The Mossad Happy Dance

In recent days there has been quite a firestorm of controversy ignited over my little piece on Mossad and Moving Companies. Normally, I don’t have to worry that my occasional news/comment pieces will go much further than this site. It’s not like I...

Organic Portals Part 1

One of the more difficult concepts discussed on this site is the concept of the organic portal. We have received hate mail over the years, primarily from mainstream religious types and New Age believers, but we get even MORE letters from people who nearly shout in...

Organic Portals Part 2

How An Organic Portal Views the Organic World Fortunately, because OPs can be intelligent, observant, and analytical, and because they appear to include some of our most famous scientists, some are able to describe for us how they see the world and their interior...


On January 1st all members of the European Union (except Denmark, Sweden, and the UK) begin to replace their traditional physical currencies with the new Euro. Enron, the nation’s seventh largest company, goes bust amidst rumors of insider trading, document...


On September 11th, terrorist activity prompts calls for increased federal government action to quell both domestic and international security concerns. Portions of the US airport security system are nationalized without significant objection. Armed soldiers are...