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Posts Tagged ‘anti-semitism’

Anti-semitism, British Academia and the Israel Lobby

Every year since 2002 the University and College Union (UCU), the largest trade union and professional association for academics working in further and higher education throughout the UK, has attempted to implement some form of boycott of Israeli academic institutions that have been shown to be complicit in the ongoing persecution of the Palestinian people. And each […]

MOSSAD and Moving Companies: Masterminds of Global Terrorism?

The other day I was scanning the news reports and came across a rather mundane item that really got me to thinking. It simply read: Cloudcroft chief stops Israelis with suspicious cargo By Michael Shinabery Staff Writer, Alamogordo Daily News CLOUDCROFT, NM — That they were speeding through the school zone first got his attention. That […]

The New Pearl Harbor Who Benefits?

On a Russian News Site,, there is a report from a Russian ex high official and specialist in Russian secret services which Ark has translated for us. It says: Andrey Kosyakov: “Sequential acts of terrorism in THE USA will be carried out by Wednesday or Thursday of next week.” By Sterkin, Philipp on 14 […]

The Most Dangerous Cult in The World

During the Reformation era the Biblical Hebrews came to be associated with their modern co-religionists. At the same time it became popular belief among Protestant adherents that the Jews scattered in their present dispersion would be regathered in Palestine in order to prepare for the Second Coming of Christ… The Old Testament not only became […]