Last year on the 4th of July we drove down to the local mall to watch the fireworks display. We bought boxed dinners from Colonel Sanders, and listened to Vivaldi as the evening sky was transformed into a Cosmic Fairyland of Magic and Mystery. Little did we know, it would be the last Fourth of July we would celebrate. Seven months later, we were on a plane, leaving the U.S. – probably forever – and as I took my last look at the country of my birth, my heart was heavy with the awareness of what is very likely in the future for the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.
What do I mean?
On May 13, I wrote a bit on the Planet X Hoax: Will the world end on Thursday? As I noted at the end of this commentary: “The dogs are barking, but they are barking up the wrong tree.”
For so many years we have heard about “End of the World” hoaxes and panics that it is becoming rather tiresome and tedious. When was the last time you heard about the Photon Belt nonsense? That one was pretty popular for awhile. Kept everybody going like crazy while dozens of folks made lots of bux off books and “ascension” courses to help people survive the “enlightening” of the planet.
Well, the “photon belt” apparently fizzled… and then the Hale Bopp Frenzy cranked up leading to some mass suicides and a general air of paranoia all over. What a lot of people didn’t notice was that there were some extremely strange things going on here on the Big Blue Marble while Hale Bopp was decorating our skies – the weather was changing dramatically and Europe experienced what was called “The Flood of the Millennium.” One has to wonder if the Hale Bopp affair was not just another form of distraction away from what was really going on – sort of a Cosmic O.J. Simpson trial?
After Hale Bopp Flopped, the Planet X Panic got its motor warmed up and Nancy Leider – deluded or a con artist, who can say? – may be facing some lawsuits for leading people astray with that one. Most certainly, our researches into secret government mind control projects suggest that Nancy and others are really not to blame for their lunacy: it is planned and deliberate.
Of course, all the while that was going on, the political world was going crazy and we are now sitting on a planet that is like a powder keg just waiting for somebody to casually light a cigarette…
The thing that has exercised us the most in the Signs Newsroom is the apparent apathy of those who might be able to actually DO something to halt the juggernaut of Global Destruction that is stalking our planet. In this context, we have discussed, at some length, the observations of Richard Dolan in his book UFOs and the National Security State. In my review of this book I wrote:
Dolan documents the failure of civilian groups in their efforts to really “end UFO secrecy.” NICAP had prominent and active members, connections to Congress and the military, and their effort continued for over ten years. NICAP fought diligently for congressional hearings, and yet every time they got “close” to bringing it to the table for public consideration, the congressional sponsorship “backed off” and reversed their support.
What kind of group is it that can control our government in this way?
An even deeper question might be: What kind of group is it that can control the media, the military, the CIA, the FBI, NSA, and even the President? What do they do to intimidate and dominate ethical and substantial persons in positions of authority? Whatever it is, we would certainly like to know because it suggests that they are hiding something so significant that even hints of it behind closed doors can send the most powerful congressmen running with their tails tucked between their legs.
Even though Dolan was talking about UFO disclosure, the same principle seems to apply to getting the American Ship of State back on the course of Freedom and Democracy. Most especially, in the present day, it seems to apply to any sort of examination of the principles and principals behind the current political madness. In a discussion of the Pentagon Strike, there emerged something of an answer to this question:
Q: (A) I have a technical question because if [Flt 77] landed somewhere, question is, whether the standard military surveying satellites, or whatever it is, know the place, or it disappeared completely before landing from normal satellite, or rather military, observation?
A: It landed in the normal way.
Q: (A) Okay, then that means the military, and perhaps also the White House, knows that it landed and knows that…
A: White House knows little of what transpires in any case.
Q: (A) Right. But there are other spy satellites; some other countries may know that this story with flight 77 crashing at the Pentagon is…
A: At those levels, there is only one “Master.”
Q: (L) Those levels? What levels?
A: Levels that can hand down orders to bury or suppress.
Q: (L) So you’re saying that even, for example French, Russian, Chinese satellites that might have noticed something, that there is some level of control that can order such information to be buried or suppressed…(A) And the order will be respected? Why?
A: Those who are at that level have been bought and paid for by both giving knowledge of upcoming cataclysmic events, and promised survival and positions of power after. It is not difficult to realize the there is a body of such types in positions of power already. Power is not only attractive to such types, they are the kind most easily corrupted by it.
Those of you who have read the Adventures Series are already familiar with the research we have done tracking “who’s on first” on the planet. Some of the most disturbing material we found was the fact that American Tax dollars – or maybe Black Ops dollars – are being used to research how to kill the largest number of people with the least amount of energy output. There is also something that is called “maximum sustainable human population” and one wonders what connection the two ideas have to one another.
Getting back to the problem of apathy. In addition to the controls that must be exerted on government officials around the planet so that there is no real high level opposition to the current madness, there is the fact that the different masses of humanity seem to operate at varying levels of sleep. This may be a function of mind control project implementation. The group that seems to be most deeply asleep are Americans as a whole, though there are exceptions. Those Americans who ARE awake seem to have a better handle on what is going on in the U.S. than Europeans who generally just see George Bush as the village idiot trying to dominate the world. At least, the awake Americans see the REAL problem as the emergence of dangerous Fascism that seeks not merely to dominate, but literally to take over and RULE the world.
Or so it seems…
Neverthless, this apathy problem is troubling. We can, of course, suggest that many Americans are awake and seeing through the propaganda and lies – and that the only reason we don’t know about them is due to the fact that the mass media consistently and deliberately filters out any reports of activism as a means of depriving other activists of psychological support and a feeling of solidarity. But I still can’t get over the sensation that somehow, ignoring it and hoping it will go away is the reaction of choice.
The other morning, I woke up with the thought circling around in my head: The present global craziness is like a Trojan Horse – a vehicle that carries the instruments of destruction. So many people are like a deer paralyzed in the hunter’s headlights – fascinated by the display and completely unaware of the destruction that is imminent.
This thought did not appear out of nowhere and for no reason. It was the result of many days of deep thinking and discussions here at Signs Central. What initiated those discussions is what I want to talk about here: the possibility of global destruction in the wings and that the political machinations on the planet are designed to divert our attention from the clues and signs that this is imminent.
As we have noted in the Signs of the Times commentary numerous times: it seems that the absolutely outrageous behavior of the Bush Criminals who have effected a coup d’etat in America, as well as the staged reactions from the leaders of other countries around the planet, is grounded in a firm conviction that they will never have to pay for their crimes. Their behavior is disquietingly similar to the actions of a conscienceless individual who has been told that he is in the final stages of a terminal disease.
If that is the case, what could it be that gives them the confidence to simply not care that their raping, pillaging and plundering of the planet is becoming obvious to even the dimmest lightbulbs in the carton?
Regular readers of this Website are aware of our researches into the problem of cyclic extinctions. Most generally, this is attributed to a “Pole Shift.”
The Pole Shift idea was described as the “ultimate disaster” by John White in his book appropriately entitled Pole Shift. White listed numerous psychic prophecies that are clearly describing a Pole Shift and attempted to relate them to scientific ideas. One source claims that the Hawaiian Islands will rise and become peaks of a great mountain chain on a new continent that will rise in the Pacific. Another source predicts that the Hawaiian Islands will sink beneath the sea. Such contradictions among psychics are often handily explained with the “branching universe” theory with a twist: both are true, they just refer to different periods of future history.
As it turned out, most of the psychic predictions analyzed by John White concerned the period right around the year 2,000. Well, it has come and gone, the pole didn’t flip, and we are still here.
The fact that the Earth’s magnetic poles have changed many times in “history” is now a well accepted scientific fact. But this actually says nothing at all about the planet itself “flipping.” It just signifies a reversal of the magnetic field. As we now know, the Sun reverses its magnetic field regularly and cyclically with no apparent cataclysmic effects. So, a simple reversal of the magnetic field cannot be used in support of a physical and literal “Pole Shift.”
In the end, the chief problem of all the “End of the World” theories is that of the “trigger mechanism.” What is driving the machine?
In order to form any ideas about a “trigger,” it is important to try to sort out the data that we can get and decide if a Pole Shift is even possible and if so, is it a gradual, Uniformitarian event, or if it is sudden and cataclysmic.
It is commonly accepted among scientists nowadays that there is a “cycle of extinction.” However, until recently, they continued to attempt to put it off so far into the past and future that it could not possibly concern our present civilization. It is only fairly recently that hints and clues have begun to emerge into public awareness – a sort of “testing the waters” – though, as usual, there is much back and forth debate. Generally, those who say that cyclic extinctions DO happen – and rather frequently – generally approach the subject from the point of view of collecting and presenting data. The naysayers generally approach the subject from the point of view of “explaining away” the data as being “faulty” or “misunderstood.” They also tend to get emotional and attack the personalities of those who present data. Still, more and more facts, data, confirmable information, keep coming to light. In particular, consider the following extracted from my book The Secret History of The World:
Something catastrophic happened to the large mammals roaming the world during the Pleistocene Epoch. Woolly mammoths, mastodons, toxodons, sabre-toothed tigers, woolly rhinos, giant ground sloths, and many other large Pleistocene animals are simply no longer with us. The fact is, more than 200 species of animals completely disappeared at the end of the Pleistocene approximately 12,000 years ago in what is known to Paleontologists as the “Pleistocene Extinction.”
At the same time that the paleontologists are dealing with the unsettling notion of such a recent mass death, geologists are confronted with the evidence of terrifying geological changes which took place: extensive volcanism and earthquakes, tidal waves, glacial melting, rising sea levels, and so on. The Pleistocene Epoch didn’t end with a whimper, for sure. It went out roaring and thundering.
Geologists and Paleontologists don’t like catastrophism – it keeps them up at night. They fought long and hard against the Catastrophists. But in the present day, scientists in both fields are having to face the fact that the Catastrophists were mostly right from the beginning – even if they might have gone overboard and explained everything in terms of catastrophe. It is evident that there are “gradual” changes, but that most of what happens on the Big Blue Marble in terms of significant changes, is catastrophic.
One of the major facts that both paleontologists and geologists and archaeologists have had to face is the stupendous number of frozen carcasses in Canada and Alaska in the western areas, and in Northern Russian and Siberia in the eastern areas – all dated to about 12000 years ago. This suggests, of course, that something dreadful happened on the planet, and its effect on the Northern hemisphere was more severe than on the Southern hemisphere.
Back in the 1940s Dr. Frank C. Hibben, Prof. of Archeology at the University of New Mexico led an expedition to Alaska to look for human remains. He didn’t find human remains; he found miles and miles of icy muck just packed with mammoths, mastodons, several kinds of bison, horses, wolves, bears and lions. Just north of Fairbanks, Alaska, the members of the expedition watched in horror as bulldozers pushed the half-melted muck into sluice boxes for the extraction of gold. Animal tusks and bones rolled up in front of the blades “like shavings before a giant plane”. The carcasses were found in all attitudes of death, most of them “pulled apart by some unexplainable prehistoric catastrophic disturbance.”
The evident violence of the deaths of these masses of animals, combined with the stench of rotting flesh was almost unendurable both in seeing it, and in considering what might have caused it. The killing fields stretched for literally hundreds of miles in every direction. There were trees and animals, layers of peat and moss, twisted and tangled and mangled together as though some Cosmic mixmaster sucked them all in 12000 years ago, and then froze them instantly into a solid mass.
Just north of Siberia entire islands are formed of the bones of Pleistocene animals swept northward from the continent into the freezing Arctic Ocean. One estimate suggests that some ten million animals may be buried along the rivers of northern Siberia. Thousands upon thousands of tusks created a massive ivory trade for the master carvers of China; all from the frozen mammoths and mastodons of Siberia. The famous Beresovka mammoth first drew attention to the preserving properties of being quick-frozen when buttercups were found in its mouth.
What kind of terrible event overtook these millions of creatures in a single day? Well, the evidence suggests an enormous tsunami raging across the land, tumbling animals and vegetation together, to be finally quick-frozen for the next 12000 years. But the extinction was not limited to the Arctic, even if the freezing preserved the evidence of Natures rage.
Paleontologist George G. Simpson considers the extinction of the Pleistocene horse in North America to be one of the most mysterious episodes in zoological history, confessing that “no one knows the answer.” He is also honest enough to admit that there is the larger problem of the extinction of many other species in America at the same time . The horse, giant tortoises living in the Caribbean, the giant sloth, the sabre-toothed tiger, the glyptodont and toxodon. These were all tropical animals. These creatures didn’t die because of the “gradual onset” of an ice age, “unless one is willing to postulate freezing temperatures across the equator, such an explanation clearly begs the question.”
Massive piles of mastodon and sabre-toothed tiger bones were discovered in Florida. Mastodons, toxodons, giant sloths and other animals were found in Venezuela quick-frozen in mountain glaciers. Woolly rhinoceros, giant armadillos, giant beavers, giant jaguars, ground sloths, antelopes and scores of other entire species were all totally wiped out at the same time, at the end of the Pleistocene, approximately 12000 years ago.
This event was global. The mammoths of Siberia became extinct at the same time as the giant rhinoceros of Europe; the mastodons of Alaska, the bison of Siberia, the Asian elephants and the American camels. It is obvious that the cause of these extinctions must be common to both hemispheres, and that it was not gradual. A “Uniformitarian glaciation” would not have cause extinctions, because the various animals would have simply migrated to better pasture.
What is seen is a surprising event of uncontrolled violence. In other words, 12000 years ago, a time we have stumbled across again and again in our researches, something terrible happened – so terrible that life on earth was nearly wiped out in a single day.
Harold P. Lippman admits that the magnitude of fossils and tusks encased in the Siberian permafrost present an “insuperable difficulty” to the theory of uniformitarianism, since no gradual process can result in the preservation of tens of thousands of tusks and whole individuals, “even if they died in winter.” Especially when many of these individuals have undigested grasses and leaves in their belly. Pleistocene geologist William R. Farrand of the Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, who is opposed to catastrophism in any form, states: “Sudden death is indicated by the robust condition of the animals and their full stomachs … the animals were robust and healthy when they died.” Unfortunately, in spite of this admission, this poor guy seems to have been incapable of facing the reality of worldwide catastrophe represented by the millions of bones deposited all over this planet right at the end of the Pleistocene. Hibben sums up the situation in a single statement: “The Pleistocene period ended in death. This was no ordinary extinction of a vague geological period which fizzled to an uncertain end. This death was catastrophic and all inclusive.”
The conclusion is, that the end of the Ice Age, the Pleistocene extinction, the end of the Upper Paleolithic, Magdalenian, Perigordian, and so on, all came to a global, catastrophic conclusion about 12000 years ago. And, as it happens, even before this evidence was brought to light, this is the same approximate date that Plato gave for the sinking of Atlantis. Coincidence?
On the outskirts of Brno, Moravia, there is a quarry where workers uncovered the bones of a woolly mammoth. There, in the quarry, was discovered a 160 foot deep sequence of multiple soil cycles. Each climate cycle from warm to cold was expressed as a sequence of gradational soil types reflecting the change from a moist, deciduous forest to an arid, frozen tundra, cracked by deeply penetrating permafrost. Midway through each cycle, there are numerous bands of fine windblown dust delivered in what must have been monstrous storms of continental scale. Expert speculations suggest that this dust must have shrouded the earth for weeks or months at a time and must have produced a refrigerating effect on Europe’s climate. In the colder part of each cycle, the environment had become so dry that even large rivers dried up.
It seems that the ice sheets that repeatedly advanced southward were accompanied by the development of vast, but temporary deserts throughout Russia and Ukraine, even extending into southeast Europe and to the shores of the Black Sea. Every passage back from freezing cold to warm was abrupt in every cycle.
Oceanographers from Turkey, Russia, Bulgaria and the United States teamed up to explore the Black Sea. Using sound waves and coring devices, they discovered that the Black Sea was once a vast freshwater lake. Glenn Jones of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution dated the samples from the bottom of the Black Sea and confirmed that around 7,500 years ago, the seas had burst through the Bosporus valley and the salt water of the Mediterranean poured into the lake with unimaginable force. What was evident was that it had happened suddenly and almost instantaneously. What was also noted was that the massive amounts of salt water pouring into the Black Sea had been deficient in Oxygen.
At 8 p.m. on June 5th, 8498 BC, the core parts of Asteroid A punched the first decisive hole in the fracture zone of the Atlantic Ridge. The forces of hell were let loose. Thorough these two newly formed vents the glowing red-hot magma shot up at terrific speed and mixed with the liquid above it – the waters of the Atlantic. This created all the conditions for a submarine volcanic eruption of the greatest possible violence. The fracture seam was torn apart. The bottom of the sea burst open. All existing volcanoes were activated and new vents formed. Terrestrial fire and ocean water became embroiled in ever-increasing volume. Magma mixed with steam. The chain of fire ran all the way between the two continents from the Beerenberg volcano on Jan Mayen in the north to Tristan de Cunha in the south.
This rather dramatic description from the back of Otto Muck’s book – The Secret of Atlantis – is based on his ideas about the causal relationship between isotherms and favorable climate in northwestern Europe, and the unobstructed flow of the Gulf Stream across the Atlantic. Muck tries to use this flow to make a case for the prior existence of a large body of land in the Atlantic whose subsidence changed the ocean currents and warmed the British Isles about 10,500 years ago, give or take a day or two. Based on a varied and interesting collection of hard data, Muck suggests that the submarine massif of the Azores was once above water and could have blocked and deflected the Gulf Stream, preventing the circulation of the warmer waters, and thus contributing to the freezing temperatures of the British Isles.
There are other solutions to the problem of the isotherms including current day research showing that this can result from global warming. While we don’t deny that it’s possible for such severe lithosphere disruption as Muck suggests to occur, and we aren’t playing soft with the idea of mass destruction of species, it just seems that an event that would produce the sinking of so vast a body of land so completely would be an event from which absolutely nothing on the earth would survive.
Nevertheless, Otto Muck draws our attention to the meteor craters in the Carolinas. The Carolina bays are mysterious land features often filled with bay trees and other wetland vegetation. Because of their oval shape and consistent orientation, they are considered by some authorities to be the result of a vast meteor shower that occurred approximately 12,000 years ago. What is most astonishing is the number of them. There are over 500,000 of these shallow basins dotting the coastal plain from Georgia to Delaware. That is a frightening figure.
Let me repeat: there are over 500,000 of these shallow basins.
Unlike virtually any other bodies of water or changes in elevation, these topographical features follow a reliable and unmistakable pattern. Carolina Bays are circular, typically stretched, elliptical depressions in the ground, oriented along their long axis from the Northwest to the Southeast. [T]hey are further characterized by an elevated rim of fine sand surrounding the perimeter. […]
Robert Kobres, an independent researcher in Athens, Georgia, has studied Carolina Bays for nearly 20 years in conjunction with his larger interest in impact threats from space. His recent, self-published, investigations have profound consequences for Carolina Bay study and demand research by academia as serious, relevant and previously unexamined new information. The essence of Kobres’ theory is that the search for “debris,” and the comparison of Bays with “traditional” impact craters, falsely and naively assumes that circular craters with extraterrestrial material in them are the only terrestrial evidence of past encounters with objects entering earth’s atmosphere.
Kobres goes a logical step further by assuming that forces associated with incoming bodies, principally intense heat, should also leave visible signatures on the earth. And, finally, that physics does not demand that a “collision” of the bodies need necessarily occur to produce enormous change on earth. To verify that such encounters are possible outside of the physics lab, we need look no further than the so-called “Tunguska event.”
On June 30, 1908, in the vicinity of the Tunguska River deep in Siberia, a tremendous explosion instantly leveled 2000 sq. km. of tundra, felling trees by the millions, all left pointing outward from a central area. News accounts of the day told of Londoners being able to read newspapers from the glow of the night sky for days afterward. Seismographs worldwide recorded an apparent cataclysm in Siberia. Unfortunately (or fortunately as the case may be) the explosion had occurred in an area so remote, and during a time of such political turmoil, that no researcher pinpointed or even managed to travel to the suspected impact site for more than two decades. Not until pioneer Russian meteoritic researcher Leonard Kulik managed to gain entry to the inhospitable area in 1927, did anyone but local tribesmen view the devastation and its peculiar nature.
At the epicenter of the explosion lay not a large crater with a “rock” in it, as might be expected, but nothing more than a number of “neat oval bogs.” The Tunguska literature generally mentions the bogs only in passing, since Kulik failed in digs there to locate any evidence of a meteorite and went on to examine other aspects of the explosion.
Now, let’s look at another item:
Radiocarbon dates for Pleistocene remains in northeastern North America are as much as 10,000 years younger in the western part of the country.[…] Materials from the Gainey Paleoindian site in Michigan, radiocarbon dated at 2880 yr BC, are given an age by TL dating of 12,400 BC. It seems that there are so many anomalies reported in the upper US and in Canada of this type, that they cannot be explained by ancient aberrations in the atmosphere or other radiocarbon reservoirs, nor by contamination of data samples. […]
Our research indicates that the entire Great Lakes region (and beyond) was subjected to particle bombardment and a catastrophic nuclear irradiation that produced secondary thermal neutrons from cosmic ray interactions. The neutrons produced unusually large quantities of Pu239 and substantially altered the natural uranium abundance ratios […] Sharp increases in C14 are apparent in the marine data at 4,000, 32,000-34,000, and 12,500 BC. These increases are coincident with geomagnetic excursions. […] The enormous energy released by the catastrophe at 12,500 BC could have heated the atmosphere to over 1000 C over Michigan, and the neutron flux at more northern locations would have melted considerable glacial ice. Radiation effects on plants and animals exposed to the cosmic rays would have been lethal, comparable to being irradiated in a 5 megawatt reactor more than 100 seconds.
The overall pattern of the catastrophe matches the pattern of mass extinction before Holocene times. The Western Hemisphere was more affected than the Eastern, North America more than South America, and eastern North America more than western North America. Extinction in the Great lakes area was more rapid and pronounced than elsewhere. Larger animals were more affected than smaller ones, a pattern that conforms to the expectation that radiation exposure affects large bodies more than smaller ones. [Firestone, Richard B., Topping, William, Terrestrial Evidence of a Nuclear Catastrophe in Paleoindian Times, dissertation research, 1990 – 2001.]
The evidence of a Nuclear Catastrophe of course, begs the question as to what caused it? Firestone and Topping try to assign it to the effects of a Supernova. However, it stragely evokes Plato’s story of Atlantis which says that there was a war between superpowers just prior to a global cataclysm.
Timaeus and Critias, written by Plato some time around 360 BC are the only existing written records which specifically refer to Atlantis. The dialogues are conversations between Socrates, Hermocrates, Timaeus, and Critias. Apparently in response to a prior talk by Socrates about ideal societies, Timaeus and Critias agree to entertain Socrates with a tale that is “not a fiction but a true story.”
The story is about the conflict between the ancient Athenians and the Atlanteans 9000 years before Plato’s time. Knowledge of the ancient times was apparently forgotten by the Athenians of Plato’s day, and the form the story of Atlantis took in Plato’s account was that it was conveyed to Solon by Egyptian priests. Solon passed the tale to Dropides, the great-grandfather of Critias. Critias learned of it from his grandfather also named Critias, son of Dropides.
Plato described Atlantis as an “island empire” that “in a single day… disappeared in the depths of the sea.” But he also tells us that this “island” was bigger than Libya and Asia Minor combined. Right away we perceive that his terms are a bit different from what we would use. We might think that his term “island,” meant simply that this body of land was not connected to Eurasia or Africa – that it was a distinct body of land surrounded by water – except for something else he added: Plato also told us that Atlantis was “the way to other islands, and from these you might pass to the whole of the opposite continent.” This suggests to us an unusual land formation – an isthmus.
His expression that it “disappeared into the depths of the sea” was probably meant to suggest that it was swept by vast tsunamis as the result of some cataclysmic event. So, considering these clues – its vast size, the definition of the term “navigable,” and the idea that “disappearing into the depths of the sea” very likely meant swept by terrifying walls of water, let take a peek through the Pillars of Hercules. What do we see? Well, we see the Americas. We see North and South America connected by an isthmus. We also see a lot of little islands in the Caribbean.
Another clue that Plato gives us is that Atlantis had a lot of elephants. What was it Professor Hibben found in Alaska? Miles of Elephant carcases.
Over and over again we find these odd clues that point to an ancient civilization that existed something over ten thousand years ago. There has been a raging controversy for generations between pro-Atlanteans and anti-Atlanteans about this. There seem to be sufficient archaeological remains to justify a serious scientific study based on such a hypothesis. Archaeology and ethnology, being observational sciences, and not experimental sciences, have built their entire framework upon the study of those remains. And when we look closely at the array of discoveries in those fields, we discover bits and pieces of cultures of almost unspeakable age. The fact that Uniformitarian science barely allows the idea of cataclysmic destruction to be part of the hypothesis cripples archaeologists and, in the end, may make fools of them all.
Without the algorithm of cyclic cataclysm, archaeologists cannot fully understand what they observe, nor can they explain the anomalies here and there, and the lack of other evidence that ought to be here and there (if one assumes great antiquity of civilization with no cataclysms). The fact seems to be that, what does continue to exist in terms of archaeological remains from times before 7,000 or more years ago, have been subjected to geological and cosmic cataclysms of almost incomprehensible violence and few major relics remain for perusal. Those few, however, are cast aside as the anomalies of archaeology and ethnology, and their very existence is buried or denied in efforts to avoid toppling the house of cards so laboriously established by those sciences.
Nevertheless, we find that all over the globe, with few exceptions, these studies break down almost completely right around 7,000 to 10,000 BC, at which point they meet with what mathematician call a “discontinuity.” Immediately after this discontinuity, all of the hot-spots of ancient civilization that archaeologists accept as valid suddenly appear with no indication of gradual, Uniformitarian development. What is more, there seems to be considerable indication that these developments were degenerate remnants of something already lost in the mists of antiquity.
Entire libraries of books have been written demonstrating this antiquity of man and his civilizations, but it has not yet been accepted, even in principle, by any branch of science. The scientific thought police oppose any type of cataclysmic change in the structure of the earth and will go to any extremes to avoid coming to grips with its evidence.
Or perhaps the REAL problem is that someone HAS come to grips with the evidence – they just aren’t letting it out to the public – even at the higher levels of government.
In addition to what might be termed more “ancient” cometary events, every day more and more data comes forward to demonstrate that they occur with frightening frequency that should give us pause. The following news item caught my eye recently:
Robert Matthews Science Correspondent, The Telegraph – London 11-4-1
Scientists have found the first evidence that a devastating meteor impact in the Middle East might have triggered the mysterious collapse of civilisations more than 4,000 years ago.
Studies of satellite images of southern Iraq have revealed a two-mile- wide circular depression which scientists say bears all the hallmarks of an impact crater. If confirmed, it would point to the Middle East being struck by a meteor with the violence equivalent to hundreds of nuclear bombs.
Today’s crater lies on what would have been shallow sea 4,000 years ago, and any impact would have caused devastating fires and flooding.
The catastrophic effect of these could explain the mystery of why so many early cultures went into sudden decline around 2300 BC.
They include the demise of the Akkad culture of central Iraq, with its mysterious semi-mythological emperor Sargon; the end of the fifth dynasty of Egypt’s Old Kingdom, following the building of the Great Pyramids and the sudden disappearance of hundreds of early settlements in the Holy Land.
Until now, archaeologists have put forward a host of separate explanations for these events, from local wars to environmental changes. Recently, some astronomers have suggested that meteor impacts could explain such historical mysteries.
The crater’s faint outline was found by Dr Sharad Master, a geologist at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, on satellite images of the Al ‘Amarah region, about 10 miles northwest of the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates and home of the Marsh Arabs.
“It was a purely accidental discovery,” Dr Master told The Telegraph last week. “I was reading a magazine article about the canal-building projects of Saddam Hussein, and there was a photograph showing lots of formations – one of which was very, very circular.”
Detailed analysis of other satellite images taken since the mid-1980s showed that for many years the crater contained a small lake.
The draining of the region, as part of Saddam’s campaign against the Marsh Arabs, has since caused the lake to recede, revealing a ring- like ridge inside the larger bowl-like depression – a classic feature of meteor impact craters.
The crater also appears to be, in geological terms, very recent. Dr Master said: “The sediments in this region are very young, so whatever caused the crater-like structure, it must have happened within the past 6,000 years.”
The discovery of the crater has sparked great interest among scientists.
Dr Benny Peiser, who lectures on the effects of meteor impacts at John Moores University, Liverpool, said it was one of the most significant discoveries in recent years and would corroborate research he and others have done.
He said that craters recently found in Argentina date from around the same period – suggesting that the Earth may have been hit by a shower of large meteors at about the same time.
Published Tuesday, August 17, 1999, in the San Jose Mercury News
BY ROBERT S. BOYD Mercury News Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON — Recent scientific discoveries are shedding new light on why great empires such as Egypt, Babylon and Rome fell apart, giving way to the periodic “dark ages” that punctuate human history.
At least five times during the last 6,000 years, major environmental calamities undermined civilizations around the world. Some researchers say these disasters appear to be linked to collisions with comets or fragments of comets like the one that broke apart and smashed spectacularly into Jupiter five years ago this summer.
The impacts, yielding many megatons of explosive energy, produced vast clouds of smoke and dust that circled the globe for years, dimming the sun, driving down temperatures and sowing hunger, disease and death. […]
The last such global crisis occurred between AD 530 and 540 — at the beginning of the Dark Ages in Europe — when Earth was pummeled by a swarm of cosmic debris. […]
Researchers say similar environmental calamities occurred around 3200 B.C., 2300 B.C., 1628 B.C. and 1159 B.C. Each led to the collapse of urban societies in widely scattered portions of the globe. […]
Although the evidence is debated, a growing number of researchers contend that most, if not all, of these ecological disasters are connected to bombardments from space. […]
“After an impact, the dense dust cloud that is created by the impact spreads through the atmosphere, cuts out sunlight,” Rampino said. “This stops photosynthesis and causes the climate to get cold and dark, leading to the mass extinction of large numbers of organisms.” […]
NASA and the Air Force are searching for comets and asteroids that might be on a collision course with our planet. Fortunately, nothing of a dangerous size — arbitrarily defined as more than a kilometer (0.6 miles) in diameter — has been spotted heading our way for at least a century. But astronomers say a major impact is inevitable.
“Earth is currently enjoying a quiescent period,” said Robert Shoch, a Boston University geologist. “But around 2200 AD, it is likely (sic!) that a new flow of comet fragments will enter Earth-crossing orbits and pose a real threat to our planet.
For thousands of years, comets have been associated with disaster and misfortune. They are harbingers of plagues, earthquakes, floods, natural disasters and wars. In fact, the passing of a comet followed by war has been so frequent as to earn for comets the sobriquet “The Swords of Heaven.” Tradition has assigned responsibility to comets for death and destructions, disease and decay, defeat and dissolution, the deaths of kings, and the fall of empires. It could be said that no celestial phenomenon is so widely and generally feared.
We come back now to seeking the source of the trigger mechanism. As I have written elsewhere:
The relative importance of an idea and the implications of the conclusions that can be drawn from that idea, ought to determine the level of attention given to the idea. The fact is, the idea that something may be whacking through our solar system at periodic intervals is a concept of such importance that it simply cannot be overstated. […]
The fact that such events are cyclic – regular pulsings of extinction – suggests a single initiating factor. This issue of the cycle of this purported “return” is of the utmost importance. If we consider the remote possibility that this is going to happen, and if we are interested in human destiny, it behooves us to investigate whether or not there is a correlation between cyclical geologic changes in the earth’s past and the future, and what that cycle might be.
If we, for one second, think that there is even a one-percent possibility that such events are cyclic, and that we may be approaching such an event, we ought to be putting the whole force of all our science and all the great minds of our civilization into researching the matter. But we are NOT doing that. At least it is not being acknowledged as a real, possibly imminent threat by our world leaders, even while they behave as though the “End of the World” was coming and they are going to party hearty and fiddle while Rome burns.
Most of the theories of the “cause” of regular cyclic cometary showers have to do with something that “perturbs” the Oort cloud – a shell of comets that surrounds our solar system. Some of the ideas leading to this began as a result of observations of orbital anomalies in some of the outer planets.
Aberrations in the orbital motion of Neptune and Uranus have convinced many scientists that there is a strong likelihood that some kind of large body exists in solar space beyond Pluto and exerts strong gravitational attraction on the outermost planets and that it returns according to a regular cycle.
In August of 1996, the Cassiopaeans brought to our attention the idea of our Sun having a “dark star companion” that is the “trigger” mechanism for cyclic cometary showers, including cataclysmic cometary bombardment of our planet by thousands or hundreds of thousands of cosmic missiles.
What the C’s proposed was, as we later discovered, quite in line with scientific studies about the possibilities of our Sun having a companion. According to these theories, periodic comets were “bumped” into the solar system by a dark star, a “little brother” or “little sister” of our own Sun, which has a long, elliptical orbit measured, most likely, in millions of years.
If it is a companion star, present day science pretty clearly demonstrates that it must have a very long period, otherwise, we would notice it quite plainly in orbital perturbations of a certain type. In actual fact, the computer model that best fits the various dynamics is that of a 27 million year orbit. And this, of course, leads us to a considerable difficulty: the period of return of the Dark Star, as opposed to the period of disasters. Obviously, a body with a 27 million year orbit isn’t likely to be remembered. However, an ancient advanced science may have certainly figured it out and it was remembered and passed down in fantastic myths and legends.
J. G. Hills of Los Alamos National Laboratory writes:
Two groups have recently suggested that the Sun may have a low-mass stellar or black dwarf companion, nemesis, with an orbital period of 26 million years )Davis, Hut, and Muller, 1984) Whitmire and Jackson, 1984). They note that the perihelion passage of Nemesis thorough the inner comet cloud postulated by Hills (1981) would cause an intense comet shower to enter the inner planetary system. Some comets hit the Earth, causing severe environmental stress. They propose that these induced comet showers are responsible for the periodic extinctions suggested by the data of Raup and Sepkoski (1984).[1]
The work by these experts suggests that the observations of other binary systems demonstrate the model for the projected separation they have given. Such paired stars are “physically connected systems,” and that these brown dwarfs are “burning,” though non-nuclear.
The minimum mass needed to perturb the inner Oort cloud to produce such showers is, according to Hills, 0.01 percent of the Mass of the Sun.
Hills writes:
In the current paper, I use computer simulations to investigate the potential damage caused by the passage of a Nemesis-like object through the planetary system. I use these computer results and the apparent lack of damage to the planetary orbits to place limits on the number and masses of any other black dwarfs (or large planets) within the Oort cloud. [1]
LBL (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) physicist Richard Muller devised the Nemesis theory [2] to account for regularity of the mass extinctions discovered by Raup and Sepkowski [3] According to this theory a companion star, called also cosmic terrorist Nemesis, orbiting the Sun, perturbs the Oort comet cloud every 26 millions years causing comet showers in the solar system. Muller believes Nemesis is most likely a red dwarf star, magnitude between 7 and 12, that should be visible with binoculars once localized.
In 1999 Matese, Whitman and Whitmire published a paper [4] in which they came to a similar conclusions by statistical analysis of 82 new class I Oort cloud comets. The next paper, entitled Supportive Evidence for a Brown Dwarf Solar Companion, [5] uses an extended database which has increased the number of comets from 82 to 89. The putative brown dwarf is expected to be located somewhere along the arc of 135 and 135+180=315 degrees of galactic longitude:

Figure 2. Graph by Matese showing cometary scatter patterns which may suggest the orbit of the “Perturber.” By permission.
Thus, we understand that it is not this Twin sun that makes its “appearance” at each period of catastrophe. Nevertheless, the analyses of the periodic comets suggests that it does, at very long periods, again and again, crash through the Oort cloud like a bowling ball through rows of pins, sending a new collection of them spinning into a periodical orbit, and because of the laws of celestial mechanics, they establish various sub-orbits, including a major bombardment at what appears to be a 3,600 year interval, the last one of which occurred around 1628 BC. This idea has some support from SCIENTIFIC STUDIES, which the theory of the Planet Nibiru as a visitor to the inner solar system does NOT.
That is to say, the nonsense propagated by the proponents of “Planet X” and “Nibiru” ideas is scientifically untenable.
Ark: In 1985 Los Alamos scientist J.G. Hills published a paper [1] analyzing possible consequences of a passage of a hypothetical stellar companion, ‘Nemesis’. He estimated the probability for its orbit to be perturbed by a passing star to be 15%. Judging by the lack of evident damage to the planetary orbits (all orbits being nearly circular, with some irregularities for Neptune and Pluto), Hills concluded that that no black dwarf more massive than 0.02 of the mass of the Sun has entered the planetary system from interstellar space. That does not preclude the possibility that Nemesis can cyclically send cometary showers towards the internal solar system. Moreover, his conclusions are based on the assumption that there are no corrections to the standard laws of gravitation, which assumption may change in the future, when more data become available from the deep space probes, and when we learn more about the role of electric and magnetic interactions of cosmic bodies and of space plasma.
Discovering the details requires research. And research requires a hypothesis. And a hypothesis requires admitting possibilities and making observations that are not predicated on assumptions that have proven again and again to be inadequate to explain the order of the universe. At present, there are very few “experts” who are even looking into the matter of our sun having a companion. You can count them on the fingers of one hand.
The next item we want to consider is this: In Mike Baillie’s book, Exodus to Arthur,he writes:
There are two types of physical body which can hit the Earth, namely, comets and asteroids. In the past ancient people had seen and recorded comets; the bright gaseous plume which is illuminated by the sun was often described as a bow, or sword, or arm in the sky. There are no obvious records of asteroids, small dark bodies which are effectively invisible without a telescope, and not that easy to spot even with large telescopes. Astronomers have devoted quite a lot of time to asteroids because, from a hazard point of view, the most interesting ones are locked into orbits in the inner solar system. But perhaps the interest is actually stimulated by the fact that most of the early ones were discovered by accident and some are in Earth-crossing orbits. […]
It is now known that the comets we see originate from what is effectively a shell of comets called the Oort Cloud which sits far out on the fringes of the solar system. From time to time gravitational effects from passing stars, or changes in our sun’s position relative to the galactic plane, displace comets from the Oort Cloud into the solar system; some of these comets penetrate the inner solar system where we reside.
As already noted, objects moving inside the inner solar system represent a definite hazard to inhabitants of this planet. Looked at simplistically, we are trapped in the middle of a target, orbiting close to the bullseye (the Sun) and from time to time objects are fired towards the centre of the target.
Then, just to make the game more interesting, there is a deflector (in this case the giant planet Jupiter) whose gravitational field is sufficiently strong that it mops up most of the incoming missiles and either captures them or fires most of them back, away from the target. Unfortunately, the deflector is not 100 per cent successful and it actually encourages some material towards the target: worse still, it sometimes breaks the missile up and fires a scatter of debris inwards to the target. Though the reality is much more complicated than this simple model, the model is sufficient to get the feel of the problem.[…]
[Special note: notice that Baillie has reported that Jupiter is a “comet attractor.” Consider that in light of all the recent discoveries of “new moons” of Jupiter, the numbers going higher almost daily!]
Comets are loosely compacted, but deeply frozen, hard, masses of rock and ice and organic materials, debris left over from the formation of the solar system. The common term ‘dirty snowball’ only half does them justice. […] A snowball is typically thrown at a velocity of around ten metres per second; a comet is typically travelling at 20 to 50 km per second! [72,000 mph] So do not think of dirty snowballs; think of psychopathic iceballs. […]
While the asteroid population in the inner solar system is relatively stable, and as lumps of rock or nickel-iron the asteroids themselves are pretty stable, comets are a bit more diverse. Normally a few kilometer or miles across, they can be captured into fairly stable orbits which can be or long or short periods – a few years or thousands of years. These long-return types will normally appear out of the blue and are not much different from a completely new comet […]
Then there are giant comets up to hundreds of kilometers across. […] If left orbiting long enough, all the comet’s volatiles will eventually burn off and only the rocky core will be left, effectively indistinguishable from an asteroid. So there are at least two broad classes of hazard from comets: interaction between a live comet and the Earth and interaction between a dead comet and the Earth, with the latter being indistinguishable from the asteroid hazard. […]
We need to think a little bit more about this idea of being hit – what does it mean in reality.
Well, there are hits and there are near-misses. We can imagine the simple case. A boulder whizzes in and hits the Earth directly at high velocity. Depending on the size of the boulder and the velocity, there is an explosion ranging from the equivalent of a few kilotons to hundreds of millions of megatons. It is clear that nothing in the latter class has occurred in even the last few million years – though we did witness those impacts on Jupiter in July 1994. In this direct hit scenario it is immaterial whether the object was an asteroid or a dead or live comet; size and velocity are all that matter. However, near-misses are a different thing altogether.
A near-miss with an asteroid is just that: ‘whoosh – that was lucky’, and as mentioned, we have had several of those in recent times.
A near-miss with a comet, whether it is dead or alive, may be very different. Because cometary nuclei are ‘loosely packed’ there is a tendency for them to be torn apart by the gravitational fields of the Sun or the planets in any close situations.
So we can be pretty sure that cometary nuclei are not travelling alone; there is likely to be a whole hierarchy of fragments. This could happen in a single pass or it could happen over a number of orbits. Such activity might lead to loading of the Earth’s atmosphere with dust and maybe even volatiles and, as Clube and Napier, and Bailey and Steel, and Vershuur and others would argue, with the possibility of multiple Tunguska-class impacts – the ‘cosmic swarm.’ Simple mathematics indicate that for every comet that would hit us, about 4,000 pass closer to us than one Earth-Moon distance.
This introduction to cometary hazards tells us that the real problem on the timescale of civilization is the debris associated with a ‘close pass’ comet, irrespective of whether the comet was dead or alive. As we will see, the comet would fairly certainly blow your mind. […]
What, I asked myself, would actually happen in a close approach? I sought out Gerry McCormac, a colleague who had trained and worked as an atmospheric physicist. […] When asked what he thought would happen if a comet approached very close to the earth, his reply was startling:
If it came within the earth’s magnetosphere it would probably be spectacular … the sky would go purple or green, particles from the comet would spiral down the lines of force and it is likely that you would have amazing auroral displays and coloured streamers…
Suddenly a new series of possibilities had opened up. One had to try to imagine a cometary body, or associated debris, passing within the Earth’s magnetosphere and possibly producing a fabulous, moving, coloured display. So I asked if there would be any other associated phenomena – noise maybe? He replied: “Well, the Eskimos say that at the time of aurora they sometimes hear a hissing noise … but! …scientists who took up sensitive listening equipment did not manage to record anything.’ […]
There is a whole literature on auroral sounds and, indeed, sounds heard directly from bolides, even comets. Colin Keay has written extensively on these phenomena. […]
People have claimed that they have heard an incoming fireball and in fact heard it and turned around to see it. There is the contradiction: the flash of light from the fireball is travelling much faster than any related sound.
Traditional wisdom holds that we cannot actually hear fireballs coming in, we may hear the rumble and explosion only some time later, usually after we have seen them. Keay has accumulated information showing that some people genuinely do hear fireballs as they come in and before they see them: how? The plasma trail from a large fireball may generate Extra Low or Very Low Frequency radio emissions; if an observer happens to be standing beside a suitable object (or perhaps if he is wearing a suitable object like glasses or headgear, that object can act as a transducer for the electromagnetic signal – thus the observer actually ‘hears’ the incoming fireball as it enters the atmosphere, before seeing it.
The technical name for this phenomenon is ‘geophysical electrophonics.’ [Baillie, Exodus to Arthur, Batsford; London, 1999]
For some time we have been observing the behavior of the Bush gang and the other political shenanigans on the planet. We have observed the apathy of humanity at large. We’ve done the research and followed one thread after another as far as we could go and we have vigorously clanged the alarm clock day after day ad nauseum.
We haven’t done any of this with any idea that it would “save the world” or significantly change anything. We simply know that the building is on fire and we want to try to snatch a few others who know it to safety on our way to the exit.
In general, since the C’s gave us certain data about the Companion Star, we tended to think that event was “in the future,” and that the time between the twin’s appearance and disappearance would be short, following which the time between its disappearance and the arrival of the fresh comet cluster would be only a few years. For example: twin sun sighting in 2005 and comets in 2009 or something like that. This could work, though perhaps the numbers are off.
The C’s have said that the closest approach of the Companion Star is somewhere around the orbit of Pluto. Pluto is 6,000,000,000 km from Earth. If you travel at an average cometary speed of 108,000 km/hr, you could get to Pluto in about 10 years. Conversely, something could get from Pluto to here in that period of time – assuming it enters the solar system at a specific point and travels in a straight line.
What this does not account for is the mechanics of the movement of the disturbed comets in the Oort cloud. There is also another problem that came up recently and led to some startling new ideas. The email I wrote to the members of the Quantum Future School will best explain the issue:
We have been going back over all the mentions of [the companion star] in the transcripts and identifying our questions that were loaded with assumptions and which thus brought back an ambiguous answer or a “confusing” answer and trying to sort out what the C’s really have tried to convey.
As one of the staff members pointed out last night, the C’s info is sort of “geared” to my own thinking and if they are giving clues in a sort of “code” so as not to 1) violate free will, 2) create destructive superluminal communication into the past paradoxes, then the information will be delivered in such a way that I will only be able to “get it” on certain points when the proper “triggers” in the environment are tripped.
In this case, it was just day before yesterday – and as a result of the post on the subject of the solar maximum being so darned protracted. It was supposed to be over a long time ago and the “exerts” keep “extending” their explanations to cover the fact that the sun is so active and nobody can explain why.
We started talking about it and the comment was made that the sun might be “reacting to the close approach” of the companion. But then, someone remarked that didn’t the C’s say that when this happened, the sun’s gravity would increase and sunspots and consequent solar mass ejections would be suppressed?
Well, sure. That’s what the C’s said. And that was the problem. If the solar companion was drawing near, how can you have it both ways: no sun spots and more sun spots??? You can’t.
Well, we tried to explain this by saying “the comets must be doing it.” But the comets aren’t supposed to be on the agenda until AFTER the companion star is sighted.
And then, there is the ever present issue – in my mind, that is not satisfied by assuming superluminal travel of cometary bodies! – of the distances involved and the “time” required for their travel from the orbit of Pluto to the inner solar system.
Okay. There was the problem and I went for a walk and while I was walking I kept mulling over this “increase in the sun’s gravity” and then I realized that this had ALREADY HAPPENED during the period known as the Maunder Minimum. I also remembered that there was a strange star seen by Flamsteed that many astronomers have tried to explain as a supernova, but none of their explanations of why the observations of Flamsteed simply do not match any supernova remnants that we know make any sense. Well, the information about this star came about due to the study of possible supernovae – which then leads to considering WHY the C’s urged me to study supernovae.
It was then that I realized that, if our assumptions “colored” the answers or our interpretation of the answers from C’s, then we need to revisit this subject seriously with a fresh perspective.
What is more, this idea better answers the problems: How can a companion star that sweeps through the Oort cloud appear at one point, recede, and then within just a few short years we get smacked by comets? Doesn’t make sense.
BUT, if the companion star appeared 323 years ago, dragging a bunch of comets in its wake, and then it swung around in its orbital path, slingshotting the comets our direction, they have had about 300 years or so to travel this way. And if the “dragging” effect took place over time – as it certainly must have – as the Oort cloud rotates, that could mean that they are coming into the solar system from ALL directions… and some of them must be following this rotational motion of the Oort cloud, spiraling around.
Voila! It all begins to make sense.
Of course, it also means we are in the middle of the turkey shoot and WE are the turkey.
And then, considering Baillie’s information about Jupiter as a “collector” of comets, one also has to ask the question about the “sudden discovery” of so many additional moons of Jupiter. Is it capturing some of these bodies like crazy… does that mean that much of the cluster is about the orbit of Jupiter just now – or some of them even closer????
How long?????
In searching through the literature for any evidence of the appearance of another “sun,” the 17th century really stands out as interesting. In her bookComets and Popular Culture and the Birth of Modern Cosmology Sara J. Schechner writes:
“Comets, like other marvels, were exploited by polemicists in prodigy books. In 1661-1662, for example, radical English dissenters published sensationalist reports of prodigies, including comets, WHICH GLOOMILY GREETED THE RESTORATION OF CHARLES II.” […] There were no fewer than twenty-five apparitions visible in seventeenth century Europe, and these comets made frequent appearances in the polemical broadsheets and chapbooks hawked in the marketplaces…”
The author has reproduced several of these tracts. Comets were apparently flinging all over the place during this time. One of these tracts shows comets in 1680, 1682, 1683. Another shows five comets between 1664 and 1682. Another talks about comets of 1618. A tract entitled “The Signs of The Times” shows a bunch of prodigies that accompanied comets. The author writes:
“All these outbursts were concerned with specific political quarrels. Some pamphleteers, however, raised themselves above the local rough water to examine a larger vista. They thought they saw a fast-approaching end to the world and their works adopted an apocalyptic tone. The comet of 1580 confirmed Francis Shakelton in his opinion that the Day of Judgment was near at hand….
“Although Regiomontanus and others agreed that 1588 would be a year of great revolutions and world mutations, Jesus had yet to reappear when William Lilly viewed the comets of 1664 and 1665 and 1673 as tokens of the beginning of the end. In comets like that of 1680, E. Tonge, Christopher Ness, and others saw the great “northern star” the messianic herald of the last days predicted by the sybyl Tiburtina and Tycho Brahe.
“Panic and joy were heightened by the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the fiery trigon in 1682 which came on the heels of a comet’s apparition. While great conjunctions take place every twenty years, this one was part of an astrologically profound series of conjunctions that commenced with the climacteric conjunction at the close of the sixteenth century. By definition, climacteric conjunctions occurred only every eight hundred years when the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn returned to the sign of Aries and to the fiery trigon. It was widely reported by the popular press that Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler and Johann Heinrich Alsted correlated historical periods with climacteric conjunctions and believed that they portended great mutations and reformations […]
“Tycho Brahe reckoned that all odd-numbered maximum conjunctions were auspicious and urged people to look forward to the period of the sabbatical or seventh climacteric conjunction since the world’s Creation which he believed would follow the conjunction in Aries in 1583. During the conjunctions in Leo in October 1682, the planets allegedly would be in the same configuration as they had been at the beginning of the world. Alsted believed this might be the last conjunction of the present world and publicly announced that the Millennium would commence in 1694.
“By itself, the great conjunction in the fiery trigon was a serious matter but its power was corroborated by several other signs. Mars joined Jupiter and Saturn in 1682. There was a solar eclipse. But most critically, the great conjunction was ushered in by the comets of 1680 and 1682 and the former was said to have been unrivaled in eight hundred years. Many thought the comets augured the Apocalypse… the end of the world…
“In sensationalist street literature, radical pamphleteers took advantage of these comets…
“At the restoration, the Crown cracked down on the almanacs of Lilly and others, blaming them for fomenting insurrection and irreligion during the Civil War and Interregnum… “
The author next discusses the major controls put in place at this point to stamp out the popular discussion of predictions, interpretations, etc… of “signs in the skies.” So we can understand how so much of this period of “panic” when “governments fell” etc was covered up. Based on the number of pamphlets and broadsides, it must have been a really crazy time and everybody was thinking the world was going to end. BUT, as we go through this description, we find one of the most interesting comments of all:
“The sunny disposition of the weather during the coronation (of Charles II) was seen as the fulfillment of a prophecy. In 1630, at the time of Charles’ birth, a NOONDAY STAR or RIVAL SUN allegedly had appeared in the sky. […] “Aurelian Cook in Titus Britannicus explained its import: ‘As soon as Born, Heaven took notice of him, and eyed him with a STAR, appearing in defiance of the Sun at Noonday….’ “For Cook, the extra sun announced that Charles ruled by divine right. Moreover, the timing of Charles’ entry into London on his birthday was politically calculated to fulfill what had been portended at his birth. Abraham Cowley, poet, diplomat and spy for the court wrote: ‘No Star amongst ye all did, I beleeve, Such Vigorous assistance give, As that which thirty years ago, At Charls his Birth, did in despight of the proud Suns’ Meridian Light, His future Glories, this Year foreshow. “Edward Matthew devoted an entire book to the fulfillment of the prophecy declaring Charles “ordained to be the most Mighty Monarch in the Universe…” “Charles’ return was seen as a rebirth of England and duly recorded by a special act in the statute book, which proclaimed that 29 May was the most memorable Birth day not only of his Majesty both as a man and Prince, but likewise as an actual King… “
What all this suggests is that a SECOND SUN was seen on and around May 29, 1630, and that 20 or 30 years later a lot of new comets showed up just as we would expect – the first wave to have been flung in by a companion star that briefly lit up to scare the bejeebies out of everyone at the time. And we do see that the effects of this event were exactly as we would have expected them to be, only it seems to have been covered up and/or forgotten, for the most part in its historical context. Also, there have been attempts to describe this second sun as a “comet.” It’s possible, of course, but it seems that, in such a case, it would have been described as a “flaming star,” which was equally portentous. The observers of the time had no problem distinguishing between comets and other observational anomalies.
So why it was described as a “second sun” is an interesting question. Could it have been a supernova?
Checking the records of the various supernovae, nothing fits this period – either Cass A or Kepler’s SN or Tycho’s SN… How this relates to Flamsteed’s star, when he actually observed it, and other details remain to be determined by collecting data.
Later on, John Dryden suggested that the comets of 1664 and 1665 were related to the Sun that was seen at the birth of Charles II. He described this apparition as “That bright companion of the sun….”
All kinds of comparisons were made suggesting that Charles’ birth was similar to the birth of Jesus, and it was conjectured that just such a sun had appeared at that event also. So, even if we have very little to go on, we might take these interpretations as indicative that this “noon-day sun” was in view for a while.
What IS interesting is how, other than this sort of commentary, all other records of this phenomenon have sort of disappeared – unless, of course, the author of this book found them to be too crazy and just omitted a lot of them.
So, it seems that we have found some descriptive evidence that may “fit” with the hypothesis that the companion sun was at perihelion on May 29, 1630, or close enough for horseshoes. And that the comets that followed 20 or 30 years later were an initial group that was flung in or pushed in with this star. If we are correct and the disturbance in the Oort cloud was prolonged for hundreds of years as the star passed through, and that the disturbance resulted in masses of comets entering the solar system in a spiraling motion, it just may be that there are some really big ones out there on their way in to the “target” from ALL directions.
The mathematicians of the Quantum Future School went to work on the data and the preliminary results seem to be that we have a “hit,” no pun intended. When the data is collected and analyzed, we will present further details. But, for the moment, allow me to share some of the dialogue between the QFS members on the subject:
First member: To get an idea of what occurs when a body this size comes close I found a java applet on the web which runs a basic simulation of a rogue star entering the solar system, the results are pretty dramatic.
Second member: Thanks for that link. Anything in the order of even 40 AU really causes the planet’s orbits to drastically destabilize.
FM: If we instead take the middle of the Maunder minimum in 1680 as the perihelion, also the year of Flamsteeds sighting, then our twin’s closest approach is pushed out to 98 AU which is almost twice the current furthest orbit of pluto.
SM: I tried something like this and got the following message from the simulation:
You entered “90” for the Close Approach. That is not a valid entry. Close Approaches > 50 AU do not drastically affect the outer Solar System.
If that is correct, then if the Twin that Flamsteed possibly observed came no closer than 50 AU, there would be little evidence of the outer planets having been perturbed in any suspicious way – besides, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto had not been discovered yet, so if the outer planets WERE perturbed slightly between the start and end of the Maunder minimum, no one was there to observe it before to compare their altered orbits after.
As I understand it, the cluster – as it passes through the solar system – would lose some of its members. So the cluster as a whole would lose some kinetic energy. That means it’s not going to go as fast as it used to, so it can never return back to the Oort cloud. Perhaps it can only swing out far enough at perihelion so that it establishes an orbit of ~3600 years. So a fresh cluster would merely detach from the Oort cloud, never having enough energy to return. Kind of like dropping a basketball…each time it bounces, it bounces a little less high because of energy losses due to friction and sound. I drew a diagram of what I visualize, based on the calculations so far.
Now, what does all of this mean for us in practical terms?
If there is a brown dwarf perturber that slams through the Oort cloud, and if we do have a cluster of comets being smacked into our solar system like a slingshot, then there is NO WAY to have ANY warning whatsoever without the willingness of the government and the scientists who have control of the instruments of observation to share their data with us. And we also have absolutely no way of estimating – or even guessing – when or where a strike could come. One is reminded of: “No one knows the day or the hour…” In short, other than suggesting that we are probably entering a period when the Earth is going to very likely get hit one or more times, there isn’t much else to be said. We are probaly entering a hundred year period of planetary dodge’em cars.
Based on what the Cassiopaeans have said, supported by our research to this point, it is very likely that we are already experiencing some of the comets from this event: the close passage of the Dark Star over 300 years ago at the time of the Maunder Minimum.
I think that we will witness some amazing astronomical phenomena in the next few years. “Signs in the Sun and Moon.” I think that the powerful activity of the Sun during this sunspot maximum has been because these comets are drawing close – thousands or hundreds of thousands of them. There may be more solar activity. Earthquakes will shake the earth. Volcanoes will erupt.
Of course, the Powers That Be are certain that their preparations will ensure their survival. They have been implementing mind control programs for millennia, starting with the monotheistic religions which deprive man of his ability and inclination to think which will, in the last instance of realization that he has been duped, deprive him also of hope. In the past 50 years, these programs have increased in complexity and effectiveness. Mankind is enslaved by their own minds.
The Powers That Be have been as busy as ants before a storm constructing underground enclaves in which they plan to “ride it out.” They really think that this will protect them – and it may – though not from direct hits by a “big one.”
Through Bush and the gang, the Powers That Be have taken charge of the oil which they plan to stockpile so that their survival will be supplied with all the “comforts of home.”
The Powers That Be – whether Earthly or hyperdimensional it doesn’t matter – have stepped up the activity in the past two years, sending a strong signal that they are desperate and that “Something Wicked This Way Comes.”
But, the C’s have given us an alternative. Indeed, when they say “We are YOU in the future,” what does it really mean? Ark recently wrote about this:
Can Cassiopaens be more explicit? Remember that they are “Us in the future”. But in WHICH future? There is an infinity of futures, and the one in which we will find ourselves depends on what we will do NOW. We have some, even if small, amount of free will.
So, which future are the Cassiopaeans from? From this one? Why not from another? That would not make any sense. Therefore, better, they are in the “group of futures” where we have survived, and therefore we can communicate to ourselves in the past.
So they are in a “group”, and the group is quite large. There are certain things that are common to the whole group, and only those common ones, those who are the universal elements of survival, can be communicated by such a “group intelligence”.
Remember though that I am a scientist, that by my very nature I take everything with skepticism, that I believe nothing until I verify it.
Therefore what I am saying is that the hypothesis that the Cassiopaeans can communicate to us from the group of futures, however crazy it might seem, is in agreement with the physics that I know, and I see nothing wrong with taking it as a working hypothesis.
We should remember though that, at the final instant, only verified facts count. We always need to base our decisions on facts and on the knowledge that is based on facts, and also on probabilities that we are attributing, from its very nature in a subjective way, to different hypotheses and theories.
In closing, allow me to repeat a quote from The Secret History of The World:
One of the chief proponents of catastrophe theory in the last century was Immanuel Velikovsky. Criticisms aimed at Velikovsky included remarks stating that his vision “showed little respect for the laws of physics: In his books, planets change orbits – in blatant violation of the laws of mechanics – and go crashing into other planets.“[1]
Is this attack really justified? Is talk about jumping planets evidence of ignorance, as the authors of Three Big Bangs seem to imply?
In a paper published in a collection entitled: The Stability of the Solar System and of Small Stellar Systems, Jeno M. Barthomy[2] wrote: “It is conceivable that when the Earth was formed, it occupied a higher quantum state, and by releasing energy in the form of gravitational waves ‘jumped’ to its present ‘ground state.’ I do not wish as yet to speculate on a possible gravitational wave spectrum emitted from newly formed planetary systems in the universe.”
How can such jumps occur in terms of more conventional concepts? G.J Sussman and Jack Wisdom wrote in 1992: “The evolution of the Solar System is chaotic. Exponential divergence of nearby trajectories is indicative of chaotic behavior.”[3]
Up to the present time the computer simulations that have been done [4] have not even attempted to take into account a possible cosmic intruder – the brown dwarf Sun’s companion whose existence and properties have been researched by R. Muller and J. Matese. [5] They also did not try to take into account a possible fractal structure of space-time, which was the subject of a series of papers and of a monograph by French astrophysicist Laurent Nottale.[6]
I have discussed Nottale’s rules of quantization of planetary systems in my notes in the present work. Here it is enough to say that fractal and multidimensional structure of space-time, along the ideas put forward by many physicists, astronomers and astrophysicists, whose works are quoted in this book, make cosmic jumps plausible. My own research added one more factor here: as discussed in this work, it is one of the conclusions of EEQT that, as a rule, couplings of quantum systems to classical ones induce chaotic behavior and fractal-like patterns of quantum jumps.[7] That may be one of the reasons why space-time is fractal-like both in micro- and in macro-scale.
The event generating algorithm that is at the foundation of EEQT can be easily modified, using cosmic scale coupling constants, to describe such jumps in terms of a piecewise deterministic Markov process, when prolonged periods of continuous evolution are interspersed by jumps of a random character.
The main feature of EEQT is that it provides an algorithm for describing the history of an individual system, where jumps really take place. Therefore it provides appropriate tools for dealing not only with micro-particles but also with cosmic bodies, as discussed in this present work.
It may also put tools into our hands that will help us to intervene in the “events” of Cosmic Catastrophe.
The primary message of The Secret History of The World is that one such continuous period may be coming to an end soon, and that the target quantum state after the jump is not fully determined. Our actions, or our lack of action now, shape the probability distribution of our future “after the Flood” environment.
Paraphrasing slightly the quote from Niels Bohr’s friend Piet Hein, as used in John Archibald Wheeler’s Geons, Black Holes and Quantum Foam:[8]
We need to know
what this whole show
is all about
before it’s out.
And time is running out.
Last year we posted an image of a comet being caught in Jupiter’s field and finally hitting Jupiter. Note the date on the image is 1929. This means that the “Powers that Be” had the ability in that day to view and calculate such a capture and an erratic orbit. More than this, that someone was already watching comets and Jupiter back in the 20s… To understand just what was going on in the 20s, please read the Secret Government Timeline as well as the Adventures Series. This was the very time at which we have determined that the plans for the present day were being formulated.
Among the issues raised by the purported discovery of so many new moons on Jupiter is that in 2000 scientists (not from the U of Hawaii) discovered a dozen new moons around Saturn. Now Saturn is much farther out than Jupiter. Why didn’t they discover these new moons of Jupiter first? But even more strange than all of that, is the question as to why these moons were not discovered decades or even centuries before? The scientists from Hawaii even say that these new moons were likely captured asteroids millions of years ago. Well… why didn’t someone see them before now? What about the satellites that we have had out there snapping pictures of the area? Wouldn’t it be just as practical to suggest that these new moons were NOT there a decade before?
If the many reports of the “New Moons” of Jupiter are any rough guide that many new objects are entering the inner solar system, then it suggests that the problem of the Juggernaut of Global War and the sleeping masses of Humanity may be solved soon.
By a strange quirk or coincidence, the following session was held on July 4th…
Q: (A) I am trying to write down some things about a cosmology, and I have some questions mainly about the coming events. First there was the story of the sun’s companion brown star which is apparently approaching the solar system, and I would like to know, if possible, details of its orbit; that is, how far it is, what is its speed, and when it will be first seen. Can we know it? Orbit: how close will it come?
A: Flat eliptical.Q: (A) But how close will it come?
A: Distance depends upon other factors, such as intersecting orbit of locator of witness.Q: (L) What is the closest it could come to earth… (A) Solar system… (L) Yes, but which part of the solar system? We have nine planets… which one? (A) I understand that this brown star will enter the Oort cloud… (L) I think they said it just brushes against it and the gravity disturbs it…
A: Passes through Oort cloud on orbital journey. Already has done this on its way “in.”Q: (A) You mean it has already entered the Oort cloud?
A: Has passed through.Q: (A) So, it will not approach…
A: Oort cloud is located on outer perimeter orbital plane at distance of approximately averaged distance of 510,000,000,000 miles.Q: (L) Well, 510 billion miles gives us some time! (A) Yes, but what I want to know… this Oort cloud is around the solar system, so this brown star, once it has passed through… (L) It must already be in the solar system? (A) No, it could have passed through and may not come closer. Is it coming closer or not? Is it coming closer all the time?
A: Solar system, in concert with “mother star,” is revolving around companion star, a “brown” star.Q: (A) So, that means that the mass of the companion star is much…
A: Less.Q: (A) Less?
A: They are moving in tandem with one another along a flat, eliptical orbital plane. Outer reaches of solar system are breached by passage of brown companion, thus explaining anomalies recently discovered regarding outer planets and their moons.Q: (A) But I understand that the distance that the distance between the sun and this brown star is changing with time. Eliptical orbit means there is perihelion and aphelion. I want to know what will be, or what was, or what is the closest distance between this brown star and the sun? What is perihelion? Can we know this, even approximately. Is it about one light year, or less or more?
A: Less, much less. Distance of closest passage roughly corresponds to the distance of the orbit of Pluto from Sun.Q: (A) Okay. Now, this closest pass, is this something that is going to happen?
A: Yes.Q: (A) And it is going to happen within the next 6 to 18 years?
A: 0 to 14.[In the above answer, the C’s gave the number “0”. We now believe that this was done to accomodate our assumptions that the companion star itself was a “future” event while still giving a time frame in which other related events might transpire. The following clarifies this.]
Q: (A) Okay, that’s it. I have some idea about this. Now, I understand that, either by chance or by accident, two things are going to happen at essentially the same time. That is the passing of this brown star, and this comet cluster. These are two different things?
A: Yes. Different, but related.Q: (L) Is there a comet cluster that was knocked into some kind of orbit of its own, that continues to orbit…
A: Yes.Q: (L) And in addition to that comet cluster, there are also additional comets that are going to get whacked into the solar system by the passing of this brown star?
A: Yes.Q: (A) I understand that the main disaster is going to come from this comet cluster…
A: Disasters involve cycles in the human experiential cycle which corresponds to the passage of comet cluster.Q: (A) I understant that this comet cluster is cyclic and comes every 3600 years. I want to know something about the shape of this comet cluster. I can hardly imagine…
A: Shape is variable. Effect depends on closeness of passage.Q: (L) So, it could be spread out… (A) We were asking at some point where it will be coming from. The answer was that we were supposed to look at a spirograph.
A: Yes.Q: (A) Now, spirograph suggests that these comets will not come from one direction, but from many directions at once. Is this correct?
A: Very good!!!Q: (A) Okay, they will come from many directions…
A: But, initial visibility presents as single, solid body.Q: (A) Do we know what is the distance to this body at present?
A: Suggest you keep your eyes open!Q: (A) I am keeping my eyes open.
A: Did you catch the significance of the answer regarding time table of cluster and brown star? Human cycle mirrors cycle of catastrophe. Earth benefits in form of periodic cleansing. Time to start paying attention to the signs. They are escalating. They can even be “felt” by you and others, if you pay attention.
There will come a day when we can declare independence and the sky will be lit with a different kind of fireworks.
“If it came within the earth’s magnetosphere it would probably be spectacular … the sky would go purple or green, particles from the comet would spiral down the lines of force and it is likely that you would have amazing auroral displays and coloured streamers…
That would be one heck of a FireWorks Display, don’t you think?
Independence Day is coming.
[1]Hills 85
[2] Muller 88, Muller 96
[3] Raup 86
[4] Matese 99
[5] Matese 00
[6] Talk about your lame interpretation! Next they will be saying that the ancients were howling savages who smeared bear grease in their hair!
[7] We notice that the authors don’t jump on this pregnant allusion!
Scientific references:
[1] This shows clearly to what extent the greenhouse effect has been overestimated in comparison with the solar contribution to climate change, which turns out to be the most important factor.
[1] [Muller 96]
[2] [Barthomy 74]
[3] [Wisdom 92]
[4] [Wisdom 01]
[5] [Matese 99, 00, Mueller 88, 96]
[6] [Nottale 93, Nottale 97]
[7] [Blanchard 00, 01]
[8] [Wheeler 98]
Note:The ‘Virtual Observatory’ concept, for which “Astrovirtel” is a prototype, is the start of a new era in astronomy. A larger study project called the ‘Astrophysical Virtual Observatory’ is now about to start within the Fifth EC Framework programme as a collaboration between ESO, ESA (ST-ECF), the University of Edinburgh (UK), CDS (Strasbourg, France), CNRS (Paris, France) and the University of Manchester (UK).
Observatory (ESO). Credit to “ESA, ESO, Astrovirtel and Gerhard Hahn (German Aerospace Center, DLR)”.
Members of the group of scientists involved in these observations are: Gerhard Hahn (German Aerospace Center, DLR, Berlin;, Claes-Ingvar Lagerkvist (Uppsala University, Sweden;, Karri Muinonen, Jukka Piironen and Jenni Virtanen (University of Helsinki, Finland;, Andreas Doppler and Arno Gnaedig (Archenhold Sternwarte, Berlin, Germany) and Francesco Pierfederici (ST-ECF/ESO).
Originally Published 2003_07_04
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