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Posts Tagged ‘William McKinley’


William McKinley, the most popular chief executive since Abraham Lincoln, is re-nominated with Theodore Roosevelt as vice president. The prosperity of the nation continues. One of the best Republican slogans is “four years more of the full dinner-pail.” J. Henry Schroder Banking Company is listed as Number 2 in capitalization on the list of the seventeen merchant bankers who […]


William McKinley, after waging a “front porch” campaign, is the 25th president. The Republicans also win control of both houses of Congress. There will be unbroken Republican control of the presidency and both houses for 14 years.John Hay, one of the country’s greatest diplomats, who had been private secretary to Lincoln, secretary of the legations […]


William McKinley, aiming at the Republican nomination for the presidency, makes hundreds of speeches throughout the country in the congressional campaign. He comes to be known as “the advance agent of prosperity.”