The Wave Chapter 64: Crossing the Threshold

The Hero’s Journey During the early months of 1996 the Cassiopaean sessions were often quite personal. This was a consequence of the tremendous changes going on in my life, many of which were occurring at some other level of reality and could be sensed only dimly and...

The Wave Chapter 65: The Way of the Fool

As the Wave advances, a number of very interesting dramas have been enacted. So interesting and so relevant that we shall jump away from the present story for the remainder of this volume to explore this further. And trust me, it will be worth it! As you might recall,...

The Wave Chapter 66: The Zelator

If I had not fried my computer (most likely by getting upset), I would not have read Zelator before writing this. And I would not have fully understood exactly what I was doing or why. So, once again, the efforts of the Control System to do damage ended up doing just...

The Wave Chapter 68: As Above, So Below

I have spent a number of evenings debating with myself the planned content of this next chapter. On the one hand, the information is crucial; and on the other hand, there are some parts that are so extremely disturbing that when I examine them I have difficulty...