
Q: (L) Is anyone able to tune into the consciousness of rocks?
A: What if they are really tuning to a consciousness through the rocks?
Q: (A) To A consciousness? Whose consciousness or what consciousness? Universal consciousness?
A: Another.
Q: (A) Another consciousness. (L) Do rocks have consciousness?
A: Refer to material re: 1st density.
Q: (L) Yes, well it has been previously said that 1st density does have consciousness... that even rocks have consciousness and can learn. That brings us back to Boyd, is he, can he, does he tune into the consciousness of rocks and/or other consciousnesses THROUGH rocks?
A: The latter is closer.

Q: (L) So, the consciousness of a rock might not be amenable to communicating.
A: Right.
Q: (L) What other consciousness might a person tune into through a rock? ANY other or a specific other?
A: Closer to former.
Q: (A) If there is consciousness, it means that there is a consciousness unit, and this consciousn unit can be within or associated with some body of some density. Can one tune to consciousness that resides, so to say, in higher densities than third, using rocks? Is it possible?
A: Close.

Q: (A) So, you can tune to dead dudes or Cassiopaeans. (L) Is the consciousness of human beings something that has cycled from minerals to plants through animals to evolve into consciousness of 3rd density mind, as we understand it?
A: In a roundabout way.
Q: (L) Was each of us, sitting here, at any point in the remote past, using time loosely, a critter, so to speak, or a plant or a tree?
A: You still be a critter, baby!
Q: (L) So, leaving out time, the stream of consciousness that makes us as individual units, branches out and extends into lower densities, or connects to them like a tree?
A: Maybe.
Q: (A) Concerning these rocks, I want to ask about this DNA phantom effect that some Russians recently discovered. They shoot with lasers into this vacuum and record photons with detectors. It detects noise because there is nothing coherent. Then, they put a little piece of DNA there. This DNA has a certain regular structure. So, the photons from the lasers scatter from this DNA molecule in a certain wavy pattern which corresponds to the internal structure of the DNA. Now, they remove the DNA and for a month or two they continue to obtain a coherent pattern from the vacuum as though something was still there. They call it the 'phantom DNA.'
A: The "phantom" is a remnant of the consciousness residue contained within the DNA structure.
Q: (A) Where does this remnant reside? In the vacuum, in the vibrations of the vacuum, in a gravitational field that is inside the vacuum, in some nonlinear electromagnetics? Where is this remnant? What keeps it? Space itself?
A: You hit it pretty close with the last three.
Q: (C) Wouldn't it be like leaving an impression in a cushion?
(A) Yes, but this is a vacuum.
(L) I guess that a vacuum isn't what we think it is. There is something there that is not amenable to our perception.
(A) So, consciousness resides in a DNA structure.
(C) Well, going back to the rocks, is not all consciousness connected?
(A) Yes, but the funny thing about these rocks is that they have the ability of tuning one consciousness to another consciousness so that even if, in principle, all consciousness is one consciousness, yet there are separate consciousness units, which at some level they connect, yet at our level they seem to be separate, so there is something about rocks.
(C) Maybe its the fact that they are so simple.
(A) Yes. But, it seems that a rock would do it, but dirt would not, so what is so special about rocks?
(L) Okay, this anthropologist, Michael Harner, was doing some field work, and it says here that Harner went to the Peruvian Amazon to study the culture of the Conibo Indians. After a year or so he had made little headway in understanding their religious system, when the Conibo told him 'if he really wanted to learn, he had to drink ahayahuasca. Harner accepted, not without fear because the people had warned him that the experience was terrifying.
The following evening, under the strict supervision of his indigenous friends, he drank the equivalent of a third of a bottle. After several minutes he found himself flying into a world of true hallucinations. After arriving in a celestial cavern where a supernatural carnival of demons was in full swing, he saw two strange boats floating through the air that combined to form a huge dragon headed prow not unlike that of a Viking ship. On the deck he could make out large numbers of people with the heads of bluejays and the bodies of humans, not unlike the bird-headed gods of ancient Egyptian tomb paintings.
After multiple episodes, which would be too long to describe here, Harner became convinced that he was dying. He tried calling out to his Conibo friends for an antidote without managing to pronounce a word. Then he saw that his visions emanated from giant reptilian creatures that resided at the lowest depths of his brain. These creatures began projecting scenes in front of his eyes while informing him that this information was reserved for the dying and the dead.
'First, they showed me the planet Earth as it was aeons ago before there was any life on it. I saw an ocean, barren land, and a bright blue sky. Then black specks dropped from the sky by the hundreds and landed in front of me on the barren landscape. I could see that the specks were actually large, shiny black creatures with stubby pterodactyl-like wings and huge whale-like bodies. They explained to me in a kind of thought language, that they were fleeing from something from out in space. They had come to the planet earth to escape their enemy. The creatures then showed me how they had created life on the planet in order to hide within the multitudinour forms, and thus disguise their presence. Before me, the magnificence of plant and animal creation and speciation and hundreds of millions of years of activity, took place on a scale and with a vividness impossible to describe. I learned that dragon-like creatures were thus inside all forms of life, including man.'
At this point in his account, Harner writes in a footnote at the bottom of the page: 'in retrospect, one could say that they were almost like DNA, although at that time, in 1961, I knew nothing of DNA.' So, I would like to know what was the source and nature of these nearly universal visions that occurs in these shamanistic practices; the various creatures including serpents and bird-headed dudes, and so forth? What is the source of these hallucinations?
A: Be more specific.
Q: (L) How can I be more specific? (C) In these chemically induced trances, why is there the common experience of seeing these bird-headed or serpent-like creatures?
A: While you have physicality, some part of you will maintain the connection to its roots.
Q: (L) Are you saying that all these people who say that human beings have reptilian genetics, are telling the truth? Do we have reptilian genetics?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Do we also have bird genetics?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And that is our physical connection or basis?
A: Yes, as third density bioengineered beings, you lead the smorgasbord parade of that which surrounds you in the physical realm.

Q: (A) So, we are 3rd density bioengineered beings. [...]
The next excerpt includes a discussion that can help answer how dogs came about.

A dog is created
Session 23 March 2019
(Joe) You said in the forum that every single species was individually engineered out of the experimental parts that were previously engineered through billions of years of Earth's history. So, I was wondering... They said in a previous session that life here was seeded. First, primitive life was given. But to what extent was the progress of all the species on Earth directly created?
A: As Behe suggests, at the family level.

Q: (L) Like family Canis. You can get wolves, dogs, etc.
(Joe) So all of the constituent parts of dogs were directly created somewhere else, and then...
(L) Look at the book. You can see where they started. It shows you how they started with the most basic organisms. They played around with those, and then they built on it. It's just like amazing to look at those pictures and see what they've uncovered in the fossil record. You can see they tried doing this, then they added that to it, then they used a part from this and part from that, engineered a new part or two, and so on. Every species has a certain number of genes or parts of them that no other species has.
(Joe) In the previous session they said it was more or less like a thought in 4th density of a dog. Then that's transferred to 3D and matter accretes to that.
(L) Well, I'm sure that happens the same way they were describing abductions.
(Joe) No, but is that... So there is an evolutionary process where the component parts of a dog...
(L) I don't think they were talking about the dog.
(Joe) So some evolution happens naturally? Ya know what I mean?
(Pierre) I think what Joe means is that... Joe is reconciling intelligent design and evolution somehow by saying that yes, at our level...
(L) There is no evolution.
(Pierre) But the ideas in the mind of the engineer of the mind in 4D DOES evolve...
(Joe) Like you send a blueprint down, and the matter accretes around that blueprint and produces a dog quite quickly.
(Pierre) And then you learn from it, your thinking gets better, and you design a Dog 2.0.
(Joe) No, a dog evolves from something.
(L) No, a dog doesn't evolve from anything. A dog is created.
(Joe) And it appears out of thin air?
(L) No, it doesn't appear out of thin air. It gets... I think what they were saying was that the idea of the different small like proteins or other building blocks. But how do they get put together? And I don't think it was exactly like the thought of a "dog" but they were talking more about basic life forms to begin with, and the engineering via DNA. If there is a "thought" that is transferred to 3D, it would be in the DNA. If you look at the book, you see how it starts off with very basic structures, like slime molds. Cyanobacteria. Then, you get things where groups of different kinds of organisms form tubes. Then they form stalks. Then they learn how to do photosynthesis. Then they make leaves. Then, somewhere along the way, sexual reproduction comes into the picture. Once sexual reproduction has entered the picture, then the door is open for seeding other things via sexual reproduction. Then, what you can do is make a code and plant it in literally by sending viruses or something through the realm curtain or even just thoughts, or something like abductions. You can plant it in an egg and it's born. It's not like something just accretes out of the air. It happens in a very practical way...
A: Following the idea there is a certain amount of experimentation and even gestation of some "parts" in other lifeforms or in other realities before transference to this one.
Q: (Joe) What I was trying to say was it's kinda like a blueprint is transferred to these lifeforms, and they follow a preprogrammed blueprint...
A: No. There is no evolution as you are thinking.
Q: (Joe) I thought you were saying that basically there IS evolution, but then these small organisms...
(L) No, that's not what I'm saying! I'm saying if you look, you can see where they created parts. And every time you can see where they did something and then it went along. If you look at the book, you see each world of... There was the Slime World. It came to an end. When the slime world ended, then there was another world. Okay, still some slime survived, but the new world had tube creatures. Then that world ended, and another one started that was plant creatures.
(Joe) Okay, so there's no development from one to the next.
(Pierre) I have an analogy, and I'd like to know if it's correct. You see in the history of the planet these cycles of mass extinctions, and bursts of life. Recurring. An analogy between those cosmic cycles and engineering at a human level is toss the old blueprint, and start a new one.
(Joe) So each stage is discrete.
(Pierre) Is it a correct analogy?
A: Yes but that does not mean that all designs are useless.
Q: (L) It's like...
(Pierre) You have some parts that go through a lot of different animals that are more and more evolved, but the part stays more or less the same.
A: Here is an analogy: You could use a horse drawn wagon as a chassis for an automobile.
(Pierre) Ah, okay...
A: It isn't perfect, but it is a step.
(Pierre) Yes.
A: Human souls were put into Neanderthal to incubate and induce direct DNA changes. There is so much to this topic that it could take a very long time to explain it all. Best to continue to study and think and network. Look at the book. It is all there for those with eyes to see. Love is the human manifestation of creative energy.
Q: (L) Okay, take a break!
(Artemis) Wait, I'm alone!
(L) Take your hand off! [laughter]
(Artemis) They're like, "No, we're not done talking!"
(Scottie) [Review of previous answer] So, what that means is that it's not like dogs evolved from wolves. It's like they designed wolves, and then they said, "Hmm, let's design dogs!" And then they designed dogs.
(L) And they put it into somebody's mind to start breeding certain traits...
(Scottie) Yeah, and that could happen in various ways.
(L) Or the natural variation of the wolves produced a dog one day.

(Chu) Well, if you have all the parts and you just adapt them like a bicycle... To the human eye, it looks like an improved bicycle, but you did two projects at once. Behe says that microevolution can be justified, and I'm not even sure about that. Like a color that changes in the species could be another...
(L) Yeah, there's not too much that can be done even by microevolution. It can refine something, but it usually just breaks things. In order to give it a little more clarity, my thought was that in the beginning, somebody was experimenting on this planet. And if you look there are these vast ages of one thing, or just one type of thing, and then the next age of something a little more advanced... For a period of time, the whole planet was covered with whatever it was, and then, BOOM! Extinction. Then for a period, it was covered with another thing then BOOM! Extinction. At each level, you can see that everything is increasing in complexity and variety. So yes, it gives the impression of evolution, and in a way, it is: it is evolving in the minds of the 4D creators/engineers and they keep trying new things. And yes, there is the appearance of common descent because, in fact, there is "common descent" in that when the engineers find something that works, they use the template, even the DNA, again and again. So, somebody was learning how to build things. Somebody was freakin' practicing! Then they say, "Oh, that was handy! Let's use that for this!" Remember, the Cs said that human beings lead the DNA smorgasbord parade of all that exists on this planet. We've got genes that are in worms and flies and fish and apes and whatever. That used to really upset me when they would say stuff like that. It would really gross me out. But it's true. We share many genes with so many other families and species. That's because those parts worked in a certain way and did certain things that were wanted, and the 4D engineers used them again and again, modifying this or that, but basically, the DNA instructions have to be the same because it's an information code.
(Joe) We're the most complex organism on the planet that is a product of many attempts... many iterations of life.
(L) Because the same control genes that make a leg in a frog make a leg in a human. But there are other things that make a human leg different from a frog leg - that's the engineering, the tweaking of the instructions.
(Chu) Ew!! [laughter]
(L) Sorry, Chu, but it's true: You have frog legs! [laughter]
(Joe) There's a comment there about how human souls were put into Neanderthals to incubate and induce direct DNA changes. That's different.
(L) That's a bit different because here you're talking about something that's more conscious and you're talking about an organism that's already developed to a very advanced stage. So that particular kind of inducing changes could possibly work. The Cs said that STS took over about 300KYA, and by then, all the major creating and engineering of life forms as we know them now was a done deal. If Love is the power of creation, that's why 4D STS can't create; they can only modify or interfere, suppress, etc. So in a real sense, our world was created by Love and is truly, jaw-droppingly amazing.
(Scottie) That's still a type of engineering. If you take a "super doggie-type soul" and put it in a wolf, maybe you get a dog.
(Joe) Well, that's the question. Is that only for human beings? There's no soul or essence that can go into animals that can change them?
(L) Does that thing about the Neanderthals only work for humans, or is that something that also could work for animals?
A: In some cases, yes.

Q: (Artemis) What did they want to say before when we stopped them? They wanted to say something. So, continue.
A: Learning how to think has been a big part of the destiny. Now, it must be combined with belief of a particular kind. Belief that is based on subjective wishful thinking is entropic. Belief that is based on firm knowledge of nature is empowering. This is what your grouping has lacked. You now have the opportunity and tools to change that.
Q: (Pierre) Yeah, that's a big change. If I correctly remembered, we were about knowledge is good, belief is bad. Now, they introduce a distinction: there is bad belief based on wishful thinking, and there is good belief based on objective assessment of reality and knowledge. They already mentioned Belief Center earlier, and I was thinking, "Belief Center? Power?" I think they allude to the fact that when knowledge is taken a step further and used to fuel a strong belief in this truth, it has a different effect on you. Not only you know, but...
(L) It unlocks something. Years ago, the Cs talked about needing to have the wrong locks removed. They also said something about faith... "When you have found something of truth you will receive demonstrations which locks in your faith. "
(Pierre) You KNOW in your belief center, and that's empowering. I think they even allude to some of the steps in 4th density where this creative thinking is due to the fact of a knowledge-based belief center.
(L) Well, what did they say? Life is Religion. Paying close and careful attention to objective reality... I don't think there is anything in the world that is more akin to paying close and careful attention to objective reality than studying how DNA works, cell biology, the machines of the cell, how bodies are built, how bodies work... that is the most intensive act of studying Nature possible, I think... For me, it's been the most powerful... This is stuff that has come up since I was in science classes; we didn't have this information then though I strongly suspected something was up when I read what was then known about ribosomes!
(Pierre) And actually you described it. This process of accumulating knowledge to absorb it in your belief center. You described the process of learning about Intelligent Design a month ago. You said something like you learned so much about it, you were intimately convinced about it.
(L) For me, it was like being reborn. Like having locks on my mind just blown off.
(Pierre) What I say, is it correct, or is it off?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) To be fair to them, the Cs said years ago that all the power to change reality is contained in the belief center of the mind.
(L) Yeah. For 20 years, I couldn't BELIEVE in anything!
(Pierre) You wanted to know. It's not mutually exclusive what the Cs said. You can believe AND know. You can believe BECAUSE you know. That's a big step.
(L) Well, it's what the Apostle Paul said: Faith is confidence in things not seen, and he also said that we can KNOW all about God by observing what has been created, that is, things that CAN be seen. If I can see the freakin' images of the images of the microscopic machines in the cell, and we're talking about... These are machines that convert light into sugar, water, and oxygen. 15 MILLION of them can fit on an area the size of an I-phone pixel!! [laughter]
(Andromeda) That's crazy!
(L) That... That is the most astonishing engineering...
(Joe) It's so obtuse of human beings to not accept that. Human beings' conscious experience of the development of technology has been precisely that: being able to engineer things at a smaller and smaller level. So if you see the same thing in nature, how can you not say it was designed? If I designed it, how could it not be in another mind to design that? It's massively more complex, and it takes a lot of engineering and thought and design to make a microchip. Then you look at the body and you see things that are massively more complex, and you go, "No! That happened by accident!" Did the microchip happen by accident? Why would you even think it happened by accident?
To be continued....
Why dogs are not flying? - Some humans and dogs have flown
Session 9 December 2017

Q: (Ark) I would like to understand why with this poltergeist phenomenon, we have flying bottles, flying chairs, swinging chandeliers, but we don't have like flying mountains or flying houses. I mean, what...
(Andromeda) What limits it?
(Ark) What limits this kind of phenomenon? You see? Why people are not flying, but tables are flying?
(Pierre) There are cases of levitation.
(Ark) Why dogs are not flying but tables and chairs are flying?
A: Some humans and dogs have flown. Consensus limits possible objects.
Reality is even stranger than having instances of levitating dogs and humans

The world "out there" (including dogs) is composed of matter, which is composed of atomic structure. Atoms are composed of thoughts - yours
That was a short summary of the following excerpt
Session 21 December 1996
Q: (L) Okay, what is it that we are perceiving?
A: That which you are programmed to perceive.
Q: (L) Is not this perception, these things we perceive as outside ourselves, are they not substance of some sort? Are they not there in some form, even if we perceive them the way we do?
A: Of course, but what does this have to do with "time?"
Q: (L) I am getting to that! We perceive a world "out there." Trees, cars, trucks, houses, bricks, boards, blocks, people, dogs etc etc etc.
A: You left out backyard barbecues!

Q: [laughter] (L) Very funny! We perceive things out there. Of what are they composed?
A: Matter.
Q: (L) Of what is matter composed?
A: Atomic structure.
Q: (L) Of what are atoms composed?
A: Thoughts.
Q: (L) Whose thoughts?
A: Yours.
Q: (L) Everything?
A: Everything.
Q: (L) If I perceive something, and everything I perceive is composed of my thoughts, and V_ is perceiving, is everything her thoughts?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What is the difference between her thoughts and my thoughts?
A: That is what binds you. You see, it is merely a program.[
If dogs can fly, not even the sky is the limit, so how about window faller dogs. Though My impression of the Bell Witch case, quoted in the next excerpt, as well as other cases, is that a dog like creature can appear as a window faller. In other words, there is no guarantee that every stray dog-like creature comes from this reality.
Window faller dog
Session 22 September 2018

Q: (L) Okay, let me read a little passage, this is in 1817.
Mr. Bell, while walking through his corn field, was confronted by a strange animal, unlike any he had ever seen, sitting in a corn row, gazing steadfastly at him as he approached nearer. He concluded that it was probably a dog, and having his gun in hand, shot at it when the animal ran off.
Some days after, in the late afternoon, Drew Bell {the son} observed a very large fowl, which he supposed to be a wild turkey, as it perched upon the fence, and ran in the house for a gun to kill it. As he approached within shooting distance, the bird flapped its wings and sailed off, and then he was mystified in discovering that it was not a turkey, but some unknown bird of extraordinary size. [...]
Betsy walked out one evening soon after this with the children, among the big forest trees near the house, and saw something which she described as a pretty little girl dressed in green, swinging to a limb of a tall oak.
Then came Dean, the servant, reporting that a large black dog came in the road in front of him at a certain place, every night that he visited his wife Kate, who belonged to Alex Gunn, and trotted along before him to the cabin door and then disappeared.
These strange apparitions, however, passed for the time unnoticed, exciting no apprehensions whatever.
(L) Well, right there at the very beginning it sounds like classic Mothman almost. Window fallers.
( Artemis) And in a corn field? How creepy!
(L) Children of the Corn! So, what were these people witnessing when these manifestations began?
A: Fourth density window fallers.
Q: (L) Well, if they're 4th density window fallers, that suggests that there was a window that had opened up for them to fall through - right?
A: Yes
To be continued...
In the last post, I quoted at the end from the session about the Bell Witch case, including the descriptions of window fallers. Next is more on the subject of window fallers, but as they are experienced by dogs and cats. Later in the post are excerpts about the Wave can effect pets.

Have any of our pets ever seen any mysterious creatures in the yard?
Session 26 October 2015
(Galatea) Can I ask a question that's kind of benign, but I'm curious?
(L) Sure.
(Galatea) Have any of our pets ever seen any mysterious creatures in the yard?
A: Many!
Q: (Galatea) I KNEW IT!! [laughter] Is that why at some point Kitty was very afraid to go outside?
A: Yes
Q: (Galatea) What did she see?
A: Window faller.
Q: (Galatea) I knew it.
(Approaching Infinity) Did it have tentacles or claws?
(Galatea) Can you give us a description or tell us what it looked like? Why was it so frightening?
A: Large smelly bird.
Q: (L) Mothman! [laughter]
(Galatea) Oh my god.
A: Close.
Q: (Scottie) I may have heard the Large Smelly Bird flying around many years ago when I was freaked out. The flappy noise...
(Perceval) And the baby crying noise!
(Galatea) I knew she had seen something because she wouldn't go outside for like 2 years at one point.
(L) When was the last time we've seen evidence of this?
(Galatea) Oh! OH!! Put your hand back on! [laughter] There was one time when I saw really big strange footprints outside. Was that the footprints of a strange creature?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) How big was it?
(Galatea) Andromeda saw them with me. They were like this big around, pretty huge.
(Pierre) It's a big foot. I mean, the foot is big. [laughter]
(Galatea) I saw the claw marks in the dirt, and I thought, "What kind of animal makes that print?"
(Pierre) We should have made a plaster cast.
(Galatea) How can we see these things? I wanna take a picture!
(L) With all this noise you've been making, I would think you wouldn't want to!
(Galatea) Should we be worried about...?
A: Get a sec cam.
Q: (Galatea) We need to get security cams and put them all around the house!
(Pierre) They have some for hunting, and they can see in the dark. Motion detector ones are for game.
(Approaching Infinity) There was one video earlier this year that was a bigfoot, and it was on one of those hunting cameras.
(L) I dunno if I want to get a camera like that! I'd never go outside again.
(Data) I'm never going to tend the smokehouse fire again... [laughter]
(Pierre) Ya know, sometimes I was going hunting by the pond for like an hour in the dark, and I had a big gun...
(Perceval) Haven't you read the literature about shooting those things?
(Pierre) I know! You can't!
(L) Silver bullet, Pierre!
(PoB) Each of our doggies should have their own camera.
(Scottie) NokoCam!
(Approaching Infinity) The NokoPro!
(Galatea) The next question I wanted to ask is: Are our pets in danger from these creatures?
A: No
Q: (Galatea) That's good. They freak them out and just leave them alone.
A: Ephemeral to some extent.

Q: (L) I think they would have a hard time retaining any solidity. The same reason we can't shoot them is the same reason they can't attack our dogs. You stay on your side of the curtain, and I'll stay on mine!
Some window faller experiences could be a result of the changes occurring with the Wave. Next are a few more that together can help to describe what the Wave means for pets and their owners

In these times, 2nd density creatures will collect more and more attachments
Session 14 July 1996
Q: (L) Now, I am curious about the doggie image that was on the aura photo that MM took?A: In these times, 2nd density creatures will collect more and more attachments.
Q: (L) Are these attachments like other entities?
A: Yes, and others.

Q: (L) When they are collecting these attachments, are they collecting them from us, as in protecting?
A: No
.Q: (L) Are they being used to collect attachments to be detrimental to us?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) You mean we are gonna have to do depossessions on our dogs, too? (V) Holy Toledo!
A: That won't work.
Q: (L) Why are our animals picking up attachments?
A: Because of vibrational frequency intensifications.

Q: (L) Is there something we could do? I mean, are we supposed to get rid of pets?
A: We would never suggest something as harsh as this.
However, beware: 3rd density STS orientation includes the thought of "dominion" over 2nd density, and this is merely a continuation of the energy buildups of the approach of the wave... Some of the lessons are interesting indeed. When you assume that capture and imprisonment of those of lesser capacity than you is for "the good," why should not you expect those of greater capacity than you to assume the same regarding you?!?
All in nature seeks balance. One day, so to speak, "Percy" will indeed have an opinion of calculus.
Session 31 May 1997
Q: Now, I am seeing it sort of like the perpendicular reality image. The circle in the center, and the outraying perpendicular realities which go out and out and out, and eventually come back to the center, because the gravity in the center brings them back. Something happens in a concentric circle sort of way, or in the idea of the shells of an atom sort of way, that distinguishes shells, or states of being, in relation to this center and these perpendicular realities. What is the level of shells, the realm levels, what is the relationship between the perpendicular reality and its moving outward that distinguishes it at certain relational points from the center itself? I understand that it is consciousness, but we are also dealing with non-being. Being and non-being. What is the relationship of these perpendicular realities to the seven realms of existence?
A: Not essentially correct. Perpendicular reality is knowledge/awareness/being matrix. Realms are merely experiential divisions based upon consciousness energy directors.
Q: What are consciousness energy directors?
A: Compare yourself to your backyard denizen. How do each of you view calculus?
Q: Well, I don't know exactly what calculus is, but I know it is important. I never thought I was able to learn such things, so I didn't try. But, I think it is important, and someday I will know something about it. I am sure that the dog would not only think it is not useful, he would not even be aware of it. How does that relate to consciousness energy directors?
A: All in nature seeks balance. One day, so to speak, "Percy" will indeed have an opinion of calculus.
Q: Okay, so consciousness energy directors are like a horizontal reality in relation to the perpendicular ones?
A: Slots, my dear, slots.
Q: Are these slots comparable to the appearing and disappearing of electrons in the shells of an atom?
A: Not the point. You are still trying to use 3rd density awareness to measure the reality parameters of all other density levels... Talk about your square peg and your round hole! Tell Arkadiusz to trust in gravity waves to be merely his pathway to higher understanding, not the means to an end.
Q: Now you have mentioned these 'slots.' What are these slots, and how does one move from one slot to another?
A: Picture this: you have 7 sizes of marbles. You have 7 widths of slots. Where do the marbles "fit in."
Q: Do the marbles represent units of consciousness?
A: Close. Or, divisions of consciousness level energy resonance profiles.

Q: Do these divisions of consciousness grow and change?
A: Yes.
Q: And they grow and change through acquiring knowledge, is that correct?
A: Basically.
Q: And acquiring knowledge is akin to acquiring energy? Or light? Light energy?
A: Not exactly. That would be like saying that "filling up" at the gas station is akin to acquiring speed.
Q: So, knowledge and light are like the gas for the car, but speed comes from utilization?
A: Yes.
Q: And utilization means...
A: Knowledge application which generates energy, which, in turn, generates light.
It is not clear to me how the learning process for first and second density in terms of acquiring and applying knowledge happens. At any rate:

The animals are getting smarter!
Session 9 April 2011
A: What do you think about the "new" explosion 3 to 4 billion light years away? They think, that is.
{Here it seems the Cs are referring to recent news of an explosion that is going on in the center of a small galaxy said to be 3.8 billion light-years away. See:"Astronomers say they have never seen anything this bright, long-lasting and variable before. Usually gamma-ray bursts mark the end of a massive star and emission from these events never lasts more than a few hours. But radiation from the blast continues to brighten and fade from the location a week after the explosion."And: "Rather than the short-lived gamma-ray bursts typically associated with the death of a massive star -- most last no more than a few hours -- this explosion continues more than a week later to emanate pulses of high-energy cosmic radiation for an effect that's brighter, longer lasting, and more variable than scientists have ever seen."}
Q: (L) Are you saying that it's not as far away as they're saying it is?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What is it representing? What is it doing?
A: The wave has begun in earnest!
Q: (L) What do you mean?
A: Energy is pouring into your universe from higher densities.
Q: (L) Was there any connection between our neighbor's death and our dog's deteriorating health? Is it concentrated beaming or cosmic influences?
A: See all of the above.
Q: (Mr. Scott) Our dog is undergoing DNA changes, too!
(Galatea) He's gonna learn to talk!!
(Belibaste) {imitates talking dog}
(Galatea) I knew it! I've been reading reports about animals doing unusual things. The animals are getting smarter!
A: Yes!

Q: (Galatea) Soon the human race will be overthrown!
(PoB) Maybe it would be better!
A: And be also aware of the deterioration factor for some.
As a result of the Wave, creatures, which must including pets, may suffer from time to time.

General chaotic energies of transition affect environment in many ways. Creatures often suffer thereby
Session 14 October 2017
(Ark) We had these strange events... There were a number of events recently, like 10 days or so, which were kind of unusual. Sometimes for me they were mysterious, like disappearing things ... like in a different reality or something. And then we had our cat that somehow went on the tree and we didn't see her for an entire day. Well, finally she was found in the tree. There were booms, explosions; breaking of electrical lines by digging; Cherie injured; the peacock sick. So, nothing really terrible happened, but it could happen. So, the question is: Is there any meaning that we should be aware of in this sequence of events?
A: General chaotic energies of transition affect environment in many ways. Creatures often suffer thereby. You are doing well with attention and vigilance.
Q: (L) You say the word, "transition"... What kind of transition are we talking about here?
A: Planetary movement through space-time area of realm border.
Q: (Joe) We hit some turbulence flying through space.
(Artemis) It's like when you're giving birth and like the head comes out?
(L) I don't get that...
(Artemis) Is it something like that?
A: Not exactly. More like dissolution followed by reconstitution.
Q: (L) So it's like something being dissolved. Once everything is dissolved in the solution, and everything is chaotically mixed up, then the solution will be evaporated and the dissolved substances will precipitate out? Is that closer?
A: Closer.
Q: (L) So, we are in a period where the energies around us are basically dissolving things. Is that it?
A: Close. If subject to that. Other things are solid and merely experience the surrounding chaos externally.
Q: (L) So maybe that relates to like some people who are disintegrating. It kinda goes back to: do you go under the Wave, or do you surf it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Those that go under the Wave get dissolved. Those who ride the Wave or surf it... And it affects our critters and things around us, but because of their interaction with us, we can pull them along with us on the crest of the Wave. Is that it?
A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) But it was interesting that it was Cherie and Opal who were most affected.
(L) My particular critters.
(Andromeda) Cherie, Opal, but then Penelope too. And Mr. Peacock. And the sparrows.
(L) Mr. Peacock is my critter. Why is it that my particular critters - my dog, my cat, my peacock - are being hit?
A: Lensing effect.
Q: (Artemis) What does that mean?
A: "Agents" attempt to focus energies of environment on you.
Q: (Pierre) So what's happening is these changes are related to these chaotic environmental energies. And some agents are trying to redirect those disturbing chaotic energies on you. The lensing effect means not only it will affect you, but it will affect any creature - human or non-human - that is close to you.
(Andromeda) Or maybe they're taking the effect, the brunt.
A: Yes
Regarding "energies of environment" in the above excerpt from Session 14 October 2017 and the statement "In these times, 2nd density creatures will collect more and more attachments." in the excerpt from Session 14 July 1996, there was recently a longer discussion about energies and entities in the astral realms.

It is a jungle out there
Session 13 May 2023
(L) And he's talking about the Philip case. And when we put this session up, let's include the synopsis of that case. So maybe you can get it ready, Approaching Infinity, so we can put it in there. Okay. Was the Philip case a case of creation of a being as is supposed because they created the backstory, they created the name, they created all the things, and then they started trying to talk to him, and then they talked to him. Was that actually what happened?
A: No.
Q: (L) Was it, as Joe suggested, some dead dude opportunistically skipping along there in the ethereal realm saying, "Oh, that's me! I can get energy this way."
A: More or less. There are many such entities in the astral realms.
Q: (L) So be careful what you ask for. [Laughter]. Well, then that leads to the next question: Did Alexandra David-Néel create a thought being of her own?
A: No.
Q: (L) What was that?
A: She added energy to an elemental being, something like a nature creature.
Q: (L) And this leads obviously to the next question: When we're doing spirit release, we come across all kinds of really bizarre things. I mean, just like thought forms that come and attach and even thought forms that are created by the individual. Are these thought forms like discrete beings that have intelligence, autonomy, and persistence?
A: Some are. And some "die" after being disconnected from the source of energy.

Q: (L) Okay. If we encounter a thought form-type critter that has come and attached to an individual, is that thought form-type critter something that has been created by some other individual in the same way that some of the ones that we have encountered are created by that individual person?
(Andromeda) Right. Like created by a thought loop or strong emotion and/or a split-off part of their personality?
A: Some yes. Others are gathered energies of place or object.

Q: (L) Place or object. So you're saying that objects can... What kind of objects?
A: Trees, for one.
Q: (L) So natural objects?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So natural objects can concentrate energy such that it forms a thought form?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay. And places also?
A: Yes. And some places respond to activities of humans and 2D creatures.

Q: (Joe) That's like Lethbridge, right?
(L) So a place can acquire a concentration of energy because of the actions of humans in that place?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And the same is true for the actions of say, 2D creatures?
A: Yes. Though the latter is less concentrated.
Q: (L) So the imprints of creatures is less concentrated than humans?
A: Yes.

Q: (Ark) What is the relation of spells to this? When someone is casting the spell, is it a kind of a thought form also?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So people can create thought forms when they cast spells?
A: Yes. And also attract energies that are already free-floating and frequency matched.
Q: (Ark) How do you protect yourself against such things?
A: Knowledge protects. Awareness and psychic hygiene measures generally suffice. Group actions are the next level of defense.
Q: (Andromeda) What gives these things power? Like their power source... some are more powerful than others, you know? Is it a longer life, the emotional energy they get from the person, the frequency match? What is it?
A: Emotional energy is the key.
Q: (L) So strong emotions of love, anger, frustration, hate, despair, sadness, grief, those things?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, say a person was extremely sad at the loss of a loved one... And they can't get out of it. They just go on and on and on and concentrate on their grief again and again. And they think about either the awful state that they are in, or how things were and are no more. They could conceivably create a thought form or, you know, an energy structure of that sort?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Would that energy structure then have the possibility of having its own autonomy and leaving its source?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) And would it necessarily be extinguished at some point?
A: Not always.
Q: (L) So, it could be persistent...
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) Such things must be being created all the time, then.
A: Yes. It is a jungle out there.
To be continued...
This post has discussions of the relation between owner and dog and what type of dog fits with the owners and caretakers. There are two excerpts, the first longer and with two dogs being discussed, the second is very short and added immediately after the first. At the end there is comment from Laura made in the thread for the first exceptf on the choice of pet.

If energy profiles of pets and people are matched, it's protective for both
Session 15 October 2016
Q: (L) I guess we might as well just get to the questions. The first thing that I think is on everybody's mind here is that we just recently had a very sad event. Timótheos and Alana's new puppy passed over in a dramatic fashion. Let me put my glasses on. How can the C's see without my glasses? I would like to know if this was just a pure freak accident? I guess that's the first question.
A: No
Q: (L) Was it symbolic?
A: No
Q: (L) Okay then. I guess... What was behind this event?
A: We have noted in the "past" that in these times that 2D creatures would become more susceptible to entity attachment. Now, in this case there was a severe mismatch of energy profiles, thus leaving the pup in a vulnerable state.
Q: (L) Okay, you say a mismatch of energy profiles left the pup vulnerable. Does that mean that if there were matching energy profiles that pups or dogs or 2D creatures or pets in general are not susceptible?
A: In general, yes.
Q: (L) Okay. So, if energy profiles of pets and people are matched, it's protective for both, perhaps?
A: Yes

Q: (L) It's harmonious. In this case...
(Andromeda) There was a mismatch of some sort, and that left him vulnerable to entity attachment. Is that what they said?
A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay, so how does one tell? I mean...
A: Timótheos has made much progress and no longer matches the profile of the type of canine.
Q: (L) There's more to this than meets the eye...
A: Yes. There is also location energy profile.
Q: (L) Are you saying sort of that maybe the location is also... I don't understand.
(Pierre) I think they might be saying that the puppy's energy profile didn't match Timótheos's energy profile because Timótheos has evolved and it's not matching Pepe-like profiles. In addition, the puppy's energy profile didn't match the location energy profile. So there was a double mismatch.
A: Partly but even more is the location and its blending with the 3D profile.
Q: (L) So the location added to Timótheos - and I'm assuming Alana also?
A: Indeed!
Q: (L) So Alana's profile has modulated Timótheos's profile, and the location has modulated both their energy profiles so that now there's a mismatch. Is that what we're getting at?
A: Yes!
Q: (L) And that made the pup susceptible to an entity that just jumped in and jumped him in front of a car? Is that it?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Was there any negative intention there?
A: Yes, partly.
Q: (L) Was that negative intention to cause them upset?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And basically cause chaos in their environment?
A: Yes
Q: (Alana) I don't understand what this mismatch of the energy means.
(Joe) It doesn't seem that this was what you were saying, but is there something bad about the location energy profile?
A: No
Q: (Andromeda) I think it's just different.
(Joe) Basically what you were saying... Does it come down to basically the type of dog that was the problem? There's nothing wrong with Timótheos or Alana, nothing wrong with the house, nothing wrong with the location. It was the dog that was the mismatch with all that good stuff.
A: Yes

Q: (Joe) The dog was basically like a wayward kind of hound dog who was not very well-bred. Basically you're all living in a very well bred part of France, and you've become very well bred, but then you get kind of a mangy half-breed dog...
(L) He wasn't mangy! He was CUTE!!! JOE!!
(Joe) I'm not saying he was mangy or bad. I'm saying compared to you guys making progress, and it's a nice part of France...
(L) I don't think it has anything to do with niceness or not niceness. I think it has to do with something else. Am I right?
A: Yes
Q: (L) What does it have to do with?
A: Purpose!

Q: (L) I don't understand.
(Alana) Me neither.
(Chu) Whose purpose?
(Data) Was the purpose of getting a new dog to "bring back" Pepe?
(Andromeda) I think it's the energetic purpose. The dog was more of a hunting dog type, too energetic in a certain way, maybe requiring a certain type of attention that's not necessarily the right thing for you guys.
A: Close.
Q: (L) So, basically what you're saying is that people need to... How do you find out what kind of dog you're supposed to have??
A: Think!
Q: (Niall) How did you work out what kind of breed to get?
(L) Well, I'm not even sure that my dog fits my profile! [laughter] We haven't asked that yet. Do our dogs fit our profile?
A: Yes

Q: (L) Our dogs are all neurotic, just like us! [laughter]
(Alana) The first few days we had him with us, both of us said at some point, "We're taking him back."
(L) Oh you did?
(Alana) Yes, we did.
(Timótheos) But I ended up getting really attached to him. I really liked him in the end.
(Alana) And then slowly, slowly, we adapted to him, he adapted to us... Probably we adapted more to him. He had a strong personality and stuff. And we ended up like spending a lot of time interacting with him.
(Galatea) Was it in this dog's fate to die sooner rather than later?
A: No

Q: (Joe) When I said "mangy", what I kind of meant was genetics. He was a crossbreed.
(L) Okay, we just made the joking remark that our dogs are kind of neurotic, and so are we. How do people pick... Should people pick dogs that are like themselves?
A: Sometimes...
Q: (L) Okay, should they pick dogs that are complementary - that is, kind of like the opposite of them sometimes?
A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Why don't we just ask what was the problem with...
(L) Okay, what was the specific mismatch?
A: The pup needed what Timótheos and Alana could not give especially long term.
Q: (L) And what was that? What was it they couldn't give?
A: Strong dominance and massive energy.

Q: (L) That comes down to what we were talking about last week where kawika and Awapuhi and their dog are concerned.
(Joe) Was there a connection between the events here and what we were talking about concerning kawika and Awapuhi's dog?
(L) Yeah, because that seemed kind of odd.
(Joe) It was right around the same time.
A: Very similar, but not directly.
Q: (L) So... I'm just gonna ask... No I'm not.
(Galatea) You can't just leave us with a cliffhanger like that...
(L) I think the perfect dog for Timótheos and Alana is a Bichon Frise. Am I right? [laughter]
A: Or poodle.
Q: [laughter] (Galatea) It would be so cute! And you can get her coiffed!
(Timótheos) Sew little dresses for her... [laughter]
(Joe) Well, ya know, a French poodle, and you're in France.
(Andromeda) They're very smart.
(L) Standard poodles are the second smartest dog, ya know?
(Andromeda) And they don't shed, either.
(L) They're hypoallergenic. But I think a standard poodle has way too much energy. I think you should get one of those little Bichon Frise.
(Galatea) She wants a Bichon Frise! [laughter]
(L) They look like little teddy bears.
(Alana) So, we're never gonna have a dog again.
(Galatea) Let Alana decide.
(L) Okay, so moving on to the kawika and Awapuhi situation: when they came to the community in North Carolina, they brought their old dog and a rather fresh young dog. I knew from the beginning about the old dog, but I didn't know about their acquisition of this young dog. I thought it was a little bit odd for them to acquire a second young dog just before they move in with the community. I was a little bit startled about that. But anyhow, they all talked about it and decided it was okay. So they bring the dog, and the dog then turns out to be a real disaster for everybody in a certain sense because it makes a lot of people in the house unhappy. It's noisy, it's high-energy. It's half Catahoula and half Rottweiler. Okay, a Rottweiler is bred to be a cow dog. Catahoulas, they're like hog-hunting dogs. We're talking about...
(Andromeda) A mix between a herding dog and a hunting dog.
(L) And we're talking about an aggressive herding dog, because they herd cows, not sheep. Anyway, it's a rather unpleasant situation. So, we told them the dog had to go. The end result was of course that kawika and Awapuhi think that they ought to go because they don't fit. That's fine. Bringing the dog was just a bad idea. In a sense... And this comes back to my favorite theory: When you get a mutt, one in a hundred or thousand or more can turn out to be the most outstanding dog in the world. The stories you hear about mutts that are outstanding dogs are legion. Nearly always these heroic dogs are mutts. Stories, right? But the truth is that's only like 1 out of 1,000, or 1 out of 10,000. There are lots of mutts, and very few of them are ever heroic. And then most of the problem dogs that you read stories about, attacking, biting, and so on are half-breeds, not Heinz 57 generic mutts. Heinz 57, there's some chance of leveling the genes. But half-breeds, you're playing genetic roulette. Are you gonna get the worst part of each of the two parents? Is the best part of one parent gonna cancel out the worst part of the other? It's just really iffy. So, am I right about this?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Well, of course I am. And of course you'd agree with me since you're me in the future, right? [laughter]
(Galatea) But they didn't agree on the Bichon...
(L) What do you mean they didn't agree?! They said, "OR"! [laughter]
(Timótheos) What about a Jack Russell Terrier? How does that fit in there?
A: Closer.
Q: (Timótheos) Maybe a smaller dog...
(L) A Bichon is very small. [laughter] I just thought I would tell you that, just in case... And you know they don't shed?
(Alana) So, the thing is that we shouldn't get a big dog?
A: No
Q: (Joe) Bigger dogs mean more dominance.
(Alana) What about cats? Is Miss Pearls gonna die because she's a mismatch?
A: No!
Q: (L) I don't think Miss Pearls is mismatched. She's a fantastic cat.
(Chu) Did you want to ask something about kawika and Awapuhi?
(Beau) I was curious if asking them to get rid of their dog was their reason why they said they were going to leave, or part of the reason?
A: Yes
Q: [Pierre brings picture of white fluffy adorable Bichon Frise] (L) OH IT'S SO CUTE! OH MY GOD!! [laughter]
(Galatea) He's so tiny!
(Timótheos) I'm gonna name him Snowball! [laughter]
(L) Are you gonna follow up on that issue, Beau?
(Beau) Well, I was told they'd be willing to get rid of the dog. And now it's the reason that they want to leave...
A: Bravado to not lose face.
Q: (L) So they said that at the beginning because that was the face-saving thing to say.
(Beau) Impression management.
A: They may find themselves in a similar situation soon.
Q: (L) In what similar situation? Mismatch the dog and... So the dog will get an entity and do something?
A: Yes. But more dangerous in their case.
Q: (Beau) Why?
A: Dog is strong in physical and instincts.
Q: (Niall) The dog might attack someone.
A: Yes

Q: (L) That's entirely possible. In fact, I think that's what we see a lot in those stories we put on SOTT. All these different dogs that are attacking people. They get entities... attachments. And something is making them more susceptible.
(Galatea) Or animals in zoos that turn on their caretakers.
A: Yes. We warned of this.

Q: (L) So if you're gonna have a dog, it's best to have one that has instincts that are very strongly pro-human to begin with in order to put a layer of protection between you and the possibility of an entity attack through an animal?
A: Yes

Q: (Scottie) And this dog is SUPER pro-human.
(L) What?
(Scottie) I was just putting in a good word to Timótheos for the Bichon Frise... because it's so cute.
(Timótheos) He says "Human Lives Matter". He's part of the movement.
(Pierre) Well, and even if he wants to kill someone, it will take a long time... [laughter]
(L) Any other questions?
(Prodigal Son) What sort of dog for the Farm?
(L) Just wait a minute...
(Galatea) She's got one in mind. Another Bichon! [laughter]
(Niall) You need to do the fence first.
Session 24 June 2023:
Q: (L) We have one little personal question we want to ask before we shut down shop for tonight: We have a situation with puppy dog, Argos, and we would like to know if we are dealing with the situation appropriately. And is there anything we should know about this situation that we don't?
A: You are dealing appropriately. This is not a time for persons who have issues of their own to take on responsibility for another creature that can act as a conduit of negative energies.
Q: (L) So, is the outcome that we have predicted where this has to go?
A: Most likely.

Comment from Laura on the choice of pet
Posted in the thread for Session 15 October 2016
I think that one of the most important things to do before getting a pet is to decide what you want, expect, and can give in the pet-human relationship. Then, think logically and coolly about the kind of dog that fits in that slot. You need to consider space available vs the size and energy of the dog. You need to consider your time available and how much you are at home. How much energy do YOU have to give?

Some people seem to have some "self image" fantasy of themselves and their trusty dog of one sort or another... maybe they read about such a dog in a book, or saw it in a movie, or somebody else had such a dog and it looked good. So, they imagine themselves with this type of dog without giving one minute of thought to the reality.
The worst thing I see over and over again is people trying to make house pets out of hunting type dogs. Herding dogs are great family dogs if you have the space for them. They don't do well in apartments or small places. They like to have work to do.
There are some very small dogs that are able to entertain themselves a good deal if provided for, that are okay in small places where the person has minimal time and energy to give, but still, the dog needs a person to BE THERE too. If you can't be there, don't torture a critter by locking them up alone in a house or apartment all day.
Remember that a pet is a companion - that means keeping each other company. So figure out what you like and do and find the dog that is the right fit.

Looking back on the thread
From the first post:
Topics cover a wide range:
- dog barking, and cat purring
- the Cs and pets
- pets for 3D and 4D STS
- the health of pets and their owners
- second density perception and communication
- pets and the Wave
- the pet - caretaker relationship,
- about the choice of a suitable dog
- instances and effects of extra sensory perception among cats and dogs
- what may happen after a pet dies?
- the cat, dog etc used as symbols or metaphors
- was the dog created or did it evolve?
Looking back, about half way in the list, I decided to organize the material differently. The outcome was that the afterlife and philosophy and creation/design parts moved up, before coming to the current circumstances with the Wave and the increased difficulties and number of consideration when choosing to find a pet.
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