Cosmic COINTELPRO Timeline
John Mack: According to Dick Farley, former aide to C.B. Scott Jones,Laurance Rockefeller funnelled “$194,000 to Mack’s Harvard- affiliated ‘Center for Psychology and Social Change,’ via the Washington, D.C. chartered ‘Human Potential Foundation, Inc.’in the 1993-1994 period. Mack’s group then started ‘PEER‘ (Program for Exceptional Experience Research) and operated an ‘alien abductee support group’ who, among other functions they […]
The Republicans win a majority of the seats [i.e. take control] of the US House of Representatives. The US joins the WTO. By controlling the nature of the magnetic fields, causing them to simulate brain patterns, Persinger is able to stimulate strong emotions and hallucinations, including the illusion of touch and movement. (Blackmore, Susan, “Alien Abduction: The Inside Story”, […]
James Randi: I told an audience at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society about the hilarious claims that Eldon Byrd made in court concerning important projects he’d been working on as a parapsychologist. One was a wrist watch that would protect the lucky wearer against the deadly effects of hair dryers and electric razors that bombard […]
NIDS established: At one point, millionaire Robert Bigelow offered to provide funding to the tune of a million dollars for a cooperative research effort of the “big three” of ufology – MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), CUFOS (Center for UFO Studies), and FUFOR (Fund for UFO Research). This effort, sometimes referred to as “the Coalition” fell apart, reportedly when Bigelow tried to control the direction […]
In April, 1997, millionaire Robert Bigelow donated $3.7 million dollars to the University of Nevada to found the Bigelow Chair of Consciousness Studies, which allows students to take undergraduate courses dealing with parapsychology for college credit. These courses are related, though not formally linked, to Dean Radin’s research at the University’s Consciousness Research Laboratory, which Bigelow once funded. Tart is […]
Stephen Hawking: “Of course it is possible that UFO’s really do contain aliens as many people believe, and the government is hushing it up” Comment by Hawking on C Span Television. Stephen Hawking was the guest lecturer at the second Millennium Evening at the White House on March 6, 1998.
Michael Persinger: My research has not been ‘funded by U.S. interests’. All of the money for our human research for the last 30 years has been from my personal income as a professor. The only funding ($10,000) we ever obtained from the U.S. was from the U.S. Navy, thanks to Eldon Byrd, to evaluate the effects […]
Terminal experiments are being carried out on Women, babies, men of all ages. George W. Bush loses the popular vote in the Presidential election, but wins in the Electoral College. He was, as a practical matter, declared winner. See, Bush v. Gore. People are still debating whether what happened constituted Bush “defeating” Gore. George W. Bush “Sure I […]
On September 11th, terrorist activity prompts calls for increased federal government action to quell both domestic and international security concerns. Portions of the US airport security system are nationalized without significant objection. Armed soldiers are stationed at airports.
On January 1st all members of the European Union (except Denmark, Sweden, and the UK) begin to replace their traditional physical currencies with the new Euro. Enron, the nation’s seventh largest company, goes bust amidst rumors of insider trading, document shredding, etc. Thousands of people suffer large financial losses. Calls for federal regulation of energy, business, […]
Posted in Cosmic COINTELPRO Timeline