With the financial support of the Harriman and Rockefeller families, Charles Davenport established the Eugenics Record Office at Cold Spring Harbour and appointed Harry Laughlin as its superintendent. Normandy. The crew of a French fishing boat operating off the coast...


A political cartoon drawn by cartoonist Robert Minor for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in 1911 made an unusual statement. Minor’s cartoon portrays a bearded, beaming Karl Marx standing in Wall Street with Socialism tucked under his arm and accepting the...


The psychologist Henry Goddard had introduced the Binet intelligence test to the US at the start of the century. This gave the eugenicists a way to quantify intelligence, and, more particularly, measure and define ‘idiots’, ‘imbeciles’ and...


At his inauguration on March 4th, Woodrow Wilson notices that a wide space had been cleared in front of the speaker’s platform. He motions to the police holding back the crowd and orders: “Let the people come forward.” His supporters will later say...


The Federal Reserve System began its operations in 1914 with the activity of the Organization Committee, appointed by Woodrow Wilson, and composed of Secretary of the Treasury William McAdoo, who was his son-in-law, Secretary of Agriculture Houston and Comptroller of...


The success of Francqui and Hoover at provisioning Germany during the First World War was noted in Nordeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, March 13, 1915, which noted that large quantities of food were now arriving from Belgium by rail. Schmoller’s Yearbook for...