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Posts Tagged ‘Who Wrote The Bible’

Moses and Aaron

Returning to the matter of Biblical chronology and its imposition upon our world even down to the present day, we need to consider several things. The redactor and editor of the Bible selected the order of the stories in the new history to fulfill the function of tribal unification for purposes of political and religious […]

Egyptian Chronology: I’m My Own Grandpa!

In all of Egyptian history, nothing is as mysterious as the strange life of Akhenaten and the odd appearance and equally mysterious disappearance of his queen, Nefertiti, whose name means: a beautiful woman has come. We notice in the above account that the the Lord plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of […]

The Tribe of Dan

An analysis of the genealogies in the Bible is very illuminating. According to the book of Chronicles there is no genealogy for the tribe of Dan. It has been observed by numerous scholars that many of the names occurring in the genealogies themselves are either blatantly geographical or connected with place-names; while others are definitely […]

The First Torah and the First Temple

At the time of fall of the Northern kingdom in 722 BC, many of the refugees from Israel (who could be considered members of the other ten tribes if one wishes to look at it that way), fled south into the rural hill country of Judah. Apparently, among them, were the priest-prophets of Shiloh – […]

The House of David

From the earliest times, Israel was composed of a poorly distinguished and variable number of city-states (more like tribal towns) whose population was a melting pot from all areas of the Mediterranean. The specific location that is identified as Israel proper was a more or less backward, rural buffer zone between the civilized Syrians and […]

The Ark of the Covenant and The Temple of Solomon

The Ark of the Covenant: that most mysterious and powerful object that we are led to believe was the object of the Templars sojourn and searches in Jerusalem. What do we really know about the Ark? In order to come to any idea about the Ark, we will naturally have to make a careful examination […]