Truth or Lies Part 8

Procopius: Secret History, translated by Richard Atwater, (Chicago: P. Covici, 1927; New York: Covici Friede, 1927), reprinted, Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1961, with indication that copyright had expired on the text of the translation. CONTENTS By...

Truth or Lies Part 7

Historians, when writing about history, not only discuss the theoretical facts that are being proposed as the timeline, but also the means by which they arrived at their ideas. Generally, they draw their conclusions about history by reading “sources,” or...

Truth or Lies Part 6

The Bible is an Extraordinary Book: A book which claims infallibility; which aspires to absolute authority over mind and body; which demands unconditional surrender to all its pretensions upon penalty of eternal damnation, is an extraordinary book and should,...

Truth or Lies Part 5

I would like to ask the reader a question before we continue. Have you ever, as a child, been accused of something you didn’t do, either by your parents, teachers or other “authorities?” And if so, were you punished unfairly for something you...

Truth or Lies Part 4

Getting back to the subject of cults, the modern day cults of Judaism, Christianity and Islam are – as we can see – rather different from the ancient pagan cults. Keep in mind that a cult is defined as having an “object of worship,” the worship...