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Posts Tagged ‘Stanford Research Institute’


James Randi: I told an audience at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society about the hilarious claims that Eldon Byrd made in court concerning important projects he’d been working on as a parapsychologist. One was a wrist watch that would protect the lucky wearer against the deadly effects of hair dryers and electric razors that bombard […]


The Republicans win a majority of the seats [i.e. take control] of the US House of Representatives. The US joins the WTO. By controlling the nature of the magnetic fields, causing them to simulate brain patterns, Persinger is able to stimulate strong emotions and hallucinations, including the illusion of touch and movement. (Blackmore, Susan, “Alien Abduction: The Inside Story”, […]


SRI’s remote viewing project moved to SAIC The Fall of the Soviet Union – The CIA fails to predict this most important event of the Cold War. This suggests that it has been so busy undermining governments that it hasn’t been doing its primary job: gathering and analyzing information. The fall of the Soviet Union also robs […]


Mikhail Gorbachev becomes Premier of the Soviet Union. He relaxes social controls. UFO Scientific Conference in Darlian, China. In 1985, the government newspaper, China Daily, reported that a UFO Scientific Conference was held in Darlian, with some forty papers presented on various aspects of UFO research. Professor Liang Renglin of Guangzhou Jinan University, Chairman of CURO, […]


Ronald Regan is re-elected. The Boland Amendment – The last of a series of Boland Amendments is passed. These amendments have reduced CIA aid to the Contras; the last one cuts it off completely. However, CIA Director William Casey is already prepared to “hand off” the operation to Colonel Oliver North, who illegally continues supplying […]


“Crack,” i.e., high ph, non-soluble [water], Cocaine makes its debut on US streets. PHOENIX II, U.S.A.F, NSA: Location: Montauk, Long Island Electronic multi-directional targeting of select population groups Targeting: Medium range Frequencies: Radar, microwaves. EHF UHF modulated Power: Gigawatt through Terawatt Purpose: Loading of Earth Grids, planetary sonombulescence to stave off geological activity, specific-point earthquake […]


By the 1980’s, Koslov was working with the Applied Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University, where he continued to study the effects of electromagnetic radiation on humans. He is currently the vice president of the Maryland Microscopical and Scientific Instrument Society. Dale Graff had continued to task SRI on behalf of the Air Force for the next few years. In 1980, he won a […]


Iran – The CIA fails to predict the fall of the Shah of Iran, a longtime CIA puppet, and the rise of Muslim fundamentalists who are furious at the CIA’s backing of SAVAK, the Shah’s bloodthirsty secret police. In revenge, the Muslims take 52 Americans hostage in the U.S. embassy in Tehran. In February, 1979, Alfred Hubbard attended […]


Around late 1976 to 1977, Dale Graff, then a physicist with the Air Force’s Foreign Technology Division, gave a small contract to the SRI research team. Graff wanted to replicate some Soviet psi experiments done in submarines, as well as test the Soviet hypothesis that psi was transmitted via ELF (extremely low frequency) electromagnetic waves. These test were conducted […]


Dr. Joseph C. Sharp and Grove transmit spoken words via “pulsed microwave audiograms.” [EW: That is, voice to SKULL] (See “Synthetic Telepathy” in Resonance ] Dr. Joseph C. Sharp, at Walter Reed Hospital, while in a sound proof room, was able to hear spoken words broadcast by “pulsed microwave audiogram.” These words were broadcasted to him without any implanted electronic translation devise. […]


Bruce Maccabee: Dr. Maccabee has been a Research Physicist at the Naval Surface Weapons Center in Silver Spring, Maryland since 1972. His work has centered on high power lasers, underwater sound, and the Ballistic Missile Defense. He holds a Ph.D. in Physics from the American University in Washington, D.C. Dr. Maccabee was a member of the National Investigations […]


Hal Puthoff joined SRI in 1971 as a specialist in laser physics. circa 1972 Hubbard was hired by Willis Harman, then director of theEducational Policy Research Center at SRI to be a special investigative agent, earning $100 a day. Officially he was a security guard, although his actual duties included spying on the drug culture, which Hubbard, a political conservative, disdained. He stayed at SRI until the […]


MK-DELTA, CIA: Fine-tuned electromagnetic subliminal programming Targeting: Long Range Frequencies: VHF HF UHF Modulated at ELF Transmission and Reception: Television antennae, radio antennae, power lines, mattress spring coils, modulation on 60 Hz wiring. Purpose: programming behavior and attitudes in general population Effects: fatigue, mood swings, behavior dysfunction and social criminality, mood swings Pseudonym: “Deep Sleep”, R.H.I.C. Hal […]


US Army General Douglas McArthur asks American President Truman for permission to use atomic weapons in the Korean War. President Truman fires General Douglas McArthur. Richard Nixon enters the U.S. Senate as its youngest member. His Senate career is uneventful and he is able to concentrate all his efforts on the upcoming presidential election. Johnny Appleseed of […]