Post-Election Reality Check

So you think “the system worked”, democracy has won out, and that yesterday’s election is the first step to straightening out the mess Bush and the Neocons have made on the planet? Think again. It’s not that “the system”...

Stupid Is as Stupid Does

It used to baffle me that people who can command literally billions and trillions of dollars can be so stupid. Surely they should know that Saddam, dead, executed by them, is a far more potent mythical symbol for focusing resistance than he ever was alive. I mean, how...

Crocodile Condi vs Baby Babs Boxer

I nearly snorted my herbal tea through my nose this morning when I read: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Friday criticized Sen. Barbara Boxer’s suggestion that because she doesn’t have family in harm’s way, she won’t pay a personal price...