Mahmoud Ahmad and The Secret Cult of 9-11
by laura | Oct 5, 2010 | Conspiracy, Dossier 9-11 and After, History, NWO & Global Elite
There exists in our world today a powerful and dangerous secret cult. So wrote Victor Marchetti, a former high-ranking CIA official, in his book The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence. This is the first book the U.S. Government ever went to court to censor before...Volumes
- Amazing Grace
- Amazing Grace – Acknowledgements and Introduction
- Chapter One: The Face at The Window
- Chapter Two: The Lost Boys and Girls
- Chapter Three: Another Window Opens on Strange Connections
- Chapter Four: Dead Babies and Iron Skillets
- Chapter Five: Jane Eyre Redux
- Chapter Six: Violets and Bulls in the Graveyard
- Chapter Seven: Trapezes and Dog Days
- Chapter Eight: The Farm
- Chapter Nine: The Stand Off
- Chapter Ten: Shrinks and Rebels or Being Fifteen is an Awkward State
- Chapter Eleven: Graveyards, Psychopaths, Psychics, and Meetings on the Bridge
- Chapter Twelve: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
- Chapter Thirteen: Oysters on the Half Shell
- Chapter Fourteen: Pearls in the Oyster
- Chapter Fifteen: Blitzkrieg
- Chapter Sixteen: Dances with Sunlight
- Chapter Seventeen: Mirror! Mirror! On the Wall…
- Chapter Eighteen: The Wolf and the Dove
- Chapter Nineteen: The World’s Most Beautiful Baby
- Chapter Twenty: Minks and Turkey Basters
- Chapter Twenty-one: Parties, Mosquitoes, Hives, Hypnosis and Fishing Boats
- Chapter Twenty-two: The Devil in the Details
- Chapter Twenty-three: In The Forest
- Chapter Twenty-four: The Poisoned Apple
- Chapter Twenty-five: The Boat Ride to Damascus
- Chapter Twenty-six: Another Face at the Window
- Chapter Twenty-seven: The Noah Syndrome or The Lost Love
- Chapter Twenty-eight: The Ark in Montana
- Chapter Twenty-nine: The Dream
- Chapter Thirty: A Knight in Armor
- Chapter Thirty-one: The Cleft in the Rock
- Chapter Thirty-two: Moving to Montana
- Chapter Thirty-three: Synchronicity City
- Chapter Thirty-four: That’s Hollywood!
- Chapter Thirty-five: The Crane Dance
- Chapter Thirty-six: Hailing the Universe
- Chapter Thirty-seven: Missing Child, Missing Time
- Chapter Thirty-eight: Flying Black Boomerangs
- Chapter Thirty-nine: Flying Black Boomerangs Redux
- Chapter Forty: Aliens, Demons and Vampires
- Chapter Forty-one: Aunt Clara
- Chapter Forty-two: Green Slime
- Chapter Forty-three: Hungry Aliens, Stinky Demons, and the Return of Keith
- Chapter Forty-four: Comets and Cassiopaeans
- Comets and Catastrophes
- Fire And Ice: The Day After Tomorrow
- Climate Change Swindlers and the Political Agenda
- Forget About Global Warming: We’re One Step From Extinction!
- The Younger Dryas Impact Event and the Cycles of Cosmic Catastrophes – Climate Scientists Awakening
- Majesterium and the Tipping Point
- The Golden Age, Psychopathy and the Sixth Extinction
- New Light on the Black Death: The Cosmic Connection
- The Hazard to Civilization from Fireballs and Comets
- Wars, Pestilence and Witches
- Thirty Years of Cults and Comets
- Comet Biela and Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow
- Tunguska, the Horns of the Moon and Evolution
- Letters From the Edge
- Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets: Damages, Disasters, Injuries, Deaths, and Very Close Calls
- Cosmic Turkey Shoot
- Impact Hazards on a Populated Earth?
- Cosmic COINTELPRO Timeline
- Cosmic COINTELPRO Timeline – Introduction
- 1700
- 1806
- 1832
- 1860
- 1889
- 1893
- 1897
- 1898
- 1900
- 1901
- 1903
- 1904
- 1905
- 1906
- 1907
- 1908
- 1909
- 1910
- 1911
- 1912
- 1913
- 1914
- 1915
- 1916
- 1917
- 1918
- 1919
- 1920
- 1921
- 1922
- 1923
- 1924
- 1925
- 1926
- 1927
- 1928
- 1929
- 1930
- 1931
- 1932
- 1933
- 1934
- 1935
- 1936
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- 1939
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- 1941
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- 1943
- 1944
- 1945
- 1946
- 1947
- 1948
- 1949
- 1950
- 1951
- 1952
- 1953
- 1954
- 1955
- 1956
- 1957
- 1958
- 1959
- 1960
- 1961
- 1962
- 1963
- 1964
- 1965
- 1966
- 1967
- 1968
- 1969
- 1970
- 1971
- 1972
- 1973
- 1974
- 1975
- 1976
- 1977
- 1978
- 1979
- 1980
- 1981
- 1982
- 1983
- 1984
- 1985
- 1986
- 1987
- 1988
- 1989
- 1990
- 1991
- 1992
- John F. Kennedy
- JFK: The Debris of History
- The Gladiator: John Fitzgerald Kennedy
- The Bushes and the Lost King
- Sim City and John F. Kennedy
- John F. Kennedy and All Those “isms”
- John F. Kennedy, J. Edgar Hoover, Organized Crime and the Global Village
- John F. Kennedy and the Psychopathology of Politics
- John F. Kennedy and the Pigs of War
- John F. Kennedy and the Titans
- John F. Kennedy, Oil, and the War on Terror
- John F. Kennedy, The Secret Service and Rich, Fascist Texans
- John F. Kennedy and the Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy
- Jupiter Nostradamus Edgar Cayce and the Return of the Mongols
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 1
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 2
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 3
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 4
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 5
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 6
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 7
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 8
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 9
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 10
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 11
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 12
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 13
- The Cassiopaean "Hit" List
- The Cs Hit List 02: Space and Weather Science Gone Wild
- The Cs Hit List 01: Prophecy, Prediction, and Portents of Things to Come
- The Cs Hit List 03: History Is Bunk
- The Cs Hit List 04: Nature, Nurture, and My Monkey Genes
- The Cs Hit List 05: Dr. Greenbaum and the Manchurian Candidates
- The Cs Hit List 06: Let’s Do the Planetary Twist to the Tune of the Brothers Heliopolis
- The Cs Hit List 07: Sun Star Companion, Singing Stones and Smoking Visions
- The Cs Hit List 08: Of Oracles and Conspiracies: TWA 800, 9/11, H1N1, and VISA
- The Cs Hit List 09: DNA, Rational Design and the Origins of Life
- The Grail Quest and the Destiny of Man
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man I
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part II: The Terror of History
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part III: Time
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part III-Time, cont.
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part III-2: Time, cont.
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part IV: Machiavelli and the ETs
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part V: The Chalice and the Blade
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part VI: A View of History from Us in the Future
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part VII: The Nordic Covenant and the Coral Castle
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part VIII: Oak Island and the Shepherds of Arcadia
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part IX: Alchemy and St. Germain
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part X: The Fulcanelli Phenomenon
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part XI: Rennes-le-chateau and the Accursed Treasure
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part XII: The Priory of Sion
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part XIII: Visa to Magonia
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part XIV: The Shepherds of Arcadia Reprise
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part XV: Jesus: The Man and the Myth
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part XVI: The Crucifixion: The Big Lie
- The Wave Volume 1
- The Wave Chapter 1: Riding The Wave
- The Wave Chapter 2: Multi-Dimensional Soul Essences
- The Wave Chapter 3: Dorothy and The Frog Prince Meet Flight 19 in Oz or, “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore!”
- The Wave Chapter 4: The Cassiopaeans Get Taken Out of the Closet and Go for a “Test Drive”
- The Wave Chapter 5: Perpendicular Realities, Tesseracts, and Other Odd Phenomena
- The Wave Chapter 6: Animal Psychology or That which was A, will be A. That which was not-A, will be not-A. Everything was and will be either A or not-A.
- The Wave Chapter 7: Balloons, Anti-balloons and Fireworks or Laura Falls Into the Pit and Ark Comes to the Rescue
- The Wave Chapter 8: Everywhere You Look, There Is the Face of God
- The Wave Chapter 9: The Beast of Gévaudan, Spring-Heeled Jack, Mothman, And Other Dimensional Window Fallers
- The Wave Volume 2
- The Wave Chapter 12: All There Is Is Lessons
- The Wave Chapter 10: The Truth Is Out There, But Trust No One!
- The Wave Chapter 11: Roses Grow Best In Manure
- The Wave Chapter 13: All There Is Is Lessons (Some Further Remarks)
- The Wave Chapter 14: All There Is Is Lessons, or Candy Will Ruin Your Teeth
- The Wave Chapter 15: All There Is Is Lessons, or He Hideth My Soul in the Cleft of the Rock
- The Wave Chapter 16: All There Is Is Lessons, or Laura Finds Reiki and Ends Up in the Soup… Pea Soup, That Is
- The Wave Chapter 17: All There Is Is Lessons, or Wandering Around in Third Density Can Be Hazardous to Your Health
- The Wave Chapter 18: All There Is Is Lessons, or A Trip to “Alligator Alley”
- The Wave Chapter 19: All There Is Is Lessons, or Dr. Greenbaum and the Soul Hackers
- The Wave Volume 3
- The Wave Chapter 20: Black Lightning Strikes… or Marjoe Gortner Meets Ted Patrick
- The Wave Chapter 21: Roswell Revisited or Shades of the X-Files
- The Wave Chapter 22: The Nexus Seven Meet the Cassiopaeans
- The Wave Chapter 23: Lucifer and the Pot of Gold or The Quest for the Holy Grail of No Anticipation
- The Wave Chapter 24: The Bacchantes Meet Apollo At Stonehenge And Play The Third Man Theme
- The Wave Chapter 25: A Walk In Nature Among The Names of God Where We Have An Interview With the Vampire And Discover a Cosmic Egg
- The Wave Chapter 26: The Tree of Life
- The Wave Chapter 27: Stripped to the Bone The Shamanic Initiation Of The Knighted Ones: Technicians of Ecstasy
- The Wave Volume 4
- The Wave Chapter 28: Technicians of Ecstasy: The Shamanic Initiation Of The Knighted Ones Part 1
- The Wave Chapter 28: Technicians of Ecstasy: The Shamanic Initiation Of The Knighted Ones Part 2
- The Wave Chapter 29: The 3-5 Code: The Journey From Jerusalem To Oak Island Via the Pyrenees
- The Wave Chapter 30: Grape Wine In a Mason Jar: Jesus, Di and Dodi Take Off From the Denver Airport In Winter to Rain Contrails Upon Our Heads
- The Wave Chapter 31: The Priory of Sion and The Shepherds of Arcadia
- The Wave: Chapter 32 Torah, Kaballah, And When I Dream…
- The Wave Volume 5/6
- The Wave Chapter 33: Introduction
- The Wave Chapter 34: The Channel
- The Wave Chapter 35: A Strange Interlude
- The Wave Chapter 36: A Vile Superstition
- The Wave Chapter 37: Critical Channeling
- The Wave Chapter 38: The Feminine Vampire
- The Wave Chapter 39: The Court of Seven
- The Wave Chapter 40: Secret Agents From Alpha 1
- The Wave Chapter 41: The Realm of Archetypes
- The Wave Chapter 42: The Tradition
- The Wave Chapter 43: The Head of Bran
- The Wave Chapter 44: The Crane Dance
- The Wave Chapter 45: The Gulf Breeze
- The Wave Chapter 46: The Theological Reality
- The Wave Chapter 47: Semiotics and The Content Plane
- The Wave Chapter 48: The Juvenile Dictionary
- The Wave Chapter 49: Frequency Resonance Vibration
- The Wave Chapter 50: Shifts in the Matrix
- The Wave Chapter 51: The Psychomantium
- The Wave Chapter 52: The Cryptogeographic Being
- The Wave Chapter 53: Strange Birds
- The Wave Chapter 54: Glimpses of Other Realities
- The Wave Chapter 55: Albert Einstein, Free Energy and the Strange Deaths of Morris K. Jessup and Stefan Marinov
- The Wave Chapter 56 : Intolerance, Cruelty, and the Economics of Intelligence
- The Wave Volume 7
- The Wave Chapter 57: It’s Just Economics
- The Wave Chapter 58: Alien Reaction Machines
- The Wave Chapter 59: An Encounter with the Unicorn
- The Wave Chapter 60: The Unicorn’s Closet
- The Wave Chapter 61: Ira’s Inner Cesspool
- The Wave Chapter 62: Secret Games at Princeton
- The Wave Chapter 63: Murdering the Feminine
- The Wave Volume 8
- The Wave Chapter 64: Crossing the Threshold
- The Wave Chapter 65: The Way of the Fool
- The Wave Chapter 66: The Zelator
- The Wave Chapter 67: Food for the Moon and the Burning House
- The Wave Chapter 68: As Above, So Below
- The Wave Chapter 69: The Whirlpool of Charybdis, the Sirens and the Navigator
- The Wave Chapter 70: You Take the High Road and I’ll Take the Low Road and I’ll Be in Scotland Afore Ye!
- The Wave Chapter 71: If I Speak in the Tongues of Men and Angels or, Jaguars: The Nonlinear Dynamics of Love and Complex Systems
- The Wave Chapter 72: The Nonlinear Dynamics of Love and Complex Systems: Debugging the Universe
- Truth or Lies
- Who Wrote The Bible
- Answers to Questions From Readers
- Dreams and Disinformation
- Angels and Prayer
- Contrails or Chemtrails?
- Crystals, Shems, 4D Takeover and Music
- Diet and Health Questions and Can Smoking be Good for You?
- EgyptAir Flight 990, Sacred Geometry, Y2K, Origins of the Tarot, Schools of Ascension and other Disinformation
- Enlightenment and Ascension
- Evolution of Souls
- Flight 990, Mars Probe, Contrails and Weather Anomalies, Montaukees, Ong’s Hat, Philip K. Dick, and other Curiosities
- HAARP, Weather, Roswell Rods, 4th Density Battles & Bleedthrough and 7th Density
- Laura Answers Questions from Readers: Cassiopaea in Russia
- Oneness With God?
- Questions About Ascension
- Spiritual Contracts, Chemtrails and Excerpts on Prayer
- The Cassiopaeans and Ra
- The Great Cycle of Life
- Transient Passengers
- Audio Files
- Book Reviews
- Ancient Israel, Religious Delusions and Growing Up
- Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes
- Richard Dolan’s “UFOs and the National Security State” – Something Wicked This Way Comes
- Sophie’s Choice
- Stan Gooch’s “Cities of Dreams”
- The Case For The UFO
- The Haunted Universe by D. Scott Rogo
- The Lost Gospel: The Book of Q and Christian Origins by Burton L. Mack
- The Stargate Conspiracy
- The Whirling Dervishes
- Catastrophism
- 94% – Dave McGowan, Hurricane Katrina, Peak Oil and the Cassiopaeans
- All For One and One For All
- Binary Stars: Does our Sun have a Dark Companion?
- Climate Change Swindlers and the Political Agenda
- Comet Biela and Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow
- Comet Elenin Update!
- Comet Elenin: Harbinger of What?
- Cometary Showers, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
- Companion Stars and Cometary Showers: Doomsday?
- Cosmic Turkey Shoot
- Disclosure and Comets
- Earthquake Axis Shift – Is the West Coast of the U.S. Next?
- Fallout Around the Breakfast Table
- Fire And Ice: The Day After Tomorrow
- Forget About Global Warming: We’re One Step From Extinction!
- Has Nibiru/Planet X Been Sighted? Part 2
- Impact Hazards on a Populated Earth?
- Independence Day
- Is the World Coming to an End? Not necessarily – but the future doesn’t look bright!
- Letters From the Edge
- Majesterium and the Tipping Point
- Meteor Clue To End of Middle East Civilisations Found
- Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets: Damages, Disasters, Injuries, Deaths, and Very Close Calls
- New Light on the Black Death: The Cosmic Connection
- Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax
- On Radiometric Dating
- The Floyd Void or, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and assorted Prophetic Considerations
- The Golden Age, Psychopathy and the Sixth Extinction
- The Hazard to Civilization from Fireballs and Comets
- The Hope
- The Nature of Punctuational Crises and the Spenglerian Model of Civilization
- The Voice of Reason During Millennial Madness
- The Younger Dryas Impact Event and the Cycles of Cosmic Catastrophes – Climate Scientists Awakening
- Thirty Years of Cults and Comets
- Tunguska, the Horns of the Moon and Evolution
- Wars, Pestilence and Witches
- Will the World End on Thursday?
- Witches, Comets and Planetary Cataclysms
- Witches, Comets, and Planetary Cataclysms
- Commentary
- A Survey of Channeling
- Abortion, Psychopaths and Mother Love
- Abovetopsecret: Ethics and Google Bombs
-, Project Serpo Psy-ops, and the Pentagon’s Flying Fish.
- Al Gore and the Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy
- Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd
- Alien Abduction, Demonic Possession, and The Legend of The Vampire
- Aliens and Cosmic COINTELPRO
- Aliens Don’t Like to Eat People That Smoke!
- All For One and One For All
- America: Who Is Responsible?
- America’s Nervous Breakdown
- America’s Nervous Breakdown
- Amir Peretz and The Faith Based School of Politics
- Ancient Israel, Religious Delusions and Growing Up
- Anti-semitism, British Academia and the Israel Lobby
- Beware The Ides of April: Cho Seung-hui and the Mosaic Distinction
- Big Lies, Small Lies, Brazen Lies
- Binary Stars: Does our Sun have a Dark Companion?
- Bridge Over Troubled Waters
- Burton Mack and 9-11
- Chaos and Consent: Working Towards the Fuhrer
- Chemtrails? Contrails? Strange Skies
- Comments on the Pentagon Strike
- Companion Stars and Cometary Showers: Doomsday?
- Condoleezza Pregnant: Giving Birth to Monster
- Critical Notes on Val Valerian
- Crocodile Condi vs Baby Babs Boxer
- Darkness Over Tibet – Part 1
- Darkness Over Tibet – Part 2
- Darkness Over Tibet – Part 3
- Did Nostradamus Predict 9-11 and WWIII?
- Eíriú-Eolas Breathing and Meditation Program
- Enochian Aliens? Agents of Cosmic COINTELPRO and The Stargate Conspiracy?
- Fallout Around the Breakfast Table
- Four and a Half Years
- Freedom of Association, Smoking and Psychopathy
- From the Fire Comes Light Part 1
- From the Fire Comes Light Part 2
- From Where I Sit: Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head
- George W. Bush: A Cancer on the Body Politic
- Happy New World
- Has Nibiru/Planet X Been Sighted? Part 1
- Has Nibiru/Planet X Been Sighted? Part 2
- Hasbara, Shmuel Rosner and the Israel Factor
- How to Spot COINTELPRO Agents
- Impact Hazards on a Populated Earth?
- Indecent Haste… Hypocrisy, Saddam and Stoning Satan
- Independence Day
- Internet Free Speech Under Threat! Eric Pepin – Higher Balance Institute Sue QFG for 4.47 Million Over SOTT Forum Comments!
- Is Cassiopaea a Cult, or under attack by COINTELPRO AGENTS?
- Is Mel Gibson a modern day Suetonius?
- Is the World Coming to an End? Not necessarily – but the future doesn’t look bright!
- Karl Rove’s Rewriting of History is Nothing New – Hopefully, there will be another Procopius to Write About the Neocons
- Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: The Wally-World of Wickedness!
- Laura Knight-Jadczyk Interview on BBC Radio
- Let The Games Begin
- Let’s All Light Up!
- Living in Truth
- Making Sense of Political Complexity
- Disclaimer
- My Mother Will Never Dance Again…
- Mysterious Smoke Rings or When is a Cloud not a Cloud?
- O.H. KRLL, Val Valerian, the Cassiopaeans and other mysterious beings…
- Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax
- Official Culture in America: A Natural State of Psychopathy?
- On Radiometric Dating
- Order out of Chaos
- Organic Portals Part 1
- Organic Portals Part 2
- Paris Under the Nazis – New York Under the Neocons – The Darker Context
- Paul Craig Roberts sez “We Are All Prisoners Now”
- Picknett and Prince on the Cassiopaeans
- Post-Election Reality Check
- Protocols of the Pathocrats
- Reader’s Comments on “Adventures with Cassiopaeans”
- Ross Institute: COINTELPRO or Agent of Mossad?
- Schwaller de Lubicz and the Fourth Reich Part 2
- Science and Religion
- Signs of the Times Attacked by Psy-ops!
- Smokescreens, Snowjobs and Long Knives
- Sophie’s Choice
- SOTT-Cassiopaea: Anti-Cult, Anti-Defamation and Psychopath Free Zone
- Stan Gooch’s “Cities of Dreams”
- Stupid Is as Stupid Does
- Supplement to the St. Pete Times Article: “The Exorcist in Love”
- Tales From The Crypt: The Mummy Returns to Bring Religious War
- Terrorism and the Three Sillies
- The Beast of Revelation and His Empire
- The Body Snatchers
- The Case For The UFO
- The Companions Devoted to Liberty
- The Crossroads
- The Destruction of the 911 Truth Movement
- The Gift of the Magi to the Elect – A Christmas Essay
- The Haunted Universe by D. Scott Rogo
- The Lost Gospel: The Book of Q and Christian Origins by Burton L. Mack
- The Man Behind the Curtain – Operation Pincer Memorandum
- The Most Dangerous Cult in The World
- The Most Dangerous Idea in the World
- Conspiracy
-, Project Serpo Psy-ops, and the Pentagon’s Flying Fish.
- Al Gore and the Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy
- Albert Einstein, Free Energy and The Strange Deaths of Morris K. Jessup and Stefan Marinov
- Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd
- Aliens and Cosmic COINTELPRO
- Aliens Don’t Like to Eat People That Smoke!
- Anti-semitism, British Academia and the Israel Lobby
- Beware The Ides of April: Cho Seung-hui and the Mosaic Distinction
- Bridge Over Troubled Waters
- Chaos and Consent: Working Towards the Fuhrer
- Chemical Hallucinations, Mind Control, and Dr. Jose Delgado
- Chemtrails? Contrails? Strange Skies
- Comments on the Pentagon Strike
- Companion Stars and Cometary Showers: Doomsday?
- Cosmic Spam: “We are contacting you for a mutually beneficial transaction…”
- Critical Notes on Val Valerian
- Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn’t Impact the Pentagon on 9/11- and Neither Did a Boeing 757
- Flight 990, Mars Probe, Contrails and Weather Anomalies, Montaukees, Ong’s Hat, Philip K. Dick, and other Curiosities
- From Where I Sit: Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head
- HAARP and The Canary in the Mine
- Hasbara, Shmuel Rosner and the Israel Factor
- How to Spot COINTELPRO Agents
- Impact Hazards on a Populated Earth?
- Indecent Haste… Hypocrisy, Saddam and Stoning Satan
- Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: The Wally-World of Wickedness!
- Let The Games Begin
- Let’s All Light Up!
- Mahmoud Ahmad and The Secret Cult of 9-11
- Mass Mind Control
- MOSSAD and Moving Companies: Masterminds of Global Terrorism?
- Paris Under the Nazis – New York Under the Neocons – The Darker Context
- Protocols of the Pathocrats
- Richard Dolan’s “UFOs and the National Security State” – Something Wicked This Way Comes
- Ross Institute: COINTELPRO or Agent of Mossad?
- Schwaller de Lubicz and the Fourth Reich Part 1
- Schwaller de Lubicz and the Fourth Reich Part 2
- Signs of the Times Attacked by Psy-ops!
- The Case For The UFO
- The Destruction of the 911 Truth Movement
- The Fifth Column
- The Gift of the Magi to the Elect – A Christmas Essay
- The Inquisition and the Origins of Fascism and Mind Control
- The Most Dangerous Idea in the World
- The New Pearl Harbor Who Benefits?
- The Stargate Conspiracy
- Transmarginal Inhibition
- Ultra-terrestrials and 9/11
- Underwater and Undgerground Bases: SOTT Interview with Richard Sauder
- V is for Vendetta, COINTELPRO and the Alternative Media
- Will the REAL “Dr. Grant Gartrel(l)” please stand up?
- William Milton Cooper Killed in Entrapment
- Word Control = Thought Control = World Control
- Dossier 9-11 and After
-, Project Serpo Psy-ops, and the Pentagon’s Flying Fish.
- Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd
- Chaos and Consent: Working Towards the Fuhrer
- Comments on the Pentagon Strike
- Did Nostradamus Predict 9-11 and WWIII?
- Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn’t Impact the Pentagon on 9/11- and Neither Did a Boeing 757
- Independence Day
- Is the World Coming to an End? Not necessarily – but the future doesn’t look bright!
- Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: The Wally-World of Wickedness!
- Mahmoud Ahmad and The Secret Cult of 9-11
- Mass Mind Control
- MOSSAD and Moving Companies: Masterminds of Global Terrorism?
- The Beast of Revelation and His Empire
- The Destruction of the 911 Truth Movement
- The Fifth Column
- The Global Game of Survivor: America’s Next Four Years
- The Mossad Happy Dance
- The Most Dangerous Cult in The World
- The New Pearl Harbor Who Benefits?
- Ultra-terrestrials and 9/11
- WAR?
- Will the World End on Thursday?
- World Trade Center Terrorist Attack: Those who Do Not Learn From History Are Doomed to Repeat It
- Earth Changes
- 94% – Dave McGowan, Hurricane Katrina, Peak Oil and the Cassiopaeans
- All For One and One For All
- Binary Stars: Does our Sun have a Dark Companion?
- Chemtrails? Contrails? Strange Skies
- Climate Change Swindlers and the Political Agenda
- Comet Biela and Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow
- Comet Elenin Update!
- Comet Elenin: Harbinger of What?
- Cometary Showers, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
- Cosmic Turkey Shoot
- Earthquake Axis Shift – Is the West Coast of the U.S. Next?
- Fallout Around the Breakfast Table
- Fire And Ice: The Day After Tomorrow
- Flight 990, Mars Probe, Contrails and Weather Anomalies, Montaukees, Ong’s Hat, Philip K. Dick, and other Curiosities
- Forget About Global Warming: We’re One Step From Extinction!
- From Where I Sit: Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head
- HAARP and The Canary in the Mine
- HAARP, Weather, Roswell Rods, 4th Density Battles & Bleedthrough and 7th Density
- Has Nibiru/Planet X Been Sighted? Part 1
- Has Nibiru/Planet X Been Sighted? Part 2
- Independence Day
- Is the World Coming to an End? Not necessarily – but the future doesn’t look bright!
- Letters From the Edge
- Majesterium and the Tipping Point
- Meteor Clue To End of Middle East Civilisations Found
- Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets: Damages, Disasters, Injuries, Deaths, and Very Close Calls
- The Floyd Void or, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and assorted Prophetic Considerations
- The Hazard to Civilization from Fireballs and Comets
- The Nature of Punctuational Crises and the Spenglerian Model of Civilization
- The Voice of Reason During Millennial Madness
- The Younger Dryas Impact Event and the Cycles of Cosmic Catastrophes – Climate Scientists Awakening
- Thirty Years of Cults and Comets
- To Bee or not to Be
- Tunguska, the Horns of the Moon and Evolution
- Wars, Pestilence and Witches
- Will the World End on Thursday?
- Witches, Comets and Planetary Cataclysms
- Witches, Comets, and Planetary Cataclysms
- Esotericism
- A Survey of Channeling
- Aliens and Cosmic COINTELPRO
- All For One and One For All
- Big Lies, Small Lies, Brazen Lies
- Darkness Over Tibet – Part 1
- Darkness Over Tibet – Part 2
- Darkness Over Tibet – Part 3
- Discernment Or Machiavelli and the ETs Part 1
- Discernment Or Machiavelli and the ETs Part 2 – The World Inside the Devil
- Enochian Aliens? Agents of Cosmic COINTELPRO and The Stargate Conspiracy?
- Freedom of Association, Smoking and Psychopathy
- From the Fire Comes Light Part 1
- From the Fire Comes Light Part 2
- Gnosticism and the Christian Myth
- Happy New World
- Is Mel Gibson a modern day Suetonius?
- Living in Truth
- Order out of Chaos
- Questions About Ascension
- Schwaller de Lubicz and the Fourth Reich Part 1
- Schwaller de Lubicz and the Fourth Reich Part 2
- Shocks and Signs of The Times
- Stalking or Precis on The Good and The Evil
- Supernovae: Vehicle of Ascension?
- Supplement to the St. Pete Times Article: “The Exorcist in Love”
- The Companions Devoted to Liberty
- The Cult of the Plausible Lie
- The Floyd Void or, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and assorted Prophetic Considerations
- The Gift of the Magi to the Elect – A Christmas Essay
- The Lost Gospel: The Book of Q and Christian Origins by Burton L. Mack
- The Stargate Conspiracy
- The True Identity of Fulcanelli and The Da Vinci Code
- The Way Out is the Way In
- The Whirling Dervishes
- Transient Passengers
- Truth, Lies, Reality
- Where Troy Once Stood: The Mystery of Homer’s Iliad & Odyssey Revealed
- Why You Don’t Create Your Own Reality – an antidote to fatuous New Age paradigms
- History
- 94% – Dave McGowan, Hurricane Katrina, Peak Oil and the Cassiopaeans
- Albert Einstein, Free Energy and The Strange Deaths of Morris K. Jessup and Stefan Marinov
- Alien Abduction, Demonic Possession, and The Legend of The Vampire
- All For One and One For All
- America’s Nervous Breakdown
- America’s Nervous Breakdown
- Ancient Israel, Religious Delusions and Growing Up
- Big Lies, Small Lies, Brazen Lies
- Born from the Ashes and Blood Part 1
- Born from the Ashes and Blood Part 2
- Chaos and Consent: Working Towards the Fuhrer
- Christianity or Machiavelli and The ETs
- Climate Change Swindlers and the Political Agenda
- Comet Biela and Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow
- Comments on the Pentagon Strike
- Cosmic Turkey Shoot
- Cosquer – The Cave Beneath the Sea
- Did Nostradamus Predict 9-11 and WWIII?
- Disclosure and Comets
- Enochian Aliens? Agents of Cosmic COINTELPRO and The Stargate Conspiracy?
- Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn’t Impact the Pentagon on 9/11- and Neither Did a Boeing 757
- Fire And Ice: The Day After Tomorrow
- Forget About Global Warming: We’re One Step From Extinction!
- From the Fire Comes Light Part 1
- From the Fire Comes Light Part 2
- George W. Bush: A Cancer on the Body Politic
- Gnosticism and the Christian Myth
- Hoagland, Hyperdimensions, Space and Time
- How to Spot COINTELPRO Agents
- Independence Day
- Judaism and Christianity – Two Thousand Years of Lies – 60 Years of State Terrorism
- Karl Rove’s Rewriting of History is Nothing New – Hopefully, there will be another Procopius to Write About the Neocons
- Mahmoud Ahmad and The Secret Cult of 9-11
- Majesterium and the Tipping Point
- Mass Mind Control
- Meteor Clue To End of Middle East Civilisations Found
- Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets: Damages, Disasters, Injuries, Deaths, and Very Close Calls
- MOSSAD and Moving Companies: Masterminds of Global Terrorism?
- My Mother Will Never Dance Again…
- New Light on the Black Death: The Cosmic Connection
- On Radiometric Dating
- Paris Under the Nazis – New York Under the Neocons – The Darker Context
- Picknett and Prince on the Cassiopaeans
- Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes
- Protocols of the Pathocrats
- Richard Dolan’s “UFOs and the National Security State” – Something Wicked This Way Comes
- Schwaller de Lubicz and the Fourth Reich Part 1
- Science and Religion
- St Malachy and The Toil of the Sun
- Supplement to the St. Pete Times Article: “The Exorcist in Love”
- Tales From The Crypt: The Mummy Returns to Bring Religious War
- Terrorism and the Three Sillies
- The Beast of Revelation and His Empire
- The Body Snatchers
- The Companions Devoted to Liberty
- The Crossroads
- The Cult of the Plausible Lie
- The Fifth Column
- The Genesis of Evil on a Macrosocial Scale
- The Global Game of Survivor: America’s Next Four Years
- The Golden Age, Psychopathy and the Sixth Extinction
- The Hazard to Civilization from Fireballs and Comets
- The Hope
- The Inquisition and the Origins of Fascism and Mind Control
- The Lost Gospel: The Book of Q and Christian Origins by Burton L. Mack
- The Most Dangerous Cult in The World
- The Mystic vs. Hitler
- The Nature of Punctuational Crises and the Spenglerian Model of Civilization
- The New Pearl Harbor Who Benefits?
- The Politics of History
- The Stargate Conspiracy
- The True Identity of Fulcanelli and The Da Vinci Code
- The Way Out is the Way In
- The Younger Dryas Impact Event and the Cycles of Cosmic Catastrophes – Climate Scientists Awakening
- Thirty Years of Cults and Comets
- Tunguska, the Horns of the Moon and Evolution
- War Crimes and Conscience
- Wars, Pestilence and Witches
- Where Troy Once Stood: The Mystery of Homer’s Iliad & Odyssey Revealed
- Witches, Comets and Planetary Cataclysms
- Witches, Comets, and Planetary Cataclysms
- World Trade Center Terrorist Attack: Those who Do Not Learn From History Are Doomed to Repeat It
- Knowledge and Being
- Swerdlow Controlled via Satellite? or “reductio ad absurdum”
- Aliens and Cosmic COINTELPRO
- Christianity or Machiavelli and The ETs
- Cosmic Spam: “We are contacting you for a mutually beneficial transaction…”
- Critical Notes on Val Valerian
- Darkness Over Tibet – Part 1
- Darkness Over Tibet – Part 2
- Darkness Over Tibet – Part 3
- Discernment Or Machiavelli and the ETs Part 1
- Discernment Or Machiavelli and the ETs Part 2 – The World Inside the Devil
- Flight 990, Mars Probe, Contrails and Weather Anomalies, Montaukees, Ong’s Hat, Philip K. Dick, and other Curiosities
- Has Nibiru/Planet X Been Sighted? Part 1
- Has Nibiru/Planet X Been Sighted? Part 2
- Internet Free Speech Under Threat! Eric Pepin – Higher Balance Institute Sue QFG for 4.47 Million Over SOTT Forum Comments!
- Is Cassiopaea a Cult, or under attack by COINTELPRO AGENTS?
- Is the World Coming to an End? Not necessarily – but the future doesn’t look bright!
- Letters From the Edge
- O.H. KRLL, Val Valerian, the Cassiopaeans and other mysterious beings…
- Picknett and Prince on the Cassiopaeans
- Schwaller de Lubicz and the Fourth Reich Part 2
- SOTT-Cassiopaea: Anti-Cult, Anti-Defamation and Psychopath Free Zone
- The Stargate Conspiracy
- The Voice of Reason During Millennial Madness
- Why You Don’t Create Your Own Reality – an antidote to fatuous New Age paradigms
- Will the World End on Thursday?
- NWO & Global Elite
- 666 – The Mark of the Beast?
- 94% – Dave McGowan, Hurricane Katrina, Peak Oil and the Cassiopaeans
-, Project Serpo Psy-ops, and the Pentagon’s Flying Fish.
- Al Gore and the Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy
- Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd
- Aliens Don’t Like to Eat People That Smoke!
- America: Who Is Responsible?
- America’s Nervous Breakdown
- Amir Peretz and The Faith Based School of Politics
- Anti-semitism, British Academia and the Israel Lobby
- Beware The Ides of April: Cho Seung-hui and the Mosaic Distinction
- Born from the Ashes and Blood Part 1
- Bridge Over Troubled Waters
- Chaos and Consent: Working Towards the Fuhrer
- Chemical Hallucinations, Mind Control, and Dr. Jose Delgado
- Christianity or Machiavelli and The ETs
- Comments on the Pentagon Strike
- Condoleezza Pregnant: Giving Birth to Monster
- Crocodile Condi vs Baby Babs Boxer
- Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn’t Impact the Pentagon on 9/11- and Neither Did a Boeing 757
- From Where I Sit: Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head
- George W. Bush: A Cancer on the Body Politic
- HAARP and The Canary in the Mine
- Hasbara, Shmuel Rosner and the Israel Factor
- How to Spot COINTELPRO Agents
- Indecent Haste… Hypocrisy, Saddam and Stoning Satan
- Is the World Coming to an End? Not necessarily – but the future doesn’t look bright!
- Judaism and Christianity – Two Thousand Years of Lies – 60 Years of State Terrorism
- Let’s All Light Up!
- Mahmoud Ahmad and The Secret Cult of 9-11
- Making Sense of Political Complexity
- Mass Mind Control
- MOSSAD and Moving Companies: Masterminds of Global Terrorism?
- My Mother Will Never Dance Again…
- O.H. KRLL, Val Valerian, the Cassiopaeans and other mysterious beings…
- Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax
- Order out of Chaos
- Paris Under the Nazis – New York Under the Neocons – The Darker Context
- Paul Craig Roberts sez “We Are All Prisoners Now”
- Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes
- Post-Election Reality Check
- Protocols of the Pathocrats
- Richard Dolan’s “UFOs and the National Security State” – Something Wicked This Way Comes
- Ross Institute: COINTELPRO or Agent of Mossad?
- Smokescreens, Snowjobs and Long Knives
- Stupid Is as Stupid Does
- Terrorism and the Three Sillies
- The Beast of Revelation and His Empire
- The Body Snatchers
- The Denver Airport Material
- The Denver Airport Material Image Catalog
- The Fifth Column
- The Genesis of Evil on a Macrosocial Scale
- The Gift of the Magi to the Elect – A Christmas Essay
- The Global Game of Survivor: America’s Next Four Years
- The Greenbaum Speech
- The Inquisition and the Origins of Fascism and Mind Control
- The Man Behind the Curtain – Operation Pincer Memorandum
- The Most Dangerous Cult in The World
- The Mystic vs. Hitler
- The New Pearl Harbor Who Benefits?
- The Stargate Conspiracy
- The Voice of Reason During Millennial Madness
- The Way Out is the Way In
- Transmarginal Inhibition
- Underwater and Undgerground Bases: SOTT Interview with Richard Sauder
- V is for Vendetta, COINTELPRO and the Alternative Media
- War Crimes and Conscience
- Will the REAL “Dr. Grant Gartrel(l)” please stand up?
- Will the World End on Thursday?
- William Milton Cooper Killed in Entrapment
- Word Control = Thought Control = World Control
- World Trade Center Terrorist Attack: Those who Do Not Learn From History Are Doomed to Repeat It
- Our Haunted Planet
- Alien Abduction, Demonic Possession, and The Legend of The Vampire
- Aliens and Cosmic COINTELPRO
- Comet Biela and Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow
- Crop Circles Catalog
- EgyptAir Flight 990, Sacred Geometry, Y2K, Origins of the Tarot, Schools of Ascension and other Disinformation
- Flying Black Boomerangs and Clapham Wood
- HAARP and The Canary in the Mine
- Hoagland, Hyperdimensions, Space and Time
- Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets: Damages, Disasters, Injuries, Deaths, and Very Close Calls
- Monsters: Chicken Man, Demons, and Ica Skulls
- Mysterious Smoke Rings or When is a Cloud not a Cloud?
- O.H. KRLL, Val Valerian, the Cassiopaeans and other mysterious beings…
- Supplement to the St. Pete Times Article: “The Exorcist in Love”
- The Case For The UFO
- The Chilbolton Crop Circle and The Cassiopaeans on Crop Circles
- The Haunted Universe by D. Scott Rogo
- The High Strangeness of Dimensions, and the Process of Alien Abduction
- The Stargate Conspiracy
- Tunguska, the Horns of the Moon and Evolution
- Psychopathy Studies
- A basic hypothesis of Psychopathy: Excerpts From The Mask of Sanity, by Hervey Cleckley, 5th edition
- A Structural Theory of Narcissism and Psychopathy
- Discussion of Psychopathy Traits: Excerpts From The Mask of Sanity, by Hervey Cleckley, 5th edition
- Eight Ways to Spot Emotional Manipulation
- How Psychopaths View Their World
- Official Culture in America: A Natural State of Psychopathy?
- Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes
- Psychopath vs. Antisocial Personality Disorder and Sociopathy
- Psychopaths in Sheep’s Clothing: An Excerpt from the book In Sheep’s Clothing By George K. Simon
- The Cult of the Plausible Lie
- The Genesis of Evil on a Macrosocial Scale
- The Golden Age, Psychopathy and the Sixth Extinction
- The Inner Landscape of the Psychopath
- The Psychopath – The Mask of Sanity
- The Psychopath as Physician: Excerpt from The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley, M.D.
- The Psychopath In History: Excerpts From “The Mask of Sanity” by Hervey M. Cleckley
- The Trick of the Psychopath’s Trade: Make Us Believe that Evil Comes from Others
- What Is a Psychopath?
- Religion
- 666 – The Mark of the Beast?
- Ancient Israel, Religious Delusions and Growing Up
- Burton Mack and 9-11
- Christianity or Machiavelli and The ETs
- Darkness Over Tibet – Part 1
- Darkness Over Tibet – Part 2
- Darkness Over Tibet – Part 3
- Gnosticism and the Christian Myth
- Judaism and Christianity – Two Thousand Years of Lies – 60 Years of State Terrorism
- Karl Rove’s Rewriting of History is Nothing New – Hopefully, there will be another Procopius to Write About the Neocons
- Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax
- Order out of Chaos
- Schwaller de Lubicz and the Fourth Reich Part 1
- Science and Religion
- St Malachy and The Toil of the Sun
- Supplement to the St. Pete Times Article: “The Exorcist in Love”
- Tales From The Crypt: The Mummy Returns to Bring Religious War
- The Beast of Revelation and His Empire
- The Companions Devoted to Liberty
- The Fifth Column
- The Golden Age, Psychopathy and the Sixth Extinction
- The Hope
- The Lost Gospel: The Book of Q and Christian Origins by Burton L. Mack
- The Most Dangerous Cult in The World
- The Politics of History
- The Stargate Conspiracy
- The True Identity of Fulcanelli and The Da Vinci Code
- The Whirling Dervishes
- Thirty Years of Cults and Comets
- Wars, Pestilence and Witches
- Witches, Comets and Planetary Cataclysms
- Witches, Comets, and Planetary Cataclysms
- Science
- 94% – Dave McGowan, Hurricane Katrina, Peak Oil and the Cassiopaeans
- A Structural Theory of Narcissism and Psychopathy
- Albert Einstein, Free Energy and The Strange Deaths of Morris K. Jessup and Stefan Marinov
- Aliens Don’t Like to Eat People That Smoke!
- Chemical Hallucinations, Mind Control, and Dr. Jose Delgado
- Climate Change Swindlers and the Political Agenda
- Comet Biela and Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow
- Comet Elenin Update!
- Comet Elenin: Harbinger of What?
- Cometary Showers, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
- Companion Stars and Cometary Showers: Doomsday?
- Cosmic Turkey Shoot
- Critical Notes on Val Valerian
- Diet and Health Questions and Can Smoking be Good for You?
- Disclosure and Comets
- Earthquake Axis Shift – Is the West Coast of the U.S. Next?
- Eíriú-Eolas Breathing and Meditation Program
- Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn’t Impact the Pentagon on 9/11- and Neither Did a Boeing 757
- Fire And Ice: The Day After Tomorrow
- Forget About Global Warming: We’re One Step From Extinction!
- Freedom of Association, Smoking and Psychopathy
- From the Fire Comes Light Part 1
- From the Fire Comes Light Part 2
- HAARP and The Canary in the Mine
- Hoagland, Hyperdimensions, Space and Time
- Independence Day
- Laura Knight-Jadczyk Interview on BBC Radio
- Let’s All Light Up!
- Majesterium and the Tipping Point
- Meteor Clue To End of Middle East Civilisations Found
- Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets: Damages, Disasters, Injuries, Deaths, and Very Close Calls
- Mysterious Smoke Rings or When is a Cloud not a Cloud?
- New Light on the Black Death: The Cosmic Connection
- Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax
- On Radiometric Dating
- Order out of Chaos
- Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes
- Science and Religion
- St Malachy and The Toil of the Sun
- Supernovae: Vehicle of Ascension?
- Supplement to the St. Pete Times Article: “The Exorcist in Love”
- The Case For The UFO
- The Destruction of the 911 Truth Movement
- The Fifth Column
- The Golden Age, Psychopathy and the Sixth Extinction
- The Greenbaum Speech
- The Hazard to Civilization from Fireballs and Comets
- The High Strangeness of Dimensions, and the Process of Alien Abduction
- The Hope
- The Most Dangerous Idea in the World
- The Nature of Punctuational Crises and the Spenglerian Model of Civilization
- The Psychopath – The Mask of Sanity
- The Younger Dryas Impact Event and the Cycles of Cosmic Catastrophes – Climate Scientists Awakening
- To Bee or not to Be
- Transmarginal Inhibition
- Tunguska, the Horns of the Moon and Evolution
- Wars, Pestilence and Witches
- Witches, Comets and Planetary Cataclysms
- The UFO Phenomenon
- Alien Abduction, Demonic Possession, and The Legend of The Vampire
- Aliens and Cosmic COINTELPRO
- Companion Stars and Cometary Showers: Doomsday?
- Cosmic Spam: “We are contacting you for a mutually beneficial transaction…”
- Disclosure and Comets
- Flying Black Boomerangs and Clapham Wood
- Let The Games Begin
- Mysterious Smoke Rings or When is a Cloud not a Cloud?
- Richard Dolan’s “UFOs and the National Security State” – Something Wicked This Way Comes
- The Case For The UFO
- The Haunted Universe by D. Scott Rogo
- The High Strangeness of Dimensions, and the Process of Alien Abduction
- The Stargate Conspiracy
- Ultra-terrestrials and 9/11
- William Milton Cooper Killed in Entrapment