War Crimes and Conscience

Yesterday’s UK Daily Mail informs us that RAF doctor Malcolm Kendall-Smith has been sentenced to eight months in jail after being found guilty by a court martial of failing to comply with “lawful orders” after refusing to serve in the Iraq war. Kendall-Smith is said...

Big Lies, Small Lies, Brazen Lies

We have been appalled for some time at the brazen character of the lies of the Bush Reich. (For a list of the “Top 40” lies told by the Bush Administration, see Steve Perry’s blog The Bush Wars.) The most brazen are: 1. Iraq has Weapons of Mass...

The Hope

My last contribution to the Blogosphere must have been pretty scary. Geeze! You shoulda seen my mail! People going bananas and writing “what to do? what to do!?” Well, this one’s not going to be any better. But let me say in advance that...